Chapter 826

Money, that's impossible.

It is impossible for Section Chief Jiang to spend enough money to bribe a guy from a gang, and he will not be able to impress him at all.

The other party owns many bars, nightclubs, and game halls as their sites, so there is no such thing as lack of money.

Either she is a beautiful woman, or she deliberately involved him in other cases.

When he reorganized the Xindiri faction, he seemed to have killed someone, right?
What is that man's name?

Section Chief Jiang flipped through the intelligence files, his eyes gradually lit up.

Jin Youhao was killed, Cheng Jinxiu is now missing, and his life and death are uncertain; also, Han Xiujing is now in the territory of the Xindi Japanese faction, is it considered kidnapping?

For the three major cases, it is still possible to tie up this Haikun and prevent him from going out to make trouble.

Section Chief Jiang thought of this and had a quick discussion with Director Gao.

Director Gao was also very happy immediately: "Okay, let's do it like this!"

On the same day, Section Chief Jiang led his subordinates to file the three cases of Jin Youhao, Cheng Jinxiu, and Han Xiujing, and advanced the relevant procedures of the cases to the point where Haikun had to be summoned for cooperation.

The next step is to take Haikun back to the police station directly.

Haikun's text message sounded, and he opened it to see the message from the police station.

Section Chief Jiang's entire action plan was exposed in front of Hai Kun.

Grab Haikun and cooperate with the investigation.

Facing Section Chief Jiang's aggressive actions, he smiled.

"Interesting, it seems to be investigating the case, but it's actually worried that I will destroy the new world plan?"

"After all, Li Zhongjiu and Ding Qing are fighting each other, and Zhang Xiuji, who was supported by them, will take the position of president as a puppet. This is an established plan."

"An extra person like me may threaten Zhang Xiuji, and at the same time, it may also free Zhang Xiuji from controlling and supporting forces. Section Chief Jiang must wish to completely eliminate me."

"But... In this way, you just took me to the police station!"

Haikun showed a meaningful smile.

"Doing this, the results brought about, can you bear it?"

Zhang Linxiu, Park Jaexiu, Cheng Renyong, and Jin Shengxu followed Haikun's order and quickly made preparations for the next step.

The perfect chain of evidence for the convicting younger brother who killed Jin Youhao and Cheng Jinxiu back then has already been prepared—according to Haikun’s intention, don’t worry, first play with Section Chief Jiang and the others at the Bangzi National Police Station.

After that, it is not too late to let them "solve the case".

As for Han Xiujing, Hai Kun doesn't have to worry about it.

After all, kindness has its limits, and the child in Han Xiujing's womb is not Haikun's. When he seems to be "difficult to protect himself", there is no need to be considerate in everything.

Besides, there is indeed a high possibility that Han Xiujing will be coerced and lured by Section Chief Jiang again to frame Haikun with false evidence, or she may have another miscarriage due to mental pressure.

If Hai Kun told her everything, as a pregnant woman, she might actually have betrayed Hai Kun, Li Zicheng and others for the sake of the child in her womb.

Early the next morning, Section Chief Jiang led his men to the Xindi Ripai site.

He wanted to take Haikun away for questioning.

Just as he expected, Haikun's subordinates all clamored and stared at them, as if they could swarm up and beat them all to death.

However, Section Chief Jiang was still unafraid, took out his pistol, and fired a shot into the sky.

"You bastards, do you want to attack us?"

"Who gave you the guts, you bastards!"

The subordinates of the Xindi Japanese faction looked at Section Chief Jiang vigilantly, and the scene froze for a while.

"It doesn't have to be like this, we still work very well together." Haikun stood in front of Section Chief Jiang with a smile, "Section Chief Jiang, what's the matter, do you want to take me away?"

"Murder cases, kidnapping cases, missing persons cases..."

Section Chief Jiang said: "You are involved in a lot of cases, you must go back with us to investigate."

Haikun nodded: "That's true."

He raised his hand: "In this case, I will go with you; Section Chief Jiang, shall we go?"

Section Chief Jiang nodded and let Haikun walk into the police car.

At this moment, the members of the Xindiri faction outside shouted in unison: "Brother!"

Haikun smiled and waved to them.

Section Chief Jiang looked at this scene with an unfriendly expression, and then looked at Han Xiujing who was obviously scared and nervous.

"Please cooperate with us."

Han Xiujing had no choice but to agree.

But the whole body is already tense to the extreme.

After Haikun and Han Xiujing were taken away by the police, Haikun's four subordinates were not surprised at all because they had been ordered by Haikun long ago.

