archer ferocity

Chapter 430 Comedian [Brother Moe, Happy New Year! 】

Chapter 430 Comedian [Brother Moe, Happy New Year! 】

As the voice of the commentary fell, the ten people from both sides quickly entered the Summoner's Canyon amidst the cheers of each other's fans on the scene.

In the professional arena, often the tactical ideas that both sides plan to implement in a certain game will be slightly presented in the opening deployment.

Guan Zeyuan smacked his lips as he watched the RNG crowd marching in a group: "Today's RNG team...has a very aggressive deployment in the early stage of the game. They invaded in a group at the first time, but they were defeated by the Thorn Bird. There is an ambush over there, and this time they still choose to invade together!"

"From this point of view, there should be no need to worry about the mentality of the players of the RNG team. It is good to dare to fight hard. Besides, from the perspective of the lineups of both sides of the first-level team, the RNG team has an absolute advantage. They have no reason Don't put pressure on Thorn Bird at level 1."

Smile on the side and gave a very pertinent evaluation: "The Thorn Bird team is too weak at level 1. The strength of the bottom lane combination is not bad, but the upper middle field is the same as the three trash at level 1. Syndra The damage of the Q skill in the early stage is not high, and the Q of the centaur is not stacked and has no combat effectiveness, let alone the excavator..."

"That's right. On the other hand, the RNG team has the almost invincible consumption hero Karma in the early stage, and the Kindred EZ double ad, with Pike's hook and Ornn's advantage in the jungle terrain. If the two sides meet RNG's The odds of winning would be exaggerated."

After Guan Zeyuan looked at the Thorn Bird's countermeasures, his eyes lit up slightly: "So the Thorn Bird team's response is actually quite reasonable. Wei En and Gemstone went directly to the lower road and the river to stand in the grass. The two excavators chose to invade the first half of RNG's wild area, and Syndra stood alone at the middle pass, and left a field of vision in the grass at the entrance of the wild area through the wall."

"Here... RNG was seen by Syndra's eyes!"

Inside Summoner's Rift.

Xiao Ming no longer tried to hook Wei En, but helped Ezreal push the line quickly.

Obviously, this game is going to start with a half-district start.

At this time, Qian Jue was obviously late.

With Syndra's putt hit and the excavator coming forward, Xiaohu flashed to the point of being smashed.

Support is enough to get things. If you don't get things and get off the road, it's half broken.

The director's footage was shown to RNG's battle seats at the right time, and all viewers could clearly see that when the excavator appeared again, Xiaohu was happy, and Xiaohu's mouth moved while smiling.

However, Xiangguo is very stable. When he arrived in front of Karma, he didn't immediately hand over his W skill to fly her up. Instead, he Q first, deceiving Xiaohu.

Just at this moment, bad news came from the middle.

His time is running out.

When other ADs encounter similar situations, they will be more or less apprehensive and timid.

They have to withdraw.

"This wave of thorn birds is very profitable. After Syndra gets the first blood, he can buy the lost chapters directly when he goes home. In this way, Syndra's endurance in the early stage has been greatly supplemented. The consumption of mana is actually not that big, and with the talent of mana flow thin belt, Syndra's advantage in the early stage is considered stable."

Guan Zeyuan said with emotion: "Smile is right, this wave of changing teams is definitely going to grab the river crab, that is a mark of Qian Jue, but Thorn Bird is not in a hurry at all, and just let Qian Jue go to get it .”

Although Kasa immediately gave up playing crabs and moved closer to the middle, Qian Jue really didn't have such a strong ability to save Karma who had no displacement in the early stage.

Gradually, Uzi frowned.

Seeing Xiaohu's body, Kasa could only retreat into the wild area in embarrassment and continue to brush his crabs.

There is a little envy in the smile and words.

Once they go to support, this kind of pawn line that can't go up and down can easily be stuck by the opponent.

Xiao Ming can only check it tentatively to predict Wei En's position.

The talent of mana flow belt can help him increase a little mana, but Thorn Bird's two-person lane does not give him a chance to use his skills to hit at all.

"On the surface, RNG intends to keep Qian Jue and play the defensive counterattack of the upper middle field, but in fact, through the deployment of the opening, the main strategic point is transferred to the bottom lane. This conversion will make it difficult for Thorn Bird to play in the early stage. .”

"Why are you panicking? Didn't you say before the commentary that the hero Karma is useful even if he dies a few times? It's not cost-effective for Thorn Bird to waste energy on catching Karma like this."

