Chapter 313 Criticism Documents
Communications Department of the Third Rolling Mill.

It was noon at this time, and the sound of clacking and clattering on the keyboard was quite sparse.

A young man sitting in front of the telegraph rubbed his hands and left the keyboard, and said to the side, "I can finally rest for a while. Fortunately, today is not very busy. Xiao Lin, are you almost done sending?"

Telephone and telegram are now the mainstream means of communication.

For more urgent contacts, use the telephone, and for more complicated documents, use telegrams.

Today's telegraph machines use keyboards, which are much faster than previous codes.

However, the keyboard at this time is not a red switch, black switch, brown switch, or green switch.

It's a wooden button, really—a mechanical keyboard.

This kind of keyboard is really laborious to press, so I practice the Ten Yang Fingers every day.

The card keys are very normal, or the kind that cannot be picked out.

Xiao Lin on the side glanced back, then turned his head and tapped the keyboard on a document, as if he was practicing the piano, "Mine is coming soon, and the last paragraph is about to be sent."

Fang Yun next to him nodded and said, "Okay, let's go eat after you finish posting. If we wait for the workers to go, there will be too many people eating."

After speaking, there was no reply from the side.

Fang Yun stretched lazily. Sitting for a whole day is not so comfortable, and his fingers still hurt a little, which is a bit uncomfortable.

"Drip drip drip..."

A series of prompts sounded, Fang Yun wailed, and said, "No way, I thought it was all right."

"Haha, Brother Fang, hurry up and pick some up." A young man sitting in the distance teased.

Fang Yun could only nod helplessly. He was crying miserably, but he couldn't delay his work.

The content of the telegrams sent by everyone today is the same, but they are sent to different units. His proficiency in sending them ahead of time is obviously higher than everyone else's, which in itself is a manifestation of status.

Turning his head quickly, Fang Yun was obviously stunned when he saw the signal source of the telegram, and then quickly started to connect, shouting, "This is the information from the Ministry! Xiao Lin, Gong Jie, you two adjusted the same frequency ahead of time. Get ready, if my side can't accept it, you guys connect immediately."

Hearing this shout, the voice in the communication room was obviously lowered. Ordinary documents are fine. Of course, the telegrams sent from the top unit of the factory should be cautious.

"it is good!"

The young man sitting next to him and the young man who had teased him before were all waiting seriously.

Here, Fang Yun has already started to receive the telegram, but the more he writes, the cold sweat drips down his forehead, and Xiao Lin and Gong Jie, who are also receiving the telegram, also look guilty.

In this tense and strange atmosphere, this acceptance ended.

Fang Yun translated the complete message, as if he had been reprimanded face-to-face by the leader of the ministry. As a correspondent, he must have a big heart, and he might receive some shocking things.

At this time, Xiao Lin and Gong Jie had already started to sit on the high stools and work seriously. They looked no different from the colleagues working around them, as if they hadn't seen the news from the ministry.

Fang Yun glanced at the two of them, laughed angrily, and said angrily, "I didn't let you pass the telegram I received, who are you two pretending to show?"

"However, I will report to the factory manager. The two of you are waiting here. If there is an unknown telegram signal connected in a while, you can simply ask and start recording. The files transmitted over there are relatively large. Let's work overtime!"

"Okay, Brother Fang."

"We all know Brother Yun."

Seeing that everyone responded, Fang Yun's mouth twitched, and he took the telegram document he translated just now, and walked out the door towards the director's office.

After working in the communication room for so many years, this is the first criticism document received, and it is still such a severe criticism document!
Fang Yun couldn't help sighing: "It's an eventful autumn, why are there so many things in the factory today?"

Shaking his head, he couldn't figure it out either, so let's send the documents first.

The meaning expressed above may be a big deal, and the factory manager must know it immediately.

Factory director's office.

At this moment the atmosphere was very heavy.

Factory Manager Yang sat behind the desk. He leaned sideways and stroked his chin, thinking about the internal problems of the factory. The cigarettes in his hand were not broken one after another.

Beside him, Hua Zhong stood there silently. He raised his arm and looked at the watch he bought for work.

At this time, it was almost twelve o'clock. At this time in the past, Director Yang had already eaten, so it would be a whole morning like today.

