Global Weird

Chapter 610 Possibility of Subduing the Curse Spirit 1 Clan

Chapter 610 Possibility of Subduing the Curse Spirit Clan

"What is the curse spirit..."

Facing Pluto's question, Li Guanqi had mixed emotions.

After hearing this question, a name appeared in his mind immediately.

He Xin.

In other words, a curse spirit who traveled to the real world very early and used supernatural powers to disguise his appearance as He Xin.

The mantra fell in love with a male human.

Li Guanqi's former tutor - Tan Wenyan.

Even in a subsequent emergency, she did not hesitate to die to save her, but as a curse spirit, she was even willing to give up her own life for the man she loved.

If Li Guanqi hadn't arrived in time, He Xin would surely have died.

Later, five years after he returned to Chaofan, he also asked Lin Xianbai to inquire about the whereabouts of Tan Wenyan and He Xin.

The life of that couple is very sweet, both of them worked hard, they left Yucheng in Chaofan 3 years, bought a house in a big city, and went to an orphanage to adopt a pair of lovely children, a boy and a girl, and lived a happy life A life that many people envy.

For Tan Wenyan, the person next to her pillow is not a human being, but it is her beloved.

For "He Xin", the person next to him is not the same kind, but he is his beloved.

So what's the difference?

What is the difference between a curse spirit and a human being?
"I do not know."

In the end, Li Guanqi lowered his head and sighed.

He replied in his mind: "I don't know what the curse spirit is... I have always known that the curse spirit has wisdom, and I have also seen the emotional manifestation of the curse spirit. I have seen a curse spirit with my own eyes. In order to protect her beloved Human beings are willing to die to save each other.

Mantra spirits have feelings, deep, deep feelings, even warmer and more sincere than many human beings.

But to be honest, I never really took their emotions seriously.

Or rather, I actually dare not.

I dare not face up to their emotions.

For the curse spirits, I have always regarded them as monsters with hunting value, because killing them can get different blood, which can be used to cultivate and become stronger. I force myself not to regard them as sentient beings, so that I will not attack them. Soft hands, I... Honestly, I'm ashamed. "

"It's nothing to be ashamed of, a lot of people are."

Pluto said softly: "Monsters, enemies of human beings, blood resources, and killing at sight are synonymous with curse spirits, but humans have never really asked themselves, why are curse spirits monsters? Why are curse spirits ours? enemy?

I didn't pay attention to this problem at first.

It wasn't until later that I started thinking about it.

First of all, how did the curse spirit come from?

They are mysterious.

All extraordinary things in the world can be traced.

For example, human beings with different blood evolved due to the rain of blood. For example, zombies with different blood are humans who have failed to evolve. For example, demon species are creatures whose genes have mutated and returned to their ancestors due to the infection of blood rain.

But how did the curse spirit come from?

There is no way to track it down.

They seem to be mysterious things that quietly appeared on this planet along with the rain of blood from the sky.

I have always believed that in the body of the curse spirit, there must be the truth that the blood rain came and opened the extraordinary era.

So, are the mantras the enemy?
In the last days, many human beings began to awaken naturally due to the infection of the alien blood from the sky.

But more humans turned into different blood zombies, and many animals turned into monsters. At the same time, curse spirits began to appear out of thin air.

In fact, in the beginning, only the bloodthirsty zombies with different blood and the monsters who lost their minds were our enemies.

Those monster species that still have reason are actually our human friends.

For example, some pet dogs, pet cats, domestic cattle and sheep that mutate into demon species, etc. These demon species have instead become the reliance of some human beings to survive in the last days.

And the curse spirit was actually a neutral existence at first.

They're very intelligent, but they don't understand anything, it's like... well, they're actually like a human who has lost all memory.

They don't think humans are their enemies at first.

Until... an awakened human being discovered that drinking the strange blood of the curse spirit can actually increase the power of the strange blood in his body.

Thus, the human hunt for the curse spirit officially began.

Since then, the curse spirit has become the enemy of mankind, and the war between the two races has lasted for a long, long time...

