Chapter 741
"Still angry?"

Hai Kun smiled, put the breakfast on the table, and asked Liang Lu to get up.

Liang Lu glared at him: "Get out of here! You bastard, bastard!"

"Aside from sleeping with a woman, what else do you have in your heart?"

"The sweet words you said to me before are all lies!"

Haikun smiled and took the time to calm down: "Which words are false?"

"I never made an oath to you, said that I would grow old with you and only love you in my life, right?"

When Liang Lu heard this, she felt that he was even more of a jerk.

Because saying this, Haikun obviously planned from the very beginning to bloom everywhere and be merciful everywhere!

Only if you planned it this way from the beginning, would you avoid eachother like this.

This makes it all the more obvious that Haikun was an emotional liar from the very beginning.

Liang Lu was so angry that she scolded Haikun for being so big, and was bullied by him, sleeping from morning to evening.

Woke up in the evening and still scolded, and slept from night until the next morning.

After all, it was Haikun who hugged her, dressed her, and fed her.

After a little bit of energy, Liang Lu really hated and loved this man.

No one had ever left so many traces in her life. The many first times when he took Liang Lu's body, Liang Lu would never forget him.

However, no one has ever made her so helpless and hated so much.

This damn bastard.

After breakfast, Haikun took her into the car.

"What are you going to do?" Liang Lu said in a bad tone.

"Let's go out for a walk..." Haikun said, "Jingzhou City is a nice place with many interesting people."

Liang Lu didn't understand, so she looked at him: "What the hell are you doing?"

How obsessed she was with the mystery brought by this man in the past, how much she hates his mysteries now.

Haikun smiled and drove out of Handong University without any excuse at all.

On the way, they stopped the car and greeted Gao Yuliang and Wu Huifen, who were riding bicycles to work, with a smile.

The car drove out of Handong University, along the highway that had not yet been widened, passing through the Fanhai Building in the center of Jingzhou City, shopping centers, commercial streets...these are all under construction in full swing, and the Fanhai Group has strong financial resources. Don't question it.

Therefore, the development of the city center of Jingzhou is changing with each passing day. There is almost no doubt that even the most ordinary Jingzhou citizens know that with the full support of Oceanwide Group, Jingzhou will soon become a modern big city.

The development of high-rise buildings, high-end shopping malls, commercial streets, and surrounding areas will undoubtedly become the most powerful economic heart of Jingzhou City, constantly spewing fresh and powerful blood to drive Jingzhou's economic development.

Seeing all this, Liang Lu's expression became even more complicated.

Just two months ago, how sweet and proud she was, this was the investment of Oceanwide Group, this was the investment of her beloved man and future husband.

Now, looking at these things, Liang Lu deeply hated this man who smelled like money and looked like he could do whatever he wanted!
The car arrived at the gate of Jingzhou No. [-] Middle School.

At this point in time, the students had already entered the school in the morning, and the sound of reading aloud continued, only occasionally one or two late students who hurried to school.

The car stopped, and Haikun bought a basket of steamed buns from a steamed bun shop by the roadside, and handed them to Liang Lu.

"Have a taste."

Ok?Haikun is so good at cooking, why did he come here to sell steamed buns?

This bun must be very delicious, right?
Liang Lu took the steamed stuffed bun in surprise, tasted it, and spat it out with a "yuck".

"What kind of broken steamed stuffed bun! It only tastes like soy sauce and green onion, not even meat!"

Haikun smiled, and pointed to the signboard of Baozi Shop: "Big Bao with Sauce Meat" and "Delicious and affordable".


Liang Lu broke the buns and carefully searched for the "sauce meat" inside. She only found chopped green onions, vermicelli, and something that looked like powder.

This powdery thing is meat?Is this the sauced meat bun?
In this era, Liang Lu has never seen such a shameless shop that knows how to deceive customers, and for a moment she wants to tell the business side to smash this steamed stuffed bun shop.

Sauce pork buns, at least there is a piece of meat in it!
"This steamed stuffed bun shop is really black-hearted! I won't allow him to open it!"

Liang Lu said indignantly.

Haikun smiled: "Why?"

"Why?" Liang Lu frowned, "Don't you think this steamed stuffed bun shop is fraudulent? It's just speculative, with bad intentions!"

"What kind of speculation is this?" Haikun said, "Do you know that this bun shop is the cheapest bun shop near Jingzhou No. [-] Middle School, and it is the most profitable bun shop that sells the most every day?"

"Huh? Does anyone like to eat this kind of steamed stuffed bun?" Liang Lu asked incredulously, "If you give me this stuff for nothing, I won't even eat it!"

Haikun said slowly: "Do you know what the current situation is for people with ordinary living conditions? The planning system is gradually failing, many factories are at a loss, benefits are almost completely cancelled, and basic wages have been repeatedly delayed."

"There is soy sauce seasoning, there is a little minced meat, it tastes like meat, and the most important thing is that the price is very cheap..."

"Sauce meat buns, although the name is not worthy of the name, but it is delicious and affordable. For ordinary people, it is really affordable."

"So, this steamed stuffed bun shop is very profitable, so it's pretty good."

Liang Lu nodded, and suddenly looked at Hai Kun in surprise: "As a Bauhinia businessman, how do you know these things better than me?"

"Market research, when you see something interesting, you can't help but think about it more." Haikun said with a smile.

Liang Lu snorted coldly.

The more capable this bastard is, the more uncomfortable she feels.

Haikun opened the car window and looked inside the bun shop.

A couple who were busy at the bun shop, and a boy with a round face, all looked curiously at this "big guy" who was driving a car with the windows down.

After meeting their eyes, the round-faced boy ran over with a smile: "Hello, hello!"

"You bought our steamed stuffed buns just now? To be honest, our craftsmanship is not very good. If you are not used to eating them, don't be angry!"

Haikun looked at the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy, and smiled: "I'm not angry, your family is running pretty well, and it's great that students and some nearby families can taste meat."

"What's your name, why didn't you go to school?"

The round-faced boy smiled: "I don't study well, I'm really not that material, I didn't go to school anymore."

Seeing that Haikun was still waiting for his own answer, he was a little uneasy, and added his own name: "My name is Cai Chenggong, and everyone calls me Cai Baozi."

Liang Lu couldn't help but sneered in the car: "You have a pretty good nickname!"

"Your meat bun shop specializes in vegetable buns, no wonder people call you vegetable buns!"

(End of this chapter)

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