archer ferocity

Chapter 250 Gorgeous! 【8k】

Chapter 250 Gorgeous! 【8k】

ps: There are easter eggs
At the EDG battle table.

"Qijiang, don't be nervous, grab it at level 2, I'll come to C."

Li Luo said with a smile on his face.

"Don't mess with you, I'll pick a blind monk at level 2 and catch it, unless Thresh's brain is drawn at level 1 and flashes up to get you."

While Ming Kai was smiling and turned his head away to talk, Meiko suddenly reminded: "The camera is over, the camera is over."

Ming Kai restrained his smile subconsciously, and it was this scene that was captured by the director.

Then Ming Kai seemed to realize something, what happened when the camera came?
He is no longer the Akai who was a bit shy on the field.

No, you have to give the camera a look to express it.

Thinking of this, he raised his head and stared at the camera.

It's a pity that the shot has been missed.

The game screen at this time has entered the reading page.

In the commentary, Miller also said: "The players on both sides are ready, let's enter the first match of the semifinals between EDG and KZ!"

The sound of cheering on the scene sounded.

As long as the LPL team is not playing in South Korea, they can basically gain the favor of many viewers.

This one is no exception.

Or because of Ming Kai's appearance, for this LPL No. 001 player, the scene undoubtedly gave a lot of respect.

Besides, this is Ming Kai's blind monk!There's a gimmick!
"Ten people from both sides have already entered the Summoner's Canyon. Let's see what kind of performance the director's blind monk debut will bring us after a long time. EDG maintained a defensive position at the beginning. Open the field normally."

"KZ doesn't plan to play a first-level team. After all, EDG can stand up and resurrect after someone dies. No matter what team they are, they will generally give up playing a first-level team when facing an opponent with Sion. This thing is a level-1 team. The group is too tight."

As pdd said, Miller beside him nodded slightly: "That's right, as long as Thain falls in the front, if he doesn't deal with the standing corpses, he can even hit many of them one by one!"

"Both sides open the field normally, there is no problem, but I don't know if the factory manager will choose level 2 to catch... Oh, here the factory manager started to swipe up after hitting the red buff, very sensible."

The three commentators teased and unknowingly eased the tension of the audience in front of the screen.

This is a very strange phenomenon.

Especially veterans, if they have not played for a long time and suddenly play a game, it is easy to touch the heartstrings of the audience who care about them.

Ming Kai is no exception.

It's just that as Ming Kai's blind monk approached the upper half, the audience keenly felt something was wrong.

"The factory manager... didn't move the blue? He went straight to the top lane. Does this mean he wants to catch the top lane at level 2? Ming Kai said that I changed the number of lanes! It depends on whether Khan will be recruited!"

The pitch of pdd suddenly rose.

From the perspective of God, the signal belonging to the EDG team on the mini-map has already lit up.

And in the EDG match table, the players were also communicating.

"If he interrupts you, fuck him."

Ming Kai said.

Because he is red, so even if he came to the top road non-stop after level 2, the solo lane on the top road has already reached level 2.

When Camille fights a relatively bulky hero like Sion, he usually doesn't learn W at level 1 or level 2.

Whether it is the acceleration effect provided by his Q skill after the release, or the feature of the E skill hook lock that can interrupt Sion's Q skill, it will make Sion a little uncomfortable.

Khan's style belongs to the kind of more aggressive, so the two sides changed blood frequently at the beginning of the road.

The exchange of blood in the early stage of the top laner of both sides is very detailed.

Since Sion's E skill is an AP bonus, when Camille stepped forward to exchange blood, Jin Gong decisively handed E and kicked Camille's face, so that Camille's basic attack A released a magic shield.

Although Camille with a strong attack can have an advantage in consumption even without a passive shield, Sion's talent is the indestructible grip, so he didn't suffer too much in the confrontation.

When the top laners on both sides reached level 2, Jin Gong controlled Thain to press forward, and after finding an opportunity, he released the Q skill at Camille who was on the edge of the wall.

Naturally, Khan would not let Thain get what he wanted, and immediately controlled Camille's extremely smooth hook lock to kick the wall, and then the second E fell on Thain's body to interrupt his charged Q skill.

However, the moment Khan kicked it up, the blind monk who appeared in the river made the corner of Khan's mouth twitch, and he hurriedly retreated.

The reason why Ming Kai's blind monk has a high winning rate in the professional arena is by no means because of his excellent operation.

