archer ferocity

Chapter 434

Boil frogs in warm water.

The smile from God's perspective can be seen, and the RNG players who are within the game authority can clearly feel that despair is coming a little bit.

Game time is 18 minutes and 30 seconds.

Uzi took advantage of the 8-second gap between returning to the city to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

As a hero who got a head in the early stage and at the same time harvested the bounty distributed after Pike killed him, now he can barely harvest his two-piece suit and synthesized shoes in 19 minutes.

And these two sets are low-end two pieces.

The Mozong paired with Ice Fist is much cheaper than the Mozong paired with the three-phase power.

Even with the addition of CD shoes, the economy obtained by uzi is not high.

In contrast, Wayne's third piece is already on the way. In this weakened version of the Sheep Knife, Wayne is no longer so dependent on the Sheep Knife.

What's more, except for Aoun on this RNG team, the others are not considered meat.

Li Luo's Wei En is obviously very close to his third piece of equipment.

"How dare they come? I plan to kill them."

The difference is, EZ, is pegged.

But this uzi failed to lead the timeline.

All the audience saw in astonishment that Li Luo's Wei En released an E flash at Ezreal who was about [-] yards away from him.

Shi Senming can kill Wei En with basic operations.

Aoun's second ult was launched under the eyes of everyone, and this ult was obviously aimed at Wei En.

This is a dead end.

He doesn't know how to lose this kind of group.

He has been looking for an inventory, but unfortunately, he can't find it.

Two-piece suit, with armor and output.

Uzi's tone was a little dull.

If they dare to come this time, they are obviously going to fight for their lives.

Wayne's blood volume continued to drop.

But when he opened the dragon, Li Luo glanced at the small map, frowning slightly.

Shift and transpose!

However, after Vayne sucked on Ezreal's body in one gulp, the instant acceleration effect caused Weien and the hook to miss each other.

Li Luo didn't have time to think about anything else, he had already reacted the moment he was hurt.

Syndra's QE second company landed at the position where EZ flashed, and was evaded by EZ's E skill in time.

Wei En's blood volume stabilized at one-third.

Ezreal on uzi's side just got a two-piece suit.

What was the defense tower like 5 minutes ago, and what it was like after 5 minutes except that the blood volume dropped a little.

Brother Shengqiang and Xiangguo almost recognized the cocoon.

Xiangguo punished Xiaolong steadily and said, "Then kill them."

Uzi took a deep breath.

Seeing Li Luo being cut, the two of them went straight to 2 vs 3.

But in the next second, uzi handed over his E skill and moved to the open space on the side, raised his hand A to W and hung on Li Luo's Wei En.

In the follow-up, he only needs to level A to detonate W, and Pike who has a flash comes over to add some damage to the big move, and Wei En dies directly.

He felt that he was in a good state of commentary today.

The Thorn Birds were extremely stable in the dominant game, and they couldn't make mistakes under Li Luo's command.

Along with it came Arcane Shot.

At this time, Parker's scan was not over yet. Under the cover of the scan, the news that there was no vision around was captured by the RNG people.

This wave, he did it to the extreme.

And there is another very important point, that is, uzi can't eat the wild monsters closest to his home on the road.

However, Li Luo accurately judged the direction of Ornn's ultimate move, and at the moment before hitting him, Wei En handed over her Q skill to evade the surprise attack and twisted it away.

The frontal battlefield is slightly chaotic.

On the Thornbird team, the top laner already has the power of three phases plus Bing Xin, and also has an extra red crystal.

"Stay away first."

Xiaohu said: "After posting R, stare at Wei En. If you can attract Wei En's attention, we still have a chance here. Qian Jue's equipment is actually not that bad. With the outbreak of E skill With the addition of ez, the three of us still have a chance to cut people, just be careful of the excavator's advance, the excavator's equipment can be used in seconds."

In the past, uzi cost $210-$220 at the current point in time.

The three lines all have a wave of pawns in 30 seconds, so the experience and economy of the heroes in the middle lane at the same time are likely to be a little more than those on the sidelines.

As uzi yelled in the voice to open, the three RNG players directly pressed in, and at the same time Ornn's ultimate move was activated, Karma threw his hand over RQ and smashed into the front of Thorn Bird.

This wave is an opportunity.

However, Wei En did not let go.

"The Thorn Bird has started to huddle with the little dragons, and the little dragons will refresh immediately... RNG seems to want to pick it up...but let me be honest, what are you going to do with Wei En? You can't handle it at all."

The Thorn Birds are on the table.

Ezreal appeared too quickly, and it was already too late when Liu Qingsong got weak.

