Chapter 251 Brocade Robe
At dusk, at the foot of Mount Liang.

Hundreds of fiery red Shu brocades are piled aside, but the stack of arrows is a hundred steps away.

The civil servants who followed the emperor couldn't see the red hearts on the arrow pile at all.

The general school is divided into two teams, both of which are equipped with carved bows and arrows, ride on war horses, and wait in line.

Liu Chan looked at the generals around the foot of the mountain, and suddenly he was full of pride. He ordered his attendants to say, "Change my clothes for me, and fetch my bow."

The attendants stepped forward, changed Liu Chan's clothes, put on a strong suit, and then handed the Han bow to the emperor.

Liu Chan took the bow, went down the mountain and led a war horse, got on the horse, raised the bow high, and shouted: "Today, whoever can shoot the red heart in the stack of arrows can take a Sichuan brocade and leave; if he misses the shot, he will be punished." A bottle of wine."

The generals responded in unison: "No!"

Liu Chan tightened the reins, galloped out, drew the bow and squeezed the arrow, and aimed at the red heart a hundred steps away.

With a sound of '嗖', the arrow shot out quickly and hit the red heart.

Then Liu Chan took out two more arrows, pulled the bow full and shot them in succession, all of which hit hearts.

Seeing Liu Chan's sharp shooting, everyone admired Liu Chan and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty's amazing shooting!"

Liu Chan pressed his bridle and walked slowly. Hearing the cheers from the two rows of generals on the left and right, he raised his hand and bow.Seeing this, the cheering crowd fell into silence and waited for Liu Chan to continue speaking.

Liu Chan reined in the reins, pointed at the stack of arrows, and raised his voice, saying: "If someone can shoot three times, I will give him my brocade robe."

As soon as this remark came out, all the military officers present were eager to move, eager to try, how could a piece of Shu brocade compare to the brocade robe worn by the emperor himself.

When the civil servants saw Liu Chan retreating to his original position, they all bowed their hands and worshiped, saying: "Your Majesty has excellent shooting skills, I will only know today!"

Liu Chan smiled, waved his hand and didn't care. After all, he is not the emperor on horseback. He got on the horse and shot himself to show his superb riding and shooting, but it was just for the generals to see.In the face of this chaotic world, he must show a heroic look in order to convince the generals.

As for civil servants, Liu Chan naturally did enough.Studying scriptures, emphasizing filial piety, and treating scholars with courtesy are basically enough. After all, civil servants need nothing more than respect.

However, military generals are different. They have been fighting abroad for many years, and if they win many battles, they tend to be proud.In the past dynasties, the problem of arrogant soldiers and powerful generals is undoubtedly the most troublesome for the rulers.Therefore, for generals, the ruler needs to be kind and mighty, and the relationship between the monarch and his ministers needs to be close or far.

The attendant shouted: "Your Majesty has an order. Today, the two people on the left and right have six arrows. If they hit the red heart, they will receive a piece of Shu brocade. If they hit three arrows, they will receive a piece of brocade robe from your majesty. If they miss the arrow, they will be punished with a bottle of wine. "

As soon as the attendant finished speaking, Ju Fu suddenly rushed out of the horse, Liu Yin saw this, and immediately patted his horse to meet him, and the two of them went straight to the arrow stuck in the ground between them.

Ju Fu bent down to pick up the arrow, galloped forward, bent his bow and shot the arrow, but never wanted to hit the edge of the arrow pile.And Liu Yin just missed the target, a little embarrassed.

Then the two shot two more arrows each, and both of them hit the heart three times, making it a tie.

"Each one will be rewarded with a piece of Shu brocade, and two bottles of wine will be fined," the attendant sang.

Ju Fu and Liu Yin held up their bottles to show each other, drank together, and then looked at each other and smiled.

Not far away, Mi Wei fought fiercely with Zhao Tong. As a cavalry commander, Mi Wei hit two shots three times, while Zhao Tong, who had been fighting with Zhao Yun for a long time, now hit two shots and one hit.

Zhao Tong was not in a hurry, galloped his horse, and shot an arrow with a bow. The arrow hit the heart like a shooting star.

The bystanders cheered unceasingly when they saw this, and Zhao Yun, who was watching the battle, was also happy, stroked his beard and laughed.

"General Jianwei, Mi Wei, rewarded two pieces of Shu brocade and fined him a bottle of wine. Yulin Zuojian Zhao Tong rewarded two pieces of Shu brocade, and fined him a bottle of wine." The attendant sang.

Zhao Tong and Mi Wei are also old acquaintances, and they have a very good relationship, and they hold hands with each other.

"Brother Moose please!"

"Brother Zhao, please!"

