Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 364 Rewards and Appointments

In March, spring just arrived in Chengdu, and officials and common people began to get busy with spring plowing again.Liu Chan, who had been supervising wars outside for a long time without farming, went to the fields to cultivate in person to show his encouragement to farmers to be diligent.

The old figure who accompanied Liu Chan to farm has disappeared. Due to the death of Zhang Yi, Fei Yi went to the Imperial Palace to join the army and assist Zhuge Liang in governing; Qiao rushed to Longyou together; Huo Yi guarded the frontier in the northwest under the name of Taishou An Ding.

Since then, only Liao Li, Guo Youzhi and Zhang Shao have been accompanying him in farming.

Zhang Shao, a fat man who experienced farming for the first time, accidentally fell and injured his arm. At this time, he was hanging his arm and planting seedlings in the field.

Liu Chan supported the Shuzhong plow alone, and lightly pulled the ox rope. The buffalo buried his head and pulled the Shuzhong plow forward to plow, leaving a series of ravines of appropriate depth.

"Your Majesty, the Prime Minister has something to submit, and His Majesty still needs to review it." Fei Yi just came from the inner palace and reported at the edge of the field.

Liu Chan looked up at Fei Yi, waved his hand to signal him to wait, and let him finish the remaining ten steps of paddy fields.

Not long after, Liu Chan finished the remaining dozen or so steps, plowing a total of two acres of paddy fields this time.Liu Chan then handed the buffalo to Liao Li, and stepped on the field ridge with muddy feet, stamping the mud on his feet as he walked.

Huang Hao stepped forward eagerly, ready to wipe Liu Chan clean with a clean towel, but was stopped by Liu Chan.

"Minister Fei Yi pays homage to His Majesty."

Liu Chan wiped the dirt from his hands on his clothes, went to sit on the straw mat laid out by the field, and said, "Excuse me!"

Liu Chan knelt on the straw mat, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a hemp towel, and asked casually, "Wen Wei has just joined the Inner Palace, how do you feel?"

"Thanks to your majesty's concern, with the Prime Minister and Jiang Changshi on hand to point out, everything is in order."

With that said, Fei Yi handed over the memorial in his hand, and said: "Your Majesty, this is the list of rewards for the officers and men of the Northern Expedition and the people appointed by the prefects of Nanzhong and Liangzhou. I hope Your Majesty will review it for correction."

Liu Chan threw the linen on the straw mat, took the memorial and spread it out, and examined it in detail.

First is the list of rewards for the Northern Expedition. Since Zhuge Liang was rewarded before, this list starts with Huang Quan.

Huang Quan, the general of chariots and cavalry, was awarded the title of general of chariots and cavalry to honor the merits of guarding the Long, and rewarded [-] pieces of Shu brocade.

Wu Yi, the general who conquered the west, served as the governor of Guanzhong and served as a former military adviser.

Wu Ban, the general who conquered the East, rewarded a thousand pieces of Shu brocade.

Wang Ping, the general of Zhenbei, moved to the former general, served as the governor of Hanzhong, and was granted the title of Marquis of Anhan.


Chen Shi, the general who conquered the west, and the general who moved to the north of the town.

Ma Dai, the general who conquered the east, and the general who moved to the west of the town, also served as the order of Muyuan.

Deng Ai, Sima of Qinzhou, moved to the general of the west and was granted the title of Marquis of Didao Township.

Jiang Wan joined the army in the inner government, moved to the inner government as the governor, and served as a general of the Jiafu Army.

Fei Yi, the prefect of Guanghan, was changed to serve as a servant, and concurrently served as the inner government to join the army.

Liu Yin, General of Dangkou, General of Qianzhen Army, Ren Tianshui Prefect.

Huo Yi, the general of the Yi army, moved to the prefect of Anding.

Liao Hua, the prefect of Xiping, was changed to be the prefect of Hanchang in Qinzhou.


Li Qian, Marshal of the White Armor Guard, was given the title of Marquis of Tingdu.

Xiang Yu, Commander of Qingjia Guards, was given the title of Marquis of Tingdu.

Jia Yan and Jia Yuan followed Wang Ping to pursue meritorious deeds and sealed off the Marquis of Guannei.

Liu Chan looked at the long request form, pondered for a long time, took the vermilion pen and circled Yuan Chen and Liu Ba, and wrote on the top the son-in-law captain Zhuge Qiaoqian.

After finishing the revision, Liu Chan handed the memorandum to Fei Yi and said, "Wen Wei, Yuan Wei is an old minister of the late emperor. He followed the late emperor when he was in Yuzhou. The late emperor fought many battles, and he was born and died many times, and this time the battle of Gaoping City was very powerful. Therefore, let Shangcheng compare Yuan Wei and Liu Ba to think about it."

