Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 217 Inspecting Beichuan City

Chapter 217 Inspecting Beichuan City

After Liu Chan resolved the matter of Li Yan's military power, he did not stop. Instead, he went to Wudu County to inspect the border defense at the pass on the west side of the Qinling Mountains in Hanzhong.

Compared with the forts and Zhucheng in the east of Hanzhong County, the forts near Wudu County in the west have been repaired for less than a year, and their defenses are relatively weak, especially in the Chencang Road area.

Huo Yi was responsible for the defense of Chencang Road. Under the arrangement of Wang Ping and Zhao Yun, Huo Yi built Beichuan City by the mountains and rivers, and built several camps behind Beichuan City by relying on the mountains to prevent Beichuan City from being breached. , Wei Jun Yima Pingchuan went straight into Wudu County.

After all, the current Beichuan City is relatively crude, and it took less than half a year to repair it, and the soldiers in the entire Wudu County are only 3000 people. It is almost impossible to repair the strong city in a short time.

In addition to the reason for the renovation not long ago, there is another point that Beichuan City was stationed by Liu Lin, the imperial clan of the Great Han Dynasty.

So Liu Chan went to the front line in person to inspect the defense situation of Chencang Road and Beichuan City.

Beichuan City is located in the later Fengxian County. The river valley is relatively wide and flat, and it is an important stronghold for controlling Chencang Road.Behind him is the Huicheng Basin where Hechi County is located.

The Huicheng Basin has a vast area and fertile land. It is the main grain-producing area in southern Longnan and has the reputation of "Little Jiangnan in Longshang".Wudu County is a densely populated place, but with the relocation of Cao Wei, the Huicheng Basin also began to be abandoned.

After Yang Xi began to govern Wudu County, most of the relocated military households from Yizhou were resettled in the Huicheng Basin to resume production.

Beichuan City, if you look north, you can see the confluence of the Xihan River and the Beichuan River outside the city, and the two rivers pass around the city.Beichuan City is built on the mountain, and the vicinity is quite dangerous.

On the city wall, Liu Chan walked around the city, followed by Wang Ping, Yang Xi, Huo Yi, Liu Lin and other generals.

"The terrain of Beichuan City is good. If the world is unified, Beichuan City can be the main traffic route and a place where businessmen gather in Qin, Shu and Long." Liu Chan said with emotion to the people behind him.

"It's a pity that in today's world of great strife, it's hard to see its prosperity!" Liu Chan said regretfully.

"If my big man takes Guanzhong, His Majesty will surely see the prosperity of this place!" Yang Xi said wittily.

Liu Chan chuckled a few times, he couldn't deny it, patted the female wall, and looked at Chen Cangdao in the distance.

"It's good to build a city here. It's located in a hub, easy to defend but hard to attack. It must be difficult for you to choose, and it's hard work!" Liu Chan Liu Chan said with emotion to Wang Ping behind him.

Wang Ping, who was one body behind, cupped his hands and said: "Beichuan City can be said to be the throat of Guanzhong and Hanzhong, and the channel to enter Sichuan. The plank road runs through the whole area, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and it is easy to defend but difficult to attack."

Liu Chan nodded in agreement, patted the female wall, and said regretfully, "What Zijun said is reasonable, but unfortunately there is not enough time. Beichuan City is not very dangerous. The city wall is too low and the surrounding area is too narrow. It is still difficult to resist the continuous attacks of a large number of Wei troops."

After a pause, Liu Chan asked: "If Cao Wei invades, I wonder how you will prepare for the enemy coming from Chencang Dao?"

Wang Ping pondered for a while, and slowly explained the defensive strategy: "Beichuan City is a place to delay and block Cao Wei's army in our defensive strategy. If Cao Wei's army invades Beichuan City, General Liu can pass the news to Hanzhong Hancheng , I will lead the army to come to support."

"General Liu only needs to hold on to Beichuan City for a few days to temporarily stop the Wei army from invading. When the army reaches Maling Pass, General Liu can abandon Beichuan City and send reinforcements to support them." Wang Ping said.

Liu Chan frowned slightly, and asked, "If the Wei army is powerful, Beichuan City will be destroyed early, and the army is still on the way, what can we do?"

"I have also considered this matter. I have asked General Huo to build several camps along the mountains from Beichuan City to Maling Pass. If the Wei army is strong and General Liu loses, we can lead the defenders to join General Huo. Rely on several camps, and fight while retreating, waiting for the reinforcements from the ministers to arrive." Wang Ping said slowly, pointing to the south.

Hearing this, Liu Chan smiled, looked at Liu Lin behind him, and asked, "I don't know if Ke will have the confidence to defend Beichuan City and resist the Wei army until Zijun comes to help?"

