archer ferocity

Chapter 552 It's a nuisance to play SKT

Chapter 552 It's a nuisance to play SKT

The long-lost battle between China and South Korea in the S game kicked off.

Even though it is the home game in Europe, there are quite a few Korean spectators who came to the scene today.

To put it bluntly, SKT is now the hope of their entire village.

From the point of view of bp in the first game, SKT's novel tactical designs also gave the Korean audience a lot of confidence.

The LCK commentators in the commentary booth smiled brightly.

In contrast, in the commentary seat of the LPL competition area, the expressions of the three commentators are quite serious.

Putting aside the deep tactical understanding, on the surface, the Thorn Bird has suffered a lot.

"The Thorn Bird's lineup system needs rhythm, but the existence of Morgana provides a lot of obstacles for Thorn Bird's female tank with the strongest ability to seize opportunities in the mid-term."

Miller sighed.

There are only two team start points for the Thorn Bird team.

Female tank and Ornn.

From the perspective of the structure of these two heroes, it is necessary for the female tank to be the first player in the lineup.

As long as the female tank can hit the enemy first, then Ornn's second move will have a great probability of achieving good results.

However, with the appearance of Morgana, the female tank's ability to start a team in team battles has been greatly weakened. As long as SKT does not make such low-level mistakes, such as several people standing together and being bullied by the female tank If there is a full house, the difficulty for female tanks to drive people will undoubtedly increase several times.

Of course, SKT's lineup also has disadvantages, that is, they lack the means to start a team and retain players. Only relying on Morgana's lottery and Ryze's ultimate move to lead people around, the professional arena is still much more monotonous after all.

It's just that the female police system doesn't need too many groups, as long as it can protect people.

This is also the reason why SKT has enough confidence to play steadily.

"If the Thorn Bird wants to win, the initial advantage must be big enough, but it is very difficult."

Guan Zeyuan shook his head slightly.

Most viewers also don't think that Guan Zeyuan is intentionally poisoning SKT by saying this.

The fact is right in front of our eyes, it is very difficult for the Thorn Bird lineup to gain an advantage in the hands of SKT in the early stage.

Everything depends on Xiangguo's ability to find rhythm in the early stage.

Ten people from both sides quickly entered the Summoner's Canyon.

mlxg controls his own excavator, and after thinking twice, he chooses the red one.

Even if the red drive is swiped down, Ornn may be taken care of by spiders in the early stage, mlxg has to do so.

In the early stage, neither side invaded, so SKT skillfully arranged the vision around the river to avoid the possibility of mlxg's excavator finding their way into their wild area, and then going around and outflanking the bottom lane.

But Thorn Bird's response is not covered.

The policewoman and Morgana adopted a speed push method after the start.

Although this way of advancement will allow Ezreal to eat most of the minion economy, it also helps SKT easily control the lane right in the bottom lane, so that they can go to the river to set up vision to find digging after pushing the lane. machine opportunity.

In the middle lane, Faker's Ryze also adopted a laning strategy of quickly pushing the line, then pushing down three waves of soldiers, then going home to replenish the goddess tears, and then tp out.

It is worth mentioning that Kanavi's Spider Queen first appeared after reaching level 3.

He seemed to have guessed that Xiangguo would choose to open red and swipe down, so after reaching level 3, Kanavi directly chose to invade F6 on the red side, and observed the situation in the middle. In the city, Kanavi showed up from the aisle between the first tower and the second tower in the middle of the Thorn Bird, and then handed over the W skill in human form, disgusting Silas who returned to the city.

Delayed Silas' return to the city.

Although this has no substantive significance, after all, even if Silas delays time, he will not lose the line after returning to the city to TP, but this kind of disgusting move will make people feel a little uncomfortable mentally.

And once this kind of small discomfort accumulates, it may pave the way for a certain wave of team battle operation mistakes.

"In the early days, SKT's small rhythm was very good."

In the commentary seat, the baby looked at the situation in the field and frowned.

In the bottom lane, the policewoman's suppression has already caused the Thorn Bird's tower to lose a layer of tape.

In his memory, it was the first time that the Thorn Bird had lost a layer of Tapi so early.

After mlxg reached level 3, he tried to come to the bot lane to support him, but SKT's initial vision in the bot lane made it difficult for Mala Xiangguo to penetrate. Fortunately, the spider exposed his position in the middle lane, letting Mala Xiangguo know about SKT's bot lane Lu was just bluffing, forcing the SKT duo Lu to retreat, giving them a wave of pressure.

