archer ferocity

Chapter 292 The Battle of Hanwha!

On the first day of the qualifiers, the Chinese team won all four games and also contributed a record-breaking game. This record will undoubtedly satisfy the audience.

The players in the Tieba forum are very excited, and the tight schedule greatly satisfies everyone's filling of empty time.

And tomorrow's game is the highlight for the audience.

For a long time, as long as it involves international competitions, the audience will often add their respective divisions to the prefix of their favorite team during the discussion.

The dispute between China and South Korea is actually just a war between LPL and LCK more often.

The games where all five players on the field have red flags printed on their uniforms have been rare since ancient times.

But this time, it was an all-Chinese class vs. all-Korean class in the true sense!
Although it was only a BO1 in the qualifiers, many viewers were too excited to sleep that night.

Of course, there are also LCK fans who have vaccinated themselves in advance. Before the game starts, hang up the label of the exhibition game first, so that even if the LCK loses the duel in the end, they can still use the "exhibition game" "Be serious", "If you have enough points in the qualifiers, of course you have to hide things to control the points" and a series of reasons to hypnotize yourself and brainwash others.

The next day's game day arrived as scheduled.

The ringing of the alarm clock made Li Luo open his hazy eyes.

After getting up from the bed, Li Luo looked at the time, then got up to wash up, put on a set of loose clothes and went to the restaurant downstairs to eat.

This is Abu's set wake-up time.

There is still a difference between having a professional coach and not having a professional coach. Since the competition will last from noon to night, the halfway time span is very large.

In order for the players to keep their minds clear and clear-headed, generally speaking, players are not allowed to eat until they are about to play a more important game.

But the qualifiers for the Asian Games are too long, and if you don't eat, players generally can't stand it.

The organizing committee is also very good at making arrangements. They deliberately arranged the duel between China and South Korea for a relatively late game, so that the players can get up and eat their stomachs. In the duel, it is enough to show all the state and play the most exciting game.

"You're early enough."

As soon as Li Luo entered the restaurant, he saw King Ning eating there. Li Luo picked up the plate from the side and said.

"Habits have been forced to form. Now I really wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs in the base."

King Ning swallowed a mouthful of fried eggs, glanced at Li Luo and said, "But having said that, it's really interesting to get used to this kind of thing. Ever since you left, Su Xiaoluo wanted to take everyone out to parties again. , but everyone under your influence will rarely follow his wish."

"You can see it, otherwise you wouldn't be able to win [-] consecutive victories, right?"

Li Luo said with a smile.

"Don't mention it, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

King Ning was a little depressed by Li Luo's words.

IG's performance in the spring and summer regular seasons was invincible.

In the regular season throughout the year, they only lost two BO3 games.

But these two BO3s all lost to EDG.

Don't mention how depressed King Ning is.

"You guys practice hard, the playoffs are the highlight, and the best of 5 is the real strength."

Li Luo patted King Ning on the shoulder and went to choose something. King Ning looked at Li Luo's back and opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Not long after, everyone arrived one after another, including Abramovich, the coach of the national team.

Even when he was eating, Abu did not forget to hold his small notebook and frowned to arrange today's tactics.

at the same time.

Inside the hotel where the South Korean team is resting.

A group of Korean players have arrived in the training room.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the training room was extremely serious.

The Korean national team coach who participated this time is not Kkoma.

But another heavyweight.

That is Samsung's coach Edgar.

In terms of performance, Edgar is slightly inferior to Kkoma.

However, from the end of last year to the present, Kkoma's team performance has been getting worse and worse.

The Korean E-sports Association found both coaches and after some discussions, they finally made a decision to let Edgar serve as the head coach of the national team. Of course, Kkoma was not idle, but followed The team came to the scene together.

Not only Kkoma, but also LCK coaches and analysts came together, obviously preparing to brainstorm on the tactical level, trying to overwhelm the Chinese team in BP.

As a standard "formula" coach, Edgar's teams all like to follow the version to do bp.

So Edgar thinks that he has explored the current version very thoroughly.

Looking at the players in front of him, Edgar said seriously: "This time we have prepared enough tactics, so we don't need to keep them. Listen, I need you to show your full strength in the qualifiers. Because it was a qualifier, they probably didn't take it to heart."

"This is an opportunity for us to improve our morale. After all, in the past year, we have won very few small games in the LPL division."

"And they are the real Chinese team this time. You just need to remember that Chinese players are not as good as our Korean players!"

