Chapter 187
(Happy Children's Day!)

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the city wall of Duanmen (South Gate) of the New Palace of the Han Dynasty, more than a dozen wrestlers swung drum vertebrae and hammered on the cowhide drum, and the sound of the drum resounded through the squares inside and outside the South Gate.

"Xuan, Xiaolian scholars enter the palace selection test!" The guard shouted loudly.

At the south gate of the new palace, more than a hundred scholars gathered here, neatly lined up.Accompanied by the sound of drums, the scholars entered the palace in an orderly manner under the guidance of the guards.

When passing through the Duanmen, under the inspection of Shangshutai officials, Yan Yu took out the filial piety document recommended by the prefect Ma Zhong and the issuance certificate of passing the initial test a few days ago.

The official of Shangshutai glanced at Qieran County and Qieran County where his household registration is, and then at Yan Yu, and waved his hand to let him pass through the Duanmen.

Yan Yu walked through the corridor for more than ten steps, and suddenly he saw soldiers standing guard on the Duanmen Square, and there were more than a hundred tables in the center, more than one meter apart, arranged in an orderly manner.

Yan Yu had heard before that the re-examination was invigilated by today's son himself. He sneaked a few glances, but he was nowhere to be seen, but he didn't have time to think about it. Instead, he looked down at the table with his number and name on it, and then sat down quietly.

A moment later, Yan Yu heard footsteps, turned his head and saw that it was the emperor he had just been looking for.

Liu Chan walked up to the scholar Xiaolian, looked around at everyone, and said with a smile: "You are the pillars of the country, and I am very happy to see you. I hope you can perform well today and stop studying hard in the past!"

"No!" Yan Yu and the others got up and shouted with cupped hands.

Liu Chan knelt and sat on the imperial couch, while Li Fu sat on his left hand.

As soon as the time came, the servant of Shangshu shot Li Fu to stand up and salute Liu Chan, then signaled the officials of Shangshutai to distribute the test papers, and then he himself entered the crowd and read out the precautions loudly.

Yan Yu took the test paper made of scarf and silk distributed by the officials, thanked him, and looked down at the content of the test paper.

After Li Fu finished reading out the precautions, Yan Yu let out a sigh of relief. The test paper did not exceed his expectations, and he was taking the civil affairs test, not Confucianism.

The content of the civil and official examination papers is mainly based on Legalism, such as "Guanzi", "Shang Jun Shu", "Shu Ke", etc.; Confucianism is supplemented, and the proportion of modern classics and ancient classics is about the same.

There is no doubt that the examination papers of civil and official affairs clearly contain the ruling ideas of Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang, which are also the mainstream thinking of the ruling class of Ji Han.

Legalists are divided into Qi Legalists, Qin Legalists, and Jin Legalists. Qin Legalists are represented by Shang Yang and Han Feizi; Qi Legalists are represented by Guan Zhong and Jiang Ziya; Jin Legalists are represented by Shi Gai (Fan Xuanzi) .

Qin Fa and Jin Fa came from the same lineage, and they were called Qin Jin Legalists in ancient times. Qin Jin Legalists were respected by Qin and Han dynasties since Shang Yang's reform.

After Qin ruled the six kingdoms, Qi Fa was no longer widely circulated in the world, but was only spread among scholars in Qingzhou and Xuerzhou, Shandong Peninsula. Zhuge Liang, who was born in Langya County, Xuzhou (Linyi City, Shandong Province), undoubtedly absorbed the Qi Fa thought headed by Guan Zhong .

But what is interesting is that Cao Cao, who unified the north, admired the legalists of Qin and Jin.

Yan Yu, who specializes in Legalism, naturally knows this. Although he is from Qieran County and Qilan County on his household registration, he is actually from Nanjun County, Jingzhou. His father is Yan Zhi, the former prefect of Brazil. During the Yiling War, he He once sent troops to support the front line, but Ma Zhong, the prefect of Zangcang County, was the leader.

It is a pity that Yan Zhi passed away a few years ago, leaving him alone with his mother, wife and children in Brazil County, Yan Yu has no relatives.

When Ma Zhong, the prefect of Zangcang County at that time, heard about it, he brought Yan Yu's family to Zangcang County, and planned to conscript him as a county meritorious officer in order to repay Yan Zhi's kindness in his nomination.