The key point is that Ming Kai can grasp the opponent's psychology very well, and at the same time his own mentality is never chaotic.

When Ming Kai and Jin Gong form Ueno partners, their stability will naturally become the most terrifying weapon.

Khan, who retreated immediately after kicking Thain unconscious, has been paying attention to Thain's actions, and manipulated Camille to move back and forth.

He doesn't want to be slowed down by Sion's E skill.

However, Jin Gong was not in a hurry at all.

Under such circumstances, Ming Kai launched the initiative, touched Camille's feet, and raised his hand to launch a basic attack.

When the deceleration effect of the red buff was hanging on Camille, Jin Gong's Thain just surrendered his E skill!
The little soldier was kicked far away by Thain's kick. Judging from the trajectory along the way, Camille had no way to evade the attack.

Khan's reaction speed is quite sharp, and after realizing that he will be slowed down, he decisively dodges to evade Thain's key E skill.

Ming Kai did not rush after him, he knew that his damage was not enough.

Level 2 forced Camille's flash without paying any summoner skills at home, which is already a bloody profit.

"Xi Ba'er! This guy's jungle style shouldn't be like this?"

Khan said cursingly.

In the past two days, most of the tactical discussions in the team started from Ming Kai, so Khan also had a certain understanding of Ming Kai's style.

Seeing that Camille didn't die, Little Peanut heaved a sigh of relief, and said angrily, "Catching at level 2 is something he often does. Since he can catch it, he can certainly catch it. Be careful, hey."

Khan opened his mouth when Peanut said this, but choked back the words.

He knew he had just made a mistake.

Ming Kai's card vision ability is good, so just now Ming Kai was close to the wall of the triangular grass on their top road and moved closer to the top road.

When his Camille kicked the wall with the hook lock, there was an arrow warning for the blind monk in the blind vision.

It's just that Khan didn't pay attention too carefully at the time.

Khan played his own flash for nothing, of course Khan was very annoyed, it reminded him of the last time he used Camille to fight the gold tribute troll, he was tricked by a pillar of the troll, so he kicked up and sent it away Little life.

This wave really shouldn't be.

Mingkai's wild thinking is very clear.

Red open, then hit toad, blue buff, three wolves, brush all the way down.

If you have a chance after clearing the wild area later, go to the bottom lane to gank once.

Return to the city to resupply equipment if there is no chance.

"Leave a view here."

Ming Kai pinned his F6.

The younger brother immediately understood that his Zoe would inevitably be crushed in the early stage when facing the rock sparrow. When he was close to the wall, the younger brother placed his jewelry eye in the F6 area.

When Ming Kai finished beating Toad and was about to destroy the blue buff, the figure of the male gun appeared in the F6 area.

Ming Kai's gaze immediately became dangerous.

"Or, they rock sparrows went with the male gun."

The elementary school boy spoke.

"It's okay, I know."

Ming Kai glanced at the number of Peanut's wild spawns, and the three groups of Peanut's wild monsters are very likely to be the start of the red, F6, and blue buffs.

Therefore, most of the F6 in the wild area in the first half is gone.

"You owe me a set of F6."

Ming Kai silently remembered it in his heart.

However, EDG's laning in the bottom lane is not too much pressure.

Xia Luo's matchup with Kai'Sa and Thresh is the dominant lane. In addition, Ming Kai's appearance will make meiko not even need the most basic command. He can devote himself to the operation, which will make EDG's The bottom lane duo is more focused during the laning period, and their style of play is more aggressive.

However, when the male gun ate F6, the EDG bottom duo had to choose to retreat.

This is where the on-the-spot coping ability will be tested.

When the male gun hit F6, Li Luo's Xia and Meiko's Luo began to quickly hand over their skills to clear the line.

But this skill is also paid attention to.

Li Luo handed in the Q and E skills, but did not hand in W.

Although this will slow down the speed of line clearing for the two of EDG, it is enough to clear the line of soldiers before the next wave of soldiers arrives.

Pray and Gorilla tried to step forward to intercept the pawn line, and when they wanted to block the pawn line in front of the defensive tower, Li Luo just controlled Xia to activate the W skill, and put pressure on Luo Qian.

If it wasn't for Xia's W skill, KZ and KZ could have braced themselves to withstand this wave of pawns.

Peanut and Rock Sparrow will put tremendous pressure on the bottom lane after they finish playing F6. The EDG two-player lane must retreat. At that time, if the pawn line is blocked by KZ and forms a pushback line, EDG will go down The loss of the road will be very heavy.

