Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 400 Follow-up of "Lianglong Civil Affairs"

During the autumn harvest season, a car team of more than a thousand people on the official road slowly headed north, with flags fluttering, and the soldiers were burly and strong.The carriage in the center is simple and elegant, and it is completely impossible to tell that it is the carriage of the emperor.

Since Zhuge Liang published the "Redistribution of Teachers", Zhuge Liang negotiated with Sun Quan about the letter, so Liu Chan went to Longyou before Zhuge Liang's army started.

There are golden rice fields scattered on both sides of the road, middle-aged men are working in them, the elderly are helping them, women and children are carrying tea and walking through the rice fields, a scene of joy and harmony.

Under the command of Kid King, the naughty children marched in line like the Habayashi guards on the official road, but they walked crookedly and made people laugh.Dispersed amid the shouts of adults, ran back to their fields to help their family members with their work.

Compared with the time when Faliang returned to his teacher, the lives of the common people in the Han Dynasty are much richer now.In the past three or four years, not only did soldiers not be recruited to fight, nor were there large-scale prosecutions for corvée, the common people could concentrate on working on the fields. In addition, the imperial court promoted land administration and water conservancy laws, and now the common people in central Sichuan have surplus food in every household.

But all this will be broken soon!
Looking at the busy scene outside the car, Liu Chan smiled and said, "When Shu'er was in Di Dao, she saw such a scene!"

During Liu Chan's northern tour of Longyou this time, he brought Li Shu, who had just given birth, from the Li family in Longxi, and let her see the long-lost scenery of Longyou.

Naturally, Li Shu also knew why His Majesty in front of him liked it, and said along his mind: "There are often military chaos in Longxi, such a prosperous and prosperous scene is rare!"

Hearing this, Liu Chan couldn't help sighing, and said: "The world has been in conflict for decades, and I don't know when it will be settled."

"Although I don't know when the world will be determined, I think that the one who will determine the world is none other than Your Majesty!"

Li Shu stretched out her soft catkin to hold Liu Chan's hand, and asked softly.

Liu Chan smiled without saying a word, and patted the back of her hand.

I have to say that Li's tutor in Longxi is pretty good. Not only Li Gui is excellent, but Li Shu also knows the basics.Although Li Shu's mother was the descendant of Qin Hu from the Western Regions, the Li family did not treat her too harshly.

Ever since Li Shu entered the palace, she didn't act as a demon, but Empress Zhang was the main one everywhere. Whenever there were special products from Longxi, they were sent to everyone in the palace, so she was very popular in the palace.

As for his brother Li Gui, two years ago, Li Gui had been transferred from the Yulin Guard by Liu Chan and sent to Huo Yi's tent, where he was stationed at the front line of Anding County and was called by Huo Yi.

Outside the car, the personal guard reported: "Your Majesty, when we arrive at Hande, we need to stop and rest for a while before we start."

Liu Chan glanced at the tired Li Shu, and shouted, "Yes!"


In the long pavilion, Li Shu and the maid were alone in the curtain, while Liu Chan walked outside with Guo Youzhi and Dong Yun, moving their stiff limbs.

Liu Chan walked slowly with his hands behind his back, and said, "Lianglong has been through wars for a long time. Although it is peaceful now, it is far less prosperous than Lianghan. Today Xiuzhao went to Lianglong to assist Ji Chang (Ma Liang) and Ji Yang (Lv Yi) Promoting "Lianglong Civil Affairs" is a heavy responsibility."

A few years ago, Liu Chan appointed Dong Yun and Zhuge Qiao to Lianglong to write "Lianglong Civil Affairs", but unexpectedly, the workload was far beyond everyone's imagination.Lianglong is located at the junction of farming civilization and nomadic civilization, which is far from being comparable to a purely farming area like Yizhou. In addition, it was not long before the Great Han conquered Lianglong, and the grassroots had not yet penetrated, which made it difficult to write "Lianglong Civil Affairs".

Up to now, the "Lianglong Civil Affairs" has only a preliminary draft, the agricultural part has been completed and needs to be optimized, and the animal husbandry part is still in the process of dystocia.

The agricultural part includes the water conservancy part, farming techniques, and suitable crops in various places.This part has been promoted two years ago, and this time Dong Yun went to Lianglong to correct the problems that occurred during the promotion.The war must be fought, and the promotion of the New Deal cannot be stopped.

From farming with Liu Chan Wudan Mountain to participating in the writing of "Yizhou Civil Affairs", and then leading others to write "Lianglong Civil Affairs" alone, Dong Yun is now an agricultural expert in the Han Dynasty, and he is familiar with farming in various places in the Han Dynasty.

