In the tenth year of Jianxing, in July, Liu Chan sailed upstream from Yong'an and returned to Chengdu.

Compared with going downstream when coming, it is relatively more difficult to go upstream.Small boats can only be paddled by the boatman, and at the same time, they must use the sails to follow the zigzag route.Big material boats are much more difficult. When encountering fast currents and headwinds, the trackers along the coast need to help pull the boat.

Fortunately, most of the Han's ships were small wooden boats. The large ships either sank in the Battle of Yiling, or needed maintenance because they had not been repaired for a long time.

Inside the cabin, a chess board is placed on the table, Liu Chan and Fei Yi are sitting opposite each other, each holding a chess piece on it.

Liu Chan holds the sunspots, falls into the chess game, and besieges and kills the white dragon.

Fei Yi clamped Bai Zi with two fingers, his face showed embarrassment, after a long time, he dropped a ball.

With a relaxed expression, Liu Chan reached into the chessboard and said, "After Wen Wei returns to Shu, pay more attention to Fuling and Badong counties, and learn more about Jingzhou."

Fei Yi sat cross-legged, looked at the sunspots on the chessboard, and said in a deep thought: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, are you preparing for the conquest of Jingzhou?"

Liu Chan rubbed the sunspots with the palms of his fingers, dropped the chessboard with a 'pop', and said flatly, "I don't know how Wen Wei knows?"

Fei Yi took back the white piece that was about to fall, and replied respectfully: "It's not that I know! It's Your Majesty who told me to wait?"

"Oh!" Liu Chan looked up at Fei Yi, and asked curiously, "Why did Wen Wei say that? Could it be a joke?"

Fei Yi looked up at the Son of Heaven, dropped the white piece on the chessboard, and said, "I would like to report to Your Majesty, I dare not lie to Your Majesty. Your Majesty has recently consulted the classics of Jingzhou, revisited the books of Donglixiong, and took the map of Jingzhou with him. Read it. I often see it, so I have such a guess!"

Liu Chan chuckled, looked at the black and white dragon on the chessboard, and said truthfully: "Wen Wei knows me! I do have the idea of ​​conquering Jingzhou, but it's not at this time, but in the future. Maybe the big man will conquer Guanzhong, After the crusade against the state."

Fei Yi pondered for a long time, and then asked slowly: "May I ask why your Majesty has such a thought? If the big man can capture Bingzhou, then he will be able to rely on the land to go west to Hebei, and he can also cooperate with the Guandong to go to the Central Plains, so that Ni Wei will be in a state of panic all day long." At that time, if we turned to attack Jingzhou, wouldn't it be because of a small loss, not to mention the enmity against Sun Quan, it would also make the rebellious Wei and Eastern Wu unite, and it would be difficult for the big Han to have one enemy and two generals?"

Since last year, after Zhuge Liang inspected Guan Xing, Zhuge Qiao, Fei Yi, Ma Zhong, and Ma Di, he finally gave Liu Chan a secret message on the first month of the first month, hoping that Fei Yi could be the real heir.Liu Chan did not refute at that time, but expressed his deep thinking, and finally asked Zhuge Liang several times, and agreed to let Fei Yi try first.

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang trained Fei Yi deeply. First, he appointed Fei Yi as the Sima of the inner government to assist him in dealing with military affairs, and taught Fei Yi his experience and knowledge.Therefore, since this year, Fei Yi has received a lot of military teaching from Zhuge Liang, and his theoretical level has risen rapidly.

As for the other heir, Jiang Wan, it wasn't that Zhuge Liang didn't like Jiang Wan, but that Jiang Wan was older than Zhuge Liang, so he could only be called a substitute.Before Fei Yi grew up, if Zhuge Liang died of illness, Jiang Wan would be appointed as a transitional candidate.

Why Liu Chan has doubts about Fei Yi is actually very simple.After a long time of contact, Fei Yi is too good at dancing, and he is friendly with high-ranking officials and noble families, which makes Liu Chan have to be suspicious.

