Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 359 "Lianglong Civil Affairs"

"Going to Long?" Dong Yun asked suspiciously.


Liu Chan sat on the futon on the terrace and said seriously.

"Do you still remember the book "Yizhou Civil Affairs"?"

The book "Yizhou Civil Affairs" is a book for the promotion of agriculture and government affairs in Yizhou compiled by Liu Chan asking Fei Yi, Dong Yun and others to learn from "The Book of Si Sheng" and "Si Min Yue Ling".As the compilation of books progressed, a large number of officials of the Han Dynasty participated. The prime minister Zhuge Liang, the servants Liao Li, Fei Yi, Dong Yun, the visitor Huo Yi, and the servant Guan Xing were the main editors.

According to Yizhou's Nanzhong, Hanzhong, Ba, and Shu, each has a volume, which describes the agricultural production and government auxiliary measures in each place.At the same time, the imperial court also used the promotion of this book, and the inner government held the appointment power of the Hu, Tian, ​​and Shui Caos in the county.

After several years of promotion, it has greatly helped the agricultural production in remote areas, especially the promotion of the Shuzhong plow and the new farming method, which not only saves manpower for the people, but also helps increase the yield of the fields.That’s why the Han Dynasty was qualified to fight Cao Wei for three consecutive years with a scale of 100,000 people. The grain and grass consumed in the war were the years of recuperation after the Han Dynasty pacified Nanzhong. The Han Dynasty increased grain production and built granaries in Hanzhong and other places. the resulting effect.

Dong Yun thought for a while, and replied: "I remember, this book was compiled together with Fei Shizhong and other ministers. It was written to promote the new farming method and the plow in Shuzhong. It is divided into four volumes, each in Nanzhong, Hanzhong, Ba, and Shu. One volume, talking about the farming methods of the local counties and counties and the methods of important water conservancy repairs..."

Liu Chan smiled and asked Huang Hao to serve tea to Dong Yun, and said: "After the promotion of the book "Yizhou Civil Affairs", the income per mu in all counties and counties in Yizhou has increased. Only by doing this as a career can I, a great man, be able to fight Cao Wei fiercely for three years, open up thousands of miles of land, and restore the land of the two prefectures."

"Now Longyou is exhausted, Liangzhou is in depression, decades of wars have resulted in the abolition of civil affairs in Longliang counties and counties, and few farmers have access to the law. Therefore, I think that the book "Yizhou Civil Affairs" can be used as a guide for Liangzhou and Longzhou. , wrote advanced laws in the book, pushed them to counties and counties, worked together with water conservancy laws and land systems, and enriched the land of Qinlong."

After decades of war and devastation, farming in Liangzhou and Longyou has basically come to a standstill. Especially after the Qiang Rebellion, the Han people were either converted or moved to the interior. Agriculture has not developed, but has regressed.

When Liu Chan inspected Tianshui County two years ago and summoned the powerful surnames from all over the place, he discovered that Tianshui had even forgotten the district planting method of Emperor Wu's time, and the water conservancy was seriously desolate.

It was also when Deng Ai took office as Sima Garrison in Qinzhou to garrison the fields that he popularized the district planting method pioneered by Fan Shengzhi.Deng Ai also neglected Liu Chan in this matter, saying that Longyou's agricultural affairs were backward, and hoped that the Dahan could promote them in various counties and counties in Longyou, but this matter has been delayed due to the war.

A few days ago, Lu Yi, the governor of Liangzhou, also made a statement that Liangzhou's farming method is old. The local people first soak the land with big water to make the land extremely wet, and then plow.Moreover, when sowing, they did not know how to use the columbine plow, which was completed at the same time as furrowing and seeding. As a result, "human and cattle labor wasted, and the harvest was less."Lu Yi thought that the lands of Long and Liang needed a book similar to "Yizhou Civil Affairs" to teach new farm tools and new farming.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Liu Chan really thought it was feasible. At the same time, it can also be regarded as an adaptation after matching the land system and water conservancy law, and promoting new farm tools and new farming in Longyou and Liangzhou.

