archer ferocity

Chapter 216 Live to the Death! 【7k】

Chapter 216 Live to the Death! 【7k】

The measure of the strength or weakness of a team's decision-making and execution capabilities lies in whether they can implement the goals they have formulated.

The EDG team's ability in this area has always been good.

Especially when the initiative is in their hands.

It took about 10 minutes for EDG to take down the first dragon.

This means that the second small dragon, which is also one of the key points of the game, will be refreshed in about 6 minutes.

What EDG has to do is to grasp the lower half area that was neglected in the early stage as much as possible before the fire dragon is refreshed.

It is actually not difficult for EDG to achieve this.

After all, they have Galio who claims to support the overlord.

The RNG team also quickly noticed something was wrong.

Xiang Guo encountered the blind monk soon after entering the second half of the field.

This is the first time the junglers of the two sides have met in the wild after each added equipment with sufficient combat effectiveness.

Xiangguo's temper is not small, he has always turned against other people's wild monsters, when will it be others' turn to turn against his wild monsters?

This is their home territory!
Subconsciously, Xiangguo wanted to fight with the blind monk.

"Hey, Xiangguo, you go, they will support faster than us."

While manipulating the bull head to approach the wild area, Shi Senming pointed out: "Galio has a big move, and Kai'Sa can also use the big move to join the battlefield. We don't have an advantage in the wild against support types, so don't get caught in seconds. "

Xiangguo frowned.

Of course he knew what Shi Senming said was right.

But this tone...

Did you just swallow it?
Seeing the blind monk showing off his power in front of him, Xiangguo felt a little depressed.

But he is also very helpless. At present, Verus and Lucian are in a stable development period, and both of them need to have better equipment as much as possible before the little dragon group.

It is best to play when you can have a two-piece suit.

However, according to the game rhythm of the current version, if you want to have a two-piece suit under the condition of normal development, it is not bad to make it in about 18 to 20 minutes under the premise of no head money.

Compared with Xiaolong, who refreshes every 6 to [-] minutes, there is obviously a problem of time difference.

"Don't worry, we can lose a little during this period, they won't kill Xiaolong so easily."

Xiaohu also spoke in relief.

According to the strength of their team battles, it is indeed unlikely that EDG will open the dragon in front of them.

So Xiaohu is not in a hurry right now.

His level and economy are lagging behind Lulu's, but Lulu is only a supporting hero after all, and the combat effectiveness between the two sides will be gradually opened up over time.

Therefore, Xiaohu's mentality is very stable.

However, RNG's life in the bottom lane is not easy.

At this time, the situation and the opening of the two sides are completely reversed.

Relying on their strong support capabilities and small-scale team battle capabilities, the EDG team gradually began to regard RNG's lower half of the jungle as their own back garden.

Just now, uzi had to choose to abandon a wave of soldiers and retreat to avoid being suppressed by EDG.

After all, it is impossible for Xiangguo to be bound to the blind monk in the second half of the jungle. He needs to do something, and RNG doesn't want to watch the level of the bottom lane be pulled. Even the experience is much ahead of uzi by 1 level.

In the final analysis, the advantage of playing such an experience is that Galio allowed Li Luo to eat too many soldiers alone.

At first, Xiao Ming's Bullhead would try to use Hex Flash to kill Li Luo, to see if he could find a chance to kill Li Luo.

But Li Luo was too steady, and kept a distance from the wall that might be ambushed by the bull's head.

Uzi also can't use his own big move to start like the last wave. After all, strictly speaking, after 10 minutes of the game, it is equivalent to the two sides entering the mid-term.

Now that it's mid-term, uzi, the Velus skill that has the key initiative and control of the team, can't be handed in so casually.

As long as he dares to zoom in, whether he can kill or not, EDG will definitely dare to move Canyon Herald within 1 minute.

Because of this, both sides usually pinch key skills to avoid uncontrollable situations under the premise of not being sure that the shot will make a difference.

