archer ferocity

Chapter 514 The Tragic Playoffs

Khan has been having a tough time lately.

Khan rarely loses the chain in the domestic league.

Whether it's a training match or a race, Khan's performance can be described as "impeccable".

But the intrusion of canna, a newcomer, made Khan feel a little anxious.

He is already very old.

Soon he will be serving in the military.

Therefore, Khan is extremely looking forward to hitting the highest honor that League of Legends professional players can only dream of while he is still at his peak.

But the current changes in the club gave Khan a strong sense of crisis.

Just because Canna's game style is too similar to him.

Most of Khan's heroes canna are also very skilled.

Moreover, Canna's proficiency in using offensive heroes is not weaker than Khan, an old player, coupled with the aggressiveness brought by his youth, so that Canna's laning strength is even higher than Khan's overall.

Kkoma will still start Khan at the beginning.

Usually when Khan wins the first hand, canna will go up to practice.

It's just that what Khan never expected was that canna is not stage frightened at all in the domestic league.

This kind of "powerful" mentality performance is exactly what Kkoma most wants to encounter at this time.

Kkoma is too aware of the weaknesses of his top laner Khan.

If canna can maintain his state and show his usual strength in the following competitions, then Khan will undoubtedly be abandoned.

There can only be one substitute player in the World Championship.

The playstyles of clid and kanavi are very different, and kanavi has indeed added new vitality to SKT's dead and dull tactics.

If there is really a trade-off between the jungle position and the substitute for the top unit, Khan knows very well that he will be the one that is discarded.

He has to work hard.

Taking advantage of the fact that I haven't completely lost the opportunity to start, I want to compete with the young man Canna!
The LCK playoffs can be described as bloody.

But the LPL division is not much better.

The Thorn Bird team became the second team to create a big win in the summer split.

The first team was EDG led by Li Luo last year.

Although the Thorn Birds lost a lot in small games this summer, it was about half of the small games lost by EDG last year.

But Thorn Bird's dominance has already been revealed in the summer split.

A complete victory means No.1 in the regular season.

Li Luo also undoubtedly won the MVP of this year's LPL summer regular season.

No.1 in the regular season, it can almost be said that Thorn Bird has half a foot in the World Championship.

As long as they can win a BO5 in the playoffs, the Thorn Bird can guarantee the runner-up.

Once the Thorn Birds win the runner-up, as the spring champions, they will inevitably become the number one existence in the annual points ranking, and the second seed is appropriate.

Of course, Thorn Bird's goal is not just the second seed.

Except for Thornbird's relatively stable ranking, several other LPL teams that had a chance to enter the World Championship fought very bloody in the second half of the summer regular season.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the strength gap between these teams is very small.

If many objective factors are taken into consideration, no team dares to say that it can 100% beat a team ranked one lower than itself.

In such a tense situation, the ranking in the regular season is naturally very important. You must know that even if you only climb up one ranking, it will mean that you may play one less BO5 and take one less risk.

The big moves in the hands of the big teams began to be released one after another.

And these teams have also started to play tactics that are outside the game.

For example, when the Thorn Bird team finally ended, they won the next few games 2-0.

And the Thorn Bird won with ease.

That's because when facing Thornbirds, these LPL teams don't choose to expose their tactics at all, they are only willing to come up with a conventional system, and strive to raise the strength and cooperation of their players to a higher level under the pressure of Thornbirds.

Of course Li Luo felt it, but Li Luo couldn't do anything except laugh and cry.

This is treating their thorn birds as tool people.

In order to repay the love of these teams, Li Luo naturally unceremoniously swiped a wave of KDA, allowing himself to lead in the forefront of ADCs in all statistics, and ahead of uzi, which is ranked second, by a large margin .

From the ADC data alone, it seems that there have been three faults in the summer of 19.

Li Luo's data is unique.

The average output of points is 702, ranking first among all ADC players in the League of Legends LPL Summer Split.

Uzi ranked second, with an average output of 654 points. For the RNG team that focuses on uzi as a single core at this time, it is quite reasonable to have this kind of data ranking.

In fact, Li Luo has simply analyzed the data. If it weren't for the fact that the Thorn Bird had given him a lot of functional heroes, and RNG was more inclined to big cores, Uzi would have had a chance to overtake him in this data.