Under the leadership of Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang, the high-level officials of the Han Dynasty were relatively pragmatic, and there were few high-level talkers.Even under the rule of Cao Rui, Cao Wei, who has the most gentry, severely cracked down on those who talk freely and form cliques for personal gain.

In 232 AD, that is, last year.Situ Dong Zhao made a few remarks on domestic pros and cons, and hoped that Cao Rui would punish domestic hypocrites and those who wanted to form cliques for personal gain.Therefore, Cao Rui's Na Situ Dong Zhaozhi issued a severe edict, reprimanded and dismissed Zhuge Dan, Deng Yang and others.

"Don't dare, the governors of the two prefectures are all talented in governing the country, and the permission to go to Lianglong is just to help the two monarchs." Dong Yun said modestly.

"Xiu Zhao is too modest. The "Lianglong Minzheng" presented by Xiu Zhao is very good. According to local conditions, the two counties of Yinping and Wudu should grow rice, and the rest of the counties can develop water conservancy and open paddy fields; Use winter wheat, or grow millet and beans. Widely promote water mills (硙) in various counties and counties.”

After Dong Yun came into contact with winter wheat planting, he immediately discovered Shimo, an important partner.After consulting the ancient book "Huanzi Xinlun" and interviewing local old farmers, let the craftsmen make water mills (硙), which can grind wheat with the help of water power.

After Dong Yun discovered its convenience, he wrote this method into the book as the top priority of the agricultural part of "Lianglong Civil Affairs", and suggested that it be popularized in various places.At the same time, let the government build a new water mill, and when the people mill wheat, they will charge a certain fee to enrich the treasury.

We must know that during the Spring and Autumn period in China, millet and millet were the main crops for the people. During the Warring States period, the importance of wheat increased, and millet and millet began to decline. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, wheat became the main crop in the northern period.The reason is that the promotion and appearance of stone mills have turned coarse grains into fine grains.

When there was no stone mill in the past, the act of shelling wheat was called pounding rice. It was very laborious to remove the shell of wheat by using the interaction between wooden sticks and containers. Therefore, among the five punishments for women in the Qin and Han Dynasties, there was the punishment of pounding.After the emergence of stone mills, wheat can be hulled through two stone surfaces, which saves more effort than pounding rice before, and can even be ground into flour and cooked into noodle cakes.

If it is replaced by water milling, according to "Huan Zi Xin Lun", "the use of water and pounding is a hundred times more beneficial."Therefore, a lot of manpower and material resources can be saved, which is of great help to the development of Lianglong area.

As for using water milling to collect taxes, it was Liu Chan's suggestion.It's not that Liu Chan wants to impose heavy taxes, but that such a large-scale project as the water mill, except for the wealthy and surnamed, cannot be built by ordinary families, and even if it is built, it is difficult to maintain.

If the Han government does not come forward to build public facilities such as water mills, once they are controlled by local wealthy families, it will be beneficial for them to seize and accumulate wealth.Just like the electricity and water conservancy facilities of later generations, if they are not used by the state, once they are in private hands, they will not be a tool for benefiting the people but a tool for harming the people.

Dahan can use water milling to collect taxes and maintain water conservancy facilities such as water milling, so that water milling will not go to waste.

Therefore, under Liu Chan's review and with the support of Zhuge Liang's inner government, a new post of water mill official was established in various parts of Lianglong to manage water mills, a water conservancy public facility.

Hearing this, Dong Yun lightly raised the corners of his mouth, cupped his hands and said: "This is my job. I was ordered by Your Majesty to compile "Lianglong Civil Affairs" for the use of the imperial court and officials from all over the country. I also have your Majesty's policy. I dare not be greedy." Gong, Your Majesty is the first one!"

Liu Chan laughed loudly and didn't refute, after all it was rare for Dong Yun to boast.

When he first wrote "Yizhou Civil Affairs", Liu Chan ordered people to write it by promoting new farm tools, and later promoted it to various counties and counties, which was highly sought after by officials.After all, in an agricultural society, the biggest problem is the gap in information exchange.

For example, once an official arrives in a new place, he needs to continue to adapt to the local life and work content.But owning "Yizhou Minzheng" can help him quickly integrate into the local area.This is something that didn't exist before.For central officials, "Yizhou Civil Affairs" is undoubtedly very good for understanding local content.

After arriving in Longyou and Liangzhou, many officials in the Shu region all missed the original "Yizhou Civil Affairs", and finally left Ma Liang and Lu Yi behind, and Liu Chan ordered Dong Yun to take the lead in writing "Lianglong Civil Affairs".

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