secretary in gold

Chapter 144 Bomb!

Chapter 144 Bomb!

Zhao Min is a staff member of the public relations department of Junya Group. As usual, she habitually searches for key terms related to Junya Group on various platforms.

If they praise Junya, they will look for publicity points to promote it on the whole network.If they attack Junya, they will also communicate with the poster. If the communication is unsuccessful, let the legal department continue to communicate.

Of course, they don't pay too much attention to general information. If every post of praise or attack has to be paid attention to, their public relations department will not be able to cope with it at all.

They mainly follow up and process information that has a relatively heavy or important weight, people, and information that has a relatively large influence and forms public opinion.

"The hotel queen Song Qingxin resigned, and it is said that she has bid farewell to her colleagues in the company"

"Song Qingxin resigned?" Zhao Min was stunned for a moment, thinking, why did she resign?Didn't she just take over as the general manager of the garden shop?Taking control of a five-star hotel at a young age has a bright future ahead.

And some time ago, she also served as a live broadcast guest for many major anchors, and was called "a woman with a face that saves elegance" by the hotel industry.
How could she resign?
How could the group agree to her resignation?
Zhao Min is very familiar with Song Qingxin, as long as she is a gentleman, it is impossible not to know this woman.Because she is too 'popular', with a hot body and good looks, she is in a high position at a young age, and she sold the hotel room for more than half a year by herself. In front of millions of fans, he confessed his love to Tang Ye in public.

Being on the trending searches again and again, she is a strong woman who is not in the entertainment circle but can grab the headlines with those celebrities.

Zhao Min is a staff member of the public relations department, and they often need to cooperate with Song Qingxin's work.Including the Cabillo incident some time ago, the hotel scandal, and a series of marketing activities led by Song Qingxin, their public relations department was active everywhere, and Zhao Min also participated in it.

She likes Song Qingxin very much, she thinks Song Qingxin is the most perfect form of the word 'woman'.It would be great if I could live like that
She didn't believe that Song Qingxin would choose to leave at this time. The event was a great success, but it wasn't all over yet, and it wasn't time for rewards. She left at this time, and it took so much time and effort to make it Isn't the activity that comes out the fruit picked by others?

Even a bystander like herself is reluctant, can Song Qingxin be reconciled?

Besides, Song Qingxin can do whatever she wants in Junya, she can do whatever she wants, I heard that even Xu Bin can't handle her. Why did she leave?

Zhao Min's first reaction was that someone was playing a prank, because Song Qingxin is so popular now, many people tried their best to run over to catch her popularity. Many men have already jumped out and said that they have been in love with Song Qingxin, and there are also many elementary school students. A classmate from middle school, university, and university jumped out and said she was a green tea bitch who likes to speak ill of people behind their backs, stab people with knives, snatch their boyfriends, spit in other people's water glasses, and sleep with many men.
Wait, wait, their public relations department doesn't know how much bad news they helped deal with.

After all, Song Qingxin is like Junya's face image spokesperson now. When Song Qingxin is mentioned, everyone can think of Junya, and when they see Junya, everyone's first reaction will be Song Qingxin. They don't want her to be seen by others. It has spoiled its reputation by splashing dirty water on it.

When Zhao Min saw the title, he immediately clicked in to view the contents.

"Song Qingxin has resigned, my goddess. My sister is a staff member of the garden store. She said that Song Qingxin and Tang Ye resigned together. They held hands and went to each department to say goodbye to everyone. Ahhh Ah, it's really sweet. Just thinking about that picture makes me feel like I'm going to crumble."

"A lot of people cried, and my sister also cried because she likes Tang Ye. My sister said that she has no motivation to go to work in the future. What she was looking forward to most before was when she went to work in the morning. I can't see Tang Ye, and there will be no more elegant flowers."

"My sister also said that they left in a hurry. There was no sign before and I don't know why. Ahhh, Junya no longer has Song Qingxin, and no more Tang Ye. My sister is at home on leave today, please I ate hot pot, drank milk tea, and bought me a skirt and sneakers that I had been asking for for a long time. She said that she was in a bad mood and wanted to spend. Secretary Tang for most of the day."

This is a post by a girl named 'Little Bear Mantou', who broke the news as the sister of a staff member at the Garden Store of Junya Hotel, saying that Tang Ye and Song Qingxin both resigned from Junya.

The breaking news is quite normal, there is nothing belittling or attacking, on the contrary, it also highlights the warm and touching scene when Junya's colleagues parted.

However, as a professional public relations officer, Zhao Min felt that this incident might not be a trivial matter.