I am a human being, and the first time I died, I was killed by a powerful curse spirit, so my position may be a bit crooked when I say this.

But it is.

I am someone who has lived in the earliest days of the last days, I understand, I have experienced it.

When the blood rain just fell, although those curse spirits looked scary, they were not hostile to humans.

Once, I was searching for supplies in the city, faced with the siege of different blood zombies, and was even helped by a strange magic spirit.


When human beings discovered the value of the strange blood in the curse spirit and started hunting the curse spirit frantically, everything changed.

Even the newborn curse spirits are born to be hostile to humans.

Since then, human beings and curse spirits, both sides, will kill at sight.

Then I die.

Until the age of gods in the old era, I was resurrected by Vulcan.

In that era, the mantra changed again.

The curse spirits and demon species were completely suppressed.

Humanity has once again become the master of this planet.

It is already a very mature and complete industrial chain to breed demon species in batches and extract materials from them to mass produce the resources needed for cultivation.

Including the current New Era, the systematic mass breeding of demon species is the main source of human cultivation resources, otherwise those wild ones will not be enough.

But mantra spirits cannot reproduce, their location and cause of formation are not fixed, and they cannot be bred at all.

Because of this, human beings in the period of the gods no longer need curse spirits, so the hunting of spell spirits has gradually decreased.

The results of it?
I found that in the period of the gods, in some inaccessible places, the newborn curse spirits no longer have natural hostility towards humans.

The first time I saw a human curse spirit, I even thought about making friends with humans.

Of course, often in exchange, only pain and death.

However, in some large demon forests, demon species and curse spirits still kill human beings when they see them, and they will never stop dying.

I researched it in depth.

In the end it's a personal guess.

I guess, that's because human mercenaries enter these monster forests, and most of the time, they are hunting monsters and curse spirits, obtaining materials from monster species, and obtaining blood from curse spirits.

So my conclusion is drawn completely.

The mantra itself is a simple and special life form, with intelligence, emotion, no knowledge, no experience.

They are special life forms with special properties.

which is:
When humans in a region hunt and kill a large number of curse spirits, the newborn curse spirits in this area will be naturally hostile to humans.

on the contrary.

When the human beings in a region seldom hunt and kill curse spirits, then the newborn curse spirits in this region basically have no feelings for humans, and even have a little kindness because humans have the same wisdom as themselves.

Since then, my prejudice against the curse spirit has completely disappeared.

I began to try to understand these strange beings in depth.

So, I soon had a group of curse spirit friends, as well as many, many curse spirit followers, outside gods and human beings, and they were called the curse spirit army.

The Tongyou blood in my body allows me to control the curse spirits of the same level, but I actually don't rely on this bloodline ability to command the army of curse spirits.

But by pure communication.

So, what exactly is a mantra?
To many, mantras are monsters.

But to me, they are like a summer breeze that will come and leave without knowing when...

There is no reason for the appearance of the curse spirit.

To this day, this is still an unsolved mystery, and people can only hastily believe that it was the blood rain that changed the environment of the planet.

There was no sign of the death of the curse spirit.

Their lifespan has nothing to do with their strength. They may be born at the level of one yuan, and their lifespan will be hundreds of thousands of years, or they may be born at the level of nine palaces, but the result is like a flash in the pan, with a lifespan of only a few minutes. just passed away.

I am human, and I should stand in a human's shoes.

But I still want to say that human beings really shouldn't have prejudices against curse spirits.

The curse spirit itself is a piece of blank paper, if humans write killing and blood on it, they will become wars, but if humans write flowers, plants and streams on it, then they will become friends. "

In the end, Pluto's voice contained a lot of mixed emotions.

After hearing these words, for a while, Li Guanqi was full of thoughts.

"How can the world accept it?"

Suddenly, the voice of Shunkong sounded, "Most human beings regard curse spirits as monsters. Even you in the old era were regarded as alien by many gods because you led the army of curse spirits. There will be no such thing in this new era." Change, if the master wants to lead the army of curse spirits, how can he dominate the world? No one will trust a monster lord."

