Sprint champion: start standing on the Olympic field

Chapter 335 That Su Fengzhang Is Here

Chapter 335 That Su Feng is Back

"Don't be nervous, there are three Chinese among the nine people this time, and it's in our country again, so there's nothing to be afraid of." Su Feng said casually.

But after finishing speaking, no matter Zhang Peimeng or Xie Zhenye, their faces showed a lot of pride.

Indeed, although Xie Zhenye is a wild card to participate, Su Feng and Zhang Peimeng have reached their strengths.

You know, the qualifications for the Diamond League are much higher than those for the Olympics.

Only the top [-] in this event of the year, or the new Olympic champion, or the world record holder can get it.

Neither is easy to achieve.

However, China has not been able to get all the original Olympic A standards, or even has no one. It is indeed worthy of their track and field people to be proud of being able to reach this point.

After Su Feng, Zhang Peimeng ran the best time in history of 9 seconds this year, breaking his own time into 89 seconds.

This even ignited greater hope for the Chinese track and field athlete who thought that Su Feng was a once-in-a-century talent and unrepeatable.

After all, Su Feng's talent is really too high, so high that they can't even touch it by jumping.

But Zhang Peimeng is more commoner, and can become the goal of their struggle.

Seeing the excited look on Xie Zhenye's face, Su Feng continued: "You don't have to worry too much. This competition is to let you adapt to the atmosphere of international competitions.

The opponent this time, Lao Zhang and I will not talk about it.

Neither did Bolt.

Other Gatlin, Powell, Lamberly, Blake, Tyson Gay, these are the top players in the world.

Even if you lose to them, no one will put pressure on you. What you need to do now is to show the results of past training.

As for the final champion, there is me.

With me here, you don't need any pressure in this regard. "

Competing in your own country, especially for events that are highly anticipated and anticipated.

The pressure from the people of our own country is actually the greatest.

Everyone wants their athletes to achieve the best results, and they are naturally champions in track and field events.

And Su Feng's statement is to let him not worry about these, and focus on his own affairs.

"Okay, Brother Su, I get it. But even if I'm not strong enough, I still cherish this opportunity. If I can fight it off, it's one."

"Okay, let's do our best, the three of us."

Su Feng smiled and nodded.

Even if you know you are going to lose, you must have the confidence to win. This is the mental quality that top track and field athletes must have. Xie Zhenye is definitely up to the standard in this respect, otherwise he would not have the achievements of his previous life.


"This guy Su Feng must be playing the role of the senior right now, educating the younger brother."

In the box of the stadium, Liu Yuxiang chatted with the retired boss Yao Ming while eating fruit.

Yao Ming himself was a relatively silent type, and he didn't know Su Feng very well, so he just nodded and didn't say much.

However, he still looked at the direction of the exit of the corridor with some expectation, and then said: "When I first saw this kid from the United States, I knew he was not someone in the pool.

After all, he was already able to compete in the United States and win.

But I was conservative in my thinking at the time.

I thought he was successful if he could become the top in the world.

Who knew that he and Bolt were divided into another level from the top!This time in our country, I am looking forward to his performance. "Yao Ming is an honest man, he didn't answer Liu Yuxiang's words, and directly expressed his thoughts.

"Hey, don't let him hear your words. That guy is different from Boss Yao. You are really deep, and that guy is boring and coquettish. Let him hear it, and he won't be able to go to heaven.

Besides, he and Bolt don't know who will win this time.

But don't lose face in front of your parents and folks. "In the last two sentences, Liu Yuxiang said it more to himself than to Su Feng.


"Hello, viewers.

Welcome to our sports live broadcast room, I am the host Yang Jian.

Because of the schedule, we met Su Feng again after only seven days.

Only this time, it is no longer in another country thousands of miles away, but on our own land.

We saw that the staff were cleaning up the field, and the athletes should have come to the tunnel, waiting to go out.

The spectacle of this game is really great.

After losing to Bolt last time, what kind of performance Su Feng will have in this game is what all our Chinese audiences are concerned about, and even foreign audiences are also paying attention.

But for us Chinese, there is more to watch this time than that.

Because this competition will be the first time that three Chinese athletes will appear at the same time in a top event such as the International Athletics Diamond League.

Among them, Su Feng, as the champion of the London Olympics, automatically qualified for the competition.

And Zhang Peimeng was another surprise.

During the year, he pushed his ranking in the IAAF 100m to 19th, and ran the best time in history of 9 seconds.

This is another surprise given to us by Chinese Athletics after Su Feng.

As for the last contestant, Xie Zhenye, his own strength is not bad.

Although it does not meet the standards of the Diamond League, being able to participate in the competition as a wild card is also a strong manifestation of our country's economic strength and the growth of international influence.

After all, the countries that can host the Diamond League are all carefully selected by the IAAF. Without certain software and hardware capabilities, they are simply not eligible to bid.

Well, we heard the cheers from the scene have sounded, the players have come out.

The first to come out was Gatling from the United States.

In this competition, it can be said that the top elites of the 100-meter race have gathered again.

In addition to Su Feng and Bolt, Gatlin, Powell, Tyson Gay, Blake, and the London Olympics blockbuster Lamberly.

These people can basically represent the peak of human speed today.

Although I only watched this kind of game a few days ago, in my opinion, I really won't get bored no matter how many times I watch it.

Because every time there may be a new human record, this is the charm of this battle of top athletes.

Well, we see that Su Feng is in the fifth lane and Bolt is in the sixth lane.

This may be due to the results, or it may be deliberately arranged by the organizing committee to arrange the two most direct competitors together.

Zhang Peimeng is the second way.

Xie Zhenye, because he is a wild card player, was placed in the ninth lane. "

The audience at the scene had already started to wave their flags and shout, among which Su Feng's name was naturally the most, and even this was the only name that could be heard clearly on the field.

And the audience in front of the TV, under Yang Jian's explanation, gradually entered the state of watching the game, and their spirits had already been concentrated.

As for Su Feng, after looking at each other with Powell and the others, he turned his attention to Bolt.

But it was only for a short while, and then he looked at his own runway.

Suddenly, Su Feng squatted down, stroked the runway with one hand, then stood up, and finally did some warm-up exercises.

All the cells in his body were activated when he was in the corridor.

No, it should be said that it was fully activated after the Qatar game.

As soon as he walked to the arena, his energy was already highly concentrated.

"We saw Su Feng touch the track of the stadium. Is this feeling the land of the motherland? Or some kind of inner ceremony? I think this must be the most concerned issue of Chinese reporters after the game."

Su Feng didn't have so many thoughts, he just wanted to touch the land of the motherland.

After that, only the runway in front of him was left in his mind, and nothing else.

This is Su Feng's spiritual peak state!It often only appears in the biggest competitions, or when encountering extremely strong opponents.

This is also the state that all his opponents are most afraid of. Su Feng like this is definitely the most terrifying.

But at this time, Bolt was still praying, and several people didn't see it.

But Gatlin and Powell saw it, and then their hearts skipped a beat, and then they turned their heads solemnly.

If they had time to think about it, the only thing they could think of was that Su Feng, who made everyone fearful, really came back!

"On your marks!" However, the commander obviously didn't give everyone too much time, and quickly issued the order to get everyone in position.

The game is about to start.

The whole place went quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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