RNG stood in the middle of the river, while the thorn bird stood in the lower half and opened the dragon directly.

What the hell is going to happen? !
Isn't that right bro?
When he shouted these words, his heart twitched fiercely.

It's too late, it's too soon.

At least it was much better than when he explained the Thorn Bird game last time.

To put it bluntly, the Thorn Bird just wanted to get off work 3-0.

However, Thorn Bird did not do a good job in the layout of the vision around the dragon.

Ezreal's operation is so beautiful, a set of skills has been hit!

Theoretically speaking, if both sides are in the normal development situation, Ornn as the front row is undoubtedly much more fleshy than a human horse, and the excavator is not suitable for taking on the role of resisting damage, so Kindred is paired with Ezreal The dual AD system is stronger than Thorn Bird's.

The defensive towers in the middle and upper lanes of RNG are still alive, but in terms of blood volume, they are considered to be dead in name only.

As long as RNG dares to take this wave, it will be a wave of crushing without any suspense.

The thorn bird in the middle lane doesn't need to deal with it at all. Both towers are still there, and the thorn bird's middle tower is still almost full.

Excavator Level 12.

This E flash is a standard 180-degree straight E flash.

Guan Zeyuan dares to say that!

Fortunately, they were fighting dragons very fast, rationally told Li Luo that the possibility of problems in this wave was not high.

He saw Pike rushing towards him.

Uzi's operation around the back is extremely smooth. When Q flashes out of position, there is a wall behind Uzi's Ezreal.

Now that he is on the sidelines, even if Wei En lets go, there is no chance to pin him to the wall.

"Then take it, don't put too much pressure on yourself, the worst is the next one, every one of us is better than the last one, let's find the state slowly, come on guys!"

Toad and Three Wolves, these two groups of wild monsters are the only ones that Kasa can [-]% farm to supplement his own source of income.

The deceleration effect of Ice Fist spread under Wei En's feet.

The posture is very sure, as long as this Bo Weien doesn't dodge, he will definitely be knocked into the air by himself!
"It's over, something is going to happen to Bo Weien!"

Now that the Storm Sword is in his hands, Li Luo has grown for about 2 minutes after making the Storm Sword, so he can buy another pickaxe with the money on his body.

Karma?Karma has a hammer for it!
However, when the men and horses rushed over with their big moves, their posture remembered their mission.

After emptying the view of the river in the wild area of ​​the Thornbird team, Pike and Ezreal went straight into the wild area, and then jumped into the blue pit area using the explosive fruit at the blue buff.

Give pressure when you should be pressured, and be counseled when you should be counseled.

It's too late, it's too soon.

It is impossible for him to send a Q in vain!

Rich experience tells Li Luo that even if it is perfect, God may play a joke on you, not to mention this defense full of loopholes.

"It feels like they want to touch the little dragon again. This is an earth dragon."

Syndra is not a hero who is suitable for tearing down the front row. Although Wayne's output is explosive, one can't hold up to two.

"Let's pick up this wave of earth dragons. If you don't pick up, you will feel lost."

Originally, he was already desperate, but in this wave, he and Shi Senming walked back.

There was a little relief in Uzi's expression.

Guan Zeyuan became more and more bold as the two games progressed gradually.

Xiao Ming is still cheering for his teammates.

EZ, on the other hand, appeared in Li Luo's place.

In addition, Syndra also has 14 levels.

Immediately, the glare of the E skill immediately connected with Vayne's E flash, which perfectly pressed Ezreal to stand up and stunned him for the second time.

on the commentary.

Wei En didn't put out any defensive equipment, and even though he had dual summons, he was still just a crispy skin.

He had discovered the Thorn Bird's intentions.

Flash forward!
While avoiding the big move of the centaur, the Q skill is thrown in the direction of Wei En, and after a short pause, the E is directly hit.

Shi Senming's predicted E flash also failed. While the Q skill was charged to aim at Wei En, the weakness also hung on Wei En's head, trying to use the deceleration effect of weakness to increase the hit rate of his Q skill.

These are Li Luo's original words.

This economic gap has expanded to a dangerous level.

RNG is still very stable. When facing a strong team, they don't know what to do, and then the psychological pressure increases, and they step into the abyss little by little.

But... at the moment when Wei En's Q skill reversed Ornn's ultimate move, a golden light curtain suddenly shot out from the red field area, hitting Li Luo's Wei En.

I don't know when the supplementary knife beyond the timeline became the normal configuration of uzi.

In a BO5 game, once the opponent's mentality is severely damaged in the second round, there is basically no suspense in the third round.

The moment he hit Vayne, Ezreal appeared.

