archer ferocity

Chapter 535 Adversity?

Chapter 535 Adversity?

"The Thorn Bird lineup... To be honest, I really didn't expect it."

Guan Zeyuan said a little dullly, then looked at Baolan beside him, and gestured with his eyes.

Baolan was also thinking.

In fact, Baolan's League of Legends style is relatively traditional.

The most outrageous support hero he has played since he was a professional is still the Prince who used it once when he was with Li Luo.

It is also the only prince.

In addition, Baolan's hero selection is quite satisfactory, mainly mainstream support, and the unpopular ones are basically not touched.

Therefore, when the Thorn Bird took out this system, Baolan was quite exploded for a while, and his brain even short-circuited for a moment.

But the short-circuit is short-circuited. Baolan's game understanding is in place. What kind of heroes will produce what kind of chemical reaction when paired with him? This is his specialty.

After pondering for a while, Baolan analyzed: "From the perspective of the lineup, I think Thorn Bird has more ideas, but it still depends on the cooperation of everyone in the game."

"In terms of matchups, I think who is stronger and who is weaker between Kenan and Jess in the top lane, I think it depends on the operation and pull. In team battles, the emphasis of the two heroes is also different."

"The double poke system formed by Jess and Leopard on Thorn Bird's team, together with Izreal chosen by Brother Luo, is strictly speaking a poke lineup. Such a lineup will theoretically be restrained by the rush lineup."

"But the existence of Poppy and Titans gives the Thorn Birds enough protection when dealing with the rushing lineup. In my opinion, this is the magic stroke of the Thorn Birds team's bp side. It's just the effect of Poppy going down the road...I can't say it. "

Baolan shook his head, this is his knowledge blind spot.

But then Baolan also changed the subject: "The Thorn Bird has another advantage, which is the cooperation of the middle and wild. If the sword girl faces the Titans in 1v1, of course it is worthwhile, but this Showmaker can't push the line unscrupulously."

"Once he rushes in front of the Titan and wants to consume the Titan's blood volume, and the Leopard Girl of Xiangguo happens to be nearby, it will be difficult for Showmaker to escape."

Guan Zeyuan nodded.

Baolan talked about his heart.

In Guan Zeyuan's view, the unknown uncertainty of the Thornbirds' lineup of Bobby's support is still too great, and the pressure that the Thornbirds may face in the bot lane is obvious.

But the Nakano partner will indeed put tremendous pressure on heroes like Daomei.

"These I'm talking about are the advantages of the Thorn Bird lineup, but the DWG team's lineup advantages are also significant. First of all, their team fighting ability will be very strong. Although Bobby has the W skill to restrain entering the field, but there is only one W and The CD is very fast, once Poppy's W is released, the Thorn Bird's team battle will instantly become passive."

"There is also the uncertainty of the poke lineup. If the pokes of Leopard Girl and Jess are empty, DWG can also press in instantly. Generally speaking, this is a test of Thorn Bird's ability in the laning phase and team battles. pull."

"Once a wave of opportunities is seized by DWG, the Thorn Bird lineup will be a bit difficult to play."

Sapphire Blue's set of analysis can be described as quite delicate and thorough.

At the same time, ten people from both sides had also entered the Summoner's Canyon.

"This gives us an advantage in the bottom lane."

As soon as Brother Yuanshen entered the game, he opened his mouth and said.


The ghost emperor nodded.

Ezreal paired with Bobby, is this a lineup that carbon-based creatures can come up with?

It's clear that the Thorn Bird doesn't want to fight the bot lane, and wants the bot lane to resist the pressure. If they can't do something in the duo lane in the face of such a combination, it would be too shameful.

Although the Ghost Emperor admits that there seems to be a slight gap in personal strength between himself and Li Luo.

But he doesn't think the gap is too big to make up for with enough hero attributes.

"They're coming to invade."

Canyon, who was guarding the entrance of the wild area, said fiercely.

A javelin was thrown towards him from the shadows, Canyon subconsciously turned around, but failed to avoid it.

Then he saw the figure of Titan, and for a moment Canyon's spirit tensed up immediately. As he retreated, his fingers hung on the flash, ready for the titan to hook him.

But it was obvious that Xiye had no such plan.

This made him select Titans to play in the middle, and there must be trouble in the early stage.

The Thornbirds didn't stay in DWG's red buff wild area for too long, and retreated after forcing the prince and the rest of DWG back.

However, when canyon went home and changed the scan, he scanned around, but did not scan the field of vision left by the Thorn Bird team.

Canyon, who realized that he had been tricked into a scan, was not impatient. It's not like he hasn't encountered similar scenes before.

