Three Kingdoms: Ancestors of the Han Dynasty

Chapter 114 Wang Lian is seriously ill

Chapter 114 Wang Lian is seriously ill
After entering the first month, Liu Chan was finally much more relaxed because of Zhuge Liang's return to the court.However, due to continuous rain and snow in Chengdu, it was very cold outside the palace.Even if Liu Chan is free, he can only study and meet with the Han scholars.

The empty palace was very warm. There were two stoves in the palace, and the attendants would add charcoal to them from time to time, but every once in a while, Liu Chan would ask Gong'e to open the windows for ventilation.As time goes by, Huang Hao knows how to time and tell everyone to ventilate without Liu Chan's orders.

Liu Chan's feelings for Huang Hao were very complicated. When Liu Chan entered Shu, Huang Hao followed him to serve him.Huang Hao is clever and good at flattery.

In history, the original body was a favorite of Huang Hao, which led to the chaos in the late Shu Han Dynasty.It is precisely because of this emotion that Liu Chan is displeased with Huang Hao and has been very vigilant many times. Watching his behavior, he always feels that there are deep meanings.

But after getting along for a long time, Liu Chan also let go of his dissatisfaction. After all, in the final analysis, it is the original body's own problem. Liu Chan's later stage mediocrity is the cause, and Huang Hao is the result. Even if there is no Huang Hao, there are other people.

Moreover, Huang Hao has sharp eyesight, doesn't talk much, feels dissatisfaction with him, and acts more cautiously, not daring to cross the line.

At this time, Liu Chan was talking with Qiao Zhou, and the tea on the table was slightly cold, so Huang Hao went up to change the tea with discernment, and served freshly baked pastries.

"Yunnan (Qiao Zhou characters), what do you think of my Fu writing?" Liu Chan asked Qiao Zhou, handing over the scarf and silk on the case.

Qiao Zhou is still dressed plainly, with messy and greasy hair, but he doesn't care about his appearance.Therefore, Liao Li often ridiculed Qiao Zhou in private, dissatisfied with Liu Chan's kindness to Qiao Zhou.

Liu Chan loves Qiao Zhou very much. Qiao Zhou is like an introverted academic master of later generations, he is not good at speaking, but there are gaps in his heart.

Qiao Zhou swallowed the pastry in a hurry, took the towel, spread it out to read, and chanted in a low voice.

Liu Chan was not in a hurry, tasted the pastry on the table, felt that the pastry tasted very good, and asked Huang Hao, "This pastry is orange-flavored. Whose new product is it?"

Huang Hao bowed his waist and answered with a low voice: "The words of your majesty are exactly the orange flavor. But it is not a new product from the royal chef in the harem, it is made by Wang Meiren."

Liu Chan didn't continue talking, but savored the delicacy of the cakes, and then said slowly: "Send the rest of the cakes to the inner palace, and reward the prime minister and the families of all the nobles. It's better to be alone than to be happy."

Huang Hao has already seen the strangeness, and Liu Chan rewards the courtiers with delicacies in the palace every now and then to show his love.

"Yes!" Huang Hao replied.

It just so happened that after Qiao Zhou finished reading, he put down the scarf, with a look of hesitation on his face, not knowing what to say so as not to offend Liu Chan.

Seeing this, Liu Chan said with a smile: "Yunnan can just speak directly, don't I know myself?"

Qiao Zhou pondered for a moment, then said: "Your Majesty's Fu has made great progress compared to the previous ones. But it still has its shape, not its content. The words are more than gorgeous, but the artistic conception is not enough; the literary talent is more than superficial, and the rhetoric is not enough."

As Liu Chan himself said, with self-knowledge, he smiled lightly: "Yunnan is still outspoken, I like you here. I have only written Fu for more than a year, if I can write a good Fu, there is a reason!"

Hearing this, Qiao Zhou pointed to the sentence on the scarf and silk, and added: "Your Majesty's majestic spirit can also leap above it. If your majesty can learn it hard, your majesty's gift will be passed down to the world."

Hearing this, Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Yunnan doesn't have to be like this, he also wrote Xiaodao; you know my heart!" After speaking, Liu Chan raised his eyebrows.

Seeing Liu Chan expressing his feelings directly, Qiao Zhou couldn't help being a little stunned. He and Liu Chan often get along, and he also knows that Liu Chan wrote poems and studied scriptures to win over the scholars in Shuzhong.

