Global Weird

Chapter 633

"Spell insulation..."

By the lake, next to the wooden house.

Li Guanqi leaned against the wall of the wooden house, looking at the bright red peach blossom forest not far away, with a surprised expression.

At this moment, Longji, who had re-formed into a human form, was sitting next to the tombstone under the tree, leaning against the tombstone of his late husband Aaron Dragon King, talking with a smile on his face.

Li Guanqi couldn't hear what she was saying.

Because when Longji worshiped his dead husband in the past, he actually manipulated the free spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth, condensed it into spiritual power, and formed a spiritual power circuit in the air, thus releasing a soundproof spirit shield to isolate the sound around the tombstone.

This is a very advanced technique.

Scientific name - in vitro surgery.

Casting a spell is essentially the formation of a spiritual circuit.

The spiritual power circuit is basically formed in the body.

However, the method of "external surgery" does not need to form a spiritual power circuit inside the human body, but manipulates the spiritual power to form a spiritual power circuit in the external air to perform the operation.

This approach is extremely restrictive.

Because the outside air is far less stable than the inside of the conjurer's body, various external factors will interfere with the formation of the spiritual power circuit.

To perform "external surgery" requires extremely superb spiritual power control skills, and the distance of the operation is still very short. Even a little carelessness can easily injure the performer himself.

High requirements, high risks, but not high rewards.

The upper limit of the level of spells cast in this way is not high.

In the entire history of the New Era, the highest record of in vitro surgery was a waterspout technique that barely reached the seventh level.

Moreover, it was completed in the rainstorm, which can be regarded as taking advantage of the weather.

And the identity of the caster?

A demigod-level conjurer from the Conjuration Academy!
He died 1200 years ago, and is known as the No. 1 master of spiritual power in the history of the New Era, and his subtle manipulation of spiritual power is extremely wonderful.

Even the legendary demigod-level conjurer could only barely cast a seventh-level incantation with the help of natural timing.

Totally impractical.

Therefore, the current attitude towards "casting spells outside the body" is basically recognized as a practice method, which can only be used to practice the exquisite control of spiritual power, and it is simply thankless in actual combat.

In addition, in some groups of academic conjurers, this is also an advanced pretentious technique. Showing off such a skill at a party will definitely attract the cheers and admiration of many conjurer sisters.

Either practice or pack 13.

Seems useless?
Li Guanqi also thought so before.


Just now, Longji actually showed off his "external technique" in front of him, manipulating the spiritual power to form a spiritual power circuit outside the body, turning it into an invisible soundproof spirit shield, covering up the whispers between himself and his deceased husband.

What is a dragon halberd?
An artifact.

Her body does not have the ability to store spiritual power, nor does it have the function of forming a circuit of spiritual power in the body.

But she has the function of manipulating aura.

Therefore, casting spells outside the body, a seemingly useless skill, was the only way for Long Ji to cast spells.

The level of this soundproof spirit cover is not high.


If you have to comment on the level, according to Li Guanqi's judgment, it is at most the level of third-level spells.

Therefore, if he wanted to eavesdrop on Long Ji's private conversation with his deceased husband, he could do so easily.

But of course he wasn't so wicked.

The soundproof spirit shield of the Dragon Ji is obviously to guard against gentlemen but not against villains.

And Li Guanqi thinks that in most cases, he can barely be considered a gentleman.

"Dragon Ji is different from you guys."

Li Guanqi leaned against the wall of the wooden house, looked at the red-haired woman next to the tombstone under the tree, and said slowly in his mind: "At least, I have never heard of any artifact that has the ability to control spiritual power and cast spells."

"That's a long story."

Whenever this kind of problem arises, he always speaks out in an instant to answer Li Guanqi's doubts, "It's not that no master craftsman has tried the magic weapon that can cast spells by itself, but the result is the same. Can't come up with an artifact that can cast god-level spells.

At most, it can only cast ninth-level spells.

