archer ferocity

Chapter 211 The haze in the dark!

Chapter 211 The haze in the dark!

When the team battle started, the hearts of the RNG fans who were watching the live broadcast on the scene and even in front of the screen felt cold.

This is a wave of unsuspecting defeat.

On the surface, the economic difference between the two sides is less than 3000 yuan.

However, judging from the team battle effects of the two sides, this is not just a team battle with a 3000 yuan economic difference, even if the economic difference is seven times higher, it is nothing more than that.

"Who would have imagined this... EDG not only played a 0-for-5 group annihilation, but also harvested the canyon vanguard. RNG...exploded!"

In the commentary seat, Miller slowed down for several seconds.

As one of the old commentators of the LPL, Miller doesn't know how many games he has commented on.

But it was the first time he saw the big move between Sion and Ryze used in this way on the field.

Players in the forum also fry the pot one after another.

"I will serve EDG without supporting the wall."

"The EDG in front of me makes me a little strange. They never dared to play such a risky thing before."

"What is the incense pot doing?!"

"I feel like this can't be blamed on the jungler. The dump truck appeared directly on the face from the crack in the void. How can I react..."

"Don't think about it after the fact, at least RNG can keep an eye on this situation in the future..."

"In the future? Is there a future after this wave is over?"

"Brother Luo's Ezreal has directly copied the back lane and output without pressure... As an ADC, I am very envious."

"RN... G's gone!"

During the discussion on the barrage forum, the members of the EDG team, which had no personal injuries, quickly led the canyon vanguard to pull out the first tower in the middle.

RNG's best performance this season is their defense in the middle.

The solid ability in the later stage allows RNG to often hold the opponent for a long time with a tower in the middle, and then defeat the opponent with rich game experience.

However, in this game, EDG broke the first tower faster than the previous one.

This made the atmosphere on the RNG battle bench a bit dull.

"It feels a bit difficult."

Uzi picked up a tissue and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

Professional players can roughly judge the economic gap between the two sides from the situation of the two sides.

Before this wave of team battles, both Uzi and Shi Senming had made rough judgments.

The economy is around 3000 yuan.

The distribution to each person is 600 yuan more than them.

Strictly speaking, most of this economic gap is between the C positions, and on average, the C positions are almost 875 more than them.

The gap between the [-] and [-] point numerical panel is acceptable at the current point of time. As long as the operation is done properly, there is every chance to win the team battle.

But after this wave of team battles, counting the defensive towers in the middle, this wave alone may have caused an economic difference of close to 3000 yuan.

From more than 3000 to more than 6000.

Doubling the economy is bad.

How to fight this?
Letme is particularly depressed.

He's actually quite confident in this group.

Before playing in the group, he had French shoes and a big mask.

There is also a murder ring.

According to Letme's vision, his damage will definitely explode in this wave of team battles.

As long as two kills can be collected, there is no way for Thain to push the line against him.

Fortunately, Thain received one kill and three assists.

When the two sides went online again, letme was not only one level behind, but also half a piece of equipment.

The Canyon Pioneer Group severely hurt RNG's vitality.

But EDG will not give RNG too much rest time.

In this wave of team battles, Li Luo's Ezreal got three kills.

Of the other two heads, one was Ryze and the other was Thain.

The growth rate of Li Luo's equipment after harvesting the triple kill is a bit scary.

17 minutes 30 seconds.

Li Luo successfully created his own three-phase power, and also purchased an additional tear of the goddess.

17 minutes!Mozong's three-phase goddess tears plus CD shoes.

And the number of layers of Mozong has been stacked to 712 layers!
At level 12, Ezreal with the Tears of the Two Goddesses had reached 17 mana points in just 30 minutes and 2235 seconds.

According to Mozong's own characteristics, the attack power gain provided by such mana and the additional damage caused by the attack are quite considerable.

And Ezreal's equipment undoubtedly made the RNG team's defensive situation worse.

Fortunately, the RNG team has Karma.

With Karma's shield, at least to a certain extent, it can contain the lethality brought by Ezreal's poke.

At least until EDG reaps the dragon buff, RNG's defense can hold on.

On the bench of the EDG team.

"My Banner of Command will take a while to make."

Meiko glanced at the money on her body and said.

EDG now has two dragons in hand.

According to EDG's original idea, they planned to avoid the edge of the RNG lineup when the second water dragon was refreshed, and handed over the water dragon.

But Canyon Pioneer's complete victory forced them to take away the little dragon they despised.

Once the water dragon is picked up, the attributes of the next dragon will also appear.

It's a wind dragon.

"The attributes of the dragon in this game are very average."

The elementary school boy said.

"Don't be picky. Our lineup is very good at changing lanes. Fenglong is actually not bad. We will find a wave of opportunities in about 20 minutes to see if we can destroy their second tower. It is best to kill two people along the way. "

Meiko looked at Li Luo while speaking: "Brother Luo, do you have any ideas?"