The reason for doing this is because of a sentence that Li Luo would say every time the Thorn Birds team held a meeting.

Ornn, bumped into his own pillar, was evaded by Wayne.

Previously, the two-person lane was standing in the middle lane, which could develop in a triangle, and the pawn line in the middle lane was also faster than the two sidelines reaching the line.

But the moment Wei En evaded, a figure was controlled by a terrifying thrust, and was slammed against the wall!
what wall

If he really had to wait for the Thorn Bird to develop a three-piece suit, then it might be useless for him to have a three-piece suit.

Therefore, Li Luo's third choice is to do endlessly directly and simply.

Ezreal's Q Flash!
R and Q flashed across the wall, this set exploded and hit Wei En, knocking out about half of Wei En's HP!
At the same time, the water splash after the blood harbor ghost turned on W appeared under Wei En's feet.

The problem of lack of vision near the dragon area is likely to become a hidden danger.

Therefore, uzi has developed to the point where it is now purely relying on online make-ups.

"Damn, handsome!"

Xiangguo was very patient, he and Brother Saint Gun rushed directly to the front three of RNG.

This thorn bird is obviously raising pigs.

However, the reality is that there are no ifs, Ornn's development is very average, and there are no other people who can threaten Wei En. In this case, Li Luo naturally wants to maximize the output.

He'll be absurdly slow to cut down the front row until the third piece breaks out.

The core of boiling frogs in warm water is to control the resources and squeeze the development of the opponent, and gradually wear down the opponent's mentality.

The two well-developed Ueno and the undeveloped Qian Jue on the opposite side are not well-developed, isn't it a hang?

In contrast, Uzi's Ezreal is only level 11.

At the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan slapped his thigh hard, and even pinched him.

According to Thorn Bird's thinking, this little dragon RNG will not come, and may choose to fight in the big dragon. Therefore, Thorn Bird has almost completely controlled the field of vision near the big dragon, and plans to get this little dragon. Press the past to force the dragon.

Of course, neither did Li Luo.

too difficult.

Now RNG seems to have the idea of ​​designing the main battlefield near the dragon area.

They happened to be in the blind spot of Wei En's vision.

Qian Jue's development has been very miserable.

Li Luo's Wei En appeared in the previous position of EZ.

Liu Qingsong came back to his senses at the first time, and released the cosmic brilliance of the shield increase move instantly, but the whereabouts of the cosmic brilliance also took time.

A man can bend and stretch, and Li Luo obviously doesn't need to bend. RNG's lineup system was chosen for the purpose of competing with the Thorn Bird in tearing down the front row.

The level is still frighteningly high, it has reached level 14.

Liu Qingsong almost roared out.

Ornn, put the "wall"!
There was an uproar in the audience for a while.

The size of the gem can't fall down at all.

When the two extremes of "stableness" come together, there is no suspense in the situation, and what will happen next is written on the bright side.

"There is."

Just when Uzi threw another Q skill towards Wei En, the golden light suddenly flickered.

Xiangguo is very relaxed at this moment.

The reason why he flashes first, and then E goes to this position, is because uzi wants to use the flash to lie to Vayne's E.

Judging from the Thorn Bird's formation, the river ahead of the intersection is where Wei En is.

Kill Vayne, and they'll have a chance.

Xiao Ming glanced at the mini-map and said with a frown.

It was only because the Thorn Bird, who had the initiative to change lanes, changed the two-player lane to the top lane.

Under the huge disadvantage, RNG has basically lost the right to compete for map resources.

However, from God's perspective, the audience can clearly see the distribution of personnel on RNG's side.

"They may have to speed up when they are close to the three-piece suit, smash two towers in a row, go home to replenish the three-piece suit, and then team up to take the baron."

And the audience can find that uzi's last knife is slightly behind compared to the usual game.

Although the levels of Aoun and Karma on their side are not bad, they are currently both level 13, but their equipment is inferior to that of Centaur and Syndra.

What makes Uzi feel headache is that his current equipment feels like scraping people, even if the Mozong has evolved into the Moqie.

Healing Technique pulled it up without saying a word, and pulled it towards the side at the same time.

It can even be said that it is his unique opportunity.

"If you feel that you can get better results if you don't guarantee me in a wave of team battles, then you can just sell me and let it go."

Syndra also immediately threw out her big move, and a set of skills was filled with Ezreal on her face!

If there are no conditions, create conditions.

If you can't create it yourself, you have teammates to help you create it.

If the teammates can't create it, isn't there still an undercover agent?
Under the astonished gazes of Uzi and Zizi, Wei En's silver crossbow trembled in front of him.

Vayne's moment has arrived.

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