We must know that the functional ad has already played a role in the early and mid-term, and can also frequently play output through the friction of the team, and the ability to steal damage in the later stage is a must.

On the other hand, big-core heroes, such as Kai'Sa, do not have outstanding combat power in the early and mid-term. In addition to the W skill in the mid-term, Kai'Sa can cause very little consumption to the enemy.

Therefore, the frequency of using functional heroes to participate in battles is bound to be more frequent than when using late-stage big-core heroes, and there are more opportunities to do damage.

Most of the big-core ADs in the later stage played a wave of harvest in decisive team battles, thus helping the team expand its advantage and even win the final victory.

It was also because of this that Li Luo didn't care too much about his somewhat exaggerated average output data, nor would he be complacent about it.

Further down uzi is mystic.

WE's performance this year is mediocre.

After losing Xiye, they could only use newcomers. Mystic used to be a late-stage big-core style, so he naturally assumed the absolute core position of the WE team. The state is good, and the team's performance is difficult to be promoted by his own carry.

My brother-in-law's average output is 607, and after my brother-in-law are adcs from a series of top-ranked teams such as Jackeylove and lwx. Since No.3, there is no gap in the data level, and everyone's data is relatively average.

With such data, the horror of Thorn Bird is also revealed.

Because the Thorn Bird's mid laner Xiye is stable in the top five in terms of mid laner statistics.

The Holy Gun brother in the top lane is firmly in the top three.

Liu Qingsong in the auxiliary position ranks first in the LPL in team participation rate, and also has the highest assist list, only slightly inferior to Meiko of the EDG team in terms of field of vision.

The stats of the jungler Xiangguo seem relatively mediocre.

However, even so, no one dares to underestimate mlxg. The position of mlxg itself in Thorn Bird is to start a group and sell it. Under such circumstances, the reference value of the number of deaths and other data will be greatly reduced.

Data is not everything.

This is the Thorn Bird, who has overcome obstacles all the way from the new team in the Spring Split to the present this year.

Their strength is enough to make the teams in the entire LPL division afraid of it. These teams also know that facing the Thorn Bird, even if they use all their strength and play all their cards, the final result may not be satisfactory. It is better to hide your tactics and face others if you expose your own tactics in this extremely low cost-effective schedule.

With the rankings of the regular season released, the bloodiness of the playoffs gradually surfaced.


Strictly speaking, there are eight teams, none of whom are underdogs.

Any team has a chance to qualify for the World Championship.

Except for the Thornbirds who have been relatively stable, the EDG Summer Split has been very strong since the beginning. Needless to say, FPX, their ranking is not low. Since returning from the intercontinental game, FPX's state has become increasingly hot.

In addition to the occasional illness of IG, their personal abilities are still strong.

RNG is somewhat similar to EDG, but RNG started a little slower. With the stability of Wolf Walk, the aftertaste of Xia Zhihudi, and the version's top student Kasa, and the unexpected super-level performance of the bottom lane duo , RNG's momentum is also quite good. has been in decline recently. It belongs to the stable food industry, but it is a bit weak when playing against strong teams.

Top made a mistake that most new teams would make. After being studied and understood, White Crescent couldn't understand the version, so that the team's score fell to this position.

BLG is a relatively mysterious team. They can gnaw the next game in the hands of the Thorn Bird, but they can also lose 0 to 2 to a relatively low-ranking team.

But no matter what, at least half of these eight teams are eligible to participate in the bubbling competition.

However, no one wants to participate in the bubbling match.

With the start of the playoffs, the major teams have also begun to put in a lot of effort in the BO5.

The Jingdong team, which originally had a huge advantage in points in the spring split, was a little embarrassed when they encountered BLG in the first round. is not very afraid of top, but they are a little scared about BLG from the bottom of their hearts.

The great thing about BLG is their resilience and teamwork.

This is also the most outstanding point of Jingdong.

However, after Jingdong lost the kanavi that should have belonged to them, Xiaofu's weakness in the current version was exposed.

Compared with BLG's Guohao, Xiaofu's hero pool is not enough. Although Guohao's hero pool is not particularly deep, he wins in stability.

BLG, which got the priority to choose the side by throwing points, relied on the ban advantage of the blue side to get three princes for Guohao, and successfully took away 3-2. The team that stayed in bubble race.

The TOP on the other side was more unlucky.

What they encountered was RNG who was playing better and better.

