Take the hospital back to ancient times

Chapter 323 The dead friend is not dead

Chapter 323 The dead friend is not dead

In the next few days, Chen Buer has been helping and treating patients in the "medical factory" in the west of the city, but the nutrition these patients need most cannot keep up, and the original problem has not been solved. How effective is it?
Most of the time, Chen Buer and his friends helped to carry the corpses, including men and women, old and young, dead from starvation, sickness, and despair to the crematorium.

Even if Chen Buer returned to ancient times with a hospital, he would be helpless in the face of these thousands of patients. He could save one or two, but he could not save more people.

If you want to save people, there is only food.

But it is precisely food that has become the biggest problem now and cannot be bought.

Chen Buer has quietly released more than [-] shi of grain at the Jingshitang Porridge Factory, and the scale of porridge donation has expanded fivefold.

Even if he released all the remaining 60 shi of food in the space hospital, it would be far from solving the hundreds of thousands of victims.

Therefore, things like disaster relief should be the behavior of the court, and they must not be changed by personal will.

If the imperial court and grain merchants release tens of millions of shi of grain, what kind of famine year will not pass?The key is that the two parties are unwilling to release grain easily, which has caused a shortage of grain in the market and piles of grain in the warehouse.

Chai Zijin stood at the cremation ground, looking at the piled up corpses waiting to be cremated, with tears in his eyes and clenched fists.

Chen Bu'er just carried a corpse over, and seeing this lonely background, he also sighed in his heart.

The little prince who used to be a carefree little prince would be so happy to concentrate on studying in Taixue. No, he has fallen into the quagmire of politics, thinking about more and more things, and happiness will gradually go away from now on.

Chen Buer didn't regard himself as a subordinate, and walked over and patted Chai Zijin on the shoulder:

"Don't think too much, most of these are old and weak, and it's normal if they can't make it through. Perhaps death is also a relief for them."

"Seventh brother, you know, they obviously don't have to die, as long as they have a bite to eat, as long as they have a chance to survive, how dare these profiteers in the city do this?"

Chai Zijin paid 10 taels of silver out of his own pocket to buy food, but he couldn't buy it!
Even though he was the Duke of Yi, he sent people to negotiate with the big grain merchants, but in the end he only got five thousand shi of grain, not a single grain of rice.

Of course, the grain merchants didn't directly refuse, but just excused that they didn't have much grain in stock, and it was really difficult to supply.

Others might not know, but would Chai Zijin not know?Chen Bu'er told him personally that there are at least 500 million shi of grain stored in the granary by the Bian River in the east of the city alone.

In the end, Chai Zijin had no choice but to write a booklet and enter the palace, hoping to "borrow food" from the national granary.

Empress Yang agreed, and Cheng Shi agreed, and finally got stuck with Cheng Guogong, Chai Zijin's cheap brother, because the person in charge of the state granary was a "princeling".

Cheng Guogong can now make his younger brother Chai Zijin show off?
Only he can get the limelight.

Isn't your "medical factory" located in the east of the city?Chai Ziyun chose to set up the royal "porridge factory" in the west and north of the city, and this is not a smooth supply.

The ancient imperial court is incomparable with the modern government. The national granary is said to store 500 million shi of grain, but if you really want to check the accounts, thank God if there is [-] million shi in it.

Where the excess grain went, you have to ask the officials at all levels of the granary, as well as Duke Cheng himself.

Chai Ziyun took advantage of this famine to open a porridge factory for disaster relief. In fact, he was trying to balance the accounts. He only supplied ten shi of grain, but when he paid the bill, he reported it as one hundred shi. Who knew?

In fact, some people know, Xiangdang will not know?But the party did not act.

Those who died were ordinary people, so what does it have to do with them?Moreover, things like corruption cannot be shaken at the level of the prince and prime minister.

Besides, he is a corrupt worshiper of Duke Cheng, so Prime Minister Cui is innocent?Is Zhao Hongguang from the household department innocent?
So the unspoken rule in the officialdom is not to attack each other's economic issues. Economic issues generally have to wait for political opponents to fall, and then slowly settle them.

Just as anyone who likes history knows, Yan Song in the Ming Dynasty was a corrupt official, while Xu Jie, who overthrew him, was a highly honest official, and everyone praised him.

But everyone may not know that Yan Song's home was ransacked, and the property found in the search was more than 200 taels of gold and more than [-] million taels of silver.

But later, when Xu Jie was liquidated, the history books described that "Except Jie's family owned more than 24 mu of land, and as many as [-] mu in his hometown of Songjiang alone."

Yan Song has been the chief assistant for 15 years, and his wealth is less than one-fifteenth of that of Xu Jie, who has been the chief assistant for six years, so it is clear at a glance who is more greedy.

Moreover, Xu Jie didn't overthrow Yan Song because of economic problems. At the top, economic problems are not a problem.

So in the year of disaster, it is often a carnival for the powerful and high-ranking officials. Those who die are all assholes.

Chai Zijin has just entered the officialdom and has no experience with these things, so he is painful, angry and powerless.

After hearing this, Chen Buer laughed, and said to Chai Zijin, "Xiao Jin, how about we work together to make another vote?"

Chai Zijin turned his head and looked at Chen Buer with piercing eyes: "Seventh brother, tell me, what should we do? I know you must have a solution."

"In this way, you have been able to supply the remaining food for us these two days. And you send people, pretending to be a food transportation team from other places, to transport food to our medical factory in the form of a convoy from tomorrow. It doesn't matter if there is no food. It is enough to push the carriage full of stones, and make sure the ruts are deeply sunken in the ground."

"Why is that? Why are the stones pulled by a wagon?"

"In order to paralyze the enemy, paralyze those big grain merchants, so that they can't figure out the situation."

Chai Zijin was still puzzled: "But our food reserves are only enough for two or three days. If there is no food at that time, wouldn't more people starve to death? What if it may even cause a civil uprising?"

Chen Buer was mysterious: "After three days, I will definitely get the food. If I really can't get it, I will just pay you."

Chai Zijin nodded firmly: "Okay, I listen to Brother Seven, let the patients eat with their stomachs open from today, and eat dry rice!"

Chen Buer's method is also very simple. He doesn't dare to steal the treasury granary, which is the best fundamental bottom line of a country.

But he didn't have any pressure to steal the grain from the big grain merchants in Bianliang City. His space hospital base covers an area of ​​more than 1000 mu, which is enough for grain.

As for the food being stolen, will those grain merchants jump off the building, and will the dignitaries behind them be crazy? What does it matter to Chen Buer?
A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist.

(End of this chapter)

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