archer ferocity

Chapter 179 Is this still EDG?

Chapter 179 Is this still EDG?

As Wang Duoduo's words fell, the cheers on the scene sounded one after another.

After all, RW is just a re-established team. In contrast, there are undoubtedly more EDG fans on the scene.

Even through the white noise filled in the headphones, the cheers of the scene can still be heard.

"Oh my god, EDG deserves to be EDG, it really has a lot of fans."

At the RW battle table, doinb was so envious: "Little man, come and help me catch him. I can't beat him in the middle. Scout's enchantress is scary. Mouse, you just need to lock this enchantress during team battles. They Kalista and I can't beat him." to deal with."

"Can you handle it?"

mouse smiled teasingly.

"Who do you look down on, this version of Galio can kill people in seconds, okay?"

doinb said.

Galio has undergone a major change after the World Championship version.

On the one hand, the damage reduction when the hero turns on the W skill is reduced.

On the other hand, it also weakens the base damage of Q skills and E skills.

You must know that these two skills were the key to whether Galio could push the line when facing the line in the middle.

The basic damage cut is undoubtedly fatal for the flesh-clad Galio.

Fortunately, the fist company did not do everything.

Although Galio's basic damage has been cut, his ability power gain has increased from 0.4 to 0.7.

This is only passive, and other skills also have more or less buffs. You must know that the hero Galio relies heavily on passive wave clearing.

Such an improvement is already great.

Therefore, the current version of Galio will mostly focus on the outflow of mages. There are two sets of outfit ideas. One is based on the time staff as the core equipment. Both meat and output.

There is also a set of outfit ideas in the later stage of the outfit that remain unchanged, but the core equipment has changed from the Time Rod to the Hextech Belt.

Galio with this kind of build has high requirements on the timing of returning to the city for supplies, and his ability to roam and catch people is stronger than the genre of the Time Rod.

In this game, when he knew that he was going to face the enchantress, doinb had already decided on the line of thinking.

If you don't fight the line with the enchantress, rely on the advantage of pushing the line in the early stage, and then go to roam to help your teammates after pushing the line, and quickly tear the situation apart.

But... EDG team's choice of the fifth-floor Kang special position made doinb hesitant about the support route.


This hero is special.

For the player Jin Gong, doinb has some understanding.

I also met his captain in the rank.

Therefore, doinb knows that the captain of Jin Gong has two brushes... no, to be precise, he should have many brushes.

In the past, when facing the captain, many teams would choose crazy targets in the early stage.

But four packs and two are aimed at the bottom lane, and freeing the top lane to play by yourself is the optimal tactical system that the RW team has developed during this period of time.

Stocking the captain alone...playing by himself?
doinb thinks it's not so good.

In the IG backstage lounge.

The people who had just finished the game did not plan to leave immediately, but watched the game seriously in the lounge.

"The captain of EDG has a bit of a lore inside."

Ning Wang said thoughtfully: "I just don't know how the EDG team will play this lineup. The same lineup will play differently in different teams. Camille from mouse...with all due respect , even if this version of Camille is strengthened once, his suppression will be the same."

Baolan said faintly beside him: "If they don't target the bottom lane, Brother Luo will definitely have the advantage."

Jackeylove glanced at Baolan and said nothing.

Jackeylove, who went down the road with Baolan's partner, did not live very comfortably.

Especially when mentioning Li Luo, Jackeylove always felt that something was a little weird and a little uncomfortable.

This feeling is like the children who played with him when he was a child are about to run to play with other people in front of him.


"The key point is still EDG's middle field. If EDG's middle field can open up the rhythm in the early stage, then EDG's rhythm will rise very fast with the initiative."

Rookie said in a deep voice: "doinb is very strong, but when he encounters a strong mid laner, he tends to be unable to perform well. Although scout is not stable in the late stage, his laning suppression is still very strong."


In Summoner's Rift.

Game time is less than 3 minutes.

The elementary school boy stared at Galio, who didn't have much manpower, and recalled in his mind what Li Luo had said in the EDG group meeting before the game.

"The shining point of doinb lies in his control of the timing of pushing the line. His tempo will start very early. If he realizes that he can't control the line before level 3, he will choose to push the line quickly at all costs. Three waves After the pawns push, clear their mana and go home to replenish equipment, usually at this time the jungler will look for a sideline rhythm under his command, especially in the top lane, as long as he can find an opportunity, he will immediately hand over tp to cooperate with tower jumping."

