my sprite emulator

Chapter 314 Almighty Li

"Let me introduce the members who joined our team, Qianli." Yuegui introduced Kurosawa to the other two members.

"Hi everyone, I'm Qianli."

"I am fireworks."

"I am a soul boy, Tong Kong's Tong."

Neither seemed too close, conveying a moderate level of friendliness.

After all, they are strangers to each other, and this attitude is normal.

Most of Anbu's tasks are carried out in units of teams, so several people have enough time to get to know each other afterwards.

Yue Gui obviously felt the same way, and she didn't match them up too tightly on the first day of meeting.

When the food was served, several people chatted while eating.

As a newcomer, Kurosawa naturally said the least, he was silently observing the relationship between the three.

The core and talker in the team is naturally the captain Yuegui.

Laurel has a relatively calm personality.

Another female, Anbu, named Fireworks, was less talkative and less enthusiastic. Most of the time she was playing with her mobile phone, tapping her fingers on the screen quickly, maybe she was chatting with someone?
Lingtong seemed to be the most active of them. While watching e-sports games on his mobile phone, he complained to Yuegui that he had received too many tasks recently, and he needed more time for cultivation.

However, this proposal was ruthlessly rejected by Captain Yuegui, which broke the soul boy's careful thinking and reduced the task density. The soul boy would only relax and would not devote more time to training at all.

The first meeting ended after a lunch.

"Qianli, remember to pay attention to the information in the contact device. The first mission should start in five days. I will inform you in advance of the specific time and location of the assembly."

Laurel reminded Kurosawa.

"Okay, Captain Laurel."

"Newcomer, goodbye!"

"Take the time to rest these few days." The soul boy patted Kurosawa's shoulder hard.

Several people parted ways at the entrance of the hotel.

Kurosawa turned over and rode on Little Shining, and returned to Nandu to rest for a few days.

He is very satisfied with his teammates.

There is no one with a bad personality. As for being cold and unfamiliar, this is not a big problem.

He patted the little Shining under him.

After using the [Shaping Capsule], the appearance of Little Shining has changed a lot.

It turned into a lightning-attribute swift bird.

If you want to go back, all you need is a handprint, and Kurosawa can switch it between the two styles.

The equipment and props equipped by Anbu members are indeed magical.

A week passed by in a hurry.

"Spirit boy, did you find anything?"

Laurel's voice rang through the earphones.

"Report to the captain, traces of a camp were found one kilometer to the southeast, and I have uploaded the coordinates."

The soul boy replied.

Kurosawa stood on a branch, observing the surrounding environment vigilantly.

The ability of the soul boy is closely related to his code name.

His role has always been the eyes of the team. This miraculous talent endows him with abilities far beyond eagle eyes. No clues within a few kilometers can escape his eyes, and he can see many things that are invisible to the naked eye. s things.

"All first arrival coordinate positions set."

Half a minute later, the scattered team members came under a tree.

Kurosawa is the fastest.

When several people arrived, he was digging out the rusty iron pot half buried in the soil.

"You are too fast, Qianli." The soul boy fell from the sky and said with emotion.

"Just arrived, just arrived." Kurosawa put the pot on the open space. "Look at the rust, it has been left for a long time."

Yue Gui nodded and turned to look at the soul boy.

"Spirit boy, can you trace back to the source?"

The soul boy stared at the rusty iron pot, and shook his head helplessly after a few seconds.

"No, it's been too long."

In addition to seeing farther than normal naked eyes, his pair of soul boys can also trace cause and effect to a certain extent, which is very strange.

But time can erase everything, and even he can't do anything in a few months.

"Go ahead and search."

The first B-level mission of the Laurel Squad is a mission with a very low risk factor. It can be regarded as an adaptation for the newly joined member "Qianli", and at the same time, they can better understand each other.

They are now probably at the southwestern border of Haihua Country. The target of the mission is the processing plant of a criminal organization that sells organs. However, due to time, the target gang has moved to the deep mountains and old forests to hide, otherwise it would be too late. There is no need to dispatch the dark department.

The search is really difficult, a bit like finding a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, the soul boy's special ability is strong enough. As long as there are enough clues, the correct red causal line will appear in his eyes, leading the team members to find the target.