But the SKT two-player lane is not in a hurry. After all, with the characteristics of the excavator, as long as the female tank can't keep up with the control at the first time, it will be difficult for the excavator to stay alone under Morgana's E skill magic immunity shield.

"Don't panic, their vision near the river is about to disappear."

Li Luo was not in a hurry at all. From the beginning to the present, as the anti-pressure side, he only missed two small soldiers.

However, bang missed four hits in the process of trying to suppress the last hit. Obviously, this style of suppression is not suitable for bang. Even if SKT can come up with this tactical system, it is not consistent with their usual tactical system. Compared with this system, bang cannot be easily integrated into it.

Generally speaking, this kind of anti-stress Li Luo is acceptable.

And the bang that has tapas is also acceptable.

The seemingly stable game between the two sides was broken when the game time came to just over 4 minutes.

Game time is 4 minutes and 06 seconds.


When Faker's Ryze used the E skill to deal with the pawn line, the surge of spells spread to Silas who was about to step forward to the A pawn.

This insignificant spell surge gave SKT a chance.

Faker, who pretended to retreat, suddenly flashed W and directly imprisoned Xiye's Silas.

Xiye's reaction speed was really fast, and at the moment faker flashed his flash, he also handed over his flash, so the place where he was charged was at the point where his own flash landed.

But SKT's preparations are obviously relatively sufficient.

Another flash of golden light flashed, the figure of the spider appeared in the middle, and the cocoon hit Silas at the limit distance.

After the exploding spider picked up the Q skill in human form, the spider queen who transformed into a spider form bit it directly.

Faker is also very detailed in this wave of first-hand and retainer operations. His flash W is not a simple W, but also comes with a basic attack.

There was a chain reaction with the scorching effect produced by the E skill spell surge that spread to Silas, causing faker's Ryze to trigger the effect of phase rush.

Ryze, who accelerated and pressed forward, made up for the damage of a Q skill, followed by a general attack and then an E skill to continue to supplement the damage.

Silas, who had recovered his ability to move, was pulled back by E.

However, the spider queen's hanging wire followed up and blocked the possibility of Silas's escape.

In the middle, one blood broke out!

Almost three or four seconds later, a fight broke out in the bottom lane.

The field of vision that SKT arranged in the jungle area in the early stage has disappeared. Xiangguo invaded the field of vision of the lower half of the blue square from the middle lane with the scan, and scanned in a large circle and approached the bottom lane along the triangular grass.

At this moment, SKT's bottom lane duo is trying their best to push the lane, trying to push the pawn line into the defensive tower and then return to the city.

This kind of suppression must be accompanied by the risk of encountering gank.

After the Xiangguo who had already returned home once added the Deep Cold Punishment, he directly punished Morgana after going around the ground and slowed down Morgana.

Morgana, who was slowed down, could only give herself a magic immunity shield, because the frontal female tank had already pointed towards him, and at the same time, Morgana turned in her Q skill and threw it at the fragrant excavator.

However, the target of the incense pot is not him who has handed in the magic immunity shield.

Flash, top!

The flashing top of the excavator went directly towards the policewoman who released the clip on him at the side.

Accompanied by a low and muffled sound, Bang was thrown flying in response.

At the same time, Li Luo's Ezreal inserted from the side, turned in the E skill to pull in the distance, and then followed up to supplement the damage. Liu Qingsong's female tank also ignored Morgana after the E reached Morgana, as if the target was not Morgana at all. Like Na, she walked straight towards the policewoman.

The moment it landed from the air, the bang flashed.

Not only flash, but also flash and E skills.

God knows that at that moment just now, Bang's heart almost jumped out.

If it wasn't for Morgana's timely weakness that slowed down the female tank's pace by half a beat, the female tank might have reached the distance where he can flash Q control to him.

Once he is stunned by the female tank's flash Q, his female policeman will definitely die even if he handed in the flash.

It is worth mentioning that bang also gave healing before the flash, the purpose is to speed up Morgana's escape.

No one cares about Morgana, so Morgana walked towards the river the first time she was ignored by the female tank.

Trying to add a little roaming ability, so that Morgana, who won't be completely thrown off by the female tank in terms of roaming, walks on the water. The moment Morgana enters the river, her movement speed instantly becomes faster.

The Thorn Bird also upholds the concept of dodging and not killing. This wave of bot lane can play the double call of the policewoman is already a blood profit, and the blood volume of the policewoman has been suppressed to only one-third. The Thorn Bird You can take down the first earth dragon.

The effect of Earth Dragon is even more powerful for a lineup with a policewoman.

