archer ferocity

Chapter 437 Temper

Chapter 437 Temper
This is a life and death situation for RNG.

Unless he considers himself a weak person, no one will give up hope before the life and death situation has even begun.

Even in the short-lived reading interface, everyone in the RNG team is still seriously formulating the tactical play at the beginning of the game.

"We will be relatively weak when we are in the first level of the bot lane, and we will be much better after the second level."

Shi Senming said.

Luciana Mei's laning strength in the current version is actually quite good. Lucian's burst is strong. What Lucian lacks in the current version is not damage, but whether the opponent can play anyway when countering. set.

With the help of Nami's E skill, as long as Lucian initiates the move, the deceleration effect of Nami's E skill will greatly increase Lucian's success rate in completing a complete set. While attacking, it can also increase the probability of distorting target control skills by moving.

Especially when facing a hero like Luo who has a certain delay in controlling skills first, relying on uzi's own positioning, it is easier to avoid him.

The laning pressure in the bottom lane is not great.

This is the evaluation made by Shi Senming in the bp stage.

When the pig girl handed over her Q skill and rushed over, the gesture keyboard clicked.

The flashing limit avoided Zhumei's arch, but Xiangguo had already predicted the location of his flashing and threw out the W skill at the moment of handing in Q.

He used to be a partner with Xiaohu, and he was too aware of some of Xiaohu's habits when playing Ryze.

But after thinking about it, it doesn't matter, there will be a chance to make up for it after all.

Even if the id factor is added to this attribute restraint, it is theoretically difficult to change the situation.

Uzi, who was chewing gum, touched his arm, staring fixedly at the screen, with excitement in his seriousness and concentration.

The forward swing of the E skill was completed in the grass, so when Urgot came out, with the golden light flashing, his posture could no longer respond.

The occurrence of this situation can only explain one thing, that is, the exchange of blood and duels between the two bot duo teams in the early stage are very frequent.

Therefore, there is no way to make a comprehensive judgment on the current situation, even if the teammates are not aware of the difficult situation.

Ryze died on the push line.

"The Thornbirds give priority to pushing lanes in the bottom lane. They dare to do so with confidence. After all, the success rate of a hero like an excavator coming to catch people at level 2 is too low. Casa must be at least level 3. Thornbird The bot lane duo obviously calculated that Kasa would not come directly to catch him, so they dared to be so unscrupulous."

"No, no, obviously a comedian."

The reason why this game exploded in succession in a short period of time is that the junglers and laners on both sides cooperate very well.

For example, when Kassadin was about to repair the cannon car, he went to EW to fix him up and put on a set, so that Kassadin couldn't repair it~ hehe.

And at this time on the battle seat.

The corner of Xiaohu's mouth twitched.

When Kassadin grows up, the effect will probably become a little bit bigger.

However, Kassadin's Q skill small ball still made up the cannon, and Xiaohu began to feel depressed again.

Wang remembers to pick up the words: "Yes, even though Xia Luo has been weakened a little, she is still one of the best in the battle of the first-level combination. Kassadin... you can't learn an E skill to go online at the first level, so it will be too early. Passive."

After a while.

"Fuck, Xiaohu missed the car."

Urgot took the head.

Looking at the deployment of the personnel on both sides, Guan Zeyuan said with a smile: "It seems that both sides are planning to seek stability. RNG is seeking a victory, and the Thorn Bird does not want to work overtime. Neither side showed any invasion at level 1. This is also the first time that level 5 peace has occurred in this BO1."

When watching the matchup, the vast majority of viewers focus on the HP dropped by the hero during the matchup, and they only pay attention to which player missed the minion or missed the cannon.

Xiao Dongbei's performance was much better than he imagined.

After Xiaohu returned to the line, Xiangguo directly surrounded him, and cooperated with the level 6 Kassadin's face-jumping to easily capture Ryze's head.

Kassa responded.

In contrast, Li Luo seemed to be calm, and just took a drink from the water glass on the way back to the city.

"So smooth cooperation!"

It is naturally impossible for a single E skill to hit the centaur and carry the centaur back, and the posture is always on guard against him.

Ryze originally wanted to run away by car, but Xiaodongbei specially reserved a Q skill in order to interrupt Ryze's big move.

When Kassadin got out of the grass, Xiaohu used the E skill to spread the rune surge on Kassadin's body, and directly flashed W to strengthen Kassadin's imprisonment, and at the same time raised his hand to play AQ to supplement the output.