Kurosawa looked at his eyes that were crystal clear like jewels, and felt very surprised, sighing to himself.

There are indeed too many talented people in the world.

Kurosawa may be unrivaled in the speed of strength improvement, but there is always someone who can defeat him in other subdivisions.

This is also the reason why most of Anbu's missions are carried out by small teams. The members have their own strengths and work together in a division of labor.

No matter how powerful an elf teacher is, he cannot replace the role of the soul boy at this time.

Half a day later, the temporarily scattered people finally found useful clues.

"This mineral water bottle is fine, very fresh."

Under the gaze of the three, the soul boy nodded affirmatively.

"It's just that, why are you again, Qianli?"

The soul boy looked at Kurosawa with a strange expression on his face.

After contacting these few days, he faintly realized that this newcomer in Anbu might be hiding a dragon and crouching tiger, and it was not easy.

The speed of each gathering is very fast, and even finding clues for tasks can often lead by a lot.

"No way, good luck."

Yue Gui glanced at the calm Kurosawa, feeling guilty in her heart.

This rookie didn't look like a rookie in many ways, and he was very capable.

And she didn't know if it was her illusion, she always felt that Qian Li's age should be the youngest among the four.

"Let's go." Fireworks glanced at Kurosawa, looked away, and offered to propose.

Now that effective clues have been found, the difficulty of this B-level mission has plummeted for the four-member elite Anbu team.

Like a dexterous hound, the soul boy led the team to advance rapidly in the deep mountains and old forests.

Members who join Anbu generally contract a fast-moving elf for their journey.

After marching for about 3 hours, the team stopped.

What appeared in front of them was a modern camp, surrounded by guardrails and armed private members with live ammunition.

"Five elves, 22 organizers, and 71 trapped people." The soul boy's eyes became crystal clear again, and after the end, he softly reported the information he had learned.

The location here borders the border, and the border area has always been difficult to monitor. There are a lot of fish and dragons, and the flow of people is also high. Perhaps it is because of this that these criminal organizations have room to hide their filth.

Captain Yuegui softly described the tactics and the tasks each member needs to perform to the team members.


As soon as she finished speaking, the team members split up.

Kurosawa covered Ghostly and was extremely fast.

Those elf masters are not too strong, and hot weapons may need to be a little more careful.

Of course, with his current physical reaction, it is difficult to be hit by a gun if he pays attention, not to mention the protection carried by Anbu's uniform, and his inhuman physical fitness, it will not have much impact if he is hit by a bullet.

Kurosawa in the ghost state is fast and has high concealment.

He bypassed the protection of the camp unknowingly.

He has the fastest speed, so the task is to go to the prison, control the armed members there, and prevent the victim from being transferred or killed.

The three of Yuegui had already settled down, watching Kurosawa's ghostly disappearing figure, waiting silently in place.

Laurel is good at controlling the field, Lingtong is good at perception, and Firework is good at frontal burst combat.

Although storming the camp is basically not difficult for a few people, but it doesn't matter if it takes a little more time to reduce the damage of innocent people.

Soon Kurosawa touched into the dungeon of the camp with his own perception ability.

There is not enough light in the dungeon.

A few light bulbs emit a dim yellow light, and there are detention cells all around.

In the center of the dungeon hall, several armed men were sitting around the table playing poker, with guns hanging on their bodies.

Kurosawa leaned against the corner, his body seemed to merge with the shadow.

After making sure there are no other accidents beyond your control.

The spiritual energy in Kurosawa's body circulated.


Under the ground, several green sprouts suddenly drilled out.

Then almost in the blink of an eye, the green seedlings continued to expand, growing wildly and turning into dark green vines.

The vines instantly tied up several people like poisonous snakes.

The few people sitting in the chairs were frightened by the sudden change, and made whining noises from their mouths.

Two of them reacted quickly and immediately reached for the gun.

But before they had time to make any further movements, the vines suddenly intensified their entanglement, and the huge force even made them feel suffocated, with no strength left in their hands.

Kurosawa came out of the darkness, took off their guns, and put them into storage bracelets temporarily.

Then pass the news to his teammates waiting outside.

