archer ferocity

Chapter 294 Take it!

"Oh my god, Kai'Sa's counterattack... this..."

Guan Zeyuan on the commentary seat was a little confused.

The long hair sitting beside him silently glanced at him and then didn't say anything.

At this time, Changmao also wanted to follow Wang Duoduo's example and write a poem.

What is it called.

Strategize thousands of miles away!
Even though there are so many spectators, and they are not on the stage at all, their words and deeds can affect the direction of the game from a distance!
"I have tears in my eyes, colonel, it is indeed you!"

"Fuck, don't worry! If you can talk, talk more!"

"Come on, I'm going to have an exam soon, can you give me a sip of milk?"

"My reason tells me that brother Luo is so handsome, and he pulled it back purely by manipulation, but my eyes and ears tell me that there is something strange!"

There was a lot of discussion on the bullet screen and even in the post bar forum.

So weird.

Who said at the beginning of the game that it is difficult to get a solo kill in the bottom lane?
At the same time, the South Korean team is on the bench.

"what happened to you?"

Matt frowned.

He used to partner with imp, and after getting used to imp's style of play, mata always felt that deft didn't play aggressive enough in the laning phase.

It is also because of this that Mata is more at ease when he develops in the single lane of Deft's bottom lane. He knows that Deft generally will not take the initiative to give the opponent a chance to kill him.

But this wave...

"I made a mistake."

Deft is a little annoyed.

The feeling that the color of his underpants had been seen through made his face flush slightly.

You must know that there are many people who are paying attention to this Asian Games.

Moreover, the South Korean zf also paid close attention to this event, and they even decided to broadcast it live on the national TV station.

This also means that his wave of operations in China has been seen by everyone who has followed the game.

Shame on you!
"Not really."

Mata shook his head slightly, randomly looking at the situation on the frontal battlefield, his face was a little ugly.

Things have happened, he can only find a way to make up for it.

Some people are sad, others are happy.

In contrast, the Chinese team's match table was full of joy.

"Oh, tortoise, this can be killed alone."

"It's fierce, it's fierce."

"Is this Luoshen's sense of oppression?"

Xiangguo, Xiaohu, and letme chanted in turn.

The three of them did not see the specific details of the single kill.

After all, at this time they are entangled with the South Korean team in front of the Canyon Pioneer, and the South Korean team has the priority of consumption with Zoe.

Therefore, the three of them and meiko on the frontal battlefield need to focus their attention to avoid being consumed by blood.

This stalemate does nothing for their development.

But there was a solo kill in the bottom lane... everything was completely different.

The two sides in the stalemate are most afraid of problems on the sidelines.

Especially the sideline farthest from them.

Right now, Deft is being single-handedly killed by Li Luo, which means that Li Luo doesn't need to return even if he has residual blood, and the other people on the opposite side are far away from him. Li Luo can know this news through the four teammates who are entangled with each other. of.

This also means that Li Luo can push a tower recklessly in the bottom lane alone.

In this unplated version, let a fully developed Kai'Sa defend the tower at this point for half a minute...

Even if the defense tower is not directly exploded, there may be very little HP left.

Why compete for Canyon Herald?Wasn't it to use the canyon pioneer to take the first blood tower to take the lead in tearing the gap in the stable development and take the lead.

Right now, this opportunity is broken by the 1v1 solo between ADCs. In the arena, the impact of ADC matchups being solo kills is not only the 300 yuan economy, but this impact can cover the entire team!
In this way, it is the South Korean team that will be anxious on the front.

On the one hand, they don't want to let go of this canyon. After all, they have a certain advantage in terms of terrain and combat effectiveness at the current time node. F6 has become Gnar's tool for controlling anger. Kiin controls anger very well. In a fight, this Gnar with flash and R is likely to have a huge impact on the formation of the Chinese team.

And the flashy and powerful Morgana, relying on the deterrence of her ultimate move Soul Shackles, will also make the Chinese team's team battles less easy to fight.

The South Korean team does not want to give up this advantage.

In times of crisis, faker stood up.

Relying on a flying star shot at a tricky angle, combined with Faker's decisive flash, he controlled Zoe to shoot a QRQ flash at the limit distance and hit Xiaohu in the crack.

Although Zoe has not formed the equipment at the current point in time, the hit of the flash shot still knocked out about half of Syndra's health, and the subsequent hypnotic bubbles also went through the wall to the other side and hit the incense pot. troll.