Hearing this, Dong Yun understood Liu Chan's implication, and immediately responded seriously, "If Your Majesty doesn't think I'm superficial, I want to go to Longyou to write a book on civil affairs for the people of Lianglong."

Liu Chan couldn't help clapping his palms, and said with a smile: "Good, Xiu Zhao is the editor-in-chief of "Yizhou Civil Affairs". No one in the Han Dynasty can do it without Xiu Zhao. You went to Lianglong to repair "Lianglong Civil Affairs", and I sent a hundred people from Hu Ben to escort , officials from all over the country can use it to help Xiuzhao make this book."

"No! Thank you, Your Majesty!" Dong Yun bowed.

Liu Chan stared at Dong Yun and asked, "I don't know how long you think it will take to compile the book "Lianglong Civil Affairs" for the imperial court to promote."

Dong Yun pondered for a long time, and said: "I seldom go to Longyou, and I am not good at farming in the north, so I dare not speak falsely. From the perspective of "Yizhou Minzheng", it needs to be improved after revision, so I think "Lianglong Minzheng" It takes three years to complete the book. However, within one year, I can present the methods suitable for farming in Lianglong along with farm tools."

With the combination of land system, water conservancy and "Lianglong Civil Affairs", the part of Dahan's agricultural governance policy will also come to an end.

"Yes, the book "Lianglong Civil Affairs" will be entrusted to Xiu Zhao to write it, and Zhuge Bosong will assist it."


Liu Chan glanced at the go on the table, felt itchy, pointed to the board, and said with a smile: "Qing is going to Longyou, I don't know when he will return, why not play a game with me at this time."

Dong Yun was also moved, took the white chessboard with both hands, and said: "Since this is the case, your majesty will go first with the white, and your minister will go with the black second."

In ancient Go, white pieces go first, and white represents yang, which means 'heaven', and the sky is respected; black represents yin, which means 'earth', and earth is humble.Dong Yun asked Liu Chan to hold white to show his respect for Liu Chan.

Liu Chan laughed, waved his hands, and said, "No need to be too polite, I like black, just hold black."



Liu Chan put his hand into the chessboard, clamped the black chess piece between his two fingers, put his eyes on the chessboard, and asked suddenly: "I don't know what Huo Zhao thinks, how should I, a big man, treat Guiyi Wei people?"

After Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition this time, he not only recovered Liangzhou, but also attached Wei officials.At the same time, many people in Guanzhong fled to Hanzhong due to hunger, and there were also a small number of righteous scholars among them.

Dahan is currently planning to appoint talented people among these righteous scholars, but how to appoint is a big problem. Dahan is very worried that there may be spies among them.

Dong Yun crossed his legs on the futon, put the white stones on the plate, and replied: "Your Majesty can just appoint him for his talent, and entrust him with a heavy responsibility depending on his character."

Liu Chan hesitated for a while, put Heizi on the plate, and said: "I am worried that there are some unruly elements among them, and they will probe into the inside information of my big man."

There are many spies in any era, especially after the Dahan regained the two states, Cao Wei will inevitably send spies into the Dahan to find out the intelligence of the Dahan, and even break into the interior.If the appointment of the big man is improper, it will bring very inestimable losses to the big man.

Dong Yun pondered for a while, and said: "Your Majesty is good at recognizing talents, and everyone in the Han Dynasty knows it. I have no advice on this appointment, but your Majesty is cautious when appointing people. After all, Bo Yue entered the Han Dynasty. Sometimes, there are criticisms, but after listening to his words and learning from his heart, you can know his true heart."

"Good, Xiu Zhao's words are not without reason. Maybe it takes time to know people's hearts." Liu Chan sighed.

(ps: Farming is almost over!)

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