This kind of support is often the most troublesome for its opponents, because it does not play cards according to common sense.

And when Xiao Ming plays the hook hero, he likes to do some unconstrained operations, such as inserting needles, predicting displacement, and so on.

After everyone in RNG was collapsed by Syndra's Q skill, Dang Lian realized that it was impossible to play a first-level team.

But Ezreal and Pike's line pushing speed is really not that fast.

"If you change the wild area... To be reasonable, RNG prefers to do this. They choose Aoun for the road, and they plan to develop wretchedly when they face the centaurs. Even if the excavator is active in the upper half of the area, It is still relatively small for the Thorn Bird to directly catch Ornn to death with the Ueno duo in the early stage."

"I, the eighth-level lip language master, what Xiaohu said was "cute, why are you here again, I really love you to death." ""

But when Li Luo faced Pike who was charging the hook, he was methodically making up the knife.

The timely retreat of the thorn bird undoubtedly attracted high praise from a smile.

The time for heroes to revive in the early stage is too short, and the bottom lane RNG has the power. Once they pass by and get entangled by RNG, when Karma revives tp and comes down to play 4v4, the situation will be very unfavorable to them.

Xiao Ming's consumption obviously cannot be sustained for a long time.

In this case, the need to rely on reactions to avoid skills is even greater.

Obviously, Xiangguo was dragged by some mysterious force.

"Big brother upstairs, you understand lip language."

However, Li Luo, like a nimble loach, immediately slowed down the speed of A soldier, and there happened to be a cannon soldier in this wave of soldiers.

When Xiaohu predicted that Xiangguo would beat him, so he chose to dodge in advance, Xiangguo followed up with dodge and knocked Xiaohu's Karma into the air. A set of burst combined with the angry E skill biting defeated Xiaohu With quite a lot of HP, Syndra flashed follow-up damage and easily took Xiaohu away steadily.

In the early days, the wild areas of both sides were quite stable.

Ezreal needs to release skills frequently if he wants to push the line.

How he wishes WE had such discipline.

During the analysis of the three commentators, Xiangguo returned to the wild area to brush wild monsters for a round, and then came to the middle lane to touch Xiaohu twice.

"The comedian cancels his account, this one will be targeted by the incense pot."

"What I heard was Dashabi, why are you here again, I really fucked you?"

Bot lane Uzi and Xiao Ming played very fiercely in the lane, and Xiao Ming's Pike would cross the pawn line from time to time to put pressure on Li Luo's Wei En.

The bot lane ADCs of both sides maintained a strange consistency in the frequency of attacking minions.

But Wayne's A soldier doesn't need blue.

Smile nodded when he heard the words, he still agreed with Guan Zeyuan's words, and then added with a smile: "The bp of the RNG team is much smarter than the previous one, although it may be a bit too dependent on the output level. The performance of jungler and ad, but when Xiaohu gets a functional hero like Karma, he can still show his personal characteristics."

After all, every time he tries to consume it, the battle line will be pushed back by Vayne and gems due to the blank period of the skill CD.

I don't know why, when the audience saw Xiaohu's mouth shape, they couldn't hear the sound, but the classic Chinese quintessence involuntarily appeared in their minds.

It was even more surprising when the person who restrained himself was a well-known reckless man like Xiang Guo in LPL.

before overturning.

Xiangguo completed his first gank.

Seeing that everyone entered his attack range, Xiaodongbei unhurriedly swung his Q skill, then turned around and ran away.

That is, when Xiaohu's Karma was killed, Qian Jue also appeared from the river.

Seeing this situation, both the commentator and the audience roughly understood the concession made by Thorn Bird.

On the one hand, there is a risk of being gank by the jungler, and on the other hand, such suppression is only false.

But they didn't choose to retreat, but continued to press in together, invading into the wild area.

When uzi slowed down, Li Luo also slowed down.

This also led to the fact that the line of soldiers could not be pushed into the first tower of the Thorn Bird by them. Instead, the line of soldiers was kept in the area outside the attack range of the red defense tower.

The imprint of Qian Jue appeared on the river swift crab in the second half of the field.

If Hongkai catches people, if he fails to catch them, he will give the opponent a chance to return to the blue buff. Although the pot is reckless, he will not do such a stupid thing that has a high probability of failure.