In this situation, the RNG team was forced to choose to change lines.

Reduce the pressure on the lower half brought by the dragons that have not yet been refreshed, and turn to the threat to the vanguard of the EDG Canyon.

This approach is very clever.

It's just that being forced to change lanes in the bottom lane will inevitably be ridiculed by the barrage.

However, in this situation, uzi fans are helpless. No matter what the reason is, the fact of changing the line is here, and there is indeed a line kill in the bottom lane.

It's obvious that I haven't played in laning.

Although the reason for changing the line is to avoid the pressure of the opposite party, most people don't consider this aspect. After all, seeing is believing, and things that haven't happened so far can be completely assumed not to happen.

RNG changed lanes to put pressure on the canyon, and took the initiative in their own hands for a short time.

EDG also made adjustments immediately, and also replaced the two-person lane.

Of course, it is impossible for them to hand over the Canyon Pioneer to others, after all, the Pioneer is a favorite in their eyes.

The game time quickly reached 6 minutes.

The fire dragon refreshes.

But the two sides have a tacit understanding with each other and did not do things around Xiaolong prematurely.

At this time, everyone wanted to be safe and waited for their respective two-piece suits.

Li Luo's sheep knife is already on the way.

If you just want to evolve the E skill, there is still a lack of sheep knife attack speed shoes, but it is undeniable that the two-piece Kai’Sa already has a relatively good combat effectiveness, even without the stealth effect of the E skill, it can still be Kai’Sa Provides a pretty decent attack speed buff by itself.

"It's all involved. The economic gap between the two sides has not changed for a while. The key point is this little dragon. When the ADCs of both sides are ready to return to the city from the top lane, it may mean that the little dragon will soon start fighting."

The three commentators on the commentary seat looked at the situation in the field and analyzed it.

During this period, the support of both sides has done two rounds of vision.

But it's like playing a turn-based game with each other, and the eyeballs can't last too long and they will be eliminated.

Without the main core combat power, the two sides acquiesced in this seemingly "tacit" exchange of vision resources.

However, the prince of Xiangguo is very good at using unconstrained thinking to break the situation in this situation.

Especially... in addition to Xiao Ming's situation.

The game time is 18 minutes.

Fighting broke out in the middle.

The fuse of the incident was that Xiaohu recorded the disappearance time of a line eyeliner put on the line by the elementary school brother.

When Xiaohu's Lucian pushed the pawn line over, the line left by the junior brother just disappeared.

In Xiaohu's view, this is a very important message.

At this time, his mana is not too much.

It was enough to cause some information confusion for the elementary school boy, making the opponent mistakenly think that he had returned to the city.

And Xiang Guo and Xiao Ming are his right-hand assistants to help him complete this plan.

At the EDG battle table.

"They, Lucian, should go back. I have cleared this wave of soldiers and returned to the city. I have tp."

The elementary school boy said, and continued to push the pawn line forward.

From the perspective of God, everyone in the EDG team actually returned to the city one step earlier than RNG to replenish their equipment. At this time, everyone except Lulu had just left their homes and had not yet set off to the high ground.

As for the RNG team, uzi is still cleaning up the lanes on the road.

In terms of economy and rank, Uzi is lagging behind to a certain extent. At least according to Li Luo's estimation, Uzi is at least 500 yuan away from his own two-piece suit.

Originally EDG planned to get stuck in this time difference dragon.

Now EDG's double C already has the economy of a two-piece set.

Camille is still a little short of money because of the more expensive equipment.

Therefore, after EDG supplemented equipment and went out, they chose to reassign Jin Gong, who was originally facing Kenan in the bottom lane, to the top lane.

RNG also guessed what EDG was thinking, and made almost the same decision, letting Kenan, who has tp, go on the road.

There is nothing wrong with the idea of ​​the elementary school boy pushing the line to delay returning to the city.

But RNG's single grab in the middle was too decisive.

