archer ferocity

Chapter 533 Crushed!

Chapter 533 Crushed!

"Brother Boluo is a little reckless, DWG knows that your wine barrel is not nearby, do you really want to hit two..."


At the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan's "ah" made Wang Ji shut up next to him.

Baolan looked at the screen calmly.

Isn't this... a basic operation?

He often encountered similar situations when he partnered with Li Luo before.

The feeling of being in a daze is still vivid in my memory.

There are already quite a few highlights of Li Luo's one-on-one and two-on-one matches.

It stands to reason that the version of the past two years has been very unfavorable for ad.

In the past, your adc could do one-on-two and still talk about it in the past, but now if you want to one-on-two, you have to lick blood on the sword to have a chance.

Li dare to risk being Q'ed twice by Lu Xian and still do this?

"This guy……"

Looking at the black and white screen in front of him, Brother Yuanshen appeared to have no troubles on the surface, but his fear of Li Luo became more and more intense in his heart.

Dare to fight has something to do with the player's character.

In the game of League of Legends, when the player makes a choice between "operation" and "retreat", it has a certain gambling nature.

Betting on one's own luck is one aspect, and another aspect is the most important, that is, betting that one's own operations will not make mistakes.

However, most players who choose to gamble have only achieved the former, but they cannot guarantee that they will achieve the latter.

Although the personal abilities of professional players are not in the same order of magnitude as ordinary players, professional players cannot get rid of the human category after all.

Leaving aside personal physical and mental factors, even if this is the first round of BO5, even if the players' personal condition is just at the peak, if you want to avoid mistakes to the greatest extent, it is inseparable from proficiency .

It was this that made Brother Yuanshen puzzled.

You, Li Luo, were unknown before S7, and in the few seasons you played professionally after that, you can only say that you are one of the most hardworking players if you add up the ranks on the record.

In other words, Li Luo is not the only player who has reached this level of rank.

But why do you have almost zero mistakes in extreme operations?

Brother Yuanshen seldom plays rank on weekdays.

He feels that rank training does not have much effect on improving strength.

Because in Yuanshen's eyes, League of Legends itself is a game with a lot of uncertainties.

Different scenarios, different opposing heroes, different time nodes, and equipment owned at that time, various factors may affect the subtle operation situation.

Therefore, Brother Yuanshen believes that instead of trying to hone his muscle memory through a large number of ranks every day, it is better to allocate more time to study the core of the game and play with his brain.

Even if you have played tens of thousands of times with a certain hero's unique skills, you will still make mistakes.

How many ranks do you need to play to form muscle memory in all scenarios?

Does a player have that much time?

The answer is obviously no.

But Li Luo is charging towards the idea that Brother Yuanshen believes in. He is trying to subvert Brother Yuanshen's thinking about training in this game.

Is he a monster?
What Brother Yuanshen didn't know was that, for Li Luo, the current intensity, whether it was rank or competition, was much worse than the environment encountered by the adc after the mythical version.

It may be a bit of an exaggeration to use the metaphor of a champion player mistakenly entering the platinum division.

But in terms of pressure, there is not much difference from players playing in the diamond game in the king segment.

Note that what is mentioned here is the pressure on the psychological level.

Li Luo dared to operate because Li Luo clearly knew that there were only so many variables in the process of his operation, and he would not suddenly have a gust of wind or other strange numerical and strange skills that would make him instantly change without any reaction. Sudden death.

1v2, don't get hit by Cat's Q, dodge one of Lucian's two Qs and he wins.

This is Li Luo's calculation of damage. At the same time, many top professional players can also do this. It is not difficult to do this.

Why do players make mistakes?

One is because of insufficient control over hero proficiency.

Another is psychological pressure.

What is the reason for the kind of operation in the professional arena that is comparable to that of silver players when playing rank?
Either because it was bought, or there is only one reason to explain it.

Psychological pressure, resulting in operational deformation.

Even if a professional player does not have a good grasp of the proficiency of a certain hero, he will never be able to make a particularly outrageous operation.

And if the player has no psychological pressure, he can naturally show his understanding of the hero to the maximum extent.

Li Luo, that's it.

What psychological pressure does he have?

From a professional point of view, he has already stood at the pinnacle with two world champions and countless other championship honors.

From the perspective of life, Li Luo can now be regarded as wealth and freedom.

Apart from not having a girlfriend for the time being, Li Luo has everything he should have, and he can have what he wants. After all, Li Luo is also an ordinary person, no matter how high his pursuit is, he can't reach a certain level.

Li Luo doesn't need to be stressed.

And before rebirth plus the training after returning, he has two to three times the training volume of ordinary players, and his familiarity with heroes can be said to be unparalleled.

It's okay to say he's cheating.