Even Zhao Xiaolong, who was lurking under Ding Qing, and Liu Shengcai, who was lurking under Li Zhongjiu, were not panicked at all.

If Haikun hadn't ordered in advance, they would do everything possible to save them based on their "loyalty" to Haikun who had completely lost their ego.

Half an hour later, Ding Qing and Li Zicheng were shocked when they received the news of Haikun's change.

Haikun and Han Xiujing were both taken away by the police?

For Haikun, Ding Qing and Li Zicheng knew that Haikun was young, very capable, and very calm.

Because he was very disciplined, Ding Qing and Li Zicheng owed him favors and promised him to send him to the Golden Gate Group and replace Zhang Xiuji.

It has already been done to send him to the Golden Gate Group as a director; it has not yet been done to replace Zhang Xiuji.

Of course, Haikun is a stranger with little friendship. Even if he died, Ding Qing and Li Zicheng were more surprised than sorry, and there was no sadness in addition to regret.

They are all gangsters, there is really no need to be sad.

However, Section Chief Jiang took Han Xiujing away, which really made Ding Qing and Li Zicheng almost anxious.


Ding Qing gritted his teeth, picked up his mobile phone, and called Section Chief Jiang - as the leader of the Beijing Normal School and the next generation successor of the Golden Gate Group, a phone number is not particularly difficult for him.


"Section Chief Jiang, I'm Ding Qing, may I ask why Han Xiujing was arrested?"

Ding Qing asked.

Chief Jiang said coldly: "You have no right to ask about this kind of thing."

"What exactly do you need? Why are you arresting people, she's just a pregnant woman!" Ding Qing asked through gritted teeth.

"We will handle it seriously and won't let the bad guys go." Section Chief Jiang finished his sentence and hung up the phone.

Ding Qing slammed his fist on the table angrily: "Axi!"

Looking back at Li Zicheng: "Brother, what should we say?"

After Li Zicheng panicked, he calmed down.

Xiujing, it will be fine, it will be fine.

I'm an undercover agent, they must also worry about me when they arrest Xiujing.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Li Zicheng said to Ding Qing, "They are the police, not other gangs."

"Even Haikun from the New Emperor's Japanese faction can take care of Xiujing, and the police are sure to be able to as well."

After Ding Qing heard this, his anger subsided a little.

"That's right, brother, I was so worried that I lost my composure instead."

"You were right to remind me of this."

"These notes don't dare to do anything to Xiujing, she is a pregnant woman."

At this moment, a subordinate ran over quickly and reported to Ding Qing: "Here comes the old stick, four."

Ding Qing nodded: "The reception is good, ready to use at any time."

"Brother, Li Zhongjiu plotted against Xiujing, we have to settle it with him."

Li Zicheng nodded.

After talking to Ding Qing for a while, Li Zicheng was alone and made a secret call.

"Why grab Xiujing? She's just a pregnant woman who can't do anything."

"She was not arrested, but she was treated as a witness and a victim," Section Chief Jiang said.

"Now the search bureau is investigating three cases related to Hai Kun, the murder of Jin Youhao, the disappearance of Cheng Jinxiu, and the kidnapping of Han Xiujing. Han Xiujing was brought to the search bureau because of this."

Li Zicheng breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's the case! Then can I bring Xiujing back soon?"

"If it goes well, it will be ready in half a day."

Chief Jiang said.

"What will happen to that Haikun?"

Li Zicheng couldn't help asking one more question.

"This is not something you should ask more. What you should do is to obey orders and cooperate with work."

Li Zicheng reluctantly agreed.

Half a day later, Li Zicheng went to the search bureau to pick up his wife Han Xiujing. However, the interrogation continued and things did not go well.

Li Zicheng quietly contacted Section Chief Jiang and asked him what was going on.

Section Chief Jiang said angrily: "Han Xiujing firmly declared that she was only a guest at Li Zicheng's house, and she was not kidnapped!"

"She doesn't cooperate with us!"

Li Zicheng's heart sank: Yes, in Xiujing's eyes, Haikun is definitely not the one who kidnapped her, or even the one who took care of her instead.

But in this way, Chief Jiang will not give up.

Section Chief Jiang really won't give up - what he is facing now is three problems.

Bring Haikun back to cooperate with the investigation, and set up three related cases for Haikun. The cases of Jin Youhao and Cheng Jinxiu have not made any progress so far, and they will definitely not find any evidence in the Xindi Ripai site. They can only be kidnapped from Han Xiujing Case started.

So Han Xiujing must admit to being kidnapped as soon as possible.

This is the first question.

