Chapter 182
On the tower of Nanzheng City, looking around, there is a peaceful scene. People outside the city are working in the fields, and the city is peaceful.

It has completely disappeared from the depression of Cao Cao after he moved to the emigration more than ten years ago.Moreover, with the recovery of Longyou and the pacification of the turmoil in various places, Yizhou merchants flocked to the north, intending to buy and exchange Longyou livestock with the things in Sichuan.

On the city wall, Liu Chan walked around the city, followed by more than a dozen civil and military ministers including Zhuge Liang, Lu Yi (yi), Zhao Yun, and Wu Yi.

"I once heard that Zhang Lu ruled Hanzhong with a population of more than 200,000 people. Although we can't see the prosperity of the past today, we can still get a glimpse of the past from the prosperous scene today!" Liu Chan said with emotion to Lu Yi who was behind him.

Lv Yi was a step behind, with his attendant beside him, and regretfully replied: "Your Majesty, the land of Hanzhong was very prosperous in the past. Liang, Long and Qiang were in chaos, and tens of thousands of people went south to escape the war. With a population of [-], the three eastern counties were established and then divided into tens of thousands, and the population of Hanzhong County today is only [-], which is less than half of what it used to be."

Liu Chan pointed to the farmland and houses in the distance outside the city, and praised: "Hanzhong County used to be the place where the Han and Wei Dynasties were handed over, and the city where soldiers fought and fought. The scenery today is all thanks to Ji Yang's hard work!"

Hearing this, Lu Yi replied modestly: "The former prefect Wei Wenchang also made meritorious deeds, not the merits of the minister alone. Besides, the land of Hanzhong is known as the 'Land of Abundance' (Note ①). , calm people's minds, encourage the people to cultivate and prolong their descendants, and their prosperity will be restored!"

"Ji Yang is too modest, if governance is as easy as you say, Yizhou would have been governed long ago!" Liu Chan laughed.

After a pause, Liu Chan turned to Zhuge Liang and asked, "What do you think the Prime Minister thinks about Hanzhong being ruled by Ji Yang?"

Zhuge Liang took the words, stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Ji Yang doesn't need to be modest, the raising of food and grass for the Northern Expedition is also thanks to Ji Yang's help."

"However, I heard that Ji Yang's law enforcement is strict and the common people don't like it. Is there such a thing?" Liu Chan asked, changing the subject.

Lu Ai was not panicked, and reported to Liu Chan very calmly: "Your Majesty, Hanzhong is located at the junction of Han and Wei. There are many spies from the state of Wei, and the Wei army often sends small groups of troops to harass Hanzhong."

"That's why I enforce the law strictly to reassure the people; if there are rioters during the period, I have to impose heavy penalties to deter lawbreakers."

After finishing speaking, Lu Yi hesitated for a while, then cupped his hands and said: "As for some 'common people' who don't like it, I don't care. Minister Lu Yi is worthy of His Majesty, and I am worthy of the people in the county, that's enough!"

Liu Chan patted Nanzheng's thick female wall, and said with emotion: "Of course I know what you say from the bottom of your heart. Who is the person who doesn't like you? I also know."

"Qing enforces the law impartially, strictly abides by the laws of Shuke, and employs civil officials and local officials, so that the powerful and powerful will not dare to bend the law. How can I not know?"

"Your life is frugal, modest and reticent, and makes unruly villains afraid to get close, how can I not know?"

"Your administration is concise, official affairs are never delayed, and the people are not constrained by complicated administration, praise him, how can I not know!"

Liu Chan's three rhetorical questions were deafening and resounded in the hearts of everyone present.

Looking at Liu Chan's back, Lu Yi felt mixed emotions in his heart. He didn't expect that the emperor of Han knew so much about what he did, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart.

Lu Yi bent down, cupped his hands and replied: "I am ashamed of what your Majesty said, but I am only doing my best for the public!"

Liu Chan turned around and helped Lu Yi up, and said, "Ji Yang, there is something wrong with governing Hanzhong. The next day, you will be on the stage and become a prime minister, and you don't know!"

The emperor's words were both encouraging and expecting. Lu Yi was slightly happy, but continued to express his humility.