Non-human worth mentioning.

He, Li Luo, can do it.

A wave of 1v2 directly broke all DWG's ideas of capturing this fire dragon.

Even though Olaf had reached the bottom lane and came within Li Luo's field of vision, Li Luo didn't hesitate at all, and continued to go his own way to make up the knife on the spot, using the ruin to quickly recover his life.

Canyon doesn't want to kill this Kalista who already has a bounty?

he thinks.

But for a hero like Olaf who has no displacement, even if he has a flash, he is still not 100% sure to kill the alive and kicking Calista.

Once the ax was empty, he was the one who was counter-killed.

With the team under such tremendous pressure, does Canyon dare to take a gamble?

He dare not.

The fire dragon was successfully accepted by the thorn bird.

The game time is only 12 minutes and 30 seconds, and Thorn Bird is already held in the hands of two little dragons.

The bottom lane of the three lanes is already a big advantage, and Xiye is completely acceptable for the middle lane to be suppressed for a few make-ups. Although the Sword Demon of the Holy Gun brother on the top lane was overtaken once, the crocodile he faced was always under the thorn bird's against the list.

Even if DWG helped the crocodile, it would not be able to smooth out the economic gap established by the top laners of the two sides in the early stage.

The crocodile, who needs to play a strong matchup in the early stage, turned out to be a small inferior.

Game time is 14 minutes.

The Thorn Bird went down the road and flatly pushed the first tower of the DWG team.

Immediately following Li Luo, he joined hands with the wine barrel to the vanguard of the canyon to join the large army.

Lucian's early laning was not very good, so the cat chose to get out of the car and follow Olaf to take the rhythm, allowing Lucian to eat lanes and develop alone in the bottom lane.

This is another benefit of choosing a cat.

I have to say that the combination of cats and Olaf has achieved certain results.

Game time is 15 minutes and 30 seconds.

The troll put the canyon vanguard on the top road to help Holy Gun brother dismantle a tower. Holy Gun brother was almost greedy for a wave of soldiers, so he was caught by Olaf with the cat.

The crocodile directly tp to the eye position of the river to outflank, and the three forcibly killed Brother Holy Gun's Sword Demon.

However, the plane rushed to the scene with its second explosive pack at the right time, blocked the retreat of the three members of the DWG team with a big move, and gave the trolls a chance to support them.

Zoe arrived after the troll arrived on the scene.

The showmaker's strength is not weak, only in the river channel he used a wave of ultra-long-distance flying stars to cooperate with the flash, and hit the troll in the incense pot at the extreme distance.

The flying star with Luden shattered more than half of Xiangguo's HP in one shot.

This has nothing to do with Xiangguo's production equipment. Xiangguo itself tends to make some output equipment first to ensure that he has the initiative to fight and encounter in the wild in the early and mid-term, and then he will replenish his flesh.

Therefore, this incense pot first made Tiamat, then synthesized mercury shoes, and then started to turn the meat, and the first small piece of the incense pot chose to turn the meat also took into account the existence of the hero Zoe in the mid-term, Hence the ghost cloak.

Even so, Zoe, a flying star with a pair of shoes, still let the incense pot drink a pot.

The three of DWG directly chose to fight back, but Xiye also had the power of the three phases at this time, paired with the small magic-drinking knife made by Zoe in the early stage. It's pretty good, at least it has output.

The troll of Xiangguo released his big move, but the cat set it on fire at the first time, resulting in the loss of blood volume, and the head of Xiangguo was taken by canyon during the chaos.

Just when the four of them were about to go to set fire to the plane, the non-stop Jiu Keg blew up the formation of the four with a big move, and two of them were blasted to the wall on the road, giving Xiye a wave of perfection. output opportunities.

Xiye, who opened the machine gun and handed over the QRA to deal explosive damage, flew over the two of them directly with the W, and took out one with a backhand and a missile plus basic attack.

The barrel is to restrain Zoe on the side and the cat that was blown up when it landed.

In the chaos, Xiye harvested another person, and when he was about to fight back against Zoe, Lucian's holy spear baptism made Xiye retreat.

The barrel also gave away its own head.

Three people died in this wave of thorn birds.

On the DWG team, two people died.

Looks like DWG earned it.

But when they shifted the camera to the middle lane, they found to their dismay that Li Luo's Kalista had already demolished the first tower in the middle lane, and now they were heading towards the second tower in the middle lane with their troops.

The Thorn Bird's double C remained, and the two heads in this wave were all obtained by the plane.

Airplanes also have a tendency to take off.

At the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan watched the melee between the two sides end, and said with emotion: "I have to say, DWG feels better than Griffin in the mid-term response. We can find that DWG's mid laner showmaker played well. Graded."