Li Luo glanced at uzi's equipment.

Compared to himself, uzi's equipment looks a bit bleak.

Straw sandals, yellow fork, and blue knife.

As of now, 30 minutes and [-] seconds, one and a half pieces of equipment is a bit shabby.

Even without attack speed shoes, it was even more miserable.

Once the hero Xia is at a disadvantage in the mid-term, the ability to replenish development is not strong compared to other ADCs, and it can even be said to be a little weak.

But Shi Senming forced out an incense burner.

Although the incense burner has undergone a relatively serious weakening in the S8 season, it has only reduced its cost performance.

There is still some gain to the ADC.

At least it can make uzi, who is not well equipped now, have the output ability to take over the group.

If RNG has been stuck there, EDG has nothing to do.

Of course, RNG is still in a hurry. EDG is not in a hurry for this game. They can choose not to take risks, procrastinate, just procrastinate, and wait until the three-piece suit before ending the game.

However, considering that this game is the second game in BO5, as long as they win, it means that EDG has three match points.

EDG still wants to end the game in a quick way.

RNG was obviously a little confused by them. In this case, the sooner the game ends, the more time it can compress the adjustment time of the RNG team.

In addition, the characteristics of the lineup chosen by EDG in this game are there.

For a while, the five of them began to conspire in the EDG battle table.

Game time is 19 minutes and 30 seconds.

When a wave of soldiers without guns was pushed into the tower, the EDG people quickly retreated and disappeared from the sight of the RNG people.

Except for Thain who led the line with Rambo on the road, the collective disappearance of the four of EDG attracted the high vigilance of everyone in RNG.

They noticed that EDG disappeared in the direction of their top half jungle.

Judging from the current relatively sensitive game time node, EDG... seems to have the meaning of moving the dragon.

"If they want to fight dragons so feels like our chance."

Uzi said thoughtfully.

Because EDG's frequent huddles forced them to huddle together, so that 2 minutes passed without the slightest improvement in uzi's equipment.

Xiaohu's Karma cleared most of the lines, and Uzi could get relatively little economy.

Uzi also knows that the faster the line is cleared at this juncture, the longer the second tower can survive. It is unrealistic for Xiaohu not to eat at all and let him eat alone.

It happened that EDG adjusted the bottom line to a push line before forming a group, so that even if EDG chose to retreat in this wave, there would be one person between him and Xiaohu who could not develop steadily.

So uzi really wanted to fight.

If EDG really moves the big dragon, it is indeed a good opportunity for RNG to come back.

"Their speed of fighting dragons is actually not bad. Fortunately, we didn't have much dodge in the last wave of team battles. As long as we can do well in this wave, we do have a chance."

Xiangguo looked at the situation in the field and said in a deep voice.

The biggest advantage of RNG is that no matter how big the disadvantage is, there will always be people who will take the initiative to look for opportunities to start a group.

As the saying goes, eat a cut and grow a wiser.

With the lessons learned from the past, Xiangguo can be sure that he will not fall twice in the same position.

The next time he sees Ryze's portal, he will definitely keep a distance from it and cheer up a hundred spirits.

"It's not easy for us now."

Looking at the pitch-black wild area, Xiaohu said with a frown.

At present, there are not many people on their side who can explore the grass.

Own Karma counts as one.

Xiao Ming's Luo can also use the Q skill to explore the grass, but in terms of the attack distance of the Luo Q skill, there is a certain risk of being attacked first.

The pillar of the troll.

Kasumi's vision transformation.

The feather of the Q skill is also fine, and can trigger a deadly rhythm.

In this situation, they must be cautious and explore step by step.

The first person to explore the grass is Xiaohu.

A Q skill at the extreme distance disappeared into the grass and did not touch any target.

Uzi controls Xia, and the Q skill follows closely behind the snooping vision.

Still nothing.

The RNG people who were a little relieved began to press forward.

Shi Senming opened the way and kept his vision in the grass.

This field of vision did not find anyone.

"It should be going to Dalongkeng, lean towards that side."

As Xiangguo said, he and Shi Senming walked in front, followed by the other two from RNG.

At this time, Thain, who was in the top lane, chose to press B to return to the city.

This scene gave Letme a warning sign, and he immediately pressed back to the city, and was ready to tp at any time.

From God's perspective.

RNG fans are about to suffocate.

"EDG is playing like this again... But it is true that their lineup can indeed play like this when they have gained a certain advantage in vision. If RNG gets closer, it will be dangerous. They don't even know where the EDG team is. where!"

Miller looked at the situation on the field and said in a slightly hasty tone.

From God's perspective, they clearly saw that the situation in this wave is more severe for RNG than the previous wave.

Everyone in EDG has indeed entered the wild area.