"Listen to my request. You just need to do what you should do. If you still lose in the end, then the reason is me."

"do you understand?"

Edgar's serious words fell on everyone's ears, and everyone responded.


Edgar nodded, then glanced over, and said, "The starting lineup for the match against CN is KIIN for the top laner, Peanut for the jungler, faker for the mid laner, deft and mata for the bottom laner."

Among the six members selected by the South Korean team this time, besides Peanut, the jungler also has KT's jungler score.

In Edgar's view, since the starting roster of the Chinese team is mlxg, the jungler named score cannot be included.

score is a bit similar to Anzhangmen.

Both of them will be firmly restrained by the style of Xiangguo.

Peanuts are not.

Although Little Peanut's performance was a bit unreasonable before, but after this period of training, Edgar feels that Little Peanut's condition has improved a lot.

Hitting mlxg should be OK.


The match between the Chinese and South Korean teams went very smoothly that day.

Even China Baywan and Hong Kong, which have certain strengths, failed to stop the two teams. Until the final confrontation between the two teams, both sides had not yet experienced defeat.

In this last match, someone's record will definitely be broken.

Following the referee's prompt, the players from both sides quickly came to their respective battle seats.

Li Luo habitually closed his eyes and rested his mind before starting the bp, and felt a little bit embarrassed when he heard Abu talking about the main points of the tactics.

In my impression, before Li Luo's rebirth, the South Korean national team's bot lane duo was Chidi and coreJJ.

Now it has become deft and mata.

Good luck tricks people.

But think about it.

Chidi and coreJJ are no longer the world champions of S7, and they didn't even make it to the top four in the spring split. It would be a ghost if they were selected.

On the contrary, KT's momentum this year is very good, and deft and mata are also voted the highest among Korean netizens.

Although... Li Luo is not sure whether the reason why these two votes are high is because other bot lane duos in the LCK division have been abused by him.

On the other side, South Korea is on the table.

Edgar was talking to deft and mata.

The two nodded from time to time.

In the end, Deft squeezed the mouse slightly, and said seriously: "Don't worry, I dare not say anything else, at least I can hold on, and I am confident that my team fighting ability is better than him."

"Very well, this confidence is what I want."

Edgar nodded slightly.

The referee's prompt came.

The bp between the two sides officially started.

The blue team is the Chinese team, and the red team is the Korean team!
At the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan and Chang Mao were already ready for battle.

That's right, today is not a combination of Guan Zeyuan and Shiyi, but a partner with Changmao.

Sometimes Guan Zeyuan is also very helpless, he needs to control the field, so the Asian Games needs him.

The others couldn't hold back the situation, so they came over to take turns to partner with him when they had a break.

But he had to turn into an evergreen tree and stay here forever.

Who to reason with?
Guan Zeyuan felt bitter.

"The Chinese team here is on the blue side, and the front three bans are given to Ryze, Demon Girl... and Akali! Well, this is to target faker to the end."

Guan Zeyuan felt helpless while explaining.

There are things that come to mind, but can't be said.

Xiaohu's shortcomings are obvious.

That is, it is easy to become a breakthrough when encountering a relatively strong mid laner.

In fact, he didn't do nothing.

The point is, sometimes self-confidence is not enough.

If the opponent gets a hero with too high laning strength, Xiaohu will be overwhelmed psychologically, which will lead to operational errors during the laning period.

The most obvious place to present this situation is the ban position of "Akali".

Xiaohu knew that his proficiency in Akali was not enough, and it was okay to bully the mid laners in the wild card division. Facing the faker, he didn't dare to let it go, nor did he dare to take it.

The top three bans of the South Korean team are given to the top laner Sword Demon of the T0 version, the ADC Xia they are more afraid of, and... Delevingne.

Seeing this Draven, Guan Zeyuan's expression became obviously a little weird.

This thing, why did the South Korean team ban it?

However, viewers with relatively good memories vaguely remembered the encounter between Li Luo and Deft in rank when Kai'Sa first came out.

In that game, Li Luo played Kai'Sa, while Deft played Delevingne.

Afterwards... It seems that he has been taught forehand and backhand.

So does deft have a shadow on this thing?
With the end of the banning session, the first floor of the Chinese team chose Kai'Sa.

As soon as Kai'Sa came out, the audience cheered!

Li Luo's Kai'Sa left a deep impression on the field, especially the sense of agility. At least so far, no No.2 player has given the same feeling to the audience.