Hua Zhong bowed and suggested in a low voice: "Director, it's time for dinner, why don't you eat first? If you have any problems, you can deal with them after dinner?"

Director Yang took a puff of cigarette without changing his expression, and asked, "Have you communicated the content of the previous meeting to all departments?"

Hua Zhong replied directly: "Don't worry about this, we have already communicated everything."

Factory Manager Yang nodded silently and took a few puffs of cigarettes. Originally, the internal coordination of the factory had just been completed. Whether it was an exchange of interests or a confrontation and compromise, there were no disputes at the management level. At least there was no major turmoil. Do your essential work well and let the big machine of the factory run smoothly.

Now it's better, with one wave after another, the Women's Federation went directly to the factory to communicate and work, with a certain meaning of supervision, which caused a lot of disturbances.

That kind of attitude made many people in the factory panic, and some even thought that he had arranged this good show.

Zongmu also mentioned Yi Chuanzong's conjecture, and Director Yang was also vigilant. If that kind of thing happened, the reputation of the third rolling mill would take a turn for the worse, and things would become a big deal!Water can carry a boat or capsize it, and it is possible that he will be pulled down at that time.

For a while, Director Yang didn't know whether to blame Yi Chuanzong or praise him.

'What a brat!Why don't you communicate with me, your matter is settled, and you are still in the mood to take your daughter-in-law to the park and leave me a mess! '

The more Director Yang thought about it, the more he had a headache, and he felt a little unbalanced in his heart. It's really not easy to be a leader for this kind of kid.

It's okay for the two of them to have a good relationship. It's normal for this kid to be scolded if someone offends him.

Forcefully pressing the cigarette butt into the ashtray, Director Yang stood up and said, "Let's go to eat first."

With a little joy on Hua Zhong's face, he bowed and said hastily, "It's already been prepared over there, and I'll make arrangements for you."

After finishing speaking, Hua Zhong trotted towards the door. When he opened the door, his expression froze for a moment. A young man in a cardigan was standing at the door, holding a few blank papers in his hand.

"Which department? What's the matter?"

Fang Yun picked up the criticism in his hand with embarrassment, and said, "Secretary Hua, this is the document sent from above."

Before Hua Zhong could speak, Director Yang came out of the office. He said curiously, "Special documents? Why didn't I receive any notification?"

He stretched out his hand and took some blank papers, his gaze stayed on the correspondents for a few seconds. These correspondents must know the contents of these documents, and usually they would give a rough description when they came over, explaining which aspect it was. question.

Fang Yun's expression was very embarrassing, and the document was severely criticized, what should he say about this kind of thing?
Director Yang just felt that something was wrong, so he asked habitually. Now that the document is in his hands, if he wants to know, he can just take a look at it, and it is not a troublesome thing.

Just after reading the first two lines, Director Yang's face suddenly changed. He had never been criticized so harshly before.

This is the leader's comment?
Factory Manager Yang quickly turned over the first page, and began to check the content on the second page, looking for information about the department and the surname of the leader. When he saw the last page, he found the answer, and at the same time his face was silent up.

Director Yang said that three blank sheets of paper were stacked together, and he began to examine them carefully. After reading each line, his heart became colder and colder.

Two months ago, it appeared in the leadership that Director Sun was using his power for profit. This is due to his lax management. What happened in the factory just yesterday, strictly speaking, he neglected ideological education too much.

Today, it's the turn of production work.

Loose discipline, casual attitude, perfunctory, no sense of responsibility...

I don't know how many words were used in the three pieces of paper. Even if no specific job was specified, Director Yang's heart became colder the more he looked at it.

It's not dissatisfaction anywhere, it's dissatisfaction everywhere, it's a determination to rectify!

Without a doubt, he was the first to rectify!
Now he didn't even need to talk, just sent a piece of paper to let him say what was wrong.

Later, I also mentioned a typical person whose name is very familiar, that is, Yi Chuanzong.

And the charges are still being sent!

Factory Manager Yang's expression was very silent. This piece of paper can be said to make all his efforts worthless.

There are indeed many problems in the factory, but every production task has not been delayed, and the tasks assigned by the upper management have been strictly completed.

Except for a few accidents, there were no major accidents in the factory, and the personnel's thinking was not too extreme, and there were no strikes or remarks that were not good for the organization.The workers are a little worried, but they have no worries about food and clothing. They roll up their arms and work hard.

