archer ferocity

Chapter 243 Mobile Fortress!

Chapter 243 Mobile Fortress!

Khan was embarrassed at this point.

He came up.

Can not go back.

The CD of the E skill hook lock is very long in the early stage.

The only escape method he can rely on at this time is flash.

The golden light shone, and Khan pulled away without any hesitation. From the perspective of God, this scene looked a little funny, like the repeated horizontal jumps of some displacement heroes.

"Khan came up to pretend, but in a second turned into a trick enchantress and turned back to escape, but could he really escape? Jin Gong's counterattack was very fast. After W was activated, he flashed up and opened Q to bite Camille. I was slowed down!"

Sun Yalong's voice was raised, and Guan Zeyuan next to him quickly explained: "Nightmare pressed forward, handed over the Q skill Nightmare Realm to increase his movement speed, and then flashed to follow up in front of Camille, The wordless fear [E] hangs on Camille, and Camille will be terrified!"

Sika found the right spot and quickly cut in: "Camille is going to die!"

Khan knew he would not survive the moment he was terrified by the nightmare.

The fear effect triggers, and the troll's club and nightmare's claws tear his body apart.

Khan's Camille was overwhelmed and crashed to the ground.

First blood!

A blood is born.

The head was accepted by Xiaotian unceremoniously.

"How can you go up this wave?"

Little Peanut was helpless.

Whether it's Xiaotian's nightmare or his male gun, even if limited by hero attributes, as long as there is a good chance, you can complete the gank before level 6.

But there is a premise.

That means the opponent has to cooperate.

There is no doubt that this wave of Camille cooperated very well.

Khan opened his mouth, but couldn't speak after all.

Dead, no reason is blunt.

He really wanted to say that everyone on the opposite side stood on my body and shit. If I didn't step on it, would I still be me?
But after seeing Nightmare cooperating with the troll to push the line comfortably, Khan thought about it and decided to forget it.

This wave of Khan does not plan to hand over tp to go online.

Because the EDG Ueno duo did not control the line, but chose to advance.

In the state of EDG Ueno and Ueno, it doesn't make much sense for him to tp under the defensive tower. If he tp to the pawn line, he may be beaten again as soon as he lands.

The reason why EDG can control the line but choose to advance is also very simple. It is to let Nightmare get more minion experience, so as to improve the level as soon as possible.

This is hard for Peanut.

EDG easily resolved their arrangement in the first-level group by virtue of the early operation, and even grasped the initiative in the current field.

"Our rhythm hasn't started yet, don't worry."

BDD has become the one with the most stable mentality in the team.

The big-eyed monster seems to be a simple hero, but the counterpoint is also very elegant.

Especially the timing and angle of Q skill release.

BDD obviously has a deep research on the big-eyed monster. When facing Ryze, his ability to push the line is not inferior, and he even has a small advantage in trading blood.

The big-eyed monster's skills have a longer cast range.

The relatively short Ryze is difficult to get close to the big-eyed monster with two legs to consume output.

KZ selected this lineup indeed with research.

Although they were hindered in the early stage, they still played two very beautiful linkages in the mid-term.

Game time is 7 minutes.

Khan controlled Camille and launched an initiative against the troll without warning.

Jin Gong, who saw the situation was not good, reacted very quickly. When Camille kicked towards him, Jin Gong took the opportunity to hand over the pillar to stop Camille and himself, thus avoiding being caught by Camille. Doom kicked dizzy.

But Khan's killing intent was clearly determined, and when the ultimatum of the big move Hex was handed over, the light of tp also lit up.

"It's Tahm's tp. The troops enter the tower to force Ezreal away. Click the tower."

Li Luo said in a deep voice.

"I'm not going to hit Xiaolong for now, I'm just going down the road."

As Xiaotian said, he controlled Nightmare A to explode the fruit and jumped into the dragon pit, and then quickly moved towards the bottom road.

Pray also understands very well, as the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years.

When the two teams played against each other last time, he had already fully appreciated the overall linkage of the EDG team. He knew that if there was a gap in his side due to support, the EDG people would strike precisely in a very short time.

He doesn't care whether he will be counter-killed head-on, what he has to do is to ensure that he will not die, and it is enough not to cause extra trouble to his teammates during this period.

The retreated pray decisively went to solo with Toad.

Hit the road.

When Tahm tp and the male gun also appeared, there was no room for trolls to survive.

After the male gun's ultimate explosive bomb took away the troll's head, KZ's people quickly retreated as soon as they saw a good situation.

The defensive towers in the bottom lane still have about a quarter of their HP left due to insufficient soldiers.

The head-to-head match between the two sides was 1 to 1, and KZ's tp Tamm has achieved initial results.

And KZ's linkage is obviously just beginning.

Game time is 10 minutes and 30 seconds.

KZ did not choose to give up his bot lane defense tower with only a little blood left, but played a wave of five packs against the bot lane.

The male gun appeared in the bottom lane to help Ezreal push the line, and at the same time forced back Mommy and Karma.

When Tam pretended to go to the middle lane to support, he used his ult to fly the big-eyed monster to the bottom lane, outflanking the back of the EDG bottom lane duo.

