my sprite emulator

Chapter 355 Pack your bags and start on the road again

Chapter 355 Pack your bags and start on the road again

Confidence and character are very important, and for some reason, characters in sim worlds tend to go to extremes.

In the first simulation, the protagonist's confidence collapsed, and he gave up the path of being an elf teacher in less than a year. In the second simulation, his confidence stabilized, but he was too upright to be out of place in the villain camp. A mission accident, but on the other hand, it was also the result of "he"'s deliberate deliberation. The mission was executed too late, which made the first mission too difficult.

And from the perspective of an outsider in Kurosawa, it is clear that the organization has already doubted the protagonist in the second simulation. Even if the first mission is successfully executed, the subsequent escape plan will probably not go smoothly.

"Do you want to consume an expedition key?"


His eyes darkened, and Kurosawa, who had been lying on the bed early, fell asleep skillfully.




Woke up this time still a little tired.

The exhaustion from the simulation seemed overwhelming, Kurosawa rubbed his temples.

He had a hunch that even if he did it hundreds of times, the feeling of fatigue would still not diminish.

It was as if... he had already spent most of other people's lives before he even realized it.

Kurosawa shook his head, and clicked into the system expedition section to view the results.

【Expedition Report】

"You were born in a well-to-do family with both parents alive."

Seeing this start, Kurosawa raised his eyebrows.

Surprisingly, it's not bad. Thinking about it carefully, this kind of fits his real world.

Could it be the matching buff that comes with the Shining?

This start can be regarded as the best family condition that Kurosawa has encountered since the current simulation.

If, like him in reality, he awakens his psionic energy half a year later, and wakes up with a system after sleeping, then he will be really invincible.

Kurosawa continued to read.

Lines of text flowed in his sight.

The third well-off "Herosawa" had an unremarkable childhood and soon entered junior high school.

Also like him in reality, he awakened his spiritual power during the high school entrance examination.

The only difference is that the stubborn "Kurosawa" chose to continue studying in high school.

Even though his parents support him to become an elf teacher, he firmly believes that all eggs cannot be put in one basket.

So he has to grasp both studies and elves.

As for whether it can be tough, it depends on luck.

Kurosawa was a little dumbfounded, which was completely opposite to the reality, but to a certain extent, he was indeed rational because of his stubbornness.

After that, his parents still bought him a doodle fairy egg.

After that, he started his career as a student wizard teacher.

As a result of distraction, it naturally leads to inefficiency.

The stubborn Kurosawa decided to suspend the cultivation of elves and concentrate on studying. Three years later, he was admitted to a university.

After reaching his full age, he was still at the level of a trainee elf teacher, and the Dudu bird was only a pitiful level 7.

Looking at the text on the screen, Kurosawa shook his head, not very optimistic about this simulation experience.

The reason for not looking good is also very simple.

A person's energy is limited, and the "he" in the simulated world has no golden fingers, and his talent is average.

Normally, the first few years of awakening psionic power is a period of rapid growth for an elf master, but "he" wasted this golden period in vain.

However, although he has some objections to the choice of Kurosawa in the simulation world, in reality he can't control the development in the simulation, so he can only choose to continue watching honestly.

"After entering the university, you have more time for training. You joined the Elf Master interest club and met many like-minded people. You found that the level of your classmates is almost the same as yours."

"You have spent four years of pleasant undergraduate career. Although the elf growth is far behind those professional elf masters, you think that your choice is not wrong. Dudu Bird has reached level 15 this year."

"Due to the imperceptible nourishment of psychic energy, your memory has also continued to improve in the past few years. Your grades are excellent, and you will stay in school for further research."

"You met your teacher, Liu Junzhi. He is a senior elf subject researcher. Under his guidance, you gradually started to get in touch with research work."

"Among all the students of the teacher, you are the most able to insist on your own ideas, which sometimes brings you some troubles, but more often the teacher Liu Junzhi encourages you to persist in yourself, and you are encouraged."