Because, the spiritual power circuit of a god-level spell can only be stabilized in the internal environment of a god-level spellcaster.

As for the artifacts with this kind of "inner body environment of god-level conjurers", the master craftsmen were limited by technical problems, and they couldn't make them until the dusk of the gods.

Artifact, artifact.

What is an artifact?

It is not a tool of the gods, it is called a divine tool.

Only things that can help the gods are called artifacts.

Moreover, artifacts need their masters, and whatever they want to do, they need the power of their masters.

An artifact specially made to cast spells, after absorbing the power of the master of the gods, but unable to cast god-level spells and help the gods, what kind of artifact is it?That's called a dragging waste snack. "

At the end, he couldn't help but smile.

"and also."

At this time, Ares suddenly made a sound, and added: "The craftsmen found that if they want the artifact to have the function of manipulating spiritual power, forming a spiritual power circuit in the body, and casting spells, then it is necessary to add a An irreplaceable special material.

In the Old Epoch, Western master craftsmen called it 'Kolomis', because the first master craftsman who discovered the effect of this material was called William Kolomis.

The Eastern master craftsman directly called it the 'Spiritual Stone of Yunling'.

The problem is, once you add the Divine Stone of Yunling, no matter how you do it, the hardness of the artifact will be damaged and it will become 'soft', so artifacts like the broken knife and my sister will never be added with the Divine Stone of Yunling .

The dragon halberd is also of the same type.

So she doesn't have the spirit stone, and she can't form a spiritual circuit in her body. "

"But she has the ability to control spiritual power, so she can cast spells outside the body and cast some low-level small spells."

Li Guanqi was a little puzzled, "Theoretically speaking, she doesn't seem to need this kind of function for an artifact like Fang Tian's painting halberd, does it?"


Ares replied, "Actually, this was an accident. After the second recasting, the dragon halberd suddenly possessed the function of manipulating spiritual power. According to the speculation of the master craftsman, it should be a fusion reaction produced by mixing several materials. Let her have the function of manipulating spiritual power..."


Having said that, he paused for a moment, and then continued: "In Jiu Ji, when Long Ji and I parted for the last time, she still knew how to perform spells outside the body."

"Maybe her Dragon King husband taught her?"

Shunkong smiled, "The magic knife told me just now, that Aaron Dragon King is a legendary dragon master."

"I'm too lazy to laugh at this licking dog."

The magic knife said lazily, "It's too licking, there is no way to save it."

"You know shit."

Ares grumbled.

"By the way, how did you two meet? Did you know Xiaoxue together?"

Li Guanqi first glanced at Long Ji who was still sitting by the tombstone, talking to his dead husband, then looked away, and asked in his mind.

Longji obviously wasn't done yet, so why not wait while chatting.

"No, it has nothing to do with my sister. In fact, she had a master who knew God of War, and they often competed together. Over time, I got to know her."

Ares replied.

"Etc., etc."

Shunkong's voice was full of surprises, "Turtle shell, you are such a shell, God of War wears you and the previous owner of the dragon halberd to fight against each other, so you are always being hacked and poked by the dragon halberd? After being poked, over time, you fell in love with her? Ah, this..."

"Damn, your habit is a bit weird."

The magic knife was also a little stunned.


Ares was completely speechless, and didn't even bother to explain.

Li Guanqi couldn't help smiling.

The topic ends here.

His mind gradually quieted down.

And Longji in the peach blossom forest finally finished saying goodbye to his deceased husband after a few minutes, and walked out of the peach blossom forest.

At this time, it was getting late.

A bright red sunset glow hangs high in the dim yellow sky.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. We're about to say goodbye. Suddenly, I want to say a lot to him."

Under the afterglow of the evening, the dragon halberd came slowly, walked up to Li Guanqi, and bowed slightly to greet him.

"Your skills in external surgery are very good."

Li Guanqi looked at the red-haired woman and said with a light smile, "Dragon King Aaron taught you?"