When the junior boy controlled Lulu to hand over the E skills and Q skills to clear all the soldiers, the prince appeared in the grass beside the river, which made the junior boy's face change slightly.

Without saying a word, he directly accelerated the W skill to himself in an attempt to distance himself from the prince.

But the prince of Xiangguo was particularly decisive. The moment EQ handed over to close the distance, accompanied by a golden light, he directly lifted Lulu into the air, and the big move landslide covered Lulu's head.

Shi Senming's bull head appeared the second time through the aisle between F6 and the river wall, followed by Lucian.

The elementary school boy who regained his ability to move immediately surrendered his big move to fly the incense pot bombs and increased his blood volume at the same time. Facing the bull head rushing towards him, the elementary school boy tried to calm himself down.

He is also a young player.

Li Luo was able to react.

He can too!
call out!
Glittering gold.

The moment the bull's head and bull's horns rushed over, the elementary school boy also handed over his flash.

And this flash has allowed him to enter the protection range of his own defense tower.

But there was a scene that stunned the elementary school boy.

Because Niutou's first not an ordinary WQ.


WQ flash!
Shi Senming was very courageous, he predicted that the elementary school boy might flash, so he predicted the location of Lulu's flash when he raised his hand with Q skill in the WQ second round!
Bull head entered the red square defense tower, but punched Lulu flying!
The audience exclaimed.

But the victim's primary school brother was a little confused.


What do you mean?

Why didn't you dare to make bold predictions when you hit me?
Come here to bully me, an honest man?
Xiaohu's Lucian appeared in the field of vision of the elementary school students.

This time RNG really paid a lot of money.

None of the three chose to save skills.

Even Lucian handed over his E skill, flashed closer and followed up with a burst of output to kill Lulu in seconds.

The reason why RNG is so decisive is that they are not sure where the rest of EDG is.

If Galio ults and Kai'Sa happens to be nearby, they're in trouble.

Lulu lay down in the defense tower.

Xiaohu's Lucian got the head, which is regarded as revenge for being targeted in the early stage, and even the level is the same as Lulu.

However, what makes RNG more uncomfortable is that although they have completed the kill of Lulu, they don't seem to have an advantage in terms of numbers.

Verus had just returned to the city, and the bull's head had resisted the defensive tower three times and was beaten by Lulu before he died because of the reason that the bull's head had not opened up. The blood volume also dropped by half.

Lucian also has no mana, so he has to go back to the city to resupply.

In this situation where the number of people in this state is uneven, RNG's achievements in this wave are limited to allowing Lucian to have the economy to make a two-piece suit.

That kind of perfect and picturesque rhythm rarely occurs in the professional arena.

This is the embarrassment of RNG's wave.

However, for the EDG team, they are in the game and do not have a God's perspective to help them dispel the fog of the canyon, so they cannot accurately locate the positions of all RNG members.

Xiaotian's blind monk chose another way spiritually.

Swap resources.

Originally, after Xiaotian got off the high ground, he planned to clear a group of F6 before going to Xiaolongkeng.

Now he has changed his mind.

Since the bull's head appears from the wall of F6, it means that F6 has eyes with high probability.

So Xiaotian chose to circle around and go straight to the vanguard of the canyon.

From the time point of view, he has enough time to solo the Canyon Herald, not to mention Camille's support.

It is completely acceptable to replace Xiaolong with the canyon pioneer who is close to 20 minutes.

After Tianyinbo kicked into the vanguard of the canyon, Xiaotian immediately placed a real eye in the dragon pit.

Under the real eye search, there is no vision left by the RNG team in the vanguard area.

But Xiaotian never expected that just at the entrance of the vanguard area, a tricky artificial eye could perceive the abnormality of the vanguard area.

"Everyone come immediately, their blind monk is not here."

Xiangguo glanced at the wild area of ​​the river, the real eye of the grass in the center of the lower river was just clicked by Kai'Sa.