Zhuge Liang's heir in Liu Chan's heart has not yet been established. Based on his current thinking, if Zhuge Liang dies of illness in the future, then Zhuge Liang's rights must belong to multiple people, and the inner government will be abolished directly, and the center of power will be transferred to Shangshutai.

As for the military successor... (guess!)

Liu Chan put his son on the plate, looked up at Fei Yi, and said with a smile: "During the Warring States period, all countries joined forces. At this time, Qin and Wei attacked Zhao, and at that time, Qin and Zhao attacked Wei. The same is true for three points today. If the Han is strong, Wu and Wei will unite and attack Han. If the big Han seizes Bingzhou, he can’t start as soon as possible, and sooner or later he will be attacked by Wu; therefore, if I don’t attack Jingzhou, Wu will also attack Yizhou.”

"And if my big man can attack Wu and seize Jingzhou as soon as possible, the Wu people will be greatly injured, and it will not be the disaster of the big man. At that time, the big man can attack Wu or Wei by relying on the two states of Jing and Jing. The general situation of the world will be in the hands of the big man. hand."

If the big man can capture Guanzhong, Bingzhou, and Jingzhou, the big man at that time can be regarded as a boxer.Guanzhong is the chest, and Jingzhou and Bingzhou are the left and right fists. You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. It is not a problem to rule the world.

In Liu Chan's view, the current situation of three-thirds of the world cannot be used as a reference for any dynasty in Chinese history, especially since Bashu and the unification of the world.

The closest thing to this situation is the Qin Dynasty and the Western Han Dynasty. During the Qin Dynasty, there were seven kingdoms in the world;

But when it comes to myself, it is different. The world is divided into three parts, and all countries will try their best to help each other in the face of cold lips and cold teeth.Therefore, I must seize every opportunity to adjust the strategic direction of the Great Han in order to dominate the world in my lifetime.

Fei Yi pondered for a while, and said: "If the Han Dynasty goes east to capture Jingzhou, they will not be able to defeat Wu, but will be caught in a fierce battle, and the Han Dynasty will be in danger. You need to be more cautious, and the most important thing is to attack Wei."

Liu Chan held the sunspot and immediately stopped in the air, what Fei Yi said was what Liu Chan was worried about.If the big man wants to achieve his goal, he must come to a classic case like Lu Meng crossing the river in white clothes, and seize Jingzhou in one fell swoop before Soochow can't react.

Half a sound later, the sunspot landed on the chessboard with a bang, and Liu Chan scolded in a deep voice: "Major events in the world are changing rapidly, how can they be abolished because of a momentary failure!"

"Before the Great Han's Northern Expedition, everyone thought how the Great Han's land in the southwest could defeat Wei. Now let's see, the Great Han has expanded thousands of miles and restored the land of two states. As a state official, you don't want to help the country achieve national policies. , and only see its difficulty, how mediocre!"

This is Fei Yi's biggest problem, lack of idealism.Among Zhuge Liang's three successors in history, Jiang Wan sent Jiang Wei to implement the Liangzhou strategy knowing that the Northern Expedition was difficult, and hoped to open up a new strategic direction by capturing the three eastern counties.

After Fei Yi took power, he completely forgot Ge Gong's entrustment, and gave up the Northern Expedition on the grounds that he was not as capable as the prime minister. As a result, the Han Dynasty missed the Gaopingling Incident and the Huainan Three Rebellions.

Fei Yi's heart was shocked, he couldn't help but tremble a few times, he quickly knelt down and confessed: "I am guilty, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me."

Liu Chan stood up and said very flatly: "From now on, you can assist Duke Ge in handling military affairs and internal government affairs. I will hand over the affairs of Jingzhou to Bosong (Zhuge Qiao)!"

After finishing speaking, Liu Chan walked out of the cabin and headed for the deck, leaving Fei Yi alone.

(Foreshadowing for the big man to change his strategy!)

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