Chapter 240
In the early morning, Shuanghe Mountain is shrouded in mist, and the white mist permeates every gap in the forest, and the sun shines gently on everything through the thin mist.

Wisps of cooking smoke wafted from the Wei army camp. If you look carefully, the amount of cooking smoke is much less than usual.

Fei Yao led the general of the Wei army to inspect the camp, and saw soldiers holding wooden bowls, lined up, waiting for breakfast listlessly.

With his arms behind his back, Fei Yao frowned slightly, and asked, "How long can the food in the army last?"

Cang Guan Wang Ren stepped forward and said with a wry smile: "General after Qi, the army can last for three days at most, after three days our army will be exhausted!"

Fei Yao raised his hand and said, "Bring a bowl to the food, according to the standard of a normal sergeant."

"No!" Wang Ren agreed.

After a while, Wang Ren brought the wooden bowl to Fei Yao, Fei Yao took it, looked at the food in his hand, and couldn't help but feel depressed.

Ordinary people in the Qin and Han Dynasties basically had two meals, one meal in the morning for the morning meal and one meal in the evening for supper.

No matter for ordinary people or soldiers, morning food is the most important main meal.Because morning food is the supply of energy that supports the day, not only should you eat well in the morning, but you should also be full.As for the dinner at night, just eat whatever you want.

Therefore, the food in Wei Junzhong is usually rice, and some condiments are added at the same time. Although it may not be delicious, it is still no problem to eat enough to maintain energy consumption for a day.

But the morning food in Fei Yao's wooden bowl can basically be called porridge. At the same time, there are very few rice grains, most of which are water, mixed with vinegar cloth and wild vegetable leaves.

Fei Yao picked up the bowl and took a sip. The taste was indescribable, sour and salty. He chewed the boiled vinegar cloth and took another mouthful of porridge before swallowing it.

Fei Yao exhaled, and asked: "Is there any soldier sent to collect wild vegetables in the forest and shoot the prey?"

Wang Ren hesitated for a while, and said: "There is a dispatch, but the Han army has expected it long ago, and often sets up ambushes in the forest to shoot and kill our soldiers."

General Zhechong Jia Si took the words and added: "There are warriors in the Han army who are good at mountains and forests. They are short in stature and as strong as apes. They climb mountains and climb mountains like walking on flat ground. They carry crossbows and hold swords and shuttle between the forests. The crossbow arrows are poisonous. Those who touch the skin will rot and die.”

Fei Yao's eyebrows became tighter, and he said in dissatisfaction, "Didn't you send elite soldiers to fight?"

Jia Si shook his head and said: "After many battles, our soldiers were defeated. The soldiers feared the enemy like tigers and dared not enter the forest. According to my opinion, the soldiers of the Han army in the forest should be the elite barbarians of Nanzhong. The Han army recruited them. For the fight."

Fei Yao glanced at Jia Si with dissatisfaction, then looked at the wooden bowl in his hand, and said heavily, "Now the army is trapped, there are many soldiers and little food, and I don't know when the Great Sima's reinforcements will come to help. I still need to make plans early. Otherwise, when the food is exhausted, the soldiers will lose their morale, and there will be countless people fleeing and surrendering to the Han, then..."

Although Fei Yao didn't continue talking, how could everyone not know what Fei Yao meant.Once the food is exhausted and the morale of the army is broken, the general situation will be gone, and the [-] army will be wiped out.

Jia Si pondered for a moment, then asked, "I don't know how the general plans to fight the enemy?"

Fei Yao looked around, walked to a secluded place ahead, and said in a low voice: "There has been a lack of food for many days, the soldiers are weak, and there is no fighting spirit. How can we defeat the Han army?"

"What is the meaning behind the general's words?" Jia Si asked curiously.

Fei Yao looked at Jia Si and the surrounding senior generals, and said in a deep voice: "Choose the elite and break through to the north. If we can defeat Huo Yi's troops in the north, our army will still have a chance. If we continue to stand by and wait for reinforcements, our army will have no chance." It’s different from killing yourself.”

Hearing this, Jia Si hesitated, and said, "Huo Yi's troops are heavily guarded, how can our army break through?"

Fei Yao glared at Jia Si, seeming to see through his thoughts, and said displeasedly, "Doesn't General Zhechong want to surrender?"

