Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 179 Zhuge Jin Envoy Han

Chapter 179 Zhuge Jin Envoy Han

In the seventh year of Huangwu in the Eastern Wu Dynasty, it was May and midsummer.

Several months have passed since the Battle of Shiting. The Battle of Shiting was a rare victory for the Soochow Wu. It wiped away the shadow of Cao Wei's deployment of heavy troops in the Jianghuai area in one fell swoop.

Within a few months, Grand Sima Cao Xiu, Yuzhou Inspector Jia Kui, and later General Zhu Ling died of illness one after another. Cao Wei was seriously injured in Jianghuai, and the pressure on Soochow was greatly reduced.

Thanks to Meng Da's rebellion, Sima Yi had to spend a month to pacify the three eastern counties.At the same time, Jingzhou entered winter, and the water in winter was shallow, making it difficult for Cao Wei's navy ships to move, so the attack on Wu from Jingzhou was suspended.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Han Huang Quan sent troops to Guanzhong, Zhuge Liang sent troops to Longyou; Zhang Yun led some Jingzhou soldiers to Yong and Liang, and Wei State completely put aside the matter of attacking Wu and turned to attack Han.

Soochow also completely got rid of the side effects caused by the surprise attack on Guan Yu and the annexation of Jingzhou.Sun Quan withstood the pressure and led Soochow to fight year after year, completing the settlement of foreign enemies time and time again.

The Shu Han negotiated peace and friendship, Cao Wei, Jiang Huai's vitality was seriously injured, and Jiangdong's pressure was greatly reduced.

Under such a background, foreign enemies dissipated, internal Sun authority prestige reached its peak, and Soochow gradually completed the transformation of the Huaisi military group into the local gentry of Jiangdong.

Sun Quan was full of hesitation, thinking about Liu Chan's promise to become emperor, his heart itched unbearably.

Sun Quan's desire to proclaim himself emperor, such as "Sima Zhao's heart, is known to all passers-by", is known not only within Soochow, but also by people of insight all over the world.

As early as when Cao Pi accepted Zen to proclaim himself emperor, and Lao Liu proclaimed emperor, Sun Quan had the intention of arrogating, but because he was still in a small position, he could not impress the crowd, and there were strong enemies outside, so he did not dare to think too much.

For many years, Sun Quan crazily suppressed his ambition to become emperor, and at the same time, he was troubled by the legitimacy of his own regime.

Cao Pi established the country and proclaimed himself emperor in the way of Confucian "abdication", and occupied the "Kyushu" of the Central Plains, which has occupied legal and geographical orthodoxy; In the 26th year of Jian'an "inherited the great Han Guozuo, and also occupied the orthodoxy in name and blood.

Originally, Sun Quan wanted to find another way, choosing the theory of destiny and prophecy to promote the legitimacy of proclaiming emperor.

But all these troubles dissipated in 228 AD. Liu Chan ordered Deng Zhi to go to Soochow to give Sun Quan the legitimacy of the throne and encourage Sun Quan to send troops.

In the city of Wuchang, Wu Wang Sun Quan and several confidant ministers were having a feast, watching the emotions revealed by him, they looked very happy.

Sun Quan summoned important officials to meet with him and held a banquet to entertain them. On the surface, he was looking for fun, but in fact he was discussing his proclaiming himself emperor.

Sun Quan pretended to be preoccupied, as if his mouth was delicious, like something hard to swallow, and he sighed from time to time to show everyone.

His confidant Zhuge Jin looked at Sun Quan, pretended to be puzzled, and asked, "Could it be that today's dishes are not to the king's liking?"

As soon as he said this, Sun Quan saw that everyone at the banquet stopped their chopsticks and looked at him, shaking his head depressed, and said: "Today's dishes are very delicious."

"Oh! I don't know why Your Majesty is bothered?" Zhuge Jin asked curiously.

Sun Quan sighed, looked around at the crowd, and said, "I miss Shu Han too!"

Zhu Ran put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked puzzled, and asked in puzzlement: "Now the Shu Han has captured the land of the seven counties, and with the land of Longyou, the tiger is watching Guanzhong, and the power is shaking the world. The Northern Expedition of the Shu Han is going well, why is the king upset by it? Besides, the Shu Han lives in the northwest, far away from me, Soochow, so why worry?"

Sun Quan hesitated for a while, then sighed, "It's not because of the Shu Han war!"