Sure enough, Zhao Min searched casually, and there were already a lot of information about Song Qingxin's resignation on the Internet.

"Song Qingxin resigned, I heard it happened just now"

"Song Qingxin left the Junya Hotel, suspected of encountering office politics"

"Xinye CP both resigned, is it because of love or because of love?"

"Brothers, does anyone know why Song Qingxin left her job? Didn't she do a good job?"

"I bought the hotel voucher because of her, and I thought I would meet in the hotel if I had a chance?"


Zhao Min sensed the danger.

She knew that Song Qingxin's resignation might detonate a time bomb.

Because Zhao Min is too aware of Song Qingxin's influence, when the public relations department does other activities, it spends money and effort, but the effect is mediocre.However, when Song Qingxin came out, they almost didn't have to do anything. They won while lying down.

Zhao Min got up immediately, knocked on the office door of the manager of the PR department, and said, "Mr. Huang, Song Qingxin has resigned."

"Song Qingxin?" Huang Tao was stunned for a moment, and said, "If you resign, you will resign. What does it have to do with us? We are not the human resources department, so we can still manage whether people leave or not?"

"I'm worried that it will cause public opinion." Zhao Min said. "Now there are some bad rumors on the Internet"

Huang Tao waved his hand and said, "Resign normally, what public opinion can there be? Others are not allowed to quit? However, how could Song Qingxin resign? She has done a good job in Junya, and she will be able to enter the office in a few years. Headquarters."

However, Huang Tao still believed in the working ability of his subordinates, and said aloud: "If you are worried, just follow up and see where it will develop. Be careful not to be led maliciously. The last time After the incident came out, other hotels didn’t have a good impression of us.”

"I understand." Zhao Min agreed, and sat down in front of the computer again to follow up.

Sure enough, as she guessed, more and more people broke the news, and more and more people were eating melons.

Things also began to gradually become out of control, developing in a direction she was extremely unwilling to see.

In the tofu forum, an anonymous person posted a leak: "Jm, do you want to eat a melon? I am an ordinary worker in the Junya Group. For the sake of safety, I will not reveal my real information. You all know Song Qingxin, right? It's the hotel queen who has become quite popular recently. She is in love with her secretary. The secretary is quite handsome, and it's completely on my side. Pull it away, pull it back."

"Everyone knows that there has been a lot of trouble recently in Junya. The hotel rooms have also sold tens of thousands of rooms. The cash received is soft. JMs who have worked know that having sufficient cash flow in their hands means a hotel. What are you talking about, especially now when the economy is in a downturn. Sorry, sorry, it's going too far."

"The event plan this time was planned by Song Qingxin and her secretary Tang Ye. I have seen the planner of the event, and it does have their names written on it. That is to say, the event was led by the two of them. After getting up, Song Qingxin and Tang Ye went out in person to be live broadcast guests for the major anchors. Logically speaking, Song Qingxin made such a big commotion and made such a big contribution, so it is impossible for her to choose to leave at this time. "

"However, they just resigned. If things go wrong, there must be demons. I was curious, and I couldn't sleep because of curiosity. I went to ask my colleagues, and then I heard a gossip. I heard that Song Qingxin was going to hold this event. At the time, it was overruled by a deputy director named Xu who was in charge of the hotel business of the group. The reason for their veto was not that this matter could not be done, but that they wanted to get it to the group headquarters to do it themselves.”

"I heard that Song Qingxin went to the headquarters to make a big fuss, and the event was handed over to them again. However, you have seen the consequences? The event was successful, Junya made money, Song Qingxin and Tang Ye were killed Sure enough, sure enough, those who know how to work in this world can’t do as well as those who know how to work.”

"Should I just say it? Why did Song Qingxin and Tang Ye resign at this time? It turned out that they were cheated by their own leaders."

"That director surnamed Xu is really shameless. He can do whatever he can, and strive for No. 1."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'm so mad. Who dares to bully my goddess. I want Didi to beat me up."

"It doesn't matter whether such a company stays, I believe they will be able to find a better company, it is best to be their own boss"

"Talented people will never be ambushed anywhere. I believe that Junya must be the one who gets hurt in the end. I don't know the truth of this matter, so I will stay on the sidelines. However, if you tell the host like this, then , from today onwards, I will be Junya Black all my life"

After reading this post and the massive comments below, Zhao Min felt his scalp go numb.

She knew about it, it had really happened.

However, someone released it at this time. This is uneasy and kind.

The lethality of this matter is too great.

She knew that this was the fuse, and someone had jumped out and lit it.

That bomb is going to explode!

(End of this chapter)

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