Chapter 127 Three Kingdoms Melee
In September, Da Sima and Yangzhou Mu Caoxiu, while preparing the army for war, played a table to Cao Rui, saying: "Poyang prefect Zhou Bing raised his troops and surrendered. If Poyang can be used as the foundation, it can avoid the elite Dongwu navy and go straight to the hinterland of Jiangdong."

In October, after Cao Rui discussed the military attitude towards Han, he urgently discussed the matter of Grand Sima Cao Xiu's southern expedition to Soochow, and the ministers discussed it a lot.

Before Cao Rui looked at the list, he had deep doubts about Zhou Bing's fraudulent surrender, but after looking at the list, he firmly believed in it.Zhou Bream was reprimanded by Sun Quan for his disadvantage in conquering Peng Qi. At the same time, many Shang Shulang came to ask him to be accountable, so Zhou Bream apologized.Zhou Brem did it for the fake show, and even told Cao Xiu all the important defenses in the south of the Yangtze River.

Cao Rui thought for a long time, and finally agreed to Cao Xiu's expedition due to two reasons.

First, it is attracted by the huge rewards behind it. If Poyang can be occupied, the Soochow Yangtze River will have no natural moats, and it will only be a matter of time before Soochow is destroyed.

Second, Cao Rui, as a bright master with great ambitions, also wants to do something to establish his prestige in the country.Of course, there are still some of them who can't hold back Cao Xiu's opinion.

In October of the same year, shortly after the listing, Cao Xiu led Jianwu general Wang Ling, Langya prefect Sun Li and other generals, and led 100,000 infantry and cavalry to Wancheng to meet Zhou Dory.

At the same time, Cao Rui ordered Hushi General Sima Yi to go from Wancheng to Jiangling; Yuzhou Inspector Jia Kui, former General Man Chong, and later General Zhu Ling and others traveled from Xiyang to Dongguan.

Jia Kui on the East Road, Cao Xiu on the Middle Road, and Sima Yi on the West Road totaled 200,000 troops and marched southward.

In order to ensure the stability of Guanzhong, Cao Rui transferred the general Cao Zhen to replace Xia Houmao to guard Guanzhong and prevent Zhuge Liang's northern expedition.

At the same time, Sun Quan urgently ordered Fuguo General and Jingzhou Mu Luxun, Fenwu General Zhu Huan, Suinan General Quan Cong and others to gather in Wancheng.

Not afraid of danger, Sun Quan went to Wancheng in person, appointed Lu Xun as the governor, and led his generals to meet Cao Xiu.

Sun Quan granted Lu Xun the right to fake a yellow battle-axe, to command the soldiers and horses of the whole country, including his own central forbidden army, and to "take charge of the king's affairs", and handed over the full power of the war against Wei to Lu Xun.In order to improve Lu Xun's prestige, Sun Quan personally drove for Lu Xun and ordered all officials to bow down.

Lu Xun, Zhu Huan, and Quan Cong had a total of about 100,000 people.

Sun Quan then left the front line and returned to Wuchang, seemingly afraid that his "excellent military talent" would affect Lu Xun's use of troops.

Cao Xiu has a strong temperament and is determined to destroy Soochow in his lifetime.When Cao Pi went south, Cao Xiu even planned to give up his life and cross the Yangtze River by force, but fortunately his generals refused to follow orders.

That's why Cao Xiu ordered the whole army to rush day and night, arrived in Lujiang County first, ignored Sun Li's advice, and left Jia Kui's army on the East Road behind, and marched alone.

But Sima Yi received news from Jiangxia County that a large number of Wu troops were found near Anlu.

After Sima Yi heard about it, he knew something was wrong. At this time, Cao Xiu's army was in Jianghuai, so how could Soochow divide its troops to attack Anlu.Sima Yi hurriedly passed the news back to Luoyang.

In November, Cao Rui urgently summoned Shangshu Jiang Ji to enter the palace. Jiang Ji said: "Da Sima's army is going deep alone, and Zhu Ran's garrison upstream may cut off Da Sima's retreat at any time. And at this time our army has arrived in Lujiang County. Dividing troops to attack Anlu is to confuse us and turn your majesty's attention to Jingzhou. At this time, the main force of the Wu army must be in Jianghuai, and the chief minister is in danger. Please send troops for help."