"You are very excited when the doodle bird has been upgraded to level 20. Although the upgrade speed of the doodle bird is slow, it has given you warm company during the boring research and experiments. You are very grateful for its caring company, which is also the case For many years, there is no reason why you have not contracted the second elf."

"Your Dudu Bird is stuck at level 20 and has never been able to break through. You feel the growing loss of Dudu Bird, and you also give him more company in his studies."

"Accidentally, when you were researching the blood of the toot bird, you discovered an unusual place. Compared with other elves, the movement of impurities in the blood of the toot bird is more regular. If you ask the teacher for advice, he can't give you what you want. Answer, many people have discovered the phenomenon of the movement of impurities in the blood of the doodle bird, but it has not been able to bring any help to the follow-up research. The teacher suggests that you change the research direction and don't invest too much effort in a bottomless pit."

"You didn't listen to the teacher's advice, and devoted yourself to the research of Dudu Bird. You know that your talent is not outstanding, and you want to help your Dudu Bird improve its strength."

"You spend day and night in the laboratory, constantly recording the movement and changes of impurities in your doodle bird. Thick record manuals are piled up on your desk. The research results are slow, but you never slack off."

"Due to the complete stagnation of Dudu Bird's strength in this simulation, this simulation is temporarily over, and the current simulation node 1 has been recorded. When the player's expedition adventure level is raised to LV3, the node loading function can be unlocked."

Seeing this ending, Kurosawa raised his eyebrows.

It turns out that the stagnation of the elves' strength will also trigger the end of the simulation, although it is a temporary end.

"You and Shining ended an expedition simulation and got the expedition reward."

"Basic reward: You got 40 points of expedition adventure experience."

Although the expedition simulation this time is very dull, compared with the previous two times, it can be said that the years are very long. Three years in high school, four years in college, and almost three years in the final postgraduate stage, adding up to a total of ten years.

If it weren't for the elf's strength hitting a wall and triggering the suspension condition, his simulation might have continued for a long time.

Although he was not optimistic about this simulation at first, but slowly he also tasted something.

Soaring into the sky, flying very high, and Changjiujiu going further, the former is almost impossible to happen without the support of talent, while the latter is possible due to personal choice and persistence. The life in this simulation is his I was very lucky to choose a plain but safe road to the ivory tower, and my stubborn personality never wavered in my choice.

"It seems that if you are stubborn in the future, you can choose immediately."

Kurosawa touched his chin.

Stubborn character can be regarded as a very good entry, especially among the white entries with negative effects.

"Experience rewards: research thinking and experience (three years), Dudu bird tacit understanding (three years), 30 points of spiritual power."

Experience rewards are also related to the content of the simulation.

Choose one of three.

The 30 points of psionic power were first eliminated by Kurosawa.

He struggled a bit with the first and second items, and finally chose the first item, with the blessing of three years of research thinking and experience.

The former started from scratch, while the latter has a high tacit understanding with Shining, so the help should not be too great.

After he made his choice, his scalp, which was lying on the bed and hadn't gotten up yet, seemed to be stimulated by electricity.

Various images of research and operation of experimental instruments constantly emerged in the depths of his mind. The methods of using various instruments, research steps, and knowledge emerged from the depths of his memory.

He was promoted from a layman to a skilled elf researcher who can conduct certain research work independently.

Kurosawa rubbed his temples, he had already completed a long expedition simulation, and now he has received a lot of new memories, his brain is a little tired.

Originally planned to continue the expedition simulation and upgrade LV1 (83/100) to LV2 in one go, but due to objective reasons, I had to put it down for the time being.

He wasn't in such a hurry.

Opened the system exchange store and took a look.

Added some new items.

The most eye-catching thing is the expedition key. He still has 27 props left. The price of this thing in the system is not cheap, 1 points per coupon.

Fortunately, he probably won't be able to use up the current 27 in a short time, so he doesn't need to spend points on them.

"Top archery (bow and arrow) - 20000 coupons."

"Energy Manipulation Gloves - 20000 coupons."

The products refreshed in the system's store are more and more suitable for Kuisawa's actual needs. It may be that the version is higher, and it is also upgrading its capabilities in this regard.