Long Ji nodded, looking at the lake next to him reflecting the setting sun and glowing with golden light in the afterglow, his beautiful red eyes were full of memories.

"I often think that it would be great if that master master craftsman could put a spirit stone in my body.

In this way, I can often study spells with him. After all, I can only cast spells outside the body, and I can't even cast sixth-level spells, so I can't keep up with his understanding of spells. "

"Shall I help you find a piece later?"

Li Guanqi asked.

"Forget it anyway, thank you for your kindness."

Hearing this, Longji just smiled slightly, "It's all over, even if it's meaningless to get a Divine Stone of Yunling Spirit now, what's more, there's no way to recast it without a master craftsman if you have the materials."

"So what are we doing now?"

As she said that, the red-haired woman looked at Li Guanqi and asked curiously: "You told the Dragon Clan before that you would take them to conquer the grassland, but you gave them another 3 days to arrange housework, so what are we going to do now? Here Wait? Or go to the grassland to explore the wind first?"


"more or less."

Li Guanqi said calmly: "I want to go back to the Baiwei King City in the grassland. Regarding the information on the major tribes in the grassland, the centaur royal family must have detailed tracking. I will just take the ones that are ready-made in the past."

"Then... go now?"

Long Ji asked.

"Do not."

Li Guanqi looked towards the distant forest bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, "I also want to meet the nine-level demon species in the ancestral nest of the dragon clan. If possible, I hope to get them to join me."

"Well, that's fine too."

Longji nodded lightly, smiled and said: "When I go to see them, I can also take you and Xiaoxue to enjoy the beautiful scenery of this place. Although this place is a taboo place, the two taboo rules are harmless, and there are actually It is far bigger than it looks from the outside, and there are many beautiful places, although I have been tired of seeing it for 3000 years, but you should like it very much when you see it for the first time.”

"By the way, I just realized that the two taboo rules in this place seem to be invalid for artifacts?"

Li Guanqi looked at her with some uncertainty.

Previously, he and his several artifacts came in because of the portal opened deliberately by the green dragon Adelson, directly ignoring the entry restrictions of the two taboo rules of the dragon's ancestral nest.

He thought it was because of the portal.

But now the dragon halberd is also here, so the taboo rules are invalid for artifacts?

"Many taboo rules in forbidden places are invalid for artifacts."

Long Ji said softly: "If you stay longer in the wilderness and visit more forbidden places, you will naturally understand."

"I see."

Li Guanqi nodded, "Let's go, it's time for us to meet those monsters."

"Let's ride the dragon."

Long Ji looked at the horizon with some expectation.

There, one gold and one black, two Yinglongs were flapping their wings, hovering above the sea of ​​clouds.

Longji looked at them, smiled lightly and said, "Aaron always admired the body of Yinglong, the third-generation golden dragon king, but now, I can ride a golden Yinglong. wonderful."



As if hearing her voice, Cade and Hades suddenly flapped their wings and flew towards them from the sky.

"Master Artifact, when I came to see you back then, you ignored me, and now you still want to ride me, which is a bit too much."

Cade's voice was a little depressed, but he still flew over.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Long Ji said something calmly, and then his figure flashed, appearing directly above the head of this golden Yinglong.

Li Guanqi also flew over Hades' head.

"Let's go, take your new Dragon King to see those four guys from Simon!"



Following the command of the dragon halberd, the two Yinglongs flapped their wings and flew to the sky with a roar, passing through layers of clouds, until they disappeared into the depths of the brilliant sunset.



Southern Xinjiang, Yeze Mountains.

The humidity is strong, and insects and snakes are everywhere.

This rainforest mountain range is no different from most areas in southern Xinjiang. They are all the same giant trees and swamps, poisonous insects and snakes and scorpions.

"Ah, I'm so tired from work, Captain, there's a lake there, can I go take a bath? Everyone can come and take a peek at Xiao."


"Shut up, Third A, don't disturb the boss Tanling."

"Ah, yes, yes, the boss doesn't speak, you, the second child, are here to take charge of the house, right?"