Uzi also likes the general way of moving, but there is a little difference between Uzi and Li Luo. Uzi will warm up in advance, use high-frequency movement to confuse the opponent, and rely purely on instinct to avoid skills. There will be certain mistakes Rate.

Three...they can't rush to support Kasa in the wild.

Since it's a half zone swap, Xiangguo will naturally choose to give priority to blue opening.

The gank timing of this wave of incense pot is well controlled.

Normally speaking, this is undoubtedly a good thing for Qian Jue.

The three people in the commentary booth talked to each other, which directly brought a super double psychological pressure to the audience on the scene and even watching the live broadcast.

"After all, with the characteristics of the excavator, it is more difficult to grab the top lane. If you grab the middle lane... Reasonably, Karma, a hero who dies once or twice, is harmless. After Karma makes the Little Holy Grail, Syndra's output will Get some discounts."

"In this case, the Thorn Bird now has the advantage of two lanes. Both the top lane and the mid lane can stabilize RNG, but RNG's problem is not too big. They can accept a little passiveness in the early game, except for the bottom lane, of course. "


Aoun returned to the city in the wild area, and the others simply lived in the lower half of the Thorn Bird's wild area.

The steak that had just arrived in the lounge was slightly panting, and his round stomach heaved up and down with his chest. He took a sip of water from the thermos, but he never took his eyes off the screen.

After all, Syndra's mana is running low.

This meant that Li Luo was very confident in his reaction speed.

Changing the half area obviously helped RNG's idea of ​​pursuing stability in the early stage.

This uzi is very uncomfortable.

Backstage lounge.

Seeing that his team had successfully changed the jungle, he drained the water glass and nodded in satisfaction.

Guan Zeyuan analyzed leisurely: "Originally swinging Karma to the middle lane, the laning in the bottom lane will become a problem, but if Qian Jue puts pressure in the wild area, the Thorn Bird will not be able to fight so aggressively in the laning phase. Even more afraid to push the lane, in this situation uzi's laning advantage is likely to be brought into play."

Mana is needed to release skills.

But Xiangguo keenly seized this gap. He guessed that Qian Jue had no way to refuse the mark, so Xiangguo decisively came to the middle lane to cooperate with Syndra to grab a wave decisively after the mark was refreshed.

Uzi was fast, and Li Luo followed suit.

Firstly, it is impossible to suppress the opponent's last knife, and secondly, there is no way to suppress the opponent's blood line.

But obviously, although the current WE has become younger in terms of personnel, the frizz brought by the young people will inevitably make the entire team play the same color.

But what frustrates Xiao Ming is that Li Luo is not panicked at all when facing a Pike with Q charging.

The incense pot did not grab it, even with Syndra.

And if you choose blue to open, the excavator without the red buff will be relatively weak in catching people.

The first step in the implementation of their tactics has been completed.

The Thorn Bird takes over the upper half, and RNG takes over the second half.

Not surprisingly, in the eyes of the audience from God's perspective, when Xiangguo came to gank in the middle, it happened to be when Kasa knocked out half of the blood of the crab.

Right now, his EZ mana is almost exhausted, and it's time for Kasa to go home and replenish his equipment.

"On RNG's side, Casa's Kindred is open in the second half of the wild, which means that he can put unlimited pressure on the Thorn Bird's bottom lane duo in the wild."

WE can often play a certain advantage in the early stage, but if the advantage cannot be stabilized, it is useless.

However, Li Luo doesn't warm up. Li Luo only keeps the hero moving at a high frequency like uzi operation in a part of the time, and in the other part, Li Luo moves smoothly, giving a relatively simple Feel.

This kind of aggressive desire can be restrained in the case of superior numbers...

However, what makes Xiao Ming depressed is that Li Luo always seems to be able to predict the approximate position of the hook at the moment when his hook is just shot, so as to make a move or displacement in the opposite direction.

For the bottom lane duo, it is a big taboo for the pawn line to be stuck here all the time.

"This is the discipline of a team."

"Uh... Karma's death several times does not have much effect on the role of this hero, but have you ever thought about a question, in case this Syndra is very fat, so fat that one big move can kill Izzy Did Riel or Qian Jue die suddenly?"

Fans in the Tieba forum communicate with each other.

However, at this moment, a battle broke out in the bottom lane.

All discussions came to an abrupt end at this moment, and the mood of the audience was brought down the road by the director's camera.

 Today is a day of New Year's greetings without any accidents. This guy has no leave and can only stay up late to write. Happy New Year everyone
(End of this chapter)

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