Qiao Zhou didn't point it out, but said slowly: "Your Majesty's words are very true. Everyone in Sichuan knows that Your Majesty treats scholars with courtesy. Besides, Your Majesty improved the sentence reading (Note ①) and studied the scriptures and essays for our scholars. , Sentence clarification, very helpful."

Although Liu Chan smiled lightly on his face, he was secretly delighted in his heart.

When Liu Chan traveled back then, he got the memory of the original body, and he was still used to studying in the Han Dynasty.However, in order to show its own image as a cultural person, it still took out the punctuation marks and spread them in Wudan Academy.

Wudan scholars are not used to it when they first came into contact with it, but thanks to Qiao Zhou's vigorous promotion, it has already been accepted by all scholars.Nowadays, in the academy, when copying ancient books, they are all marked.

"National State, Dong Yun, the minister, and Huo Yi, the visitor, are asking to see you." When Liu Chan was about to talk to Qiao Zhou, the eunuch in the palace interrupted his chatter.


"Country, I will take my leave first." Seeing this, Qiao Zhou got up habitually and said with interest.

Liu Chan was not polite when he heard the words, but got up and put the remaining cakes on the plate in the basket, and handed them to Qiao Zhou.

Qiao Zhou was about to resign, Liu Chan held his hand, and said in a gentle voice: "Yunnan, don't resign, I heard that Yunan's family left early when he was young, and he was raised by Jiaci. This cake tastes very good, you can give it to Jiaci taste."

Qiao Zhou showed gratitude, bowed his head and bowed in salute, not knowing what to say, he could only murmur, "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Go slowly!" Liu Chan ordered someone to send him out of the palace.

When Huo Yi and Dong Yun met, Liu Chan restrained his expression, responded calmly, and said, "I don't know what's going on with Shao Xian and Xiu Zhao?"

Dong Yun cupped his hands at the bottom of the steps and said, "Country, I want to go to Nanzhong together with Shao Xian."

When Liu Chan heard this, he asked curiously: "Why are you waiting for the two of you to go to Nanzhong, but under the order of the prime minister?"

"The ministers and others went to Nanzhong to write the book "Yizhou Civil Affairs". When the ministers and others wrote "Yizhou Civil Affairs", they wanted to divide the four places of Ba, Shu, Hanzhong, and Nanzhong into one volume. But when Nanzhong rebelled , Chen and other five people only wrote three volumes, and the remaining Nanzhong volume has not been written yet, so the old minister and Shao Xian wanted to go to Nanzhong to write this volume." Dong Yun said with his hands clasped.

Liu Chan pondered and asked, "Where are Liao Qing and Fei Qing?"

"Recently, the inner palace is busy with affairs, and Wang Changshi (Wang Lian) is seriously ill. Due to lack of people, we asked Wen Wei to go to the inner palace to assist the director." Dong Yun said in a low voice.

Liu Chan was not surprised that Dong Yun only answered Fei Yi's whereabouts.Ever since Dong Yun and Liao Li argued with each other over whether to hold a celebration for the birth of the prince, Liao Li and Dong Yun stopped communicating.

It was the first time Liu Chan heard of Wang Lian's illness, and he was very concerned about him. He asked, "When did Wang Changshi get sick and how is his condition?"

"Two days ago, Wang Changshi contracted a cold and fell ill. The doctor said: Changshi may not be far from the end of the day, let his family members prepare for the funeral." Dong Yun replied.

Suddenly hearing that Wang Lian was seriously ill, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling sad, and said, "Oh! The man is not yet prosperous, so Wang Qing will also abandon me!"

After the Battle of Yiling, the great Han was poor and the treasury was empty. It all depended on Wang Lian's income from salt and iron. Great Han Liangchen.

"Order the Chinese medicine practitioners in the palace to go and treat them." Liu Chan instructed Huang Hao.

Liu Chan said to Dong Yun and Huo Yi again: "The journey is far away, so be careful. Although Nanzhong is settled, there are still disturbances. I asked Zijun to send guards to protect you two."

Dong Yun and Huo Yi promised to withdraw, while Liu Chan wanted to meet Zhuge Liang who had just entered the palace.
①: The symbols used to indicate sentence breaks in the Han Dynasty are "と" and "し". "と" is used to indicate a small pause, and "し" indicates a large pause. "し" and "圣" were called sentence reading by the people of the Han Dynasty.

However, these two symbols were not gradually popularized until the Song Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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