However, when the imperial court abolished the right of the county guard to confiscate official positions above the meritorious level of the county, and the power was transferred to the central government, even the prime minister Zhuge Liang himself gave up the right to expropriate and open the government. How dare ordinary county guards resist.

Yan Yu's dream of becoming an official was dashed, and only the junior officials in the county wanted to become an official. However, the junior officials worked hard and their income was meager, so how could they support the whole family.

But fortunately, at the same time that the imperial court abolished the prefecture’s expropriation power, it also issued an edict to expand the number of filial piety. Every county with a population of 50,000 people can enlist one person every year, and counties with less than [-] people can also elect one person as filial piety.

Zangcang County, with a population of less than [-], also got the opportunity to be a Xiaolian. After careful consideration, Yan Yu decided to become a naturalized Zangcang County, and asked Ma Zhong to be named Xiaolian, so that he could go to Chengdu to participate in the selection test.

Yan Yu, who got his wish, took the advantage of being a Jingzhou scholar, and knew better than other Yizhou scholars what family thought the current emperor and the prime minister valued in governing the country.

Only the Legalists, what is the most important thing for the Legalists, even the Legalists!
Yan Yu was full of confidence, picked up the pen to write, and immersed himself in the sea of ​​questions.

Seeing the start of the re-examination, Liu Chan got up and walked around the examination room with his hands behind his back, for fear of alarming the examinees.

Liu Chan looked down at the test paper of the scholar on the left hand side, and saw that it was Confucianism, so he knew that he was probably from Bashu.

Scholars in Jingzhou mostly studied literature and official subjects, while scholars in Bashu mostly studied Confucianism.

This is not a coincidence, but Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang thought of it at the beginning of the design.

Most of the places in Bashu advocate Jinwen Confucianism, such as Qin Mi, Du Qiong, Zhou Qun, and other older Bashu scholars mostly study Jinwen Confucianism. Of course, a small number of young students do not like Jinwen, and deliberately go out of Shu to Jingzhou and Guanzhong. Learn ancient scriptures.

Um!Liu Chan's own good friend Qiao Zhou is a master of ancient Chinese and modern classics in the Three Kingdoms.

Many of the foreign Lao Liu and Jingzhou scholars studied ancient Chinese classics. For example, the Spring and Autumn Period when the second master Guan Yu studied was ancient Chinese classics; Prime Minister Zhuge Liang was also a scholar of ancient Chinese classics, including Lao Liu and Liu Chan himself. .

Bashu scholars do not like Jingzhou outsiders can understand that the governance and academic philosophy of the ruling class does not match the majority of Bashu scholars, and there is no difference between the two.

After Lao Liu's death, Liu Chan has continued to ease this tense relationship since he ascended the throne.

First, Liu Chan set up the Wudan Academy to attract scholars of modern classics to settle in, and at the same time gave Bashu scholars the opportunity to contact ancient scholars of classics.

Second, introduce a new system of Yangjia, expand the number of filial piety and honesty, and let Shu scholars take the exam.

After all, examinations are the best way to force scholars to accept different ideas, so that they can identify with and understand the ideology of the ruling class.

However, in order to ensure better implementation of the policy, two subjects are selected for the test.Liu Chan deliberately left a way for Bashu scholars. Confucianism is mainly based on modern texts and classics, supplemented by ancient prose, and also has a bit of legalist thought, making it the first choice for Bashu scholars.

The civil and official department is undoubtedly designed to be the first choice subject for scholars in Jingzhou or a small number of scholars in Bashu.

Liu Chan stood for a while, seeing that what the Bashu scholar said was empty, he shook his head secretly.So he continued to walk forward, hoping to discover talented people all the way, but when he saw a scholar's paper, Liu Chan suddenly stopped and checked the content carefully.

When Yan Yu was about to take up his pen to answer the question, he realized that there was a person next to the case looking at his paper. He looked up and was stunned for a moment.

Yan Yu was startled, his mind went blank, he didn't know if he needed to salute, and he froze instantly.

Seeing this, Liu Chan started to move the test paper to check his name.

Seeing that it was Yan Yu, Liu Chan was stunned for a while, then smiled lightly, and left with his hands behind his back.

(End of this chapter)

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