Chapter 160 fierce battle
Cao Wei's army rolled forward, converging into dense forests of spears and halberds. The Wuwei Battalion had covered the entire front, and the entire army formation was silent. Cao Wei's soldiers, good and bad, were lined up behind to strengthen the army.

The battle drums in the Wei army sounded, and the warriors with bare upper body held up the drumsticks and beat the war drums fiercely, and the thick war drums echoed throughout the battlefield.

Numerous Wei soldiers responded and shouted: "Wan Sheng!"

Sitting on the commander's platform, Zhang Yun couldn't help but nodded when he saw that the army's morale was available. Although there was no victory last night, a series of rewards and punishments also boosted the morale of the Wei army.It's just that if the two armies fall into a bitter battle, it may be difficult for the soldiers to persevere, but the same may be true for the Han army at that time.

But even though he thought so in his heart, Zhang Xi still couldn't restrain his worries about today's situation. He led the elite Wei army, and even Liang and Long soldiers assisted in the battle. The land of Wei will surrender to Shu Han like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Zhang He let out a long breath, and turned his head to look at the tiger and leopard cavalry. The key to today's battle is whether the tiger and leopard cavalry can successfully break into the enemy's formation.

Zhang He was sure, and waved the flag in his hand.




The sound of the desolate horn resounded through the river valley, echoing continuously in the enclosed space.

The yellow flag of the Wei army was flying, and the Wei army rushed towards the Han army in a dark manner.The soldiers of the Han army also came towards each other without showing any weakness, sweeping forward like a raging tide.

"Raise your shield!"

Countless generals of the two armies shouted almost simultaneously.

Countless elites in front of the two armies immediately raised their large shields and walked forward slowly. The forest of spears and spears behind them began to shake violently.

Afterwards, countless feathered arrows shot out from the formation of the two armies, either hitting the shields, or being flying by the fiercely swung bullets, or being bitten by the armor of the Han soldiers. The dense arrow rain did not give the elite armor of the two armies taxis cause trouble.

When the two armies were thirty paces apart, the drums of battle suddenly sounded loudly in their respective formations.

"Recover the Han Dynasty!"

"Recover the Han Dynasty!"

Li Qian held up the Han spear and shouted, and then hundreds of soldiers of the Han army shouted in unison.

In the next moment, the fiery red torrent hit the yellow tide. Amidst the sound of the majestic bugle, the soldiers of the Han army surged with adrenaline, defying life and death, and fought hand-to-hand with the Wei army.

The soldiers in the front row of the Han army raised their shields, ran and charged up, and slammed into the shield wall of the Wei army.Those of the Wei army who were weak in strength raised their shields and retreated a few steps, and the soldiers of the Han army took advantage of the situation and rushed into the formation.

Li Qian shook the spear lightly in his hand, and the spear trembled accordingly, making a buzzing sound.

The spear twisted and shook violently like a strange python, and a Wei army commander fell to the ground and died, but behind him dozens of Wei army soldiers rushed to Li Qian fearlessly, trying to avenge the commander.Li Qian had no choice but to retreat to the queue, not daring to advance rashly.

In an instant, the screams of the soldiers of the two armies came one after another, mixed with the sound of the majestic bugle, reverberating in the valley.Countless blood spurted out in bursts, flowing to the desolate land, and the land was full of scarlet color.

It can be said to be: a majestic formation, thousands of people line up, the brave will not be the first, and the timid will not be behind.

Cong guns poked, Cong guns stabbed, slashed with random knives, and killed him indiscriminately.

Just rushing in together, it's hard to change hands, how can you move left and right.

If one person looks back, the crowd will be suspicious, if one person shifts an inch, the crowd will also lose their minds, how can they tolerate advance or retreat. (Note ①)

In the Wei army formation, Xia Houba was very worried about the scorching situation.He knew very well that if the Wei army could not break the deadlock and fell into a hard fight, even though there were tigers and leopards riding around, the army would be in danger.Today is different from the past, the Wuwei battalion has been physically and mentally exhausted after days of fierce fighting. If it weren't for the powerful soldiers in the world, and the fact that their relatives are all in Luoyang, they might have already collapsed.