Camille is on the road.

The blind monk is in the canyon.

This means that at best there is only one Kai'Sa and Galio in the bottom half.

In this case, they can move the dragon first.

The fire dragon's mid-term buff to RNG's lineup is too strong, and all RNG members agree that it is completely worthwhile to let go of the canyon pioneer for this fire dragon.

After receiving a group of three wolves, Uzi went home and sold his Doran Shield, which was just enough to buy his second piece of equipment.

And Xiaohu's Lucian has also gone out and moved closer to the red buff wild area along the F6 wild area.

After Xiangguo entered the wild area, he turned on the scan when he passed the grass behind the red buff. At the same time, he raised his hand and handed over the flag and landed on the grass in the center of the river, inserting Kai'Sa hidden inside.

However, to Xiangguo's surprise, Kai'Sa did not choose to retreat after being inserted, but walked straight towards him.

Suddenly, a bad feeling lingered in Xiangguo's heart.

For a jungler like Xiangguo who likes to walk on the tip of a knife, the sixth sense is especially accurate.

He glanced at Xiaohu's position, and decisively began to move closer to Xiaohu, while increasing the distance between him and Kai'Sa.

In the process of moving forward, the scan with the incense pot still on also detected a field of vision located in the center of the wall of the dragon pit.

This vision can see all the movements of the enemy when moving from the red buff grass, and it is considered to be one of the most common visions of the Dragon Pit area.

Judging from the duration of this fake eye, it seems... fresh and hot.

The uneasiness in Xiangguo's heart became more and more intense.

He subconsciously left a real eye across the dragon pit.

Inside the Dragon Pit, a Galio who was charging with his W skill was clearly visible.

Xiangguo's pupils shrunk.

At this moment, he couldn't even hear what Letme said in the team voice.

On the RNG battle table, the team's voice instantly became chaotic.

"They Camille is helping the blind monk to fight in the canyon. They are playing very fast. I can only watch Camille not let him tp, but I think he might die if he tp. Be careful..."

Letme was talking on his own, but no one gave him feedback.

On the front, the battle has broken out.

When Kai'Sa pushed in from the corner with the E skill, Galio had already used W to jump onto the dragon pit, and accurately taunted the prince of Xiangguo.

At this time, Xiangguoqi is still in the CD.

There is no big move.

Without flashing, he faced the explosive output of a two-piece Kai'Sa under the control situation, just like a toy.

The serial control and Kai'Sa's damage caused the prince's blood to leak out.

When the prince recovered from the control, he could only use W as much as possible to slow down to Kai'Sa, and at the same time run away in the direction of Xiaohu's support.

However, he hadn't taken two steps before his blood bar was emptied, and he lay helplessly on the ground.

The roar of the canyon pioneer's death became the foil for the prince's funeral.

When the prince was killed, Meiko and Li Luo did not retreat.

Lulu was resurrected immediately.

And Lulu has tp.

This message gave them enough courage.

Galio moved closer to the red buff grass, followed by Li Luo's Kai'Sa.

And when the two got close to the grass, the little tiger in the grass controlled Lucian to hit his first set of burst damage.

W point to Q point point and then run down to open the distance.

Xiaohu is seducing.

Uzi's Verus has approached the frontal battlefield from F6.

The bull's head is also behind him.

He needs to seduce the two of them.

However, what shocked Xiaohu was that Li Luo didn't intend to retreat the moment he got his W skill, but turned his head and started attacking him.

With the vision provided by Galio, the little tiger hiding in the grass has nowhere to hide.

What Xiaohu couldn't accept the most was that when Kai'Sa hit A on him for the first time, a bright red number appeared.


When he pulled away in a dilapidated manner, another 287 shot exploded from him?

The person who hit Xiaohu directly with two consecutive critical strikes was a little dizzy.

What do you mean?
With a mere 20 crit chance, you give me two consecutive explosions?