When everything was over, he ignored the guards who had fainted, and turned to look at the surrounding prisons.

The movement in the hall and the giant vines growing out had already alarmed the trapped people, and they all raised their voices for help after realizing that something abnormal had happened.

Kurosawa did not rush to take action, but silently stayed in the dungeon to take care of the task assigned by Laurel.

Soon there was the sound of firing and explosions from the ground above.

He knew it was his teammates who had started the action.

The fight should end quickly.

This mission is not too difficult for the team, it is basically the bottom line of b-level missions, and it is generally used for those elite teams who need to adjust their skills.

Kurosawa looked at the imprisoned people in the surrounding cages, with a trace of unbearable expression looming on his cheeks.

His perception is very strong, so even if the dungeon is dark, it is no different from daylight to him, and all the scenes are clearly presented in his mind.

In the cage, physically handicapped people abound.

Illegal trafficking organizations like this are generally connected with other criminal organizations, and the chain of crimes from top to bottom is intricate.

In particular, the situation in the southwestern countries of Haihua is chaotic, with frequent occurrences of various chaos, human experiments, allogeneic transplantation, and various miasmas emerging one after another.

After Kurosawa thought for a moment, the movement on the top had stopped.

Not long after, the sound of Laurel's mission being completed came from his earphones.

The three of Laurel also came to the dungeon.

Looking at the crying prisoners around him, the expression on his face became a lot more dignified.

When the three of them were communicating and preparing to contact the surrounding city alliance to deal with it, Kurosawa returned to the ground on the grounds of going outside to guard.

He checked inside and outside the camp.

Unfortunately, there is no item containing the divine substance that he needs.

However, Kurosawa is not discouraged. The most frequent dealings with Anbu are various criminal organizations, and they will always encounter them.

After the mission was over, the four of them stayed in the camp for a day.

Provide simple medical treatment to innocent prisoners, and lock up the prisoners organized by the camp.

Then one day later, the alliance personnel from the nearest city came to receive them before leaving the camp.

After Laurel announced his disbandment, Kurosawa's first Anbu mission ended, followed by a period of rest.

The frequency of team missions is not particularly frequent, mainly based on the arrangement of the team leader.

In free time, Anbu members can carry out their private life, personal training, or go to mission rooms in Anbu bases across the country to pick up individual missions.

After the first relatively simple run-in mission, Kurosawa followed the Laurel team to perform several b-level missions.

Difficulty basically increases step by step.

The tacit understanding of the four-person team has also subtly improved during several missions.

Especially during a certain mission, after Kurosawa inadvertently showed the ability of the space system, he immediately won the trust and attention of the three teammates.

Understanding is mutual. When teammates understand Kurosawa, he also understands them at the same time.

All three of them are masters, and even the soul boy who focuses on perception has master-level strength.

In terms of frontal combat ability, Laurel is obviously the strongest, majoring in grass-type elves, and the energy value of the core elves is about [-].

Then came Fireworks, who majored in the fire attribute. This person was reticent, with a cold face but a good heart. After Kurosawa showed his talent in the space department, he showed faint envy many times.

The soul boy's major in elves is the sound wave system. With the ability of elves, he basically deals with the senses, vision and hearing.

After completing 5 cumulative b-level missions, Kurosawa successfully upgraded from a c-level Anbu member to a b-level Anbu member.

Strictly speaking, level B is the starting line for the core members of Anbu.

But it is not so easy to reach A level.

The promotion requirements are 5 A-level missions and 20 B-level missions.

The latter's requirement for 20 b-level missions is okay. Basically, b-level missions involve combat power below the level of a master or can be solved by a single master.

However, the difficulty of A-level tasks is several times that of B-level tasks, and the number is relatively small, so it is difficult to complete, and B-level members cannot actively apply, and are often assigned by the Anbu team leader.

So most of the b-level Anbu members are stuck in this indicator.

Kurosawa woke up from his hotel room.

He glanced at his phone, and the reward for the latest mission had already been issued.

The rewards for Anbu's missions are very generous. On average, 5 Anbu's contributions are assigned to him in a b-level team mission.

In the internal system, 5 Anbu contributions can be exchanged for a high-quality elf egg with a three-star race qualification.

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