There was an uproar at the scene.

Faker's wave is indeed critical enough.

After Syndra's blood volume was significantly lowered, the Korean team pressed up from the front, occupying the main pass at the vanguard of the canyon.

Xiaohu on the Chinese team immediately retreated after making a dig, and the originally clear situation became blurred.

When Li Luo was pushing the tower, he naturally had time to observe the frontal situation of the battle. Seeing this situation, Li Luo got close to the wall and left the only accessory eye on his body on the other side of the wall.

Then he said, "Li Yuanhao, go home for supplies, come here again, this canyon can be released."

Li Luo's prompt made the thinking of the four members of the Chinese team clear in an instant.

Meiko, who controlled Luo to the front, was also slightly relieved.

He didn't know what to do in this situation just now.

The main battle group thinks that it can be fought, and the risk is worth taking.

But this guy is a fucking gambler. If he wins the bet, he will explode on the other side, and if he loses the bet, he will explode himself.

Xiaohu and Letme didn't want to fight that much, which Meiko could feel from the communication between them.

Although the few selected by the national team this time are all top players in various positions, it is undeniable that these people together are not necessarily the strongest.

After all, only teammates who have been working together for a long time are more likely to have a tacit understanding. How long have they been working together?
Meiko, who doesn't belong to RNG, always has a sense of separation that he can't fit into it every time he follows the Ue Nakano trio to make troubles.

Outsiders can't see this, and only Meiko or the other three with a more delicate mind can feel this feeling.

But to Meiko's surprise, Li Luo got along with everyone surprisingly well.

Moreover, Li Luo's command ability is relatively easy to convince.

The most intuitive is reflected in the incense pot.

Unlike RNG's other jungler Casa, Xiangguo has a straighter temper, and he has his own ideas, and likes to play games around the upper middle field.

Therefore, Xiangguo talked to Li Luo during everyone's initial training, and said that Li Luo should not affect him when he was in the middle of the rhythm.

And Li Luo also agreed with a smile at that time. Except for some major decisions, Li Luo's command mostly revolved around the later team battles.

In the RNG team, uzi plays this role.

Now Li Luo's role is the same as that of uzi, so Xiangguo can easily adapt to it.

Right now, Li Luo made the key decisions surrounding the canyon vanguard, and Xiangguo agreed after a little hesitation. After all, in his impression, Li Luo's decisions in the game seldom go wrong.

"OK, I'll come right away."

Xiaohu immediately retreated to the city.

off the road.

While dismantling the defense tower, Li Luo watched Ezreal's resurrection time.

The reason why he said that Deft was fooled, besides his own manipulation, in fact, the main reason for this wave of solo kills is the game on the psychological level.

Normally, in a 1v1 solo kill like this, one person will take the initiative to provoke and launch an offensive.

Playing the game of League of Legends, especially the position of adc, is doomed to have a heart that dares to output.

This position is not like the top unit. The position of the top laner has a cowardly and aggressive style of play, and a fierce and aggressive style of play.

Counseling and peace are not equated.

ADC can be stable.

But any adc that is above the average line cannot be cowardly while being stable.

Cowardly adc will be like that in his life.

Deft is obviously a stable but not timid adc.

When encountering this kind of ADC, there are only two ways to kill him.

One is his own illness.

The other is to use deliberately exposed flaws to lure the opponent, and then kill him back.

This kind of behavior is extremely risky, just like Li Luo's wave just now.

If he doesn't resist the tower attack, deft will not come out of the defensive tower.

If he made a mistake in the connection between basic attack and skills, then Deft probably wouldn't release his big move on the spot because he couldn't reach it, giving Li Luo a chance to fight back.

If his hand speed is a little slower, it may be too late for ARA to flash, and once he is caught by Ezreal's big move, the ending may be different.

It is precisely because Li Luo has done all kinds of things and completed the dance on the tip of the knife, so Deft can be regarded as being fooled.

At this time, Li Luo was analyzing Deft's thoughts while dismantling the tower, and at the same time, quickly calculated and thought about it in his mind based on the remaining HP of the defensive tower.

"Ka'Sa hasn't returned yet, the Chinese team's frontal Xiaohu has been consumed! As expected of a faker, what a decisive flash! In this case, Xiaohu has to go home to replenish, and the Chinese team is forced to let go of the canyon pioneer. It's a bit What a pity this wave... Hey, Xiaohu directly chooses tp after returning home to replenish? The position of tp is the bottom lane?"