At the same time, Camille, who was the top laner, also surrendered tp.

In an instant, five people gathered in the bottom lane!

Li Luo's Wheel Mom and Meiko's Karma have wolves in front and tigers in back.

When Tam and the big-eyed monster appeared from behind, meiko's heart went cold for a moment.

"Duo Duo, can you T?"

Li Luo looked at the situation in the field and felt a little bad.

In this game, Corilla really filled up his sense of existence.

And the hero Tamm can always play some excellent linkages with the summoner's whimsy after reaching level 6.

If this wave continues to stay under the defense tower, it will undoubtedly die.

And it is very difficult to escape successfully with just the two of them.

With Ryze's help!
"no problem."

The elementary school boy said, tp has landed on the defense tower.

"Their mid laners are giving away! This wave killed them all!"

Khan said with some excitement.

Buy two get one free, he likes it.

At this time, the line of troops is about to advance into the defense tower.

The consumption of face-jumping in prayer suppressed some of Li Luo's blood volume, but it didn't affect Li Luo's mentality.

Li Luo remained calm. He glanced at the small map and said in a deep voice, "Gao Tianliang, make a big move. After Duoduo hits the ground, he will make a big move directly."

"OK OK!"

Xiaotian didn't have any doubts about Li Luo's command.

When Li Luo's words fell, Xiaotian's fingers were already hanging on his big move.

At the right time, Xiaotian pressed the big move!

The sky in Summoner's Canyon instantly became dark.

The moment Nightmare activated his big move, Ryze tp also landed.

Ryze, who activated his ultimate move simultaneously, locked the teleportation position on the edge of the dragon pit.

This is the limit distance of the level 1 Ryze ultimate move.

But as long as they stand at an angle close to the edge of the winding path, they can be judged to be within the range of the dragon pit at the moment of teleportation.

This can also be regarded as a technique of Ryze's ultimate move. What is the position when entering the winding path, when it comes out, it will translate to the position when entering.

When the night is over, where are the shadows of the three of EDG under the tower?
"This can also be escaped by them..."

The joy in Khan's heart dissipated in an instant.

In fact, he had anticipated this possibility when Nightmare activated his ultimate move.

But this in itself is a relatively unsolvable way of escaping.

Except for their own Camille and the E skill of the big-eyed monster, no one else has the ability to instantly interrupt Ryze's ultimate move.

His Camille was still some distance away from the tower after landing just now.

Needless to say, the big-eyed monster itself is relatively bulky.

It was helpless for the three of them to escape.

"Push them to the next tower, and then take the dragon, the troll is still on the road."

Little Peanut commanded helplessly, but at this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed three fast-moving light spots on the small map.

From the perspective of God, the director also switched the camera in an instant.

Under the dumbstruck of the audience, the three figures rushed towards the middle of the road as if they were equipped with a motor.

Then even the figure of Nightmare appeared from the grass in the middle river in the upper half area.

This means that in addition to the trolls pushing towers on the top lane, EDG also has four people pushing towers in the middle lane!
"Double mother..."

On the commentary seat, Guan Zeyuan looked at the picture in the camera with some surprise.

EDG's command is too coherent.

When the three of them appeared in the Xiaolong Pit under Ruiz's big move, the wheel mother started the big move.

At the same moment Kalmar turned on RE.

The blessing of double movement speed caused the movement speed of the three of them to skyrocket, immediately turning them into the most beautiful scenery in the canyon.

Fast, too fast.

KZ realized something was wrong but it was too late.

BDD does not have tp, his tp is still on CD.

Among everyone in KZ, only Ezreal and TP are in their hands.

But EZtp can't solve the problem in the past, there is no AOE ability, and the big move is used by pray to quickly push down the lane in this wave.

One tower in the bottom lane is exchanged for one tower in the middle lane, who loses and who gains? !

KZ knew he was losing money, but he had to be forced to exchange resources.

When a tower in the middle lane exploded rapidly, everyone in EDG moved towards the canyon vanguard non-stop.

"Moving Fortress, I feel like the EDG system is like an extended version of the Teleportation Fortress. Although the Teleportation Fortress is strong, it doesn't feel as flexible as this system! The speed of EDG's operation replacement is simply not comparable to that of KZ!"

In the commentary seat, Sun Yalong watched EDG's coherent transition and felt his heart surge.

In the battle seat of KZ.

"I want to take back the explosives brought by their trolls."

Khan had to choose to return to the city when he pushed the tower halfway.

Although the troll failed to completely take away the previous tower, it also consumed more than two-thirds of the previous tower's HP.

After Canyon Pioneer was captured by the crowd of EDG, EDG continued to accelerate the pace of the game.

The four of them went to the road again in a group, and cooperated with the troll to forcibly demolish a tower on the road before returning to the city.

Two turrets, plus Rift Herald, replacing one turret, an Earth Dragon.

It's hard to say who loses and who wins in this business. Although KZ is a bit uncomfortable being dragged, in the long run, they can barely accept an earth dragon.

As the mark on the wall emerged, everyone in KZ felt a little sorry.

The next one is Wind Dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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