The moon hangs high, and the night is dark.

A team of seven in black robes and hoods walked slowly in the forest, heading towards the depths of the Ye Ze Mountains.

Each of them has a conspicuous black insect tattoo on the back of their left hand, which looks a bit like a centipede as a whole, but has a scorpion tail hook.

"Jiaqi, Jiaqi, are you familiar with the usage of the Yunling Divine Stone?"

Suddenly, in the middle of the line, a petite girl in black robe stood on tiptoe, hopped and walked backwards, and looked at a man in black robe who was walking behind her.

"Don't worry, I have practiced in the ancestral temple."

The man in black let out a gentle manly laugh.

"Yeah, that's right, that's good!"

The girl in black robe smiled.

The man in black raised his head and looked up at the bright moon.

The bright moonlight shone down, illuminating his handsome face of male and female.

It was Lin Xianbai.

"found it!"

Suddenly, the black-robed captain who was walking at the front of the line stopped, and then pinched with one hand, cast a spell to bless himself, and turned into a gust of wind and swept across the forest.

Lin Xianbai and others hurriedly cast spells to keep up.

But the speed of the black-robed captain was obviously much faster than all of them, and he left them out of sight in the blink of an eye.

"The captain is still the same."

"Hmm, yes."

"It's a small team, but in fact we are all just companions. He always goes by himself."

"By the time we get here, things are basically over."

The team members chatted with each other while tracking.

And Lin Xianbai, who also turned into a strong wind and shuttled between the trees, frowned.


Soon, everyone in the team, including Lin Xianbai, stopped.

But what appeared in front of them at this time was a small village with bright lights and corpses everywhere.

Under the bright light of the fire, the tragic death of all the villagers is very clear, and there is almost no complete body.

Those shattered corpses, mutilated limbs, hung all over the eaves and aisles, and the scarlet blood continued to flow, giving off a pungent bloody smell.


Lin Xianbai looked at this scene, his childlike hole shrunk.


The girl next to him jumped up and patted his shoulder, stuck out her tongue, and said with a smile: "Just get used to it, this is the captain's style, I love it so much, hehe."

This woman's tongue is extremely weird, it is as thin as a snake letter with a forked tip, and there is a strange black tattoo on the tongue coating.


Suddenly, in the depths of the dead village, there was a sudden cry of a baby, which was extremely ear-piercing in this environment.

Lin Xianbai and the others immediately looked over.

I saw the black-robed captain wearing a hood walking slowly from among the corpses on the floor, holding a bloody baby's head in his right hand.

The severed head was bleeding profusely, but the baby's head was still crying, like a child who lost a toy.

"Youhou, I found it."

The girl put her hands behind her head and smiled.

"This group of ignorant monkeys celebrated its birth with a bonfire dinner, but they didn't know their end was coming."

The black-robed captain carried the crying baby's head and came to Lin Xianbai and the others, making a hoarse voice.

"A seven."

Then, the black-robed captain looked at Lin Xianbai coldly, "The next thing is up to you, use the Yunling God Stone to absorb the reincarnated soul and spiritual power of Master Gu God, you should know how to do it, Don’t make mistakes for me, my team does not allow mistakes, once you make a mistake, these villagers will be your end.”

"Yes, Captain!"

Lin Xianbai nodded heavily, then flipped his right hand, and took out a small dark green stone out of thin air.


Seeing this, the black-robed captain squeezed the crying baby's head with force with his right hand and burst it, blood spraying out.

The crying stopped suddenly.


The next moment, Lin Xianbai lifted the green stone high, closed his eyes, and kept chanting incantations in a low voice, causing the green stone to emit a strange and coquettish green light.

"Let's go outside and don't disturb him."

The black-robed captain stuck out his tongue, licked his bloody right hand, then turned and left.

Everyone followed behind.

In the depths of the gloomy village, amidst the dead silence of corpses everywhere, there are only whispered spells and strange green lights flickering...

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