Thorn Bird's feinted attack method is obviously to deceive him into scanning, so that the prince can't directly put pressure on the line very early, and the heroes on the line can also make wards early, ensuring the early stage developmental curve.

"The two-player lanes on both sides didn't help the jungler, so in this case, Xiangguo is actually quite hurt."

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan said as he watched the two-player laners who had already met each other in the bottom lane.

Leopard Girl is a hero who will be hurt if there is no one to help her in the wild at the beginning.

Before level 3, his wild clearing speed is completely inferior to that of the prince.

"Fortunately, the prince started sweeping. In this way, as long as the prince doesn't invade in the early stage, the incense pot should be able to develop smoothly. On the bottom side... Brother Luo's Q hit Galio who was trying to dodge and move. Sure enough, Galio's size is still Quite easy to hit Q."

"Bobby is also putting pressure. The Thornbird duo doesn't seem to intend to put himself in a weak position, but Galio directly attacked! Bobby was forced into a set, so if this is the case, the bottom line will be defeated. pushed."

The director is undoubtedly very concerned about the laning situation in the bottom lane.

Brother Yuanshen really has a lot of ideas.

Normally, if there is no team fight at level 1, Galio's support usually learns the Q skill first, which is used to consume blood online.

But this Bo Yuanshen brother chose to learn the E skill.

Faced with Bobby's provocation, Brother Yuanshen directly confronted E, and cooperated with Kaisha on the side to beat Bobby.

Two of Cong Ren's three basic attacks hit Poppy, and there was also a Q skill.

Bobby failed to pick up the passive little doudou shield, which was used by the general attack, and was trampled down by Brother Yuanshen.

Li Luo also came over immediately to put pressure on Kai'Sa, but because the two sides were separated by the pawn line in the middle, Li Luo's Ezreal was only level 1, and there was no way to give him HP in a short time. pressure.

In addition, Galio brought aftershocks, and the aftershocks after this wave knocked Poppy into the air also protected him from part of the damage.

Relying on Yuanshen's whimsy, DWG won the first-level bot lane swap.

This is also a relatively rare situation for the Thorn Bird to lose money on the bot lane exchange.

"This brother has ideas."

Liu Qingsong was not discouraged either. Even if it was a bot lane combination as strong as him and Li Luo, it would be impossible for them to have an advantage in every game in the usual double row or training games. There would always be a few games that were weak at the beginning due to some objective factors inferior.

Problems with hero attributes and whether there is a mistake in the initial blood exchange will affect the battle situation in the bottom lane.

But it doesn't matter, they will always reverse the situation in a certain wave.

"When he reached level 3, he didn't dare to E casually, so he retreated one after another."

Li Luo glanced at the small map.

The real essence of a team is that as the online situation changes, other positions can also be mobilized together.

Just like this game, when Xiangguo was in the second half of the solo blue buff, Li Luo was already ready to be pushed to the line in the early stage.

This is also communicated with Xiangguo in advance, let Xiangguo clean up the lower half area first, and then go to the upper half of the wild area to deal with the red buff, otherwise once Galio pushes the line and cooperates with the prince to invade the blue area, Xiangguo will be in vain Bad luck.

Sure enough, Brother Yuanshen really ran to the wild area to do eye roaming after the pawn line was pushed out. He went deep into the wild area of ​​Thorn Bird's blue buff, and pinned the small map when he saw that the toad was gone.

Canyon also plays Leopard Girl, and knows Leopard Girl's general clearing speed. Now that the situation of the junglers of the two sides has changed, the point where Xiangguo seems to have become a bright card is placed in the field of vision of the DWG team, and Canyon, who is in the dark, is undoubtedly have more advantages.

The importance of line rights also follows.

The League of Legends is like this. If you have an advantage in the matchup, you may face the risk of being caught, but getting the line right can reduce the pressure on your own jungler and even the side lanes.

If you resist pressure, it means that it is impossible for the opponent to catch yourself. Since it is impossible to catch yourself, the opponent's jungler can only catch teammates, and someone will always make sacrifices.

The Thorn Bird also seemed to realize that the canyon might invade the jungle, so Xiye immediately started to push the line.

Showmaker is very good in operation, but after all, it is a bit poor in experience.

Seeing the Titans clearing the line quickly, he also realized that if the canyon invaded, the Titans might support them first, so he must put a wave of pressure on the Titans.

After the silky two Qs in a row cleaned up the little soldiers, Showmaker's hidden E was also very quintessential. Xiye didn't even see the action of Daomei releasing E, and Bing Yi Shuang Dian had already controlled him on the spot.