Kurosawa hesitated for a while, planning to buy both.

Top-level archery can help him jump from a bow and arrow novice to a master. In the case of the latter, it is a virtual prop. After Kurosawa equips it, he can squeeze the attribute energy he is familiar with in his hands to shape it at will.

He knows that there are many materials that can rebound energy. At that time, he only needs to customize a good bow. In terms of arrows, he can use the energy manipulation gloves to borrow the attribute energy of elves to make arrows.

Although [-] point coupons are a little expensive, he just received a large amount of coupons after the Provincial Super League, and he thinks it is acceptable.

However, although he decided to buy it, he didn't buy it for the time being.

It is estimated that the top-level archery will need to receive some memories, and the current state of the head does not support him to function at a high level.

Next, he took a day off.

The next day.

Kurosawa first bought top-level archery and energy manipulation gloves.

The top-level archery is better than Kurosawa originally imagined. After receiving this technology, Kurosawa has reached a peak in bow art, and the top-level archery also helps Kurosawa skillfully integrate the perception ability of the force of nature , Now it can be said to refer to where to fight.

Even if it is an enemy beyond the range of perception, as long as he has been locked by Kurosawa beforehand, he will be able to shoot a tracking arrow in the dark.

The naked eye, perception, and sixth sense have all become sharp weapons to assist Kurosawa.

As for the energy manipulation gloves, the effect is also very good.

After equipping it, Kurosawa's palm does not change significantly in appearance, it is invisible.

With its help, Kurosawa can easily squeeze the energy of his elves into various shapes. Swords, guns and arrows can be squeezed in his hands, and the hardness can also be changed at will. The more concentrated the energy, the harder it will be.

In the future, he only needs a bow and does not need to use physical arrows, which has brought him a lot of help, and the energy arrows are more powerful, and there will be no accidental shooting deviations such as deformation.

While Kurosawa was studying archery, the other masters who performed the annual mission returned.

He met Ning Yexing and the others.

Seeing that Kurosawa's body had returned to normal, Ning Yexing and the others were all happy for him.

The masters did not continue to stay in Shanmu Town after carrying out their tasks, but left on the same day to fly to all parts of the country.

It was time for Kurosawa to leave.

The reason why he stays in the town these days is to wait for the return of other masters who are performing tasks. Although he is delayed due to injuries, he still needs to stay in the town. In case of any accident, he can also provide help.

This time, however, the annual mission went very well, albeit without his participation.

Kurosawa is also used to it. The world doesn't revolve around one person, especially in multi-person large-scale missions. Most of the time, it doesn't make much difference with you or without you.

Kurosawa and a few people he knew had a breakup meal in the town.

The next time we meet is probably a year away.

Everyone didn't inquire too much about each other's whereabouts, because many of the masters were like Kurosawa, and it was inconvenient to say more.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Kurosawa went back to Haitang quietly without any fanfare. Except for the club staff and parents, no one knew that he had returned to Haitang City.

I had dinner with my parents, and at night Heisawa lay on the bed in the room.

Go on the mock expedition again, and the elves are white dragons.

This time he did not refresh to a good opening entry.

Picked a Talon skill.

In the fourth simulation he was born in a seaside town.

The family is poor, and since he can remember, he has had to go to the beach to pick up seafood and shellfish to help the family increase their income.

At the age of 16, he successfully awakened his psychic powers. He accidentally saw a sea lizard while driving by the sea, and he completed the contract.

In the end, it took six years to train the sea lizard to level 20, but it still couldn't awaken its attributes.

This time the simulation ended just like the third time.

But the difference is that this time it ended directly, instead of reserving a loading node for him.

Kurosawa touched his head, thinking about the difference.

After a little analysis, he probably figured out why.

Although it was difficult to make progress the third time, he still wanted to help Dudu Bird make a breakthrough through research, and retained the hope of becoming stronger. However, the fourth time he was just an ordinary seaside boy with poor talent and average family background. That's where it stops.

Fortunately, this expedition simulation gave Kurosawa 25 experience points.


(End of this chapter)

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