archer ferocity

Chapter 459 Wanwan still wants to go around?

Successive years of failures have made the teams in the LMS division more and more in a bad state.

Although the Flash Wolves team, once the leader of the LMS division, is still the leader, in the eyes of discerning people, the strength of the Flash Wolves must have declined greatly compared to before.

It is still the leader only because the environment is too bad. If there are too many fried fish, the level will inevitably drop.

Since the three generals of Casa, Maple, and Snake have all left the Flash Wolves, the Flash Wolves have chosen to sign up without accident.

They don't want to lose their status as the number one in the division.

Even if the fist has already spread the news that the LMS division is about to be removed.

This also makes Flash Wolves still spend a lot of time on the team's investment, including the coaching staff, Flash Wolves are also built with care.

This can also be seen from their performance in the finalists.

Faced with such a team whose paper strength seems to have declined seriously, Thorn Bird did not choose to take it lightly.

After all, the Flash Wolves have an ancestral attribute, and this attribute is still reserved from the previous games of this MSI.

That is the nerve knife.

After playing well, they still seem to be able to score a point in the hands of strong teams.

But they played poorly, but they were comparable to the teams in the secondary league.

Moreover, Thorn Bird and Flash Wolves have different attitudes towards this MSI.

The Thorn Bird came to win the championship.

The Lightning Wolves came to catch the attention of audiences all over the world. According to Li Luo's judgment, there is a high probability that this Lightning Wolves team will be the same as in previous years' world competitions. The kind that shows off in a round, regardless of the hole cards.

Then came a wave of losing streak in the second round and was eliminated with honor.

This is the psychedelic life of the Flash Wolves team.

After the TL team easily crushed the pvb team in the Vietnam Division 1-0, the match between the Lightning Wolves and the Thorn Bird officially kicked off.

The Flash Wolves, which had the priority to choose sides, chose the blue side without hesitation.

Today, it is the combination of Guan Zeyuan and Wang Ji who is responsible for explaining the game.

Guan Zeyuan showed very strong professional ability as soon as he came up.

"FW's team... To be honest, if their players are taken out individually, everyone actually has some background and story."

Guan Zeyuan said slowly: "There is no need to talk about betty. He is currently the oldest player in FW. Even the top laner Hanabi's qualifications are more than a year behind him. Betty was in the World Championship in 16. It's been shown before."


Wang remembers to nod slightly beside him: "Betty was still a young player back then, but now he is already in charge of the Lightning Wolves. It's just that Snake's departure has more or less affected Lightning Wolves' bot lane coordination."

"That is inevitable."

Guan Zeyuan nodded slightly: "Auxiliary shiauC... We all call him Little C, he has taken over the banner of Snake, you can say that he did not perform well... Actually he didn't, but after all he is just a A young player who is slightly less experienced in terms of experience, today they will face Luo Ge and Liu Qingsong in the bottom lane, which is undoubtedly a severe test for them."

"Jungle bugi was one of the first batch of Korean players to come to the LMS division. I actually paid relatively little attention to him. I only know that he was in M17 before. However, there is a saying about the rether of the mid laner. all know Griffin, the LCK is definitely a bright new star now, but the arrival of Chaowei really made Rether eclipsed in Griffin's team."

"But it is undeniable that he has no problem with his personal abilities after having played such a high-intensity confrontation in the LCK, at least in the LMS division."

"I know more about the top laner Hanabi. In my opinion, this player is an outstanding player who can stand shoulder to shoulder with MMD. Anyway, I look forward to their performance today!"

During the analysis of the two commentators, the bp between the two sides has already kicked off.

"The bp has already started here! The blue side Lightning Wolf, the red side Thorn Bird! The first three heroes on the side of Lightning Wolf... Hey, Jhin, EZ, Nightmare? This is a bit like's targeting of Thorn Bird in the final bp, it's just that Jingdong didn't seem to plan to target Luo Ge's Ezreal at that time, what consideration did the Lightning Wolves have?"

While Guan Zeyuan was speaking, Thorn Bird's three bans had all been released.

Digger, Kenan.

One of these two is a strong jungler who can be used to grab one. It is also one of the heroes that bugi players are very good at. Hanabi can almost be said to be Kenan's strength. He has excellent control over team battles. In addition, Kenan's line-playing ability is not weak, and it is understandable to press it.

At the same time, the Thorn Bird team was on the bench.

"Silas is still outside, I feel like they might grab it."

Xiangguo said thoughtfully.