Jiang Wei galloped out and shouted proudly: "Wei Duo thank you Your Majesty for the brocade robe."

Not to be outdone, Liu Lin shouted: "Jiang Boyue don't want to be arrogant, Liu Ke of Zhuo County will finally come up to learn."

"Haha!" Seeing Liu Lin coming, Jiang Wei couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Wei hid his horse's belly and pulled out his arrows. He returned to his normal position, and suddenly he held three arrows in his right hand. He drew the bowstring and filled the bow. One arrow hit the red heart like a cold light. Then, without stopping, two arrows in a row in his right hand were quickly caught. Shoot out in succession, three arrows gather in the red heart.

But Liu Lin had just finished shooting one arrow, but saw that Jiang Wei had hit three of three shots, and saw that what he was using was a superb riding and archery technique.

"Jiang Wei, the captain of the Qiang guard, will give you a brocade robe. Liu Lin, the general who broke the Wei Dynasty, will reward you with a piece of Shu brocade and fine you two bottles of wine." The attendant sang.

Just as Jiang Wei was about to take the robe, a general jumped out and shouted loudly: "Jiang Boyue bullies the younger generation, what is there to boast about? His three-shot skill is nothing more than that, and leave the brocade robe to me."

Everyone looked at Sima Dengai of Qinzhou.

A general from the other team also stepped forward and said sharply: "How do you shoot, how dare you take my robe?"

It was Xiang Yu, commander of Qing Jia Wei Wei.

After finishing speaking, the two galloped towards each other to take the arrows. With his superb riding skills, Xiang Yu clamped the horse's belly with his lower limbs, and with quick hands and eyes, he grabbed four arrows with one arm.

Holding four arrows in his hand, the right hand draws the arrow directly from the left hand, puts it on the string, turns around and shoots, and the four arrows hit the red heart.

Deng Ai, who had two arrows, was so angry that he stuttered and said, "It's rude to take my arrow!"

Xiang Yu laughed and said, "If you're not good at horsemanship, how dare you blame people!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and others burst into laughter, and Huang Quan clapped his hands and laughed.

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Wei rode his horse to the stage, took away the brocade robe from his attendants, and said with a smile, "Brother Xiang, although you shot four times, it is against the rules to take arrows from people. We would like to thank Your Majesty for giving us the robe. "

Xiang Yu was furious when he heard the words, and said angrily: "Jiang Boyue, you never said before that you can't snatch an arrow from someone, so why can't I do this? Take off your brocade robe and stay with me!"

Jiang Wei put on the robe and said: "Your Majesty gave the robe here, and you dare to take it away."

Xiang Yu took the robe on a flying horse and shouted: "Your Majesty has not responded, how dare you say that this robe is for you."

After speaking, Xiang Yu stepped forward to grab the robe.Afraid of hurting the brocade robe, Jiang Wei threw the robe at Deng Ai and shouted, "Shizai, take care of this robe for me."

Seeing this, Liu Chan knew that he was going to appear on the stage, and said, "Stop."

Hearing the words, the two angry men thought that Liu Chan would punish them, so they dismounted from their horses, knelt down in front of the emperor, and confessed: "Your Majesty Jiang Wei and Xiang Yu are rude, please forgive me."

Liu Chan didn't answer, but smiled at Deng Ai: "Shi Zai, I will give you the brocade robe you have in your hand."

Although Deng Ai didn't know why, he was overjoyed, got off his horse and knelt down, and said: "Mr. Deng Ai thanks Your Majesty."

Liu Chan laughed loudly, helped Jiang Wei and Xiang Yu up, and said with a comforting smile, "What's wrong with Xiang Qing and Jiang Qing? Both of you will be given brocade robes."

After finishing speaking, Liu Chan turned to the attendants and ordered: "Take two collars of the Shu robes sewn by the queen and give them to the two lovers."

Jiang Wei and Xiang Yu listened to the emperor's emphasis on the empress's sewed Shu robe, and couldn't help but feel more grateful in their hearts. They knelt down and worshiped: "I thank your majesty. May your majesty and empress live forever."

Liu Chan held up his bottle, looked around, and said loudly: "All civil and military officials present will appreciate a piece of Shu brocade, and celebrate today together."

As soon as this remark came out, the civil servants and scholars who had been watching the opera fell from the sky with joy, and they cupped their hands and shouted: "I thank you, Your Majesty."

Liu Chan raised his bottle and stood slightly on a high place, and said vigorously: "I hope to invite you to a banquet in Chang'an next time. I don't know if you are willing to help me?"

"How dare you refuse to obey me." The crowd shouted.

"Good!" Liu Chan laughed loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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