Coupled with Kai'Sa's frequent weakening, except for a few teams who will take this hero as the core, the Chinese team as a whole has not used Kai'Sa as the core many times.

Now that Li Luo is playing Kai'Sa again in the national team, it naturally makes many people look hopeful.

"They really took Kai'Sa, we took Zoe and EZ."

Edgar said with confidence.

"Let them meet Ezreal of Korean ADC."

mata said to deft with a smile.

There is something about Ezreal in South Korea. This is a truth that has been handed down from S3 to the present.

When it was the Chinese team's turn to choose, the Chinese team knocked Luo directly on the second floor.

Immediately after the third floor, Syndra was selected!

Luo's team start is matched with Kai'Sa's entry into the field, and Syndra's lane-playing ability.

The first three choices of the Chinese team have determined the backbone of the lineup.

The smile on Edgar's face was even wider.

He is waiting for the Chinese team to choose Luo.

As long as the Chinese team chooses Luo, his arrangement will work.

On the third floor, the South Korean team directly selected Morgana!
On the one hand, Morgana can guarantee the early laning. With the ability to push the line with the W skill, the speed of pushing the line with Ezreal's partner will not be slower than that of Kai'Sa and Luo, and even faster.

In addition, Morgana's magic immunity shield can also greatly guarantee the safety of Zoe's consumption during the mid-term struggle between the two sides.

After all, the Chinese team's mid laner is Syndra. If Syndra's reaction speed is fast enough, Zoe's QRQ will have a chance to lower Zoe's bloodline with a set of EQ.

With Zoe's crispy skin, it's very likely that he will lose half of his blood if he consumes it.

The early laning can also resist Luo's opening group.

Edgar was very satisfied with Morgana's choice.

Then the two sides entered the second round of bp, and the Chinese team gave Olaf and the prince respectively the two ban positions.

The South Korean team on the other side aimed at Xiangguo, killing the nightmare and the excavator.

Obviously, the South Korean team is still quite wary of Xiangguo's gank frequency in the early stage. Since the Chinese team has taken a relatively strong hero like Syndra in the middle, if they match him with a strong jungler, then their South Korean team will Bian Nakano will be very sad in the early stage.

This is not only for Xiangguo, but also a competition between the two junglers in the hero pool.

When the second round of bans ended, the Korean team's fourth-floor second selected the blind monk, leaving the fifth-floor top laner to take on Kang Te.

"Blind Monk is selected... Then all the strong junglers who are still outside are gone... The Chinese team... Aoun on the fourth floor and trolls on the fifth floor are not bad."

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan frowned slightly watching the Chinese team's last two-handed choice.

If he were to judge, the lineup of the Chinese team is very "RNG."

RNG likes to use this lineup model of pure tool man in the top lane, functional jungler, strong mid laner, and big C in the bottom lane.

This kind of lineup mode has advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that it has a strong ability to start a team and can provide adc with a better output space.

The downside is that once the adc is forcibly killed by the opponent in a team battle, then the lineup will not hurt much.

It’s fine if Syndra’s skill hits the target. If the second QE combo is empty in the team battle, then there is only one big move left to deal damage. If the big move hits the opponent’s front In terms of platoon, Syndra's sense of presence is not much different from that of super mage soldiers.

The last hero of the South Korean team was to finalize Gnar.

"It's locked! In this case, the lineup of the two sides has been finalized! The Chinese team's top laner Aoun, jungle troll, mid laner Syndra, and bottom lane duo are Kai'Sa and Luo respectively."

After Guan Zeyuan's voice fell, Changmao followed closely behind: "The red side Korean team, top laner Gnar, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Zoe, and bottom lane duo are Ezreal and Morgana!"

"Overall, I am more optimistic about the Korean team's lineup."

Guan Zeyuan seriously analyzed: "The Chinese team is very dependent on Kai'Sa's development, but this version of Kai' be honest, the genre of switching to AP in the mid-term will be stronger, and the problem of long development cycle still exists."

"Although the Chinese team's team-starting ability is very good, the problem is that the South Korean team's lineup is too flexible, there is Morgana, and it is a lineup system that is partial to poke and pull in the mid-term...It is not easy to open, even if It can also be opened in time when it reaches the Korean team."

"It's a little bad."

Guan Zeyuan's very reasonable analysis, on the contrary, made many slightly worried viewers feel relieved.

ps: The next chapter has high energy~ Today's competition is really... Wind Dragon Soul, [-] economy, the curse of the elements can't be broken?Jack love is so fierce now~

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