Not to mention Xiaohu, even Meiko couldn't hold back and blurted out a shit right now.

One must know that when beating the prince before, Meiko still complained about Li Luo's black face.

When fighting the prince, A's six general attacks were only a crit.

This is also the main reason why the prince was still struggling to take two steps out after being controlled by him for two consecutive periods.

After all, this is on someone else's territory, so many A's can't hit a crit, if the prince is allowed to persist until the support of other RNG people arrives, they will be in danger.

For this reason, Meiko did not hesitate to give his weakness to the prince, just to reduce the dual resistance and movement speed. From a normal point of view, this is undoubtedly a bad decision.

But the two slaps followed by Kai'Sa actually hit Lucian's main artery!

Counting his fist, Lucian's blood volume is less than half. You must know that the damage caused by Kashapin A with the sheep knife is not only physical output, but also the passive damage of the sheep knife and the plasma Additional damage provided.

This is more than 287!
That is to say, his control is all on CD, otherwise meiko even thinks that he can second him...

Just as Meiko was thinking, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Verus beside him.

Before Meiko could react, or in other words, Meiko had no room to react, Verus' ultimate move had already attacked him.

The chain of corruption spread along Galio's body to Li Luo's Kai'Sa in an instant.

And Xiao Ming's bull head has also appeared.

In this situation, Xiaohu became more courageous, and crossed E to move forward and try to output the Kai'Sa behind him, but when Li Luo's Kai'Sa was affected by the chain of corruption, he calmly chose to retreat first and open his position. Removes the spread effect from Chains of Corruption.

"Withdraw, withdraw, just sell me."

Meiko realized that she was a little bit over the top.

Xiaohu's Lucian, who couldn't attack Li Luo, used the holy gun baptism and directly stuffed the barrel of the gun into his Galio's mouth.

Secret-level bullets rained down on Galio, while Uzi's Verus pulled closer, charging up his Q skill to try to penetrate twice.

However, after retreating out of the range of Verus' ultimate move, Li Luo threw his W skill to search for enemies in the void.

This W hits Uzi's Varus.

And meiko's blood volume was emptied by Verus' arrow.

At the EDG battle table.

Lulu, the younger brother of the elementary school, jumped out of the spring water and was resurrected.

"Tp! Hit!"

Li Luo's low shout made the elementary school boy, who had been tense and prepared for a long time, directly tp on Galio's field of vision left in the grass!

Meiko was taken aback, he had previously suggested to Li Luo to retreat.

Li Luo did pull back.

So when Li Luo said "fight", Meiko didn't react for a while.

In the commentary booth, the three commentators originally thought that they could rest for a while, and this wave should come to an end with Galio's death.

But in the next second, a purple phantom in the sky instantly tightened their relaxed mood again!
Li Luo's Kai'Sa has entered the arena!
The target is none other than Lucian who is on the sidelines!

I will never back down.

This is one of Kai'Sa's seemingly insignificant lines.

But the meaning of this sentence is vividly reflected at this moment.

The prerequisite for Li Luo's flight is to search for the plasma that the enemy hit on Verus.

But Li Luo deliberately controlled the location of the ultimate move.

Even if RNG included Niutou and the three of them huddled together, it was hard to stop Li Luo's belief in victory.

Because as long as this wave can win, then EDG will completely expand its advantage!The snowball will follow.

He can do it!
The moment the big move hits the ground, a basic attack is connected to the Icacia rainstorm and released directly!
Under Li Luo's deliberately adjusted angle, Icacia's torrential rain did not affect the bull's head, but split into two streams and submerged into the bodies of Lucian and Verus respectively.

For Icacia Rainstorm, which has not been weakened in the current version, this evolved damage can be called an explosion!
Lucian's blood bar melted away in the blink of an eye, and what surprised RNG even more was that Kai'Sa's level was also raised as the light flickered on her body after harvesting the head.

Kai'Sa upgraded from level 11 to level 12!