"I can't rule out this possibility, but the heroes of Flash Wolves are very mixed, and it's hard to tell what lineup they want to take just from the ban position."

Li Luo pondered for two seconds and then said: "Press the prince, we have a relatively mature system to deal with Silas after all, if they want to swing Silas to the road, Xuan Juner, you know .”

"Okay, then press the prince, the bp of the red side will inevitably be a little passive."

Zhu Kai nodded in response to Li Luo's proposal, and then complained.

When facing an opponent who is not very familiar with it, the red bp is destined to be passive.

They need to rely on the heroes selected by the blue side on the first floor to try to adjust the lineup.

This basically means that the red side is going to defend if they don't have a system specifically thought out in the first two moves.

Thorn Bird has many characteristic systems.

But this was only the first match of the group stage. Since the opponent was Flash Wolves, Thorn Bird would be happy to see how far Flash Wolves would go.

Unexpectedly, as Thornbird expected, the first floor of Lightning Wolves directly chose Silas.

"After robbing Silas, the Lightning Wolves are very confident... Thorn Bird's words immediately retaliated, and they directly chose the combination of Ryze and Xin Zhao!"

Guan Zeyuan looked at the candidates quickly finalized on the first and second floors of the Thorn Bird, and said thoughtfully: "The Thorn Bird seems to have made two-handed preparations. Silas is faster, and it's easier to hold the line."

"Although Ryze will be more dangerous if Silas gets close to him, but Ryze's stable control is destined to make Silas dare not try this way, because once there is Xin Zhao squatting behind Ryze, Silas will hand over E goes up purely to send."

"As for the preparation... I think the Thorn Bird is lying to Ban."

After Guan Zeyuan finished speaking, Wang Jiji was a little confused at first: "Cheat ban?"

However, when he blurted out subconsciously, he seemed to realize something, and it became clear in an instant: "You of the wheel?"

When Holy Gun's Karma appeared on the field and single-killed The shy, the fortress system of Thorn Bird's twin mothers and Ryze's ultimate move was naturally formed.

Guan Zeyuan's analysis is quite thorough.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the Thorn Bird chose the most stable way, and first took down Ryze, a hero of the panacea system who can hit and hit the road.

Ryze and Xin Zhao are definitely not weak in terms of confrontation strength, and Ryze's particularity on the Thorn Bird side is bound to make Lightning Wolves a little tricky.

That's exactly what happened.

Seeing that the heroes on the first and second floors of the Thorn Bird were quickly finalized, the battle seats on the Lightning Wolf's side were a little noisy for a while.

"Come to the north, why do they still study us, it's too much."

"Maybe they think we are a little tricky, but it doesn't matter, we also have a backup."

From time to time, there will be a few strange Korean words in the middle of the unique curved accent.

Every time Bugi finishes talking with Rether, his eyes will be a little gloomy.

He could feel that he had stayed here for too long, and even speaking Korean would have some inexplicable accents for no apparent reason.

Since the Thorn Bird was so active, the Lightning Wolf naturally chose to show its fangs immediately.

Wei, Akali.

As soon as these two heroes were selected, the expressions of everyone on the Thorn Bird team became a little weird.


Steal it, right?

In the last game of the LPL Spring Finals, Thorn Bird chose Wei and Akali to form a double-cutting system.

The purpose is to target the opponent's core C position, the kind that does everything.

Thorn Bird's own tactics, now being used by opponents to mess with him?

But Li Luo had to praise at this time, the crooked coaching staff did have something.

Although not many, this kind of courage is not something ordinary people can show.

Li Luo's habits were mentioned before.

As for the thorn bird's tactics, as long as it is brought out, Li Luo usually has a way to deal with it.

But the premise is that before the opponent shows it, the core system of the Thorn Bird team has not been revealed.

Now that the first two heroes of the Thorn Bird have been finalized, the appearance of Ruiz and Xin Zhao is no longer suitable for dealing with the system of Wei Qiangsuo and Akali entering the field.

Li Luo didn't know whether the Lightning Wolves were fooled or guessed it.

If he guessed it, then Li Luo felt that he had to re-evaluate the Lightning Wolves team.

"What do I use to fight?"

Brother Holy Gun raised his eyebrows. Now both sides have not yet formed the bottom duo, but the top, middle and field of the Lightning Wolves have already been formed.

In this case, it is necessary to mention the fifth-floor Kang special position that Thorn Bird originally reserved for Brother Holy Gun.