He didn't dare to say how well he did, but he was able to strictly fulfill the targets set by his superiors and slightly exceed them, stabilize the factory's production capacity, and ensure the enthusiasm of the workers. .

Factory Director Yang said in a low voice: "The communication department has completely received the data sent by the other party, and then sent it to the technical department for identification. I want to know where there is a problem."

"Yes!" Fang Yun replied, then stood still and continued to wait for the order.

Director Yang sighed and said, "Go."

Fang Yun didn't dare to wait any longer, so he turned around and returned to the communications department.

Factory Manager Yang turned around with a silent face. Now he didn't have any intention of going to eat. He came to the desk and threw the documents on the table. He lit a cigarette again and smoked silently.

Hua Zhong carefully stood by his side. He had already seen the seriousness of the matter, and kept peeking at the documents on the table. It was the third document. He only read two lines, and his pupils froze. shrink.

"Watch it if you want, anyway, you will know sooner or later."

Director Yang said something calmly, and then took another puff of cigarette.

Hua Zhong glanced carefully at Director Yang, and then reached out to pick up the documents on the desk.

Factory Manager Yang took a puff of cigarette with a silent face. He thought that Yi Chuanzong would work fast and get off work early, but he really didn't think that this kid would dare to play it perfunctory and shoddy it.

Now that something went wrong, there was his connivance and acquiescence in it, and he deserved it, and no one was wronged.

However, he didn't completely blame Yi Chuanzong for these things. Even if there was a problem with a person's work, the leaders above would not criticize him so much, and even let the leaders of the non-smelting department criticize him.

If the current leader can send him a telegram to criticize, it must be someone in his factory making a small report, or even someone else making a small report, which caused some misunderstandings about him.

This is the most important thing.

Yi Chuanzong is at most a trigger, a model.

People from the Women's Federation came to the factory yesterday, and I'm afraid it was planned long ago. Even if Yi Chuanzong discussed it with him, they can spend it in a relatively stable way without causing such a big commotion.

But if it doesn't work once, there will be a second time, and there will always be troubles.

The most important thing is the above.

It is more difficult to solve this situation. At the very least, it is necessary to know who did it and where the problem occurred.

The office is very quiet.

Hua Zhong had already finished reading the report, and at this moment his heart was filled with turmoil. He carefully placed the document on the table. He felt that his secretary's job might really be done.

It's not because I haven't done the job of the factory manager well, but because the leader is not satisfied with the job of the factory manager.

After thinking for a while, Director Yang said calmly: "Go and get the production tasks from the recent advanced workshop, and then go to the Communication Department to take the data sent over there and go to the Technology Department to make sure. I want to know where there is an error."

'It's also good to prescribe the right medicine to solve the problem! '

Hua Zhong stood steadily beside him and did not move, because Director Yang's current posture obviously had something to say.

Director Yang sighed softly and said: "Take the members of the security department to the advanced workshop to ask Master Yi in detail, and ask where Yi Chuanzong might be. Then let a hundred members of the security department pretend to look for it, this kid There is such a big mistake, and you are still in the mood to play outside, how can there be such a good thing? Use your cleverness to work!..."

"Forget it, let's go."

Hua Zhong bowed and said respectfully: "Good factory director, I'll do it now."

Director Yang watched Hua Zhong leave solemnly. This time, the matter is very urgent. He doesn't even know who his opponent is now.

The voice was so loud that the leader criticized him. It should not be the two deputy factory managers in the factory who did their best. They didn't have the ability.

Could it be the one who came yesterday?
There is no contradiction between the two.

Factory Manager Yang was a little confused for a while. Could it be that someone wants to take the third rolling mill?As far as the current situation is concerned, the important position of industry has not been shaken in the slightest, and there should be no such big movements.

After thinking about it, Hua Zhong brought the latest production tasks to him, without disturbing Director Yang's thinking, and silently exited the room.

Factory Manager Yang ignored the production tasks on the table for the time being, and work problems were not a problem.

House quakes can be divided into building quakes and earthquakes.

He silently picked up the phone at hand and began to make calls. As soon as the call was connected, his face was full of smiles, and he greeted warmly: "Uncle Tan, it's me, Yongyi..."

(End of this chapter)

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