These details of the game are often the gap between top professional players and ordinary professional players.

"Brother Luo's Xia has a small lead in CS, about 6 CS, and after this wave of prayer, the difference in CS can be brought back to 3, which is like a wave of pawns... This It's only been [-] minutes, and pray is still suppressed."

In the commentary seat, the sharp-eyed pdd said thoughtfully after noticing the gap in the bottom lane to make up the knife.

"The main reason is that Kai'Sa of the prayer was pressured by Luo when he wanted to replenish the cannon. Although pray handed in W to try to force it, Luo's W stood in front of the cannon and ate the card for the cannon. Sha’s W, after that wave of cannon cars missed, the rhythm of pray’s last attack was obviously affected a little bit.”

Miller said with a smile.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's me, I'm also very angry. I didn't make up the first cannon car. This is not a good sign."

The three commentators spoke with each other.

On the KZ match table, Gorilla was cheering for Pray.

"Don't mess up your mentality, it's okay to make up two less, and you will catch up when you make up later."

Pray's mentality was almost calmed down, but after hearing Gorilla's words, he felt a blockage in his chest for no reason.

"That's enough, let's develop. In the face of Shine, if we fall behind in the front, I don't even expect to catch up in the back. Don't forget that EDG's tradition is to keep AD."

Pray glanced at his partner and said: "On the surface, in the LPL division, RNG is the team that can play four guarantees and one best, but in fact EDG is the team that protects ADC best. They only need ADC not to get sick in the middle of the game. , the resources that can be eaten are infinite.”

Corilla fell silent after hearing the words.

He actually just wanted to comfort and pray.

But when these words were first uttered, Gorilla himself felt that something was wrong.

After the last match between the two teams, Pray complained about Li Luo's ability to suppress and grow.

Especially the ability to suppress.

When facing up, I feel that this guy is very stable, and occasionally he will fight a little bit fiercely, but many times when he fights, he finds himself ten CS behind for no reason.

Play for a while, and you will be 20 behind.

Anyway, I don't know where it is lagging behind. Data and economy are there. If you lag behind, you are lagging behind.

And in the middle and late stages, as long as EDG's game time is slightly longer, Li Luo's last hits will start to lead the timeline by an exaggerated margin.

The equipment thief is good, and he can't touch it in team battles. As long as he makes a slight mistake, he will be caught and killed directly by him.

This feeling put too much pressure on pray.

Xia's first piece of equipment in the current version is also a blue-absorbing knife.

Li Luo didn't have much money when he returned home for the first time. He could only buy two long swords and reusable potions.

Although pray returned to the city after dealing with the pawn line, he could not replenish two long swords when he returned home. He could only buy a long sword, a pair of straw sandals, and a bottle of red medicine.

The chain reaction brought about by the poor economy of the six soldiers was reflected in the first wave of returning home.

After Li Luo's Xia and Kai'Sa lined up again, she had a certain advantage in terms of damage output and recovery ability.

However, making straw sandals is not without benefits. At least Kai’Sa won’t suffer too much in terms of pulling. After all, after Xia opens W, A can increase her movement speed, but Kai’Sa can’t. With shoes, she can suffer less.

On the surface, the early stage of the two sides tended to be stable as a whole.

But it is undeniable that the little brush student is indeed capable of defeating Ming Kai, at least in terms of experience, he has been stabilizing Ming Kai's blind monk.

Such a smooth game ended when the game time reached 6 minutes and 30 seconds.

On the road, Khan launched an initiative to Jin Gong.

At this point in time, the single-player line has just reached level 6.

As long as Camille's ult reaches Sion first, Sion has no way to break out of the coverage of Camille's ult through the characteristics of his ult.

Therefore, after the male gun was in place, Khan decisively handed over the big move Hex ultimatum and intercepted it in front of Thain.

However, Ming Kai's anti-squatting ability was brought into full play at this moment.

Although he is slightly behind the male gun in terms of experience, the gap between the two is not particularly large.

The male gun will be level 5, almost two-thirds of the experience.

Mingkai's blind monk has just reached 5.

As long as there is no substantial level difference, then there will naturally be no disparity in combat effectiveness.

Thain turned back and fought back at the first time. A set of combo lowered Camille's blood line. Ming Kai found the opportunity to W on Thain, and raised his Q skill to hit Camille.