After a pause, Liu Chan said: "The prime minister has made great achievements, and Erxi can only honor the merits of the prime minister, so he confers his son Zhuge Qiao as a servant to show his efforts to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty."

Zhuge Qiao was the captain of the son-in-law. In the Western Han Dynasty, his rank was [-] shi, and his servants were also [-] shi. It seemed that his salary remained the same, but his responsibilities changed a lot.Although the consort Duwei is also an attendant of close ministers, he is in charge of the emperor's auxiliary car, which is often used to add officials to close ministers; but the servants are different. They can assist His Majesty in handling government affairs by entering and leaving the forbidden palace and serving as advisors.

This appointment means that Zhuge Qiao has officially entered the top ranks of the Dahan and participated in the confidential affairs of the Dahan.


Fei Yi also presented the memorials appointed by the county guards at all levels in Liangzhou in his hand, and took back the list of rewards.

Liu Chan opened the memorabilia and set his eyes on it.

He Yu, Prefect of Wuwei County

Yin Shang, Governor of Jiuquan County

Liang Xu, Prefect of Jincheng County


And at the end, a list of personnel changes in Nanzhong is attached.

Because Li Hui was seriously ill and unable to get out of bed, Zhuge Liang wanted to promote Zhang Yi, the prefect of Shu County, to be the deputy governor of Yujiang, and temporarily take over the administration of Li Hui.

Later, Lu Kai was reappointed as the prefect of Guanghan, Zhang Wei succeeded as the prefect of Yunnan, and Ma Di, the prefect of Yuexi, was transferred to the inner government to serve as a member of the army.

Liu Chan looked at Zhang Yi and Ma Su on the list, thinking deeply.

Ma Di sheltered the water and went up the mountain to guard the street pavilion, Zhuge Liang beheaded Ma Di with tears.It can be said that it has been a topic that has lasted for a long time. Liu Chan is even more worried when he sees the word joining the army.This is different from Fei Yi's joining the army, which is a military army.

In the history of the Shu Han Dynasty, Zhang Yi did not do well in all the successive governors. He enforced the law very strictly.

Liu Chan drew a circle on the word Zhang Yi with a vermilion pen, and commented: "Bo Gong (character Zhang Yi) enforces the law very strictly, and I am afraid it will be difficult for the southerners to obey it."I thought it was possible for Bo Gong to govern the Han people, but he might not be negligent in governing the southern people, because he chose those who are able to do it. '

"I look at the big men, only Hu Du (Ma Zhong) can do this job.Hu Du is well-versed in civil and military skills, and has the effect of governing politics. He can be promoted to the deputy governor of the Tuojiang to assist Li Deang.If De'ang dies of illness, he can be promoted to Yongchang Taishou Wang Fu as the deputy governor of the imperial court to assist Hudu. '

Immediately afterwards, he circled Ma Su and commented: "Youchang (Ma Di) has ruled Yuexi for many years, and he has won the hearts of barbarians with kindness. All the barbarians donated salt and iron to the official camp of the Han Dynasty, and repaired the city of Yuejuan, so that Yuejuan Returning to the rule of the Han Dynasty, the achievements are very great. '

"The Great Han Dynasty opened up thousands of miles of land and lacked political talents. Today, Lianglong and Qiangdi are everywhere. It is true that young people often show their talents. Don't limit them if you look at the father.Therefore, I think that you can replace Liao Hua and succeed Xiping as the prefect, rule the land of Hehuang, recruit the Qiang people, and use it for my great man. '

Ah!Ma Su, give me a lifetime to deal with ethnic minorities!It is impossible to join the army and fight in the Northern Expedition.

Liu Chan handed the memorial to Fei Yi and said, "The list of prime ministers is correct, and I think it is feasible. It's just that Zhang Yi and Ma Su need to discuss it. I have written the specific comments on it, and I hope the prime minister will accept it. The rest of the candidates , I have no objection."

Zhuge Liang's selection of candidates for the governor of Liangzhou was acceptable, which was in line with Liu Chan's previous advice to Jiang Wan, and more consideration should be given to people from Longyou.

The political structure of Liangzhou is that Jingzhou scholars are in power, Lu Yi is in power, Yin Shang, Liang Xu, Zhao Cheng and others are Longyou officials, Yuan Qian is the prefect of He Yu, and Yuexuan prefect Ma Su is the assistant.Jingren ruled it, most of them were Longyou officials, and a small part were supplemented by Jingshu officials, which was just right.

Fei Yi took the memorial and saluted, and said, "No!"

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