Although TOP's top laner 369 is good, but lacks experience compared to Wolves, Wolves have no intention of fighting against 369 at all, just choose a strong man to fight on the road, as long as 369 is on top, Casa will directly Go up and arrange.

The experience is fully reflected in this BO5.

In the end, TOP only won one hand and was taken away by RNG 3 to 1.

RNG and BLG joined hands to charge towards the top four.

What RNG encountered was FPX.

BLG encountered IG.

BLG seems to have exhausted their cards in the last BO5.

When facing the energetic IG, their resistance was surprisingly weak.

3 to 0, IG purely relied on personal ability to crush BLG. Although IG made frequent mistakes in the mid-term, the huge gap in hard power still made BLG full of operations.

And the fight between RNG and FPX is very hot.


It's a full 5 rounds again.

FPX completely embraced the posture of making uzi red, and went to the bottom lane for four packs and two.

In this BO5, doinb took out Titan and Golem, two heroes that he had never used to play in the middle.

And doinb's strange hero pool directly confused Xiaohu.

Xiaohu, who is not very strong in laning, can't restrain doinb's roaming at all. Except for holding Zoe and suppressing doinb, he is letting doinb fly around in the whole BO5.

When RNG lost the tiebreaker, uzi was visibly numb.

He even chose a Quinn to play the tool man while making the opponent as relaxed as possible.

But it is a pity that although his Quinn has been supporting his teammates, so that he is about [-] dollars behind Hope in the mid-to-late stage in terms of CS. This is almost an unprecedented CS disadvantage for Uzi.

But this year's Wolves still lacked a lot in terms of carry ability.

After watching the whole process, Li Luo felt as if he had reviewed the match in his memory.

Li Luo couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

For the wolf line, it belongs to the kind that can't ask him to do too much.

In my impression, before I was reborn, Wolf Walker performed better than Hu Ming in the S9 World Tournament.

Of course, Li Luo does not comment on the fact that Wolf Xing performed "excellent" in the World Championships which is frequently circulated on the Internet.

In his opinion, the good performance of the wolf line is because the wolf line usually scored 75 points and scored [-] points in the world championship.

How far RNG can go this year has nothing to do with Li Luo.

With the finalization of the semi-finals, the semi-finals also kicked off.

EDG played against IG.

FPX played against Thorn Bird.

The top four in the regular season still hold the position of the top four.

This is enough to show that the cornerstone of the current LPL team is them.

"If possible, I want to play EDG."

After watching the BO5 between FPX and RNG, mlxg rubbed his temples: "It's reasonable, I'm not afraid of Xiaotian, let alone Mingkai, but this sofm... can't be said to be afraid, it's just that this person can play very disgustingly, There are too many uncertainties."

"It's okay, compared to EDG, I prefer to play against FPX. Jin Gong's performance in the summer split is too good, it feels like a hexagonal fighter, fierce and ridiculously stable at the same time, I can't handle it at all. "

Brother Holy Gun lay back on the gaming chair and expressed different opinions.

"I vote for Xuan Jun, I don't want to scout, the pressure is too great."

Xiye smiled beside him.

Due to the weakening of the plane, Xiye is now the only hero who can show in the middle that the team feels stable once it is taken out, and only Kassadin is left.

But the harshness of Kassadin's selection conditions is there.

Therefore, it can be said that Xiye now has almost no signature hero who can make the opponent panic with a final decision.

"It doesn't matter who you hit, I don't care."

Liu Qingsong didn't care: "We are not afraid of anyone going down the road."

"You're hugging Brother Luo's thigh, okay..."

"Stop barking there. Most of the time in our summer split, I will go into the jungle with you, and Brother Luo will be left behind by me."


Looking at the bickering and noisy teammates, a smile and comfort flashed in Li Luo's eyes.

At this time in the summer split, it feels completely different from the spring split.

Judging from the current demeanor and tone of the teammates, everyone's mentality is not bad.

If you have a good mentality, you can display your normal strength.

For the Thorn Bird, it was enough to be able to display its normal strength.

The semi-finals and finals of the summer competition will not be given a long article. When I transition to the world competition, I will try to maximize my energy. I will catch the high-speed train to Nanjing and fly back to my hometown in the morning. I have been in a state of complete insomnia for the past two days. I can’t sleep all night. The kind, I slept for less than three hours today, a word of love.Difficult.

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