SKT obviously didn't want to give up the earth dragon, and the two who got the kill in the middle directly outflanked it, trying to limit the thorn bird's idea of ​​moving the dragon.

Li Luo went home unhurriedly.

Then... tp to the lower river grass.

This is one of the big strengths of the current version of Ezreal.

You can bring tp.

Now that this weapon is prepared to resist pressure, Li Luo's tp is also reasonable.

Ezreal, who supplemented the glory, put enough pressure on the SKT team.

The line of soldiers on the next road was pushed by the Thorn Bird, but the Thorn Bird kept an eye on it.

Because judging from the line of soldiers, this wave of thorn birds did not push it under the defensive tower.

Regardless of the team's point of view, what Thorn Bird did is obviously unreasonable. After all, once this kind of pushback line is controlled by SKT, Thorn Bird's bot lane duo will lose a lot of lanes, even in theory. Probably not even smelling the soldiers.

But considering the current situation, this kind of pushback line has put SKT in a dilemma.

The bang who went home to resupply is going to the line.

However, Silas has also been resurrected and is walking towards the dragon.

So here comes the question, if Thorn Bird insists on moving this little dragon, and SKT's middle and jungle are all there, should bang go to the bottom lane to push the lane or go to the frontal battlefield for support as soon as possible?
This is a question thrown by Thorn Bird to SKT's bottom lane duo.

Bang's expression turned ugly.

Of course he didn't believe it was caused by Li Luo's mistake.

Push back the line, push back the line, as long as he eats this wave of soldiers, his experience and economy will be a little ahead of Ezreal.

But this little dragon...they had to fight.


Bang is very aggrieved.

Looking at his teammates struggling in Xiaolongkeng, he gritted his teeth and went anyway.

Korean ad, specially for the team.

However, just as Bang was approaching the front along the triangular grass, a figure was approaching the line.

The pull of the thorn bird produced another change.

The Q skill in the excavator's burrowing mode and the W skill in the spider queen's human form have been pulling the dragon with each other.

Xiaolong was still full of blood, and neither side was beaten by Xiaolong.

However, when Silas appeared on the line, everything changed.

In addition to the excavator on Thorn Bird's side, the bottom lane duo directly chose to retreat, pretending to go to the bottom lane to join Silas, but the main purpose was to control the triangular grass in the bottom lane.

The policewoman who had just passed through the triangular grass was embarrassed.

The Thorn Bird didn't seem to want to fight the dragon anymore.

So bang wanted to go back to the bottom lane to eat the lane.

However, the triangle grass in the bottom lane was stopped, and there was still Silas in the bottom lane, so he couldn't go back the same way. If he and Morgana cooperate to go around and go back to the bottom lane, there may be very few soldiers left under this wave of towers .

"Hey, it's disgusting!"

In EDG's temporary base, Meiko smacked his lips: "As expected of Lao Li, the disgusting man has a hand. If SKT doesn't move the dragon, it will be a loss."

"The point is that they don't particularly want to take over the Thorn Bird at this time. Ryze's mana is running low, and Silas is still in full form... SKT feels like it's going to suffer from being dumb. The Thorn Bird's small operation is for SKT to operate. It's numb!"

Abu's eyes are also shining.

So creative.

Everything has two sides, and Abu knows this.

But it is still rare to see such flexible decision-making in the professional arena.

The Thorn Bird's wave can be said to have hurt the enemy one thousand and self-damaged eight hundred. After all, Li Luo also really lost his troops.

But he didn't suffer as much as the policewoman.

And Silas went to the bottom lane and cooperated with Dabo's pawn line to eat SKT's tapi in the bottom lane.

Disgusting fucking opens the door to disgusting, disgusting home!
What's even more disgusting is that when SKT gave up on Xiaolong and was about to go to the middle to fight against Celesta Pi, Aoun went to the middle and pushed the pawn line over.

Although this wave of Aoun suffered a loss in the top lane, all SKT's actions in the second half failed.

"It's annoying, faker has to go back to the middle lane to clear the line in this wave, the pawn line has already reached the tower, if he goes to clear the line, his mana, which is not a lot, will be worse, and the Thorn Bird's bot lane duo will cooperate with the jungler to take the dragon Yes, the difference is that Boorn is also here, and Silas also came over after eating the bottom road tapi, Silas in full form!"

"SKT...Xiaolong is about to give way!"

The three commentators in the commentary booth were also numb.

I used to say how good SKT's operations are.

Looking at it now, Thorn Bird is completely leading SKT by the nose!
(End of this chapter)

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