"Conjurers are in Daluo, and they are also regarded as monsters by Daluo people."

Pluto replied lazily, "So? According to you, Luo Di shouldn't think about letting the people of Daluo accept conjurers? According to your thinking, human beings should be extremely xenophobic. Professions shouldn’t appear, demons shouldn’t appear in the human world as partners, right? All kinds of orcs shouldn’t appear in the human world, right?”

"Is this the same thing?!"

I was speechless for a moment.

"It's actually not unreasonable."

At this moment, Mo Dao Lu Mo joined their topic for the first time, and said calmly: "As Hades said, among human beings, there are beast masters, because people know that some demon species can serve as human partners and provide help.

In the human camp, there are also orcs, not to mention the Daluo Dynasty. Under the influence of Luo Shihuang, the people of Daluo are extremely conceited, have high self-esteem, and are extremely xenophobic. They cannot be used as a reference at all.

It's all the East, why not look at the grassland people.

2000 years ago, there was an Amur Khan, who directly united hundreds of orc clans to form an alliance. During the heyday of the Northern Mang Royal Court, the position of the Daluo Dynasty as the overlord of the East was not secure at all. Isn't it the combined power of humans and orcs?

As for saying something that is not of my race, their hearts must be different, and the orcs will rebel after all... In fact, even if they are of their own race, their hearts may not be 'same'.

Indeed, the orcs have now rebelled against the Northern Mang Royal Court.

But what about Daluo?

Isn't this dynasty composed entirely of Daluo people now also rebelling against the Eight Kingdoms Pillars?How is it different from grassland?
There is no difference.

As far as the current situation is concerned, we need help. Since we want to subdue the dragon clan, why can't the power of the curse spirit clan be used by us? "

After the magic knife finished speaking, there was an instant silence.

And Pluto smiled.

"it's complicated."

Li Guanqi shook his head slightly after listening to the discussion of these guys, and calmly said: "There are many things between human beings and curse spirits. Indeed, the most important cultivation resources of human beings now come from the mass breeding of demon species.

However, this is for the heterogeneous blood family. They are born with heterogeneous blood, so there is no need to consider the source of the heterogeneous blood.

But for ordinary humans, if they want to step into the extraordinary, they must have a different blood.

And where did the blood come from?

Can only hunt curse spirits.

Even the strange blood potion I got a long time ago, the most important ingredient in the formula is also a strange blood of the curse spirit.

Because of this reason, humans and curse spirits are destined to be in a state of hostility. There is almost no solution to this, unless the path for ordinary humans to advance to the extraordinary is completely cut off... Well, let's stop here.

Our primary goal now is to go to the dragon's nest.

However, most of the dragons have already returned to the ancestral nest to participate in the dragon king election. Instead of discussing the issue of curse spirits, you should help me think about how I should go to the ancestral nest of the dragon now. God knows that group of dragons voted for a meeting How long will it take? "


Pluto said with some surprise, "Why, are we in a hurry? Your system task that needs to unify the world doesn't have a time limit, does it?"

"It's not a matter of mission or non-mission at all."

Li Guanqi frowned, "Every second I delay, there are hundreds of thousands of people in this world, and even more people from the real world are suffering. I want to establish a country as soon as possible, so that these people can have a shelter, and I It is necessary to build a powerful empire so that the countries of the world will no longer dare to bully these people who came from the real world."

"But we can't help it."

Shun Kong was a little helpless, "No one knows the whereabouts of the giant dragon's ancestral nest. It is said to be an unsolved mystery. There is almost nothing we can do now except wait for those giant dragons to return to the outside world."

"Why not?"

In Li Guanqi's blue eyes, there was a bit of thought, "There are so many dragons in the world, I don't believe it, I can't find a dragon that has been removed from the dragon family, but has been to the dragon's ancestral nest... I need to find one This dragon."

Thinking of this, he turned around and looked at Zhao Jiayun and the group of curse spirits.