At this point in time, Camille's flash is not good yet. After getting down from the air, Khan tried to cross-hook and lock the wall to kick two, but Mingkai's retreat and Thain's forward prevented Camille from kicking them unconscious. , only kicked to the front of Thain.

It wasn't until this time that Ming Kai surrendered his second stage Q skill, and then he slapped the floor and took Camille's head into his pocket.

Male Gun took Sion's head at the same time, and also helped Camille get stuck in a wave of lanes. Although it was a one-for-one confrontation on the road, considering the characteristics of the hero, KZ made a little profit on the whole. a little.

At the same time, a battle broke out in the bottom lane.

EDG gave a warning to the bottom lane duo after pinning the signal in advance.

The rock sparrow's ultimate move did not block the two of them. At the same time, Li Luo used a very beautiful L-shaped small walk to avoid the ledge after the rock sparrow landed, and then handed in the treatment to speed up and walk to the side. He narrowly twisted Thresh's hook.

Such a wave of extreme moves undoubtedly made the audience shout wonderful.

"Brother Luo is so courageous, he dares to twist this..."

Wa Wa said with emotion: "Usually, as long as the players feel a little bit of pressure in their hearts, this wave will directly flash for stability. You must know that Brother Luo's Xia hasn't got his shoes yet."

"I can only say that Brother Luo handled it well."

pdd saw it clearly: "When the rock sparrow blocked the road, Brother Luo used WA to hit the minion. When the passive feather penetrated, he hit the Thresh that was pressed up. According to the mechanism of Xia W's skill, if he attacks the enemy hero, he will provide A brief movement speed buff."

"As for daring to twist Thresh's hook...I asked Ning before, and according to what he said, Brother Luo can judge whether the skill can hit according to the trajectory before the opponent's control skill hits his face, and then consider handing over the skill. Those who don’t hand in summoner skills.”

"Now there are many young professional players who can actually do a little bit, but they are not as stable as Brother Luo."

"Anyway, just one treatment makes the first ult of Rock Sparrow useless. This wave of blood is profitable. KZ probably wants to take advantage of Xia's chance to kill Brother Luo once before reaching level 6. , if you don’t catch this wave of opportunities, it will be difficult to catch Xiaxia when she reaches 6.”

Miller also spoke.

Players in the domestic barrage have different opinions.

"If I meet this Xia in the rank, I'll have to report it."

"Md, isn't this a script? Oh, it's Brother Luo, it's okay."

"This small walk is too thin, when will I be as thin as Brother Luo!"

"Meiko's wave is also quite in place. In his position just now, as long as Xia is hooked, he will immediately W to block KZ's output. I have to say, I feel that Liannan is in a very good state today."

"Now I am more looking forward to how the factory manager's first big move will be used. According to my understanding of him in the past, he should go around and walk to the opposite side in a simple and unpretentious way, and kick him to catch the Q skill. Take away the head with a simple and unpretentious skill ..."

"I bet [-] cents, this factory manager won't flash R!"

"Brother, I haven't seen the factory manager use R flash in the competition field, so I followed suit and bet a piece!"


From God's perspective.

The game time quickly came to nearly 10 minutes.

During this period, the male gun took down the first dragon very strongly when he had the right to line in the middle.

This little dragon is an earth dragon.

Earth Dragon's support to KZ's lineup is undoubtedly very powerful. Whether it is Camille with a single belt in the later stage or their line transfer operation, Earth Dragon's buff effect is very good.

In contrast, Mingkai seemed a bit confused, not to mention one level behind Little Peanut, and the gank did not have a very positive level.

Especially when there was a 2v2 collision between the two sides in the middle lane, although Mingkai said that Q hit the rock sparrow, he thought that there were too many minions around him. Mingkai judged that if he kicked the rock sparrow back, Zoe's flying star might be difficult to hit. Therefore, Ming Kai chose to seek stability, Q went up and then W came back.

Although W twisted a rock sparrow's protrusion when he came back, this small move is very beautiful, but it still makes many EDG fans feel dissatisfied.

"He's still the same."

"Changzi, can't you be more adventurous? You really don't dare to open it without an 80.00% success rate?"

"I vomited, this blind monk still has a strange smell."

While the audience complained, KZ was on the stage.


Little Peanut smiled.

Before that, he was always a little wary of Ming Kai.

After all, whether it was Mingkai's gank at level 2 or the subsequent wave of back squats on the road, they all gave him some pressure.

