Chapter 263 Sinicization
The sun slanted to the west, and the sunlight became softer, and the scenery around the pavilion was dyed orange.

Liu Chan had a detailed chat with senior officials of Nanzhong High School for an hour, and the content of the meeting was coming to an end.

Huang Hao bent down and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the empress asked if your Majesty would have dinner together tonight."

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "No, I'll go to Mrs. Wang's tonight."

No matter how delicious the dish is, it will get greasy if you eat it often. Tonight, change the taste and season it with seasoning.

Liu Chan raised his hand to signal to Li Hui and others to continue reporting on the content of the Silk Road development project.

Seeing this, Li Hui continued the topic just now, and said: "Last year, Your Majesty arranged for Xiaolian Yan Wenping (Yan Yuzi) from Cang County to go to the Dudu Mansion to take up a post. The tribes along the Silk Road are very good. (see Chapter 63)”

"So since this year, I have arranged for Yan Wenping to go deep into Nanzhong, make good friends with the Nanzhong tribes, discuss their advantages and disadvantages, teach brocade making skills, buy them in batches from the government, and then sell them to merchants in central Shu, and then sell them to countries outside the region. The southern and central counties and the governor's mansion each draw their own profits."

Liu Chan nodded, and said: "The brocade weaving skills of the barbarians in the South and Central China are different. Some are like Ailao people who are good at weaving Shu cloth, or like Pu people who don't raise silkworms and don't know how to write. The cloth weaves is hard to see. Qing and others When teaching, it is necessary to start with the easy and then the difficult, and not to force the barbarians to act."

The maid peeled the citrus for Liu Chan, broke off a piece, and tasted the sweet and sour taste. The slightly sweet orange flesh was in line with His Majesty's taste, so she put it on a plate for His Majesty to eat.

Li Hui was also prepared, and he clasped his hands and replied, "No! The ministers and other professor tribes are almost pro-Han and barbarians who pay taxes. The ministers and others will lure them and educate them slowly."

Liu Chan took a small piece of orange flesh, chewed it in his mouth, and said after swallowing: "That's good. This is a hard work for a while, but it will benefit a lot for me to govern Nanzhong for a long time. Teaching brocade weaving skills is not only To profit for my big man, or to profit for the common people, and it can also make the barbarians in Nanzhong change their customs!"

"Sinicization of the barbarians may seem rather difficult, but it is not difficult to find the root cause and solve them one by one. Sinicization is not difficult, but it will take a long time. Southerners are not good at farming, good at raising cattle and horses, and not good at weaving brocade. Living by farming, women weaving brocade, just like my common people."

Liu Chan looked at the crowd and talked eloquently, discussing the long-term strategy of Sinicization of Nanzhong.

Since the Yunnan-Guizhou area was incorporated into the territory of the Central Plains by Emperor Wu, the road to Sinicization has been very tortuous. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the Central Plains Dynasty paid more attention to the name of Nanzhong. It was not until the Shu-Han period that a large amount of development of Nanzhong began.

The Shu-Han period can be said to be the best time for the Han Dynasty to govern Nanzhong. It not only opened up the Southwest Silk Road, but also taught the local people to weave brocade and farm, so that the Southerners could completely get rid of the backwardness.

It can be said that the reason why the Yunnan-Guizhou area misses Zhuge Liang so much is not because Zhuge Liang is too powerful, but because the Shu Han has been helping the poor in Nanzhong for a long time and spreading a lot of Han culture.

Of course, the big man is not selfless, and he is also digging his internal potential, trying to collect taxes from the people of Nanzhong to fund the country.

Cuan Xi and Cuan Gu, the ancestors of the Cuan people who ruled Nanzhong for nearly 400 years, are still fighting bloody battles for the Northern Expedition of the Han Dynasty!
Hearing this, everyone felt something, especially Lu Kai from the Lu family in Nanzhong, who said with emotion: "Your Majesty's words are very true. Nanzhong has a vast land and few people, and there is no advanced farming. The barbarians are accustomed to planting widely and harvesting little, and they want to privately own the land. Indifferent, often abandoned. But the Han people's surnames occupy a large number of fields, harvest every year, the treasury is full, and the descendants of the clan are good at writing and martial arts, and accepting trilogy."