"Accept him, accuse him!"

The output in the hands of uzi did not stop.

But the shield provided by the hunter's instinct greatly increased Kai'Sa's chance of survival!

Uzi's tone was urgent.

Xiao Ming was very calm.

He's very close to Kai'Sa.

But Xiao Ming didn't use Erlian immediately.

Because he knew that Li Luo had Shan.

Therefore, Xiao Ming tried to get close to Li Luo at the first time, and then handed over control when he was in front of Li Luo.

However, Li Luo manipulated Kai'Sa to hand over her cooled down E skill, and while pulling it sideways, it also made the idea of ​​Q with the bull's head close to her face come to naught.

Shi Senming had no choice but to hand over WQ!

call out!
Another familiar hiding skill.

It's golden light shining again!

It's just that this time the skill mechanism from the League of Legends has worked.

On the surface, the WQ of Bull Head is empty.

But because the distance is too short, the W skill judgment has already appeared.

When the flash landed to the side, the word dizzy appeared above Kai'Sa's head.


This is Verus' output opportunity!

Uzi does its best to output.

He also has a sheep knife.

But the difference is that Kai'Sa's sheep knife has been stacked to the full level.

But his sheep knife is 0 layers.

All it takes to kill Galio uzi is a big move plus Q skill.

He hasn't had a chance to go through the layers of Ping A stacked sheep knife.

In the current Sheep Knife version, where each layer can provide a percentage of attack power for the hero, the output gap between a full layer and a 0-layer Sheep Knife can be described as a huge difference.

The control effect determined by Tau W is very short-lived.

The moment he regained control, Li Luo started shooting at Uzi!
The fight between Kai'Sa and Verus!
It's just that when the attacks of both sides fell on the target, the difference in damage was instantly reflected.

Especially... when Kai'Sa's third basic attack hit a crit and detonated the plasma.

W's passivity, coupled with the previous two general attacks, has allowed the plasma to stack to full.

This last blow directly opened up the gap between the two sides' blood volumes that were almost the same!
Uzi's heart was cold.

The shooter's instinct allowed him to do his best to hit the Q skill in seconds after the last general attack when the blood volume was emptied.

The W passive detonated by the arrow caused Kai'Sa's blood volume to plummet a lot, and Kai'Sa's blood line was not much at this time.

And the bull's head, which was almost full of blood, was already attached to Kai'Sa's face.

Niutou has a big move.

Weakness is the same as meiko, in order to grab the rhythm and hand it over to Lulu, the target of the previous strong kill.

If the two sides are in a 1v1solo situation, then the bull head might be able to replace Kai'Sa who has little blood.

But not just one person.

tp Lulu who landed on the ground.

And the blind monk who rushed to the vanguard without stopping.

From the director's perspective, the separate small screen can clearly see that the blind monk first uses the Q skill to move a long distance after coming to the middle, and then lands W real eye, in order to get close to the battlefield as quickly as possible.

And the arrival of these two people undoubtedly made Shi Senming's idea of ​​replacing Li Luo with the bull's head come to naught!

"The bull head... also fell, this wave of EDG... completed an almost incredible 2v4."

In the commentary seat, Miller swallowed.

Li Luo's Kai'Sa fully demonstrated Kai'Sa's charm as a hero in this wave.

He could see it clearly, even when he dodged Niutou Erlian in the end, Kai'Sa's attack did not stop at all.

Every second... even every millisecond, Li Luo stepped on the output frequency limited by the hero mechanism.

Without any mistakes, this wave of brilliance was created.

But the question dare he? !
"Facing danger and living to death, Brother Luo's Kai'Sa taught RNG a deep lesson. In his hands, Kai'Sa is both an ADC and an assassin!"

Guan Zeyuan looked at the corpses on the battlefield on the big screen, and said in a daze.

ps: I checked for a while, I hope there are no mistakes or omissions

(End of this chapter)

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