But they didn't move towards Dalongkeng at the first time, but divided into two groups.

Tamm and Ezreal did the opposite after entering the wild area, and they chose to move towards the red Fang Heights tower.

Tam turned on the scan, and protected Ezreal all the way into the grass under the highland tower, where the two squatted quietly.

On the other side, the blind monk and Ryze came to the red buff area in the upper half wild area of ​​the red square, close to the wall and only one wall away from the aisle of the F6 wild area.

And Thain handed over tp as soon as he got home.

It is worth mentioning that the location of Sion's tp is the real eye buried under the feet of Tam and Ezreal.

Let alone a radius of five hundred yards.

Even with a radius of a thousand yards, no RNG team's field of vision can see into the animation special effects of Thain tp.

So that Thain appeared beside the two very smoothly.

And the three of them are equivalent to being in the rear of RNG's four-person group!
On the RNG team, the troll from Xiangguo drove the scan and took the lead.

"Be careful."

During the walk, Shi Senming did not forget to remind him.

Before taking two steps, everyone found a fake eye in the open space in front of F6 through the scanning of the incense pot.

Xiangguo subconsciously rowed, and Uzi behind him habitually followed suit.

At the moment when the two of them opened their hands, the roar of the dump truck that made their souls tremble a little rang out again.

Dump truck, another dump truck!
"Sion is getting bigger! Where is he?!"

Xiangguo raised his vigilance several times.

For the first time, Xiangguo's eyes were fixed on the front, that is, the direction of the pass river in the wild area.

Judging from the small map, this is the only place where Thain is most likely to appear.

However, at this moment, a real eye appeared in front of the RNG team.

When the real eyes fell, the figure of the blind monk also appeared.

It's... Xiaotian's blind monk!

In the case of being close to the Xiangguo troll, Xiaotian's blind monk did not need any extra operations like the previous wave, and kicked lightly, straight into the back row of RNG.

The sudden appearance of Xiaotian made the RNG group together unexpected.

The sharp-eyed Uzi noticed the figure behind him.

When they entered the F6 grass, they left a field of vision in the F6 grass.

And the limit distance of this field of vision captured the figure of Thain!
"Behind! Behind!"

Uzi lost his voice and surrendered his big move Flying Feathers.

Xiao Ming also relied on his terrifying on-the-spot reaction speed to dodge the troll flying towards him.

Xiaohu was not so lucky.

His reaction speed is extremely fast. The moment he saw the blind monk, he knocked on RE directly, and put a layer of shield on all his teammates.

But facing Thain who appeared in the rear, they were completely unexpected.

The scariest thing, Thain, will turn a corner.

In this narrow area, Thain, who started from the bushes under the Highland Tower, adjusted his angle abruptly after entering the F6 pass, passed through the narrow pass, and then... hit the troll and Karma heavily.

As long as you use your brain, there are always more solutions than problems!
Xiangguo wanted to smash the keyboard at this moment.

Before that, he had vowed that he would be able to stop Thain from entering the arena.

But he was kicked away in this wave, and he couldn't release his E skill to intercept Thain in mid-air.

The team battle broke out in an instant.

Almost at the moment Sion hit Karma and the troll, Ezreal's big move swept in not far away, and landed on the troll and Karma with precision.

Almost at the same time, Ryze, who was only separated from them by a wall, also flashed into the arena, and a set of explosions poured on the troll.

How similar is this scene to everyone in the RNG team who had just suffered a collision with a dump truck?

"Call me Rider!"

Jin Gong looked quite excited.

According to Li Luo's training mode, his Sion has mastered all subjects in the Summoner's Canyon, regardless of subjects one, two, three.

It is not easy to go through such a small bend.

"Don't fight, it's broken! Withdraw first, sell it, hurry up!"

Xiang Guo looked at Letme, who was ready to hand over to TP, and was also a little anxious.

His troll was instantly killed.

Xiaohu's Karma is more fortunate.

With the mercury shoes, he successfully handed over the flash, and Shi Senming's Luo played a vital role. When Thain charged up and released the Q skill, Shi Senming interrupted in time to save Xiaohu, giving Xiaohu room to escape.

Uzi handed over the flash, and Shi Senming's Luo immediately handed over the E skill to use uzi to move.

The three quickly moved closer together.

However, what made everyone in RNG despair.

EDG has no intention of coming to catch them at all.

Ryze's ultimate move was activated directly, and everyone in EDG gathered in the ultimate move for a while.

Accompanied by the beating of the winding path, all EDG members fell into the dragon pit.

At this point the game time is exactly 20 minutes!

Baron Nash had just returned to the nest when he saw five people appearing on his face with a dazed expression, and they beat him up like crazy!
ps: There are more tonight, before midnight, for sure~ night owl brother can wait, the latest update is really not enough, the treatment is almost over at the end of this month, and next month will make up for it, old man

(End of this chapter)

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