But after this wave, Little Peanut felt that Ming Kai's operation was a bit rotten.

Consciousness determines the lower limit of a player.

But operation is a necessary condition to determine his upper limit.

Some things are in vain if you realize that you can’t operate them.

Ming Kai's blind monk, in his opinion, does not have the potential to turn the tide.

EDG has Sion and Luo's team-starting team. With these two strong-playing heroes, if it is a blind monk with better operation, it will bring a huge threat to the C position of the KZ team.

But if the blind monk's operation is not good enough, their C position naturally doesn't need to worry about these.

Little Peanut glanced down the road, and said, "I'll look for a chance to catch it. I don't want to catch Xia to death. As long as I use his big move, it will be considered a success. Kai'Sa doesn't need to rush to hand in R, save R to fight the canyon."

"it is good."

Pray understands.

He understood that this was Little Peanut's plan to take advantage of Xia's free time when he didn't have a big move later to move Pioneer.

Zoe's strong period is coming soon, and Peanut wants to get rid of the hidden danger of Canyon Herald before Zoe makes Luden.

There is nothing wrong with this decision.

And if it's just a big move, it's not too difficult.

Game time is 9 minutes and 30 seconds.

After Thresh cleared his view of the grass in the river, Little Peanut's male gun approached quietly.

He used the explosive fruit to enter the grass in the river, and then quietly crouched in the grass.

Down the road, the battle broke out in an instant.

Corila's Thresh flashed without warning, and E hit Li Luo's Xia first, staggering Li Luo, and at the same time, Kai'Sa and E moved closer together to output.

However, Xialuo's OP is that this pair not only has a strong first-hand ability, but also their backhand ability is also terrifying.

Facing Thresh's hook, Li Luo didn't try to avoid the risk again, but directly surrendered his big move.

The direction of Pray's Kai'Sa's cross-E sprint is very intriguing. He charged towards the side, in order to prevent Xia's ultimate move, Storm Feather Blade, from covering the two of them.

However, the response of the two EDG bottom laners was very detailed.

When Xia released her big move, meiko's Luo didn't control Kai'Sa immediately, but turned on the R skill and handed over W to make a grand debut.

At this time, the male gun had been pulled out from the grass, and he quickly drew the gun and pressed it in. The place where Li Luo's Xia's ultimate move landed was a set of QWR quality triple combos.

This set of burst damage is quite high, directly lowering Li Luo's Xia blood volume.

Ke Luo's flash made his ultimate move touch Kai'Sa, and the effect of charm made Kai'Sa move two steps closer to the edge where the Storm Feather Blades scattered.

The next moment, after Li Luo's Xia landed, she unhurriedly threw her Q skill at Kai'Sa's position, followed by an E barb to gather all the feathers!

The two feathers of the Q skill and the two feathers left by the big move Storm Feather Blade on the edge instantly lowered Kai'Sa's HP. E returned to Xia's side.

What makes the KZ duo unacceptable is that with the help of male guns in this wave, the blood volume of their bot lane duo is almost at the same level.

Thresh lost about one-third of his HP by the barb, and was hit twice by Xayah when he retreated.

Kai'Sa suffered a little loss when the two sides used up the line before, and now she was pulled into control by the barb, and her blood volume had dropped to half health.

Fortunately, Xia's blood line has been suppressed very low, and Luo was also severely beaten when he approached, and Luo's flash and ultimate moves were all handed in. This wave generally barely met KZ's tactical expectations.

"Push the line of soldiers over, let's go."

Little Peanut said in a deep voice.

At this time, his male gun has reached level 8, and his development can be said to be quite excellent.

Now I can gain some experience in the bottom lane, and continue to widen the level difference between myself and Mingkai's blind monk, which is really flattering.

However, from the perspective of God, the audience can clearly see that a figure is quickly approaching the bottom road along the blue triangle grass with real eyes on the bottom road!

It's a blind monk!
It's just... the blind monk is only level 7!
"The factory manager seems to have an idea in this wave. The position of the pawn line is very good, and Kai'Sa is very close to the wall. In this position, the factory manager can directly kick Kai'Sa! He must pay attention to Kai'Sa's ultimate move. Is this wave of factory managers going to operate?!"

After pdd noticed the factory director's move, his heart tightened.

Regardless of the status of KZ's players or the position of the pawn line, this is undoubtedly a very good first-hand opportunity.

Not only he could see this, but all the audience on the scene and even before the live broadcast could see it.