"If there is no chance, he will also use tp to return to the middle lane to quickly clear the line and then seek opportunities for a wave of wandering to put pressure on the sideline."

Li Luo explained in detail.

For professional players, this is equivalent to Li Luo giving them the answers to the test questions.

You must know that the deepest impression left by doinb before this is his carry ability and ability to deal damage.

As for the roaming ability, doinb has not shown much before.

Li Luo knew very well that the doinb of the RW team was a turning point in his career.

Not only is it a turning point in his performance, but also a turning point in his personal style.

It is actually difficult to tell whether a player's style has changed based on rank alone.

But Li Luo has the advantage of poor information.

Once you have the answer, you will naturally have a way to counter it.

That is, before Galio returns home in the first wave, take advantage of his low mana, and look for a wave of opportunities first!
When there were the last three half-blood minions on the line, Galio of doinb chose to hand over the Q skill and at the same time hand in the E to move towards his own defense tower to distance himself.

But the moment doinbQ finished handing in the E, the elementary school boy moved.

Flash, W!

Enchantress stepped on Galio's front end with this decisive foot, causing damage to Galio and at the same time forcibly using her own body to block Galio's forward momentum.

At the same time, the blind monk who had settled down earlier also showed his figure.

Level 3.

12 dollars.

Xiaotian only brushed three groups of wild monsters and came directly to catch him.

Doinb's eyelids twitched wildly and he handed over the flash. He was carrying an aftershock. After the E skill was intercepted by the enchantress, the effect of the aftershock had already been triggered.

He tried to break the chains that the Enchantress had tied him.

Even if you can't break it, at least you have to hold on for a while.

However, Xiaotian is very detailed.

When the damage of the second stage of the demon girl's chain detonated, he surrendered the Q skill and at the same time touched the eye W and moved to the front of Doinb's Galio.

Raise your hand to level A to catch the floor.

At this point the effect of the aftershock has disappeared.

And doinb's mana has been exhausted, he can't pay W to reduce damage for himself!

Xiaotian's blind monk left a second-stage Q beheading damage, and finally successfully killed Galio with the cooperation of the enchantress!

First blood!

A blood eruption.

"Nice! A beautiful gank!"

On the commentary table, Wang Duoduo praised: "The timing of this wave of EDG is very accurate. It happened to be stuck in the gap where Galio had no mana and completed a wave of kills. Then the rhythm of the blind monk's early stage is very comfortable. A long sword will not be weak when facing a praying mantis in the wild."

"That's right, and we can see that the EDG bot lane duo has already played an initial suppressing effect..."

While the two commentators were talking, they were in Summoner's Canyon.

"Catch it at level 3, do you want to be so bt?"

doinb is a little helpless.

Xiaofu also opened the field with three groups of wild monsters.

It's just that Xiaofu at this time is approaching the position on the road.

In the early stage, Ah Guang's counterpoint suppression was not strong enough.

Moreover, Jin Gong's captain did not let Ah Guang push the line. As long as there is a bucket, Jin Gong will release it to consume the blood of the line.

Looking at the not so many soldiers on the top lane, and the enchantress returning to the city in the middle lane, doinb realized that he couldn't start the first wave of rhythm.

At the moment, in this situation, he can only tp to the middle lane to develop, and wait for the opportunity to seek opportunities after pushing the pawn line.

This seemingly simple hit with one blood caused great trouble to RW's early tactical layout.

Now doinb is not flashing.

Next, he must be very careful of another round of gank from EDG Nakano.

Xiaofu's praying mantis escaped into the wild again to develop.

If he keeps swiping, he should be ahead of the blind monk in making up the knife at this moment.

But they remembered the rhythm.

Such is the price of failing to catch the rhythm.

off the road.

Kalista has natural suppression when facing non-displacement heroes.

The reason why the RW team chose Titans is, in the final analysis, to limit Kalista's suppression during the laning phase.

After all, any adc will be sincerely frightened when facing a support like Titan, and it will hurt a lot if he is hooked once.

However, Li Luo and Meiko's way of dealing with the Titans made the bottom duo of the RW team dare not act rashly.

"Why doesn't this titan not take the hook? Just because the opposite is Shine, he doesn't dare to take the hook?"

"This assistant Killua is too cowardly. I have seen several waves of chances to get hooked even if I am a silver. There is a playmaker here. If I hit the hook, I will directly pick up a W and play a set to explode. At least half of Kalista's blood will be lost. What is he playing with?"

