Han Emperor Liu Chan Jianxing 11 years, August, Chengdu.

Zhuge Liang sat upright, holding in his hand Zhuge Qiao's arrangement about the food and military supplies of the Northern Expedition army that had just been submitted.

Zhuge Liang still remembers the experience of food shortage during the battle against Liang. At that time, it rained heavily and the army was short of food and grass. If His Majesty had not supervised the transportation of food in Hanzhong and sent food to the people of Longyou and the people, Zhuge Liang would have planned to withdraw his troops to wait for the Northern Expedition to Liang in the coming year. State.

Therefore, Zhuge Liang took a lesson and handed over the task of supervising the transportation of grain and grass to his son Zhuge Qiao during the Northern Expedition to Guanzhong.After all, in the battle of father and son soldiers, no one can cheat his own father.

It has been seven or eight years since Zhuge Qiao entered the Han Dynasty. Although he is not as talented as his brother Zhuge Ke, he is stable and has a tough character. Therefore, under Zhuge Liang's personal teaching, Zhuge Qiao's ability has improved rapidly, and he is enough to be a supervisor Forage is the responsibility.

After all, Zhuge Liang would not joke about major national affairs. You must know Zhuge Qiao’s growth performance in recent years. Zhuge Liang briefly considered him as his heir. own heir.

But even so, Zhuge Qiao can handle the internal affairs of military affairs to assist Zhuge Liang.During the three battles between the Han and Wei Dynasties, Zhuge Qiao was responsible for transporting food and grass for the army.By the time of the battle against Liang, Zhuge Qiao became the second-in-command in transporting grain and grass in Longyou.

This time, Zhuge Liang directly asked Zhuge Qiao to mobilize the food, supplies, and equipment needed by the army in the Hanzhong area.After the alliance between Han and Wu, Liu Chan also asked Zhuge Qiao to be in charge of the affairs of Fuling and Badong counties, and to spy on the intelligence work in the Jingzhou area.

If there are no accidents, there is no problem for Zhuge Qiao to become the governor of Yizhou in the future, or become a core senior official of the Han Dynasty.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, and took a pen to briefly annotate his official document a few times, expressing his awareness of the matter.

Suddenly, Zhuge Qiao ran into the house with a letter in his hand, and said anxiously: "Prime Minister, Dongwu has changed!"

Zhuge Liang looked up and saw Zhuge Qiao's flustered face, and he scolded, "As an important minister of the country, he is so flustered and irritable, how can he take on important matters?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Qiao looked ashamed, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your admonition!"

Zhuge Liang treated his son Zhuge Qiao very strictly, except that he must be commensurate with his official position at all times in the family, and he was even more strict with Zhuge Qiao in terms of conduct.But it's a pity that Zhuge Qiao was still a little lacking in composure, so that Zhuge Liang emphasized it many times.

Zhuge Liang took the letter and said admonishingly: "If my father is impatient and flustered when things happen, wouldn't the officials of the Han Dynasty all look flustered, how to solve difficult problems. You may be anxious in the future, but don't panic. It is for the sake of showing your calmness to others." Settle down the hearts of your subordinates, and then find ways to solve difficult problems after you calm down."

"No!" Zhuge Qiao replied soberly.

Zhuge Liang opened the letter and looked at it, and his face sank. No wonder Zhuge Qiao was flustered. It turned out that the letter was written by Sun Quan to General Cao Wei Zhengdong Man Chong, and the letter expressed his desire to submit to Wei.

In order to prevent someone from forging, Zhuge Liang looked at the letter several times in detail. Both the ink pad and the written letter are Sun Quan's property.

"Bo Song, what do you think?" Zhuge Liang asked.

After recovering, Zhuge Qiao's mind became much clearer, and he whispered: "Prime Minister, I think there may be something strange about this matter. Why did Lord Wu send the letter to Man Chong to our country? Besides, Lord Wu took the initiative to form an alliance with us. Attacking Wei, why do you take the initiative to ask for peace against Wei?"

