Chapter 254
Ren Changwei is the chairman of the "Grain Chamber of Commerce" in Bianliang City, and he is also one of the largest grain merchants in Bianliang City.

As a grain merchant, the most important thing is to depend on the weather to eat. For them, this is definitely not good news.

This has been the case in all dynasties. When the famine came, the price of food began to rise sharply, until the common people could not afford it, and then there was a civil uprising.

So is there any food?Only God knows, anyway, if [-]-[-]% of the relief food allocated by the imperial court reaches the victims, then it will be Master Qingtian.

When the disaster victims gather to rebel and rush into the homes of the rich businessmen and officials, they will often find that the food is piled up like a mountain, and a lot of it is moldy and rotten.

It seems to be the case at all times and in all over the world.

Just like when there is an audit, the official grain depot will often catch fire, and all the sins will be burned up in one fire.

Ren Changwei is also paying close attention to the climate change throughout the Great Zhou, and he knows better than the imperial court where there are catastrophes.

Court officials may also conceal the report, and will report good news but not bad news, but as the president of the largest grain bank in the country, Ren Changwei knows it all.

Because the Grain Merchant Association headed by him needs to transport a large amount of grain to the disaster area in time, so that it can make a lot of money and create millions of taels of profit for him and the big officials behind him every year.

In the past few months, Ren Changwei has been keenly aware that there is almost no rain on the entire Jingji Road, Jingxi Road, and Jingdong Road.

He quickly sent a large number of his men to the fields of the state capitals to check the grain harvest situation on the spot. The result surprised him a lot. This year's poor harvest is a foregone conclusion, and even some areas may have no harvest.

For the common people in ancient times, this was tantamount to a catastrophe.

But for a big grain merchant like Ren Changwei, this is undoubtedly a good time to make money.

So under his command and deployment, grain merchants in Bianliang City, Jingxi Road, and Jingdong Road have begun to transport grain from the south in large quantities, and at the same time, they have also begun to sell grain in limited quantities.

A bucket of rice is about 12 catties, which has risen from 15 Wen last year to 25 Wen, and his ultimate goal is to increase the price of a bucket of rice to more than 50 Wen, with no upper limit.

As for being afraid of severe punishment from the court?

He is not afraid, because the princes of the court are the real bosses behind the grain business.

For example, Prime Minister Shi, the four tigers and eight wolves under Prime Minister Shi are all secretly manipulating the grain business and the price of rice.

It is really a famine year, and most of the disaster relief grain allocated by the imperial court from Changping Cang, Huimin Cang, and Guanghui Cang will eventually be sold at high prices in major grain stores.

The emperor's grace is mighty, no match for real gold and silver.

Now, millions of shi of grain have been stored in large and small warehouses by the Bian River, and even if the grain is doubled by then, the profit will be several million taels.

This made Ren Changwei feel very happy. He hummed a little song, took a pill made by Jingshitang, and went to sleep happily with his concubine in his arms.

In the early morning, the door was knocked loudly.

Ren Changwei woke up startled, and rushed to the door: "What's wrong?"

"Master, something serious happened, something happened to Qingcheng Warehouse."

Ren Changwei was so frightened that his palms were sweating, and he opened the door directly regardless of his nakedness: "What's wrong? Is it water?"

For the official grain depot, the happiest thing is to catch fire.

But for private grain depots, the most feared thing is fire. If a thief steals half, it will be burned.

The warehouse manager stomped his feet: "It's not water, it's weird, all the grain in the warehouse is gone, a whole 20 shi of grain, all gone."


Ren Changwei screamed, his voice broke.

"Are you fucking sleepy? Even if you transport 20 shi of grain, you can cover the entire Bian River by boat. How could it be gone overnight? Are you fooling me?"

The steward of the warehouse was about to cry: "It's really gone, there's not even a grain of grain, master, if you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

When Ren Changwei went out of the city and stood in front of the empty warehouse, the roar echoed in the warehouse for a long time:
"Who the hell did this~~~~~"

20 shi of grain went missing overnight from the warehouse in Qingcheng, and the anecdote quickly spread throughout the streets and alleys.

However, the vast majority of people did not believe it, thinking that this must be the case of the warehouse guards cooperating inside and outside, selling out all the food and then reporting the case.

Anyone with a good brain can imagine, 20 shi of grain, the piles are like hills, how do you transport them away?

Even the benefactor behind the scenes didn't believe it. Ren Changwei's fate can be imagined. People think this dog is not familiar with it.

As for the loss, of course the wool came from the sheep. Could it be that the behind-the-scenes funders should bear the loss themselves?nonexistent.

In the next few days, Ren's house was ransacked, and the 10 taels stolen from the big grain merchant's house were compensated to the benefactor behind the scenes. No one reported the case, and the matter was left alone.

Only Comrade Chen Buer, the real perpetrator, is still regretting that he is too soft-hearted and should have stolen all the millions of shi of grain stored by Bianliang grain merchants.

Now he only stole 20 shi. The impact on food prices can only be described as a drop in the bucket. People can increase as much as they want, and even want to increase more to make up for the loss.

After solving the worries about food, now that Chen Buer has money and food, he doesn't panic at all.

No matter how the outside world changes, he and the Chen family behind him are stable.

School will start in a few days, and in the next few days, he will stay with Shui Ling in Baihualou.

It may be that the ancients had never been exposed to antibiotics. After Shui Ling took those anti-tuberculosis drugs orally, the curative effect was very good, and symptoms such as low fever, cough, and night sweats disappeared immediately.

This made Shui Ling more confident in curing her tuberculosis, and her love for Chen Buer grew day by day.

But the side effects of the medicine also came out, and she felt nauseous and wanted to vomit from time to time.

A beautiful girl with a boyfriend who feels sick from time to time, can't eat, wants to vomit, what would a normal person think of?
Anyway, Mother Fan was so frightened that she lost her soul. She felt that her little cabbage was beaten by Chen Buer's pig?
If she conceived before marriage, it would be really embarrassing to her grandma's house, and she stubbornly believed that as long as a woman was captured by a man, she would not be far from being abandoned.

In this way, the time slowly arrived on the first day of September.

Chen Bu'er has even read basic entry-level medical books, such as "The Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic", "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber", and "Differentiation of Febrile Diseases", let alone memorized them, or even read them through.

Just like that, after being beaten up by Chen Jinbai, Mr. Chen Qi was going to report to the Imperial College.

(End of this chapter)

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