In the Tieba forum, as RW's bot lane was gradually pushed, fans of the old thief began to jump out to fight for the old thief.

Both Thresh and Titan are strong initiator supports.

Titans are even more powerful.

But RW's passive style of play, which has been slow to make a move, really made them aggrieved.

at some point.

The Titans finally launched the initiative as they wished.

Li Luo has been manipulating Calista to stand outside the protection of the soldiers.

Killua saw it a long time ago. As a support, he was naturally upset to see the opponent's position so rampant.

But killua also has his concerns.

Thresh has been following Calista's side, if he goes up first, he may be in danger.

The reason why this wave started to attack was because Xiaofu's praying mantis had already reached the triangular grass and was approaching the next road.

Just do it!

The heavy hook in Killua's hand was thrown out directly, aiming at Li Luo's Calista!
Li Luo's Calista was hit by the hook, and she staggered.

But Killua's Titan did not come to Kalista's side as he wished to supplement the passive basic attack, because when he hooked Li Luo, Thresh's pendulum of doom swept out simultaneously, sweeping him staggering .

And the Q skill followed by meiko's Thresh also hit his Titan.

Using the second-stage Q of the second heel to narrow the distance between him and the Titan, at the same time, he blocked the fatal brilliance of the life master for Li Luo's Kalista, and ignited it and directly hung it on the Titan!
Li Luo's Kalista has started outputting!

"Counter attack, EDG duo chose to counter attack!"

"But RW has the mantis... the mantis has been seen by the river, and the EDG duo didn't choose to retreat. Are they planning to play two against three? Is there a chance?!"


"RW cracked."

In the backstage lounge, Jackeylove said directly: "They are worried that EDG's rivers are eye-catching, so they want to keep people first and then go up, so as to avoid losing opportunities after the mantis is discovered, but this is not good. If the mantis can't deal with the damage immediately, the Titans will die first."

"Well, the talent brought by meiko is guardian."

Baolan next to him answered and said.

Thresh is a hero, many people will choose to bring aftershocks.

But in this game meiko took the guardian.

Guardians are ordinary in the eyes of most players.

It's nothing more than putting a shield on the friendly troops within 175 yards when being hit online to offset the damage.

How can there be such a talent as Aftershock that is so simple and rude?
However, the players only saw the first layer of attributes of the guardian.

But ignore its passive attributes.

That is... when the guardian is triggered, it will provide an effect of increasing movement speed for both himself and allies.

This movement speed increase is 20%.

For the two sides who are fighting, 20% is a very scary concept.

The Titans have handed over their own flashes to try and pull away.

But he still couldn't pull Thresh and Kalista's attack distance.

The 1.5-second increase in movement speed was fleeting, but Li Luo decisively kept up with the flash, and continued to follow up with the basic attack after the effect of his [Deadly Rhythm] had been triggered.

Once, twice!

The old thief is also exporting.

But how can Jhin's output in the early stage compare with Kalista?
After the healing technique gave Tai Tan a bite, Li Luo raised his hand to launch a general attack and then received the Q skill, and the E skill drew the spear and detonated it!

The blood volume of the titan was emptied, and his figure crashed to the ground.

But at this moment, the figure of doinb Galio appeared in the river.

The light of tp suddenly lit up from the line.

"Dad is here!"

In the EDG battle table, Jin Gong roared.

After eating the tower knife on the road, he returned to the city to supply supplies, hesitated for a while and did not hand over the tp to go online.

And the timing of his tp is very clever.

With the death of Titan in the bottom lane, the situation of the battle was stalled for a while.

Doinb's Galio is followed by the primary school boy's Enchantress.

In the top lane, Camille has already tp to the line to suppress, and RW has not yet determined the position of Xiaotian blind monk, do they dare to fight less and more team battles?
"Let's go first, we can't fight anymore, let mouse push it, their captain will lose some knives in this wave, it's okay."

doinb took a deep breath.

Their support system in the training match was always beneficial.

But now when facing the EDG team in the game, they are restrained everywhere.

And what makes doinb feel very bad is that although Kalista has handed in a flash in this wave, the duo lane at this time is only at level 4, and it is still at level 4 just after killing the Titan.

By the time they get to level 6, Kalista's Blink is on the mend again.

Their rhythm in the early stage was a bit messed up.

ps: It’s another day of poking nucleic acid, and now Shanghai may not be as frequent as us... The next update will be at 18:7, more than [-]K
(End of this chapter)

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