Liu Lin straightened his back, cupped his hands and replied in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, don't underestimate me. Lin swears here that he will not obey the general king's military order. The city is in the forest, and the city is broken and the forest will die. I wish to live and die with Beichuan City!"

Liu Chan nodded in relief, and said, "You can try your best, you can't force it. If it is difficult to defeat the Wei army, Ke can finally retreat and stick to the camp with Shaoxian, waiting for Zijun to come."

Liu Lin hesitated for a while, and replied: "No! I will fulfill my mission and stick to it until General Wang comes to help me."

Liu Chan walked forward with his hands behind his back, and asked: "I don't know how Shaoxian arranged Chen Cangdao's defense, can you tell me in detail?"

Liu Lin took a step back, Huo Yi stepped forward, one body behind Liu Chan, and said: "Chencang Road starts from Sanguan in the north and ends in Hanzhong in the south. I often ordered scouts to investigate near Sanguan, and along the way from Sanguan to Beichuan City, Build a beacon tower. If the Wei army invades, the scouts will send the news to the beacon tower, and the beacon tower can then pass on the news to let Beichuan City organize its defense. This is an arrangement of secret agents."

"As for the defense of the camp, defend against Cao Wei. There are four lines of defense. The first minister divides [-] soldiers and horses into Liu Weidu, and orders him to garrison Beichuan City; the remaining [-] soldiers and horses are distributed in three places along the line from Beichuan City to Maling Pass. In the camp, according to the situation, we can go up to support Beichuan City at any time." Huo Yi said in a deep voice.

"Good! Shaoxian is well prepared, and my heart is at ease!" Liu Chan said with peace of mind, patting the parapet of Beichuan City.

"I don't know if there are any signs of Wei Jun's attack on Chencang Road in recent days?" Liu Chan asked.

Huo Yi pondered for a while, and said: "These days scouts have found signs of a large number of Wei troops gathering in the area of ​​Sanguan. I don't know if it's true or not, and it will take time to judge. But judging by their flags, the commander of the army may be against Wei Feiyao. .”

"Fei Yao! Fei Yao!" Liu Chan muttered a few times.

"It is expected that there is no difference because it is Fei Yao. Fei Yao is the general who opposed the Wei Dynasty, Cao Zhenxin, and his favorite general. He once accompanied the Wei generals Zhang Ji and Xia Houru to conquer Hexi and put down the rebellion of Su Heng in Jiuquan. He is familiar with the Northwest military and is deeply loved by Cao Zhen. All expeditions are controlled by the operation." Huo Yi had done his homework, knew Fei Yao, and said slowly.

"What is this person's ability?" Liu Chan asked curiously.

Huo Yi thought for a moment, and said: "Military strategy is not his strength, but he is brave in battle and loyal and courageous, so he is highly valued by Cao Zhen."

Liu Chan took a few steps back and said with a smile: "If Cao Zhen takes Fei Yao as his commander and leads the army to attack Chen Cang Dao, I, the big man Chen Cang Dao, will have no worries!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words, Chencang Road is extremely narrow, as long as the Han army is well-defended, it is impossible to attack the Han army's camp with bravery alone.

If it is a scheming person, the big man has a lot to worry about.To deal with brave people, the Han army can stick to it.

After everyone laughed, Liu Chan saw that it was getting late, so he stopped and asked Liu Lin to step forward, with a friendly face, and said in a gentle voice, "Are you satisfied with the wife the queen chose for you?"

As early as after Liu Chan accepted the Li family, Liu Lin and Liu Yong also married wives, both of whom were daughters of the common surname of Longyou.

Under Liu Chan's gaze, the fierce Liu Lin blushed, a little embarrassed, and thanked him: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness."

Liu Chan pretended to be angry and said, "I am your uncle, why should you be so unfamiliar? The matter of your marriage is also a matter of my surname Liu."

Hearing this, Liu Lin showed gratitude and relaxed a little bit, and replied, "Thank you uncle!"

Liu Chan smiled, patted Liu Lin on the shoulder, and said: "Uncle promised you before, let the queen choose a good match for you, and now he will do it. Chen Cangdao entrusts you, don't let uncle down."

After finishing speaking, Liu Chan faced the crowd and said with a smile: "The prime minister, the general of chariots, and the lieutenant of Huqiang have all arrived in Hanzhong. Stay again. Chen Cangdao is on guard, thank you."

"No!" Everyone clapped their hands in response.

(There is no third shift today, only two shifts. Something at home has delayed it, so I will fight for it tomorrow!)
(End of this chapter)

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