"Hey, monkey!"

Li Guanqi yelled at the red baboon curse spirit, "Have you heard of some giant dragons that have been expelled from the Dragon Clan from your Master Ice Dragon? Do you know the whereabouts of these giant dragons?"

"do not know."

The baboon mantra shook his head.


Li Guanqi was speechless for a moment.

Good guy, the thread is broken again.

"But the Night Queen should know one."

Suddenly, the baboon mantra said another sentence.

"Queen of the night?"

Li Guanqi was taken aback, "Olina, the queen of the night elves? Why does this have something to do with her again?"

"It's Olina, Queen of the Night Kingdom."

Baboon Curse Spirit scratched his head, "Two months ago, Master Ignati Woods sent me a mission, saying that I sensed a hidden black dragon power, and asked me to go and investigate.

Then I used the dragon scales Lord Ignati Woods gave me to hide my body and breath and sneak into the human territory.

At the same time, I also relied on that dragon scale to perceive the power of darkness, traced it all the way, and finally went outside the palace of the Kingdom of Darkness.

Lord Ignati Woods' dragon scales showed that the power of the black dragon was hidden in the Night Palace.

But I couldn't sneak into that palace, so I returned to Ice Lair to return.

Lord Ignati Woods said that the night queen should be related to a nine-level dark dragon, and she muttered, saying that perhaps it was for this reason that the night elf was only able to appear in the past few months. The Western battlefield is so strong. "

"Olina... the dark dragon..."

Li Guanqi frowned slightly, and then continued to ask: "Then what? Then what happened?"

"Then there is no more and then wow."

The baboon mantra blinked its big red eyes, "Master Ignati Woods said, the aura of this black dragon's power is very familiar, very much like a sinful dragon it knew before, one thing more is worse than one thing less Say no to these things, and then continue to sleep on the pile of gold coins."

"Sin dragon?"

Li Guanqi was a little curious.

"The sinful dragon is what you just said, the giant dragon that was expelled from the dragon clan."

The baboon curse spirit scratched his head again, "The dragon will be removed from the dragon clan only after it triggers the dragon clan's law and commits a crime. This kind of dragon will be called a sin dragon by other giant dragons, and the sin dragon cannot go to the dragon ancestor So, the black dragon should still be in the Night Palace right now? Even if it’s not there, you should ask the Queen of the Night, and you should be able to get some clues.”

"very good!"

Hearing this, Li Guanqi immediately smiled.

"Thank you!"

After he thanked the baboon curse spirit, he tore a space crack with his right hand and prepared to leave.

However, when the space crack formed, Li Guanqi looked at Zhao Jiayun who was standing among a dozen curse spirits, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhao, I rescued a group of humans in the grassland. If you want, I can take you there, in a few seconds, it's okay."

"just forget it."

Zhao Jiayun shook his head almost without any hesitation.

He looked at the dozen or so curse spirits around him, with a cheerful smile on his face, "It's not bad to live with them."

"you sure?"

Li Guanqi asked again.


Zhao Jiayun smiled slightly, "Thank you for your kindness, King of Extraordinary."


Li Guanqi looked at the middle-aged man with complicated eyes.

After saving the group of people in the grassland, he learned that the human beings who traveled to the strange world through the tiankeng did not have a system.

And what are the rewards of the previous world missions?
[Reward 2: All superhumans return to reality. 】

"All extraordinary people" is the key word.

The definition of "extraordinary" here should not refer to human beings with extraordinary power, but the group of people selected by the system.

After all, the "transcendents" that the system has been talking about all along are their group of "chosen ones".

So Li Guanqi is actually not sure, after completing the world mission and dominating the world, whether these real human beings who have traveled through the tiankeng can also return to reality.

However, he will work hard.

No matter what the result is, let's rule the world first.


Li Guanqi put away these distracting thoughts, bid farewell to Zhao Jiayun and the group of curse spirits, turned around and stepped into the space crack, and left.

Next stop, Night Kingdom!

(End of this chapter)

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