As the voice of the commentary fell, the director's camera switched to the road in an instant.

At about 3 minutes and 30 seconds, the two sides played a head ratio of 1 to 1 tie.

At this time, Xiao Ming needs to stand up.

Kasa glanced at the rune talent carried by Zhumei, and couldn't help complaining.

One hundred points of blood, no treatment, sounds like nothing.

Ryze and Urgot were killed once each.

The first blood was born directly.

Even summoner skills are only interchangeable between supports.

The centaur ran faster than him, and the centaur, who pretended to be the view of the river, directly kicked him against the wall with the E skill horizontally. Coupled with the fear of the ultimate move, it is understandable to cooperate with the excavator to kill him.

After Xiao Ming's voice fell, Kassa followed up and said: "In the early stage, when I was level 3, I first grabbed the middle lane and flashed him out, otherwise you will be in danger when pushing the line. Kassadin flashes AWA can give you Zhumei stacks two layers of E skills and is passive, if you push the line and get caught, you basically can't survive."

After Li Luo and Liu Qingsong went online, they controlled Xia Luo to cross the line of troops and press forward.

He and uzi are not small shrimps.

Especially in team battles, throwing out three or four skills in a second is commonplace.

"It's so fierce. At the beginning, I thought that both sides of this hand would focus on development. It seems that I am still young."

"Little Northeast can't do anything about it. He went out with Dolan Jie double potion. Ryze didn't push the line in the early stage and has been looking for opportunities to consume him. He has no blood bottles in this wave. Two-thirds of the blood volume It just reached a dangerous threshold, but... hey, Xiangguo is going to gank, and there is something wrong with his posture!"

"Good make up!"

Ryze, as the "magic machine gun" of all dynasties, has an exaggeratedly high casting frequency of skills.

Once pushed into the defense tower, Kasa also grabbed a hammer.

Kassadin also flashed very decisively and knocked Kassadin into the air, and the AQE burst directly beat Kassadin to blood.

While the RNG people were talking, ten people from both sides also entered the Summoner's Canyon.

The RNG fans at the scene immediately cheered.

For the audience, what they care more about is the lineup between the bottom lane duo.

"The junglers on both sides choose to open in the second half of the field, so this game should be relatively stable in the early stage."

And the ad players of each team who watched the two fight each other began to feel their hair stand on end.

The men and horses in Gesture were directly carried back by Urgot unreasonably, and the appearance of the pig girl at the river made Gesture's heart feel cold.

And there is another point that is crucial for Ryze to face Kassadin, that is the special mechanism of the two heroes.

Xiaohu is not particularly optimistic about his laning situation.

Smiling and nodding slightly: "The main reason is that both sides have a level 1 hero who has no effect at all. RNG doesn't want to play a level 1 team because their level 1 team is very fragile, and anyone who is caught is too easy to die. Well, the Thorn Bird is because there is Kassadin, Xia Luo is still very powerful at level [-]."

One is that he didn't take advantage of the first two.

Xiao Ming turned around first, trying to consume Xia.

Just then, Kasa came.

Secondly, Xiaohu is a mid laner, from his point of view, his advantage when facing Kassadin with Ryze is limited to the early and mid-term, and this advantage depends on how much he and Kassadin can do. Things, the proportion of unknown factors will be more.

Xiangguo has been staring at Xiaohu's Lan Liang.

So this wave of Brother Holy Gun is E flash.

This cannon car made his heart ache.

Xiao Ming had no choice but to transfer his skills to Luo, and once he hit a W to tie the A, it was a simple waste.

I saw Urgot take advantage of the moment when he entered the grass and lost his vision, and directly exchanged the E skill to rush towards the centaur.

"The Autobots are solid."

Liu Qingsong didn't care about this, but pretended to kill the first melee soldier with the salary of the Holy Object Shield.

If so, both ADs are still clinging to their healing skills and have not surrendered them.

The most tragic duel, even the ad on both sides still had about [-] points of health, and the support was almost empty.

At this time, Xiaobei's Kassadin's blood volume is about two-thirds.

After hearing Guan Zeyuan's words, he smiled and said, "However, this kind of line power will not last long. After Luciana reaches level 2, the line power will gradually be controlled by uzi... Hey, shine The small move is very beautiful, the movement speed increase after using the basic attack A to turn off Lucian's Q skill consumption after using the W, the Q release angle of uzi is already very tricky, but it was obviously predicted in advance by shine."