Ma Zhong pondered for a moment, and then said in response: "That's true. I promoted cattle farming to the barbarians. After the barbarians had a good harvest, they cherished the farmland and took it as their own. Every household will have its own private land in the next year, and I will write a household registration. Nearly a thousand people, to enrich the counties. And the next year, every household will be the first to buy agricultural equipment from the government to use the farmland. The way of enlightenment is the beginning!"

Zang Cang County, where Ma Zhong is located, is located in the core of Wumeng Mountains.

However, Julan, the county seat (now Jiuzhou Town, Guizhou Province), is flat and open, with fertile land and abundant rainfall. live here.The Sinicized surnames all live in Julan, which is convenient for educating the barbarians.

At present, the situation of the great Han in Nanzhong is entering a stage of positive feedback, spreading cattle farming - the people are rich - the households are organized and the people are organized - the purchase of iron and lacquerware - the imperial treasury is full - and the barbarian people are educated.

Liu Chan got up and paced, and said in a deep voice: "For a long time, the southerners farmed and weaved brocades like the Han people. If the family has a permanent property, people have perseverance. At that time, the people of the southerners will think of peace and will not turn back. But after several years of accumulation, the southerners If you want to know etiquette and have enough food and clothing, you will be honored and disgraced. I am a great man who teaches them with poems and books. How different will the descendants of the southerners be from the Han people then!"

Sinicization of ethnic minorities has always been a headache for ancient Central Plains dynasties, including how many countries fell apart due to ethnic issues in modern times.

For Liu Chan, there is no particularly good way at present. The only solution is to boil the frogs in warm water, let the ethnic minorities have the same farming habits as the Han people, live for more than ten years, and then educate them; under long-term governance, the next generation may agree. big man.

The southern Huns are the best example. After the southern attachment to the Eastern Han Dynasty, they changed their living habits, abandoned nomadism, and then farmed.

Liu Chan has great ambitions for Nanzhong. He hopes that one day in his life, he can Sinicize Nanzhong, establish a state, and make Nanzhong an inseparable part of China earlier.

Ma Su stroked his beard and pondered, and said: "Your Majesty's words can be a policy for the long-term stability of Nanzhong. If I practice this policy for decades in the counties of Nanzhong, even if Nanzhong is not the Han Township of Shu, it will also be the long-term land of my Han Dynasty." , pay taxes, the country can be rich."

Liu Chan nodded slightly, and said: "The rebellion in Nanping has been decreasing in recent years. After you return to Nanzhong, you can change your focus a little bit, and focus on promoting farming and absorbing the barbarians first, so as to make them rich and make the barbarians feel at ease. However, military affairs cannot Give up, Nanman advocates bravery, it is difficult to tame, and it needs to be quelled by force."

Everyone present nodded in agreement, without any objection. After all, in the past five years of governing the county, I don't know how many barbarians who are unwilling to pay taxes have been killed by the soldiers under their command.

Otherwise, where did the things that Nanzhong continuously supplied to the big man come from, and they were all deducted from the barbarians bit by bit.

In five years, apart from Yongchang County, Xinggu County and other peripheral counties, there were many barbarians.The barbarians in the rest of the counties were basically killed by them. Now the county is much more stable, and they can enter the stage of absorbing barbarians and governing that Liu Chan said.

After a pause, Liu Chan said with a smile: "As for the next step, it is to educate the barbarians, but maybe Zhuqing is no longer working in Nanzhong. Let's discuss it then!"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at each other and smiled, including Li Hui, who was dedicated to serving the public.

Liu Chan remembered something and looked at the crowd, and said: "After you return to the county, you can bring the terraced fields of Shu back to Nanzhong. Nanzhong is full of mountains, suitable for terraced farming, supplemented by cattle farming, Nanzhong is rich, and it is just around the corner."

"No!" Everyone responded.

Liu Chan turned his eyes to Ma Di again, and said in a deep voice, "After Ma Qing returns to the county, he will open up the way of bullying as soon as possible."

"No!" Ma Su lowered his expression and answered with cupped hands.

(End of this chapter)

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