The Wuwei Battalion collapsed, how could the rest of the army resist the attack of the Han soldiers.After a few days of fighting, although Zhang He didn't say it clearly, Xia Houba already understood the strategy of the Han general Wang Ping.

Although the soldiers of the Han army are elite, they are not as good as the Wuwei camp. Therefore, Wang Ping used the number of his elite soldiers to consume and drain the Wuwei camp at the beginning, so as to win the victory with one blow. Therefore, the battle is of great significance. Leopard cavalry launched an attack.

Although Xiahouba's father, Xiahouyuan, was beheaded by Huang Zhong because he came before the battle, he didn't feel afraid at all.On the contrary, he often gritted his teeth, hoping to get revenge. Now that the enemy is in front of him, how can he be afraid.

Xia Houba knew that if he wanted to encourage the soldiers to charge bravely at this time, the best way was for the generals to step forward in person.

Regardless of the obstruction of his personal guards, Xia Houba held the ring-shoudao, took the lead, and stepped forward!

Xia Houba sideways passed the stabbing spear, with a ferocious face, swiped his knife across the Han soldier's throat, cutting the arteries and trachea, and the fishy blood spattered out from the throat.

Many soldiers in the Wuwei battalion suddenly cheered loudly when they saw Xia Houba's figure killing the enemy in front of the battle.

Your Majesty's family has already entered the battle, and we, the soldiers of the imperial army, can still be afraid?
The morale of the soldiers of the Wuwei Battalion was instantly boosted, and they swung their swords vigorously to fight forward.

"Keep moving forward and break through the enemy's formation!" Xiahouba shouted to the Wei army officers and soldiers, holding up his ring sword.

"Follow the general! Continue to charge!" Wei Jun soldiers shouted in response.

At this time, the first queue of the Han army had been broken through, and the Wei soldiers headed by Xia Houba were embedded in the second queue.

During the fierce battle, Wang Ping had already stepped up from the central army to supervise the battle. Seeing the change in the front line, he frowned and asked, "Where is General Cuan?"

"General Cuan has led his personal guards to fight." The scout said.

Wang Ping pointed his finger at the scout, his eyes were stern, and he ordered: "Order Hongqi to move forward ten steps."

The scouts sent messages to the nearby soldiers, and they all shouted loudly: "The general has an order, the red flag moves forward ten steps."

The rear of the Han army heard the sound and moved forward ten steps. The Chinese army pushed forward and moved forward ten steps.The soldiers in the front row instantly felt a pushing force from back to front, forcing them to go forward to kill the enemy.

Cuan Xi didn't know that this was Wang Ping's strategy to force the front army to attack, so he couldn't help raising his spear and roaring, "Everyone, follow me and charge forward!"

Cuan Xi swung his spear left and right to block the arrows, and led his soldiers to go straight to Xiahouba.

Xiahouba swung his saber to kill vigorously. Seeing that he was about to decapitate the Han soldier in front of him again, he suddenly felt a gust of wind howling, and he subconsciously took a step back and turned sideways.

In the next moment, a long spear passed in front of his heart, the tip of the spear scraped violently against the armor, the blade of the breastplate collapsed, and a string of sparks flashed behind him.

Xia Houba took several steps back, looking at the incoming Cuan Xi with lingering fear.

Xia Houba took the hook inlaid from the guard, strode forward, swung the saber with his right hand, and held the hook inlaid in his left.

Xiahouba's hook was inserted to block the thrust of the long spear, and the ring-headed knife followed the direction of the iron spear and slashed back.

There was a flash of cold light, and the long knife slashed down the gun shaft as fast as lightning, and it only took half a breath to cut off Cuan Xi's fingers.

However, this knife was useless, Cuan Xi dropped the gun with his right hand, took the gun barrel with his left hand, took a step back, and opened the distance.

Xia Houba and Cuan Xi looked at each other, seeing that the Han army was regrouping and approaching again, they were so aggressive that they did not dare to stay, so they withdrew to the main force.
① This passage is from Qi Jiguang's "Ji Xiao New Book"

(I asked for leave yesterday, and I will make up for it. From then until the end of the month, I will try my best to change it three times a day!)

(End of this chapter)

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