The second question is that Han Xiujing is clearly the informant of the arrangement, but she refuses to cooperate with the work out of hateful "conscience". Section Chief Jiang has threatened and lured her twice, and she is still unwilling to change her story and say that she was kidnapped.

This informant is too hateful.

The third question, Li Zicheng once reported that Han Xiujing was detained by Haikun.

As a result, Han Xiujing's description now proves that Haikun's detainment of Han Xiujing was something they had agreed upon, and it was not a compulsory detention at all.

Li Zicheng was no longer reliable.

Section Chief Jiang was worried, but he still tried to stay calm and didn't express too much to Li Zicheng.

After all, Li Zicheng is an undercover agent and his wife is an informant, and they don't know each other.

Section Chief Jiang still has to use their mutual ignorance to better grasp their every move.

"Wait a little longer..."

"After the statement is finished, you can take her home."

Section Chief Jiang said something to Li Zicheng, went to the inquiry room, and threatened Han Xiujing again.

This time, he threatened very bluntly.

If Han Xiujing doesn't cooperate, her husband Li Zicheng will be arrested, her father who was released from prison early will be arrested, and the child in her stomach will not be able to keep...

Under such threats, Han Xiujing had no choice but to make a confession of "Haikun Kidnapping" in line with Section Chief Jiang's words with guilt.

After speaking the confession, Han Xiujing was paralyzed and her eyes were dull.

"If I do this, I will be punished."

"If I am like this, God will punish me... will punish me..."

There was a sharp pain in my stomach, and blood dripped down.

Section Chief Jiang, who was looking at the confession with satisfaction, turned pale with fright, and hurriedly sent her to the hospital.

Half a day later, Section Chief Jiang, Li Zicheng, Ding Qing and others were all waiting outside the emergency room nervously.

"The patient is out of danger."

The doctor came out and said, "Because of the high tension, the child has not yet survived, and has died."

"Fuck you!" Ding Qing roared, turning around and grabbing Section Chief Jiang by the collar.

"She's a pregnant woman, you son of a bitch, how could you do this to a pregnant woman!"

Section Chief Jiang was also tongue-tied and speechless.

He never expected that the tension and suffering in Han Xiujing's heart would accumulate to such an extent that she would suddenly have a miscarriage.

This time, it's broken!
What would Han Soo-jung think?What would Li Zicheng think?
In the future, these two people are not only a question of whether they can be trusted or not, they are going to be the enemies of Section Chief Jiang.

There were tears in Li Zicheng's eyes, he gritted his teeth to wipe away the tears and endured the grief.

He reached out and pressed Ding Qing's shoulder: "Brother, he is a policeman."

Ding Qing gritted his teeth and stared at Section Chief Jiang.

Li Zicheng bowed solemnly and saluted Section Chief Jiang: "Before, thank you for your care, Section Chief Jiang!"

Sensing his determination and pain, Section Chief Jiang opened his mouth, stretched out his hand to scratch his hair, and realized that things had inevitably fallen into disintegration—Han Xiujing and Li Zicheng were in danger of betrayal, and the New World Project fell into a state of total collapse. In danger!
It is necessary to quickly promote the new world plan immediately, and we must not wait any longer!
After Section Chief Jiang waited for the police to leave, Li Zicheng visited Han Xiujing, who was devastated in the ward, and smoked with Ding Qing after he came out.

"What do we do next?" Ding Qing asked, "Let the old stick kill Section Chief Jiang?"

"That's too reckless." Li Zicheng said, "Besides, if something like this happened to him today, he will guard against me; he will definitely guard against me."

"Then kill Li Zhongjiu first."

Ding Qing said: "This kid is also the one who attacked Xiujing!"

Li Zicheng nodded: "Yes."

He asked again: "What about Zhang Xiuji? Should Haikun find a way to rescue him?"

"Leave these things alone, let's avenge Xiujing and the unborn child first."

Following Ding Qing's phone call, the four veterans from Yanbian acted, and according to Li Zhongjiu's action rules provided by Ding Qing, they went to assassinate Li Zhongjiu that day.

Unexpectedly, Li Zhongjiu was shot, but not fatally.

In the melee, Liu Shengcai made great contributions by killing an old stick with his professional fighting qualities.

Later, Li Zhongjiu was taken away by Section Chief Jiang, and while he was seeing a doctor in the hospital, he was guarded by Section Chief Jiang, bewitching him by the way.

You were assassinated by Ding Qing, he wants to kill you and seize the position of president of the Golden Gate Group!

Come on, fuck Ding Qing to death, you win!

(End of this chapter)

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