Jia Si hurriedly waved his hands and said in fear: "I have followed Da Sima for many years, and fought in the north and south. Da Sima treated me with such kindness as a mountain. How could I think otherwise, and how dare I do it."

Fei Yao didn't want to push people too far, so he said earnestly, "I underestimate the enemy and go deep alone. I am ashamed of you. If you generals want to surrender, you will have no complaints. But you generals, don't forget the kindness of the Son of Heaven and Great Sima."

Jia Si and the others were silent, some were preoccupied, or served the country with their own body.

Fei Yao looked around at the crowd and said solemnly: "Tonight, I will personally lead an elite night attack, and everyone will wait for a while. If Yao dies in battle, you can surrender; if Yao can break through the siege in one fell swoop and defeat Huo Yi's camp. I hope all the generals read And the Son of Heaven, Da Sima Houen, stand up with me and seek a chance of life."

"No!" Everyone responded.

Fei Yao instructed Wang Ren, saying: "After the general will select the elite, the warehouse officer will kill the horses to get the meat, and provide enough food and grass. Be sure to feed and drink enough for the elite soldiers."

Wang Ren made some calculations, cupped his hands and said, "If we give enough food and grass, we may not be able to sustain the food and grass in the camp, and we may be short of food in the future."

Fei Yao smiled wryly, then sighed helplessly and said, "Cang Guan will do as he intended!"

Wang Ren also realized that Fei Yao wanted to make a desperate move, and if he failed, he would be benevolent.

"No!" Wang Ren agreed.

In Beichuan City, which is less than a hundred miles away from Shuanghekou, a fierce battle broke out.

Liu Lin was on the small city, facing the city, shouting and shouting: "Hurry up and move the earth and rocks, and block the gate of the city."

Compared to defending Beichuan City for the first time with the purpose of slowing down the enemy's footsteps, this time Liu Lin is holding on to his attitude to buy more time for the army to force Fei Yao to surrender.

Before finishing speaking, the defenders at the top of the city immediately shot arrows at the Wei army who entered the range.After a while, the Wei army outside the city began to throw arrows and fight back.

For a moment, arrows flew in and out of the city.Arrows drew arcs in the air and shot towards the top of the city densely, helping the soldiers of the Wei army pushing the ladders and suppressing the crossbowmen at the top of the city.


A moment later (15 minutes), there was a muffled sound, and the soldiers of the Wei army under the city leaned the newly made ladder on the city, and the sharp hooks on the top of the ladder were embedded in the city wall.

"Come on!"

Armed with shields and swords in their mouths, soldiers of the Wei army climbed up the city wall along the ladders, and then more and more soldiers of the Wei army climbed up the walls of Beichuan along the ladders.

Holding a long spear, Liu Lin poked at Wei Junxian who was on the ladder from the crenel.The sharp spear pierced Wei Jun's chest, and the armor cracked and embedded between the sternum.Wei Jun first climbed in pain and fell from the ladder.

Then the soldiers of the Han army behind Liu Lin raised the boulder and threw it down, and the soldiers of the Wei army on the same ladder fell to the ground one after another.

Then, Liu Lin patrolled the city wall with a lance, and shouted: "Don't worry, cooperate with each other, and don't retreat."

For this time defending the city and retreating the enemy, Liu Lin is relatively confident.

Because Hao Zhao was in a hurry to march for support, and Chencang Road was too narrow to carry siege equipment, the fastest way was to make a ladder and use 'Ant Attachment' to attack the city.

Ant-attached siege belongs to the next strategy in the art of war.If it was not a last resort, Hao Zhao, an expert city defender, would not take this method.

The two armies of the Han and Wei dynasties fought hard around the ladders on the narrow city head, stabbing with spears and spears, splashing blood, and golden juice pouring down from huge stones, and the soldiers of the Wei army screamed again and again.

Several cloud ladders are densely arranged at the corner of the city wall, attracting the attention of a large number of Han troops; and in a remote place not far away, dozens of armored warriors climbed up the ladders, ready to take advantage of the Han army to swarm up.

When Wei was the first to climb up the city wall, Liu Linchi stabbed him down, and the guards behind him poured hot golden juice down.

The golden juice penetrated through the armor and penetrated into the skin, and Rui Shi's skin instantly blistered, and the pain was unbearable, and he fell to the bottom of the city, rolling and crying.

The Wei army's offensive continued until night before retreating from the tower under Hao Zhao's military order.

(End of this chapter)

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