Liu Chan stepped forward again, pointed at the black spot in the distance, and asked, "Is this city the Le City? When was it built?"

Zhao Yun and Wang Ping took a few steps forward and approached Liu Chan, but they were one step behind Liu Chan.

Zhao Yun followed the trend, cupped his hands and replied, "Exactly. The original name of this city is Chenggu City. After the Battle of Hanzhong, the late emperor sent Liu Feng to build it (Note ②), but it was not very complete. Half a decade ago, the chariots The general discussed with the humble ministers to rebuild the cities of Hanzhong to prepare for the Wei army."

Liu Chan frowned and asked: "The defense of Hanzhong is detailed, you can explain it in detail."

Zhao Yun took out the map of Hanzhong from his pocket, and Wang Ping stepped forward to help Zhao Yun spread the map and block the sunlight for Liu Chan.

Zhao Yun pointed to the east and west sides of the map, and said: "The east and west wings of Hanzhong, the east wing is the Golden City, which was built by Zhang Lu; , Akasaka, Baozhong, Wuxing and other cities blocked the entrances of the Qinling Mountains. We stationed troops at the entrances to defend against foreign enemies, and if Cao Wei came to attack, they would not be able to enter."

Zhao Yun raised his eyes to look at Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang, and seeing them nodding repeatedly, he continued in a clear voice, "However, there are some modifications to this method. After discussing with the generals and ministers, the new city will either be abandoned or rebuilt."

"Please speak!" Liu Chan said.

Zhao Yun pointed at the map and said in an orderly manner, "Your Majesty, please see that the defense of Akasaka City was originally from the enemy, but now Ankang County has returned to our army. Xiaoxing built Xiguan, and Akasaka City can be destroyed. The enemy, today's enemy lies in Chencang Road, so Wuxing City can be abolished, and Beichuan City (later Fengxian County) can be built in the northeast of Hui County, in the land of Beichuan River."

"Finally, Hancheng and Lecheng will be built, and troops will be stationed in these two new cities. If the Wei army invades and the defenders of the various roads are defeated, they can send troops from the two cities to rush to the various directions of the roads and passes for timely assistance."

Liu Chan nodded in thought for a while, turned his head to Zhuge Liang, and asked, "Father Xiang, what is the way to prevent this?"

Zhuge Liang stroked his beard, pondered for a moment, and said with a smile: "Shan, Gongheng and Zilong re-determined the defense method of Hanzhong. There is no flaw in it. They have a secret strategy (Note ③), and just wait for the thugs to come to the door."

"Zhao Qing, has there been any changes in Cao Wei recently?" Liu Chan patted the thick female wall, looking north, and asked.

"I would like to inform your Majesty that Wei General Cao Zhen has repaired granaries in various places in Guanzhong since he withdrew his troops, hoarded grain and grass from Hedong and Hebei. He also recruited soldiers to join the army in various places in Guanzhong and practiced battle formation diligently. I thought that Cao Zhen was about to move, so he left Ni. It's not far from Wei Jubing's attack!" Zhao Yun reported.

Liu Chan looked at Zhao Yun, and said: "Qing Zhao sends more spies into the pass. When Cao Wei raises his troops, he must be aware of their movements and not be fooled by them."

"No!" Zhao Yun replied in a deep voice.

"Zijun, General Zuo (Zhao Yun) is old, don't let him work too hard, and I hope you can help General Zuo a lot." Liu Chan told Wang Ping, saying.

"No!" Wang Ping replied respectfully.

"There are three lovers in Hanzhong, so I can rest easy! Tomorrow I will continue my journey back to my teacher." Liu Chan laughed.
①The Land of Abundance was first Guanzhong where the Qin State was located; later Qin took Hanzhong, which was also known as the Land of Abundance; and then Qin went to Chengdu, and Li Bing built Dujiangyan, and Chengdu was called the Land of Abundance.

②"Minutes of Reading History and Fangyu·Shaanxi Five": "South City was built by Shu Han general Liu Feng."

③ "Book of Changes": "Heavy gates are opened to wait for the thieves." Many gates are built, and patrols are carried out at night to prevent the invasion of thieves.

(End of this chapter)

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