Zhuge Liang put the letter on the case, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Bo Song's doubts are also his father's doubts. It seems that there is a clue to this matter, and it is very interesting!"

Zhuge Qiao pondered for a while, and said: "The Northern Expedition is coming soon. If this happens suddenly, my big man should send an envoy to Soochow to confirm the authenticity of this matter. The Northern Expedition must not be delayed."

Zhuge Liang laughed lightly and said: "There is no need to send an envoy. You immediately copy a copy of this letter and order it to be handed over to Wu Hussar General Buzishan. Whether Dongwu has colluded with Niwei, you can see what he does!"

This incident itself was caused by Soochow. Soochow didn't give an explanation, and the big man didn't know what it meant.If this letter was forged by others, Sun Quan would definitely explain it.It is useless for the big man to be too anxious, the matter has come to this point no matter what, the big man's northern expedition to Guanzhong has been confirmed.

Zhuge Qiao suddenly realized, and said flatteringly: "No! The Prime Minister's move is enough to know what Lord Wu wants!"

Zhuge Liang didn't say much, but asked, "Where did the majority of the Chinese army arrive? What about the rest of the troops?"

Half a month ago, Zhuge Liang arranged for Wu Yi and Gao Xiang to lead most of the Chinese army to Hanzhong.In the past few days, Zhuge Liang is preparing to lead the remaining 30,000 or [-] people to Hanzhong.

"According to today's official document, General Gao and General Wu have led their troops to Guancheng and are about to arrive in Hanzhong. The governor of Wei has just finished conquering the captives, and the troops have rested in place and have not yet set off. Governor Huang has ordered that all counties The county soldiers will gather in Tianshui Ji County in November." Zhuge Qiao replied truthfully.

After more than three years of recuperation, the Great Han has a strong army and strong horses. This time, the Great Han sent 120,000 troops and divided them into three groups. It can be said that the whole country went out.

Huang Quan sent troops from Longyou with [-] troops; Wei Yan went to Gaoping City with [-] troops; Zhuge Liang went out from Baoxie Road with [-] troops.Among the three routes, the Chinese army led by Zhuge Liang is the most elite and has the largest number of troops, while the remaining two routes are mostly partial troops.

Zhuge Liang nodded and asked, "How about Chen Yong'an (Chen Dao) and Deng Jiangzhou's troops in the direction of Jiangzhou?"

"Deng Jiang Prefecture has sent soldiers to reinforce Yong'an City. When the military order is issued to conquer the three eastern counties, he will lead his soldiers down the river to serve as backup for Dudu Chen."

From the time Liu Chan returned from Yong'an, Chen Dao opened up and searched for a road to Xincheng County in the mountains, and at the same time stored grain in the mountains for the purpose of marching.

Zhuge Liang pondered for a while, and said: "Let Deng Jiangzhou and Chen Yong'an wait for the military order, don't act rashly. You need to be on guard against Soochow in the next few months. If there is any change, report it immediately."

It has to be said that this letter of alienation successfully made Zhuge Liang suspicious, and made Chen Dao act carefully and be prepared to prevent Sun Wuzhen from submitting to Cao Wei.


After a pause, Zhuge Liang continued to ask: "Bo Song, you have rushed to Hanzhong recently to supervise the transportation of grain and grass in Hanzhong. It will take some time before you can leave Hanzhong with the army led by your father."

Zhuge Liang had not yet handed over some government issues to Jiang Wan, and the sudden letter from Sun Quan delayed Zhuge Liang's dispatch of troops to Hanzhong.

Zhuge Qiao replied seriously: "No! I will drive to Hanzhong with Your Majesty, and accompany Your Majesty along the way."


Naturally, Zhuge Liang also knew about Liu Chan, and he was going to make a northern tour of Longyou and Liangzhou to inspect the governance of the counties and counties and the situation of the Northern Expeditionary Army.

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