"That's right, compared to Griffin's mid laner Chaowei, he is much more active. If it weren't for the frequent roaming of the showmaker in the early and mid-term, I'm afraid it would be impossible to play with a different team now."

Wang Ji nodded slightly and said.

Baolan hesitated for a while, and then said: "Now... DWG seems to be unplayable."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence in the commentary seat.

Guan Zeyuan subconsciously looked at the economic panels on both sides above.

As far as the economic situation is concerned, Thorn Bird is currently leading by 6000 yuan.

six thousand...

so much!
Guan Zeyuan was a little surprised.

Before that, because of DWG's proactive response, he didn't pay much attention to the economic panel. At least the head gap between the two sides was not too big, and it seemed that DWG could still fight.


There are actually 6000 yuan.

"All the outer towers in the upper middle field of DWG are broken, and Luoge's tapi in the bottom lane is full. The sword demon in the top lane eats three layers of tapes, the plane in the middle lane eats one layer, and the crocodile in the DWG team eats two layers. Tapi, Zoe ate one layer, and didn't touch Tapi on the way down."

Baolan said slowly: "The main economic gap is on Brother Luo's side. Lucian's development is too poor. In this wave, after clearing the line in the bottom lane, he went home and went straight to the top lane after restocking. In the end, he just got an assist."

"It's already at this time. Lucian just got a blue sword, a pair of straw sandals, and an attack speed dagger."

"Brother Luo is going home this time...there should be a two-piece suit."

As soon as Baolan finished speaking, Li Luo, who had demolished the half-blood of the second tower in the middle, took away the F6 and red buff from DWG's house, and then jumped into the dragon pit with the explosive fruit, and retreated gracefully.

After returning home, Li Luo bought a hurricane.

Ruin, Hurricane, Attack Speed ​​Boots.

In the early 16 minutes, Li Luo's basic operation.

Even Li Luo didn't forget to buy two more real eyes.


"Adc buy real eyes, buy one or buy two! Brother Luo, this is both C and helping teammates. What is a team-type ad?"

"The economy of the bottom lane matchup is 3000 yuan. It is recommended to be direct."

"Looking at it this way, doesn't it mean that the other positions are not ahead?"

"One thing to say, the Thorn Bird lineup is worth 10 yuan in three 5000 minutes, okay?"

"The bird is worth 5000 yuan, but the question is... can DWG last for 10 minutes?"

The eyes of the audience are discerning.

DWG did last for less than three 10 minutes.

To be precise, they are actually very close.

showmaker worked very hard in the carry game.

But the hole in the bottom road is really too big.

The hero Zoe is a bit embarrassing, that is, when the team is at a disadvantage, as long as Zoe doesn't get fat enough to have a Q skill that directly makes a hero on the opposite side lose combat power, it will be difficult to turn the game around.

When the three outer towers were all broken, and the thorn bird began to invade the wild area and controlled the third dragon, Olaf's development was misfired.

The most important part of the DWG tactical system in the mid-term, Olaf misfired, and DWG's airs fell apart.

DWG's resistance is still very strong.

Showmaker even relied on his excellent performance in the wild area to block the trend of Thorn Bird taking Baron twice in a row.

But when he was looking for an opportunity to take the initiative to attack for the third time, Liu Qingsong seized a wave of opportunities instead, and released the big move at the extreme distance to shorten the distance between Zoe and Zoe at the moment the flying star was thrown over with his stomach straight. Bucket predicted the return destination of Zoe's ult.

After a wave, Zoe was seconded.

The showmaker stroked the hair on his forehead, his eyes were stretched out under the force, and his mentality was also a little bit fried.

When the fattest Zoe died, DWG was like a mess.

The crocodile rushes in and W just bites a person, then he is gone first.


Olaf rushed in with the cat, was sucked by the troll and got hit by the plane, a shot that strengthened the R damage, directly lost a quarter of the blood volume, followed by a general attack with brilliance Another quarter gone.

When Olaf wanted to escape, the plane flew directly in front of Olaf with explosives.

Olaf, who was using the ultimate move, was immune to control, and was not blown away by the air waves caused by the plane explosives. He stood on the plane's explosives for two more seconds, turning into a roast pig.

Oh, and with a grilled cat.

Game time is 29 minutes.

Thorn Bird forcibly demolished the base, Li Luo threw the wine barrel into the spring water and knocked the resurrected three into the air. The E skill of the wine barrel's second follower added follow-up control, limiting the speed of the DWG team going out.

The base was bulldozed.

Thorn Bird, 1 to 0 lead!

 Congratulations to Jingdong for winning the championship~ There was indeed no small video in the last chapter, but there will definitely be one in this World Championship, don’t worry guys

(End of this chapter)

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