Showmaker, Q is up.

However, the moment his Q came up, Xiye's Titan followed up with a basic attack and threw it at Showmaker's Daomei.

Showmaker didn't panic at all, he didn't stop when Q landed on the titan, turned around and rushed towards the third soldier!
This is an eye of the Showmaker.

Just because he has little experience doesn't mean he's stupid.

He had expected that the incense pot might be nearby.

So this time he wanted to lie to Leopard Girl's Q.

He succeeded.

Leopard Girl's Q skill did indeed fly out from the shadows behind.

It's just that the arc of the corner of Showmaker's mouth that had just been raised soon froze.

Because of Leopard Girl's Q, the locked position happens to be the position of the third minion!

In other words, Xiangguo predicted Showmaker's landing point!
Amid the uproar at the scene, Showmaker was shot by Leopard Girl's javelin.

The next moment, Titan flashed across the line of soldiers in front of him, and raised his Q skill to connect and supplement control!
Daomei has not yet recovered from the passive control of the Titan, so naturally she can't flash.

Fortunately, Daomei can pay W at this time.

W release, damage resistance.

But the leopard girl in the incense pot has turned into a leopard from the shadows and quickly approached, and then swooped out!

Following the mark, the incense pot that threw W on Daomei's body did not turn in skills immediately, but waited for the duration of Daomei's W to end before starting to bite.

Titan's E also slowed down Daomei.

On the other side, the prince of canyon arrived in time, flashed EQ and knocked the two into the air, then W slowed down the two of them again, followed by canyon and turned around and left.

Daomei has no skills.

Blood volume is also more dangerous.

At this time, Daomei can leave, which is the best result.

Showmaker was indeed calm, and Flash kept holding back.

This wave ended with an exchange of flashes in the middle and jungle between the two sides.

"The crisis is resolved."

Baolan breathed a sigh of relief: "In this case, if the prince does not flash, he will have no way to invade the wild area unscrupulously. The main purpose of the Thorn Bird's offensive is to find the prince's position. Now let's look at the first wave of games between the two sides. Thorn Bird has achieved the expected goal in his heart."

"However, Titans need to be more careful in the future. Titans without flash are prone to problems."

Guan Zeyuan reminded me.

as predicted.

1 minute later.

Daomei hid her E again and pressed forward.

Fortunately, Xiye realized that the jungler might be nearby. The moment Daomei's Q soldier rushed up, Xiye directly handed in Q and threw the Q skill towards the wall in the direction of the lower half area where she had vision.

The heavy hook pulled Tai Tan's figure over, even if Sword Girl's Twin Blades had already controlled Tai Tan, it couldn't restrict Tai Tan's displacement.

Sure enough, the prince appeared from the river entrance in the upper half area.

As for Daomei Q coming up to consume... Xiye is not afraid at all.

The Titan is rough-skinned and thick-skinned. The basic attack triggers aftershocks. Seconds and W reset the basic attack to A and then connect to E. This set of small combos will inevitably lose blood if the knife girl is exchanged.

"Both sides didn't make any mistakes in the early stage, but on the top lane...Niu Guli actually got a little hit suppression when he was facing Jayce. The director didn't show the camera. What's the problem?"

Guan Zeyuan looked at Brother Shengqiang who went home first to supply supplies, and was a little puzzled.

Although Kenan does have a longer battery life as a hero without blue bars.

But Jess wouldn't be forced to go home after eating the consumables at this time, right?
Little did he know that at this time, Brother Shengqiang was also suffering in his heart and couldn't tell.

His Jess is pretty good among domestic players in the LPL.

But objectively speaking, one of the domestic top laners, Jess, counts as one. Compared with the top laners of the LCK, there is still a certain gap.

Especially Niu Guli, who is not well-known at present and seems to be a rookie, but actually already has a top-level top laner foundation in South Korea.

He knew Jace all too well.

So in the matchup on the road at the beginning of this game, Saint Gun lost.

On the bottom lane, Li Luo's last shot did not lose the wind, and after the two laners reached level 3, they actually snatched back the pawn line. From the perspective of the combination, this is already against the sky.

DWG has an advantage in the top lane, and Thorn Bird has an advantage in the bottom lane, but it can only be balanced. In the middle lane, before the Xiangguo and the Titans have not formed a linkage, the Titans who have not flashed need to be extra careful.

This is also a point that the commentators and even the audience are more worried about.

At least from the perspective of the scene, it seems that Thorn Bird is in a relatively adversary position at the beginning of the game for the first time since it came to the S game.

(End of this chapter)

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