There are many heroes that the bottom duo can take.

But there are not many heroes who can suppress on the top road or have restrictions on Akali in the later stage.

If you don't take it in advance, the second round of ban will be gone.

Before he knew it, Li Luo discovered that his bp had really suffered a small loss.

The opposite side is on the middle field, and their side will be on the middle field.

And in the second round of bp, they can only give the position against the ban, and only the bottom lane is left.

So here comes the question, Thorn Bird... How many times have you had to target your opponent's bot lane?
"I have a hero who can cheat Ban."

A smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Li Luo's mouth.

Brother Holy Gun suddenly became interested.

However, after finding out who the hero was from Li Luo's mouth, Brother Shengqiang's face turned bitter.

He's not someone who likes to play this type of hero.

Although can play.

But this kind of hero can't play well!

Thorn Bird's third-floor selection is mediocre.

This is Bobby.

But it was Bobby's hand that made the corners of Lightning Wolves' mouths twitch at the same time.

Poppy's role is simple.

That is the approach of restraining Akali.

Indeed, even if Bobby has a firm demeanor of W, it is impossible to block the entry of Akali or Silas every time.

But they are not forgiving.

As long as it is blocked once, the knock-up caused by the rebound of the firm demeanor will instantly focus the fire on the hero they cut into.

This is very embarrassing.

"It's okay, don't forget our cards."

Betty reminded me.

"That's right, we have cards."

Assistant Little C also said.

The second round of bp is proceeding in an orderly manner.

However, what surprised countless viewers was that in the second round, the two sides actually banned four ADs!

The Lightning Wolves killed the hero of the wheel mother system, and Xia respectively.

Currently Karma is still outside.

It's also possible for Thorn Bird to go down the road with Wheel Mom and Karma.

This is not allowed by Flash Wolves.

So disassemble the wheel mother.

As for Xia Luo, it was Lightning Wolves' final dismantling choice after careful consideration, in order to prevent Thorn Bird from directly taking down this hero combination with the champion skin of the LPL team.

The ban people on the Thorn Bird team are simple and straightforward.


Bounty Hunter.

Kai'Sa was naturally in response to Wei Suo's cut-in and follow-up of the panacea ad.

The bounty hunter is also a recently emerging hero in the version, which is more suitable for betty's style of play.

If all members of the Lightning Wolves cut in, it's not impossible for Betty to choose this hero, who develops insignificantly, and uses amplified team battles to lower the bloodline of Thorn Bird.

The Thorn Bird will not have too strong cutting ability. Although Xin Zhao's big circle circle is a good restraint for bounty hunters, the formation of the Thorn Bird is destined to be impossible to hold together, otherwise it will reduce Entry difficulty for Sylas and Akali.

Therefore, Xin Zhao's hand is intended to break into the limit, not to protect the team.

Unnecessary troubles still need to be eliminated.

After making this hand ban, the fourth floor of the Thorn Bird team showed a hand of Verus.

As soon as Verus lit up, in fact, the fifth floor of Thorn Bird was about to come out.

This can be said to be a kind of bp of the clear card.

But Flash Wolves were not so comfortable.

If Thorn Bird chooses Tamm on the fourth floor and keeps Verus on the fifth floor, then they can directly grab Verus and go poke, so that they can not only have the strength of laning in the early stage, but also in the middle and late stages. Can assist the team's entering heroes to play a good output.

But the Thorn Bird is fine, this sequence is too delicate.

The purpose of Lightning Wolf's attack is already very clear, that is to push through to the end.

Three rushing heroes, what if they snatch Tamm down, choose a core ad position that can be C for Betty and let him go to jail in the early stage?

Flash Wolf was speechless.

They didn't choose Tam, which means they released the combination of Verustam to Thorn Bird.

That's not what they want to see either.

However, in such a turbulent game, the Lightning Wolves had no way out.

Fourth floor, Galio.

Bomber on the fifth floor!
The fangs of the Lightning Wolf were completely exposed.

Headlock, plus spot detonation, plus cut.

Fortunately, they are in the LMS division.

In the LMS division, no lineup will come as a surprise.

I’m so tired today. The good news is that I’ve passed the second subject. The bad news is that I’ve waited too long. One car broke down today, so I can only take the test with one car. The power went out in the middle and I stopped for more than an hour. I waited from morning to afternoon. I didn't start the test until I had hypoglycemia. I was exhausted, and I will start making up changes tomorrow.

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