After Kassadin handed over the flash, Kassa switched to the burrowing state, and took it away with a Q.

It's not that uzi is cowardly, but Liu Qingsong's position is really good. Liu Qingsong's position has always been extremely subtle with Lu Xian and Nami. As long as uzi dares to turn back and fight back, then use Lu Xi'an to hand over the Q skill to penetrate the body At the moment of the holy light, Liu Qingsong can get the right swing before casting the spell and directly hand over W to lift it up, and cooperate with Xia's W to fight to the end.

Wang remembers shaking his head and said.

And once he fails to do something...

The change in the number of minions on both sides, in a sense, has actually shown that the bot lane combination of the Thorn Bird team has taken the initiative.

To put it bluntly, the psychological pressure brought to Xiaohu after the first two losses was retained in this one, so that Xiaohu was already worried about the mid-to-late game before he even started laning.

Come again against Lao Tzu!

While the commentators judged one after another, the online heroes of both sides also went online separately, and the stronger side began to give the opponent a bad blow.

However, Li Luo paused, not giving Nami a chance to consume herself.

As a qualified jungler, it is essential to always observe the situation of online battles.

In terms of making up the knife, they have not reached the passing line for making up the knife evenly.

Therefore, when Xiaohu was strolling, the incense pot had already passed the wall of Xiaolongkeng, and squatted in the blue square red buff backed by the grass.

Guan Zeyuan, on the commentary seat, praised sincerely: "This wave of Xiaohu and Kasa didn't have a single redundant movement, it was too good."

And this is just a basic operation for professional players.

In the next three or four minutes.

In most cases, this kind of game on small details can only be recounted to the audience by former professional players who have an extremely professional understanding of the game.

Uzi and Xiao Ming could only choose to retreat in the swing, and even uzi didn't dare to turn around and play an AQ consumption.

The pig girl with a deadly rhythm in LPL is also a part of Duxiangguo.

The excitement value of the audience is rising little by little.

Because... In just 7 minutes, the bot lane duo of both sides have gone back three times.

"I know, but if Yao Wang goes out, I can't suppress his blood volume too much, it's disgusting."

"That's why I'll get him before level [-]. Be careful when you go on the road. I feel that sister pig will get you. This incense pot has a deadly rhythm, so it's outrageous."

Xiaohu didn't choose to push the line at the beginning because Casa greeted him.

First blood!

On the road, Brother Saint Gun has no choice.

When there is still about one-third of the mana, Xiaohu usually chooses to wander towards the wild area. If after observation, he finds that there is no chance for support on the line, at this time Xiaohu will clear the line as quickly as possible and go home. Empty your blue bar.

The W skill successfully slowed down to the people who had just started E. After triggering the fatal rhythm, the pig girl cooperated with the deceleration of Urgot's Q skill, stepped forward and quickly followed up the basic attack and successfully played passively.

It's just that in this frequent process, it didn't cause any kills.

"How do you feel that Ryze didn't overwhelm Kassadin? The line of troops didn't advance."

Many junglers don't cut the screen to look at the line when they are clearing the jungle, and they don't pay attention to the health bars on the top of the mini-map from the hero portraits of their teammates.

"This kind of game is really good. Although RNG got the first blood in this wave, the head is 100 yuan more expensive than the one that the Thorn Bird got, but the pig girl didn't flash. RNG still needs to pay more attention to this aspect. "

The hero Kassadin likes this kind of opponent the most. After all, as long as Ryze puts a skill, his E can be superimposed once.

After the duel, the director specially gave a close-up of the players from both sides.

Xiaohu regretted and hated.

"Wait 5 seconds, I'm OK."

Xia, a hero who takes longer to play a set of bursts than Lucian, and has no advantage in attack distance, will theoretically be restrained by Lucian.

The barrage began to refresh the screen.

The posture wants to curse.

After the centaur handed over W and resisted for a while, he lay down on the ground without any suspense.

But under the heavy pressure of the game field, they can still maintain calm without the slightest panic, which is enough to show the strength of the laning duo in the bottom lane.

"I'm at level 6, and I'm going down the road."

At this moment, Kasa, who had already obtained two heads, said in a deep voice.

He is ready to break the seemingly balanced deadlock in the bottom lane.

(End of this chapter)

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