Cao Rui suddenly came to his senses, and immediately ordered Sima Yi to stop marching and station on the spot; he also ordered Jia Kui to quickly lead his army eastward to meet Cao Xiu.

At the same time, in November, Liu Chan went to Hanzhong in the name of supervising the war, and Zhuge Liang went out of the city to meet him in person.

Not long after Liu Chan arrived in Hanzhong, Zhuge Liang secretly sent Guo Mo to Shangyong, passing by Shen Yi in the west city (Shen Yi did not get along with Meng Da) and accidentally leaked the secret.

Guo Mo said to him: "Meng Da had written with Zhuge Liang many times, and Meng Da had sent Zhuge Liang a jade jue, woven into juice, and Su Hexiang. What does this mean? The jade jue is a plan; the weave is finished. The words and schemes have been completed; Su Hexiang, the words and deeds have been agreed. Now Meng Da intends to rebel and wants to respond to Zhuge Liang's northern expedition to Guanzhong."

Shen Yi then reported to Sima Yi, and Guo Mo ordered his entourage to report to Meng Da, saying that the news had been leaked, and hoped that Meng Da would rebel.

At this time, Sima Yi, who was going to Jiangling, received Cao Rui's edict and stationed in Xiangyang.

Sima Yi, who received Shen Yi's letter, fell into hesitation. There was Cao Xiu's war in the east and Meng Da's rebellion in the west, but now he didn't have time to think for a long time.

The letter stated: "The general had previously betrayed Liu Bei and entrusted himself to the country. His majesty will guard the important task of border defense and obtain the important task of Hanzhong and hand it over to the general. It can be said that this heart is as bright and upright as the sun. All Shu people hate the general. Now Da Sima is in Jianghuai. Victory means the collapse of Eastern Wu is imminent, and the general and I will share the wealth. Zhuge Liang wanted to conquer Guanzhong in the north, but he was afraid of the dangers of the Qinling Mountains, of the great general’s wisdom, and had no other way. What Guo Mo said was not a trivial matter. Zhuge Liang was cautious, how could he leak it easily? Get out. This is Zhuge Liang's plan to divorce, everyone knows it, please rest assured, the general, and guard Shangyong, don't let the people of Shu take advantage of it."

Sure enough, as Sima Yi expected, Meng Da, who received Sima Yi's letter, fell into a state of hesitation and hesitation again.

Meng Da wrote to Zhuge Liang: "Xiangyang is a thousand miles away from Luoyang, and it is also a thousand miles away from my new city. When Sima Yi heard that I was going to rebel, he would definitely report to Cao Rui. It would take more than a month to go back and forth continuously. Besides, Sima Yi was ordered The Southern Expedition to Dongwu is a heavy task to win and bear. The terrain of Shangyong is dangerous and remote. Sima Yi will definitely not go there in person. He will send his generals. With help, my Shangyong will be as stable as Mount Tai."

At the end of November, Hanzhong County, Nanzheng County.

Liu Chan read Meng Da's letter that had just arrived. Liu Chan, who was full of expectations, was stunned after reading the letter, and said, "Meng Da deserves more than his death. Dare to be negligent."

After finishing speaking, Liu Chan shook his head and sneered, while Zhuge Liang was full of helplessness and raised his troops to rebel. Meng Da dared to be so arrogant.

Liu Chan tapped on the table, pondered for a while, and said, "Father Xiang, order Wang Ping and Li Yan to send troops immediately."

After a pause, Liu Chan continued: "As for the Northern Expedition, I will leave it to Xiangfu."

Just when Zhuge Liang was about to answer, the attendant outside the door suddenly said: "Deng Ai, Lieutenant of Dunong School, please see me."

Liu Chan was a little surprised. Deng Aiyuan stationed troops in the area of ​​Donglang Valley, Ju County, Wudu, Mianshui, to investigate the intelligence of Longyou. Could it be that something happened in Longyou.

But Liu Chan didn't think too much, and shouted: "Show him in."
In Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition in history, the strength of the army was not clearly stated, but it can be analyzed through before and after and historical data that the army strength was about 8 to 10, but it was not elite.But through the role of the protagonist, the grassroots soldiers rescued in the Battle of Yiling, including the established Sanwei, came out of the whole country, 12 should not be an exaggeration.

Zhuge Liang also said in history, "There are more armies than thieves in Qishan and Jigu."

(End of this chapter)

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