The problem lies in how Mingkai will choose to operate, and whether he can complete the operation!

If this wave of Mingkai's operation is wrong, then he will truly be doomed.

It stands to reason that time can smooth many things.

But as the No. 001 player of the LPL, the imprint left by the factory manager in the past is hard to be forgotten.

This is like South Korea's Yue Lun, even if the League of Legends collapses, he will not be forgotten.

Whether to prove yourself, or beyond redemption.

It depends on Mingkai himself!

"I can open it, but the head may be eaten by me."

The factory manager took a deep breath and spoke calmly.

"If you can kill someone, you can eat it. It's not difficult for me to develop. Pay attention to Kai'Sa's flashes. Don't let him react first."

Li Luo's calm and warning words made Ming Kai understand.


The voice fell.

The blind monk who had reached the edge of the wall moved.

Ming Kai didn't move QQ first.

His choice is to touch the eye W first.

But from this point of view, his eye contact can only touch Kai'Sa's flanks, that is to say, he can kick Kai'Sa to the side without flashing, and he must use r to kick Kai'Sa back. flash!
How to choose is all up to Mingkai!

The figure of the Blind Monk who touched his eyes appeared on Kai'Sa's flank in an instant, and handed over the big move Raptor wagging its tail!

The moment they saw the blind monk appear, the other two in KZ were startled, among them Thresh of Gorilla took a step back subconsciously.

But at this step, Kai'Sa, who flew over, knocked him into the air!
Little Peanut is more alert, he quickly draws his gun and pulls away to prevent him from being strangled with candied haws.

In the eyes of everyone, this is an ordinary Moyan R.

It is even possible for this R to turn into a guardian monk and send Kai'Sa away, because from a perspective, when Kai'Sa knocks Thresh into the air, the blind monk's Q skill will inevitably be blocked by Thresh.

However, Ming Kai's next operation surprised countless players.

When the kick kicked out, before Kai'Sa landed, Ming Kai's follow-up operation was already in place.

E flash!
Kai'Sa in mid-air was followed up by the blind monk's E flash and hit the floor to deal damage, and the blind monk's basic attack followed by an A hit on Kai'Sa before he landed.

Kai'Sa's blood volume was already below half health, and her blood volume was instantly cleared to zero after taking a full set of damage from the blind monk except Q.

Because the speed was so fast, Pray lay down before he even handed over his whole body for treatment.

And in the next second, Ming Kai's blind monk had already handed in a Q and hit the Thresh stuck on his face.

This wave of factory managers went home to replenish the equipment.

With Caulfield's warhammer in his hand, the blood volume of the Thresh touched by this kick dropped a lot, and the blind monk's E skill hit the floor Thresh also suffered damage.

Therefore, when the blind monk hung the Q skill on Thresh immediately after him, and Li Luo's Xia also made up the damage of the Q skill, Thresh was already in a certain state of death!
double kill!

The sound of the double kill has shocked countless blind monk players for 100 years!

"Ya! What the hell is this! The factory director's wave of old people didn't explain and dropped two people in seconds! EDG can still chase, Luo has handed over his E skill and posted it, and the male gun has already handed over the quick draw Gun, he has to dodge and run away when he is pressed against the face by three people!"

"But Luo still has the W skill in his hands, and meiko is very stable. After the male gun is handed over, he will hand in the W and shoot the male gun directly. Control took away the male gun!"

At this moment, the three people in the commentary booth all boiled up.

And after the doll added "My God", the domestic barrage instantly boiled!

A blockbuster 77777 floated up from the barrage, with countless question marks mixed in it.

The friends of the Post Bar Forum are also confused.

"Fuck, what did I see?"

"This wave... the blind man is so handsome!"

"By the way, is this the factory director's blind monk? It feels like he didn't do anything, but he's so handsome!"

"Touch your eyes R... E flash? Does this count as R flash..."

"The thinking is too clear, and the opportunity to catch the mobile phone first is too good, this blind monk... Be good, it's pleasing to the eye!"

"Tell me, who is that person playing games on the stage! I don't believe this is the director of the factory!"

"One thing to say, from the operational level, I feel that each wave of this wave is relatively normal when taken apart, but if they are connected together... it is not normal!"

Friends are all boiling.

But countless fans of the factory manager burst into tears.

The operation of this wave of blind monks seems to be telling them...

That kick that didn't go out that year.

Now, kick it out!
 I didn't go out today, so I'll update it sooner
(End of this chapter)

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