Guan Zeyuan's voice fell, and Changmao next to him said: "At this time, tp's going to the bottom lane should not be as simple as tearing down a defensive tower. Ezreal has been resurrected and is rushing towards the lane... Then, if this is the case, It feels like the Chinese team has ideas for Ezreal!"

Speaking of this long hair, his eyes light up.

Because when Ezreal and Kai'Sa fought before, the two sides had already dispatched cannon soldiers, so the next two waves of soldiers are ordinary lines without cannons.

Such an ordinary line cannot last long under a defensive tower.

Under Li Luo's "cautious" acting, when the second wave of troops was cleared, the defense tower still had about one-sixth of its HP.

At this time, the Canyon Pioneer has also been acquired by the South Korean team.

When the third wave of troops arrived, Ezreal also approached the bottom tower.

The director's perspective was given to Ezreal's data panel for the first time.

Everyone can see clearly that Ezreal's E skill has a CD of about three seconds.

This is because deft handed in the E skill to jump out of the spring when he went out.

Ezreal's E skill CD in the early stage is so outrageous, and it is still a little bit close to walking from home to online.

At this moment, Deft fixed his eyes on Kai'Sa, who had low blood volume under the tower.

Especially when Kai'Sa dared to continue to tap towers, Deft's breathing became a little short.

Kai'Sa is waving.

This is his wave of opportunities.

His E skill CD is immediately restored, just Q a minion to jump over.

And in this wave, he added shoes. Kai'Sa didn't have shoes yet, so he has an advantage in moving speed. He has a chance to chase Kai'Sa to death.

Just when Deft was thinking like this, he watched Kai'Sa walking towards him while facing Tower A.

Deft immediately understood what was going on.

At the same time, in the bushes on the side, Tiger's Syndra stepped out.

It is worth mentioning that there are still two magic balls in the grass at this time.

This is what Xiaohu started accumulating storage after tp landed.

The purpose is to be able to use as much output as possible from his big move.

Xiaohu, who was holding a magic ball, threw it directly towards Ezreal, and at the same time, the energy pouring out of the big move burst out instantly!

Deft reacted very quickly. He raised his hand and handed over his Q skill to hit Xiaohu's Syndra almost when Xiaohu made a move. Using the skill CD reduced by the Q skill hitting the target, he jumped out directly after the E skill cooled down.

The energy poured into his body before he jumped, leaving black magic balls all over the ground.

The damage that caused his blood volume to drop by more than half in an instant made Deft's eyelids twitch wildly.

Xiaohu was waiting for this moment. His unpretentious EQ [-]nd chain locked on the position where Ezreal's E skill jumped and threw it out, precisely controlling Ezreal in place.

Li Luo followed up with the W skill to find the enemy in the void and hit Ezreal!
Void Seeker doesn't do much damage.

But it just makes up for the shortage of Syndra's damage.

This is because deft is relatively stable, and the gavel first came out to increase its own blood volume.

However, in the case of Syndra's five-ball ult and all other skills, it is absolutely impossible for Ezreal to survive with Kai'Sa's W skill.

Ezreal, who had just been revived for less than 30 seconds, returned to the spring to soak in the hot spring again.

And this head still belonged to Li Luo.

There was an uproar at the scene.

But all players who have reached a certain level of understanding of the game of League of Legends already understand it.

Ezreal, collapsed.

Died twice.

Throw a tower.

Throw three waves of troops.

This Ezreal...

Not that he couldn't play anymore.

Just using Kai'Sa as a reference, Ezreal has indeed collapsed.

A tower burst down the road.

One blood tower in hand!
"It's okay. Although there are no heads, it's not bad to be able to eat a defense tower. Brother Luo, I'm okay with this wave, right?"

Xiaohu said with a smile in his unique voice.

"Strong, General Tiger."

With a smile on his face, Li Luo flattered and praised without hesitation.

What players like Xiaohu lack the most is self-confidence.

Although Li Luo doesn't talk much, he still knows how to brag.

On the South Korean team's match table, deft was completely red at this time.

To be precise, it has turned red and purple, and it has begun to shift in the direction of green.

As he expected, Kai'Sa will definitely be able to make sheep knives and attack speed shoes when she returns home this time.

It's only ten minutes!

Kai'Sa...has taken off.

He raised it.

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