Zhu Ran was thoughtful, and with his king's character of no benefit, it was impossible to worry about the military success of the Shu Han. Then only the Shu Han 'owed' the king. After all, there was Jingzhou in the front and other lands in the back. Not surprisingly.

Zhu Ran also took advantage of the situation and accompanied Sun Quan in acting, and asked curiously: "Why is Your Majesty worried? I am willing to go through fire and water to relieve Your Majesty's worries."

Sun Quan caressed his beard and fell into deep thought. He looked at Zhu Ran and said slowly, "Yifeng (Zhu Ran's character) is loyal and lonely. To tell you the truth, Deng Zhi, the envoy sent by the Shu Han to visit Wu last year, promised that if Wu Guo sent troops to Huaisi, Afterwards, the Shu Han was willing to give Gu the etiquette of proclaiming himself emperor."

As soon as this remark came out, the people at the banquet were alarmed by it. They whispered to each other and talked a lot. They couldn't believe that the Shu Han would promise to proclaim the emperor's etiquette.

Zhuge Jin was 'surprised' at first, with a look of surprise on his face, and then he was 'doubted', and asked, "This is a happy event. I don't know why the king is troubled. Could it be that the Shu Han is unwilling to promise?"

Sun Quan put down his wine glass, stroked his beard and shook his head, and said slowly and peacefully: "The Shu Han has not spoken to Gu Gu, and he is unwilling to agree to this contract. Gu is just worried that the Shu Han will now go east and seek west to seize the land of the seven counties of Longyou and Xicheng. The power is soaring, I am afraid that the contract will not be agreed."

Lu Xun, who had been on the sidelines for a long time, digested the shocking news, pondered for a while, and said: "The king's worries are not unreasonable, but I think the Shu Han should agree."

"I don't know Bo Yan's assertion now?" Sun Quan asked curiously.

Lu Xun thought for a while, then slowly explained: "The world is divided into three, Wei is strong, and Wu and Shu are weak. Only when Wu and Shu are in harmony can we resist Cao Wei. How can Zhuge Liang not know?"

"Although the Shu Han seized the land of Longyou, in this land of Longyou, there was Qiang rebellion first, and then Ma Chao's rebellion. After a long period of war, the people fled and the people's livelihood declined. The number of household registrations must not be large. How can we help? "

Lu Xun analyzed one by one and said: "And after the Three Kingdoms War, the minister asserted that Wei will raise heavy troops to attack Shu soon. So at this time, Shu Han will offend Wu Guo?"

Sun Quan stroked his beard in thought, nodded again and again, and said, "Bo Yan's words are reasonable, and Gu Shen believes it!"

Zhu Ran glanced at Lu Xun, took advantage of the situation and said to Sun Quan: "I can send soldiers to station in the Xinling area to intimidate the Shu Han; and then send envoys to visit Shu, according to the terms of the contract."

Hearing this, Lu Xun stood up abruptly, and remonstrated, "Your Majesty, you can't do it! You can't use force in this contract. I think that Lord Liu's promise of etiquette has been criticized a lot. If at this time, our country of Wu uses military force to overwhelm the Shu Han and demand etiquette , there will be a lot of uproar in the country, and Liu Zhu is forced to make domestic remarks, which may backfire."

Zhu Ran snorted softly, although the two had a good relationship before and joined hands to fight against Liu Bei in the battle of Yiling; but as Lu Xun's status gradually surpassed Zhu Ran's over the past few years, Zhu Ran gradually became dissatisfied with Lu Xun.

Sun Quan knelt upright, raised his hand as a signal, and asked, "I don't know what Bo Yan thinks should be done?"

Lu Xun frowned and thought for a while, then cupped his hands and replied: "I think we should do the opposite, transfer the guards and soldiers from Xinling, and let the Shu Han know the friendship between our country and Wu; then send envoys to visit Shu, and use the full agreement .”

Sun Quan couldn't make up his mind for a while, and asked, "I don't know what Ziyu (Zhuge Jin) thinks?"

Zhuge Jin got up and replied respectfully: "I think Bo Yan's words are justified, so you can act according to Bo Yan's words."

Sun Quan looked at Zhuge Jin with a smile, and said, "Good! I don't know that Ziyu is willing to take on this important task and go to Shu Han. One is to use the full contract; the other is to gather with your brother and your son to complete your family joyous."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I am willing to take on this important task and fulfill my mission!" Zhuge Jin replied.

(End of this chapter)

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