Chapter 249

Bianliang, the Imperial Palace, and Zichen Palace.

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, the palace will hold a formal Mid-Autumn Festival, which is about the same size as New Year's Day.

In addition to officials of the fourth rank and above in Beijing and wives ordered to enter the palace to congratulate, envoys from various countries will also enter the palace together to congratulate the officials and queens on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

But this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, obviously everyone is not so happy.

In the Zichen Palace, the atmosphere was a bit dignified, and the ministers all looked angry, whether it was sincere or acting.

Only Yelu Dedu, the envoy of the Liao Kingdom, stood in the center of the hall and said with a confident look on his face:

"Your Majesty, increasing the annual coins to 100 million taels of silver, 50 bolts of silk, and 20 tans of tea is a decision made by our monarch after careful consideration out of the friendship between the two countries. For the wealthy Southern Dynasty, these annual coins are just a drop in the bucket , is not worth mentioning, I think His Majesty will not disagree."

Wu Xinlin, the censor of Zuodu, stood up all of a sudden:

"Since it is for the sake of friendship between the two countries, the Liao Kingdom has made its own claim and raised the old currency more than doubled without authorization. There is such a friendly law? This is an act of banditry, and my court will never agree to it!"

Yelu Dedu glanced at Wu Xinlin, then continued to face Emperor Yuan Jing who was on the main seat and said:

"Wu Yushi's words are inappropriate. This year, our country has suffered a drought that has never happened in a century. As a brother country, if you Zhou Guo helps our Liao Kingdom, why is it an act of banditry? Isn't brother and brother respect what you respect in Confucianism?"

Wu Xinlin snorted coldly: "If the request is unreasonable, I will never agree to it. The ambition of the wolf in the Liao Kingdom is abominable!"

Yelu Dedu was not annoyed, but just replied lightly: "Then Zhou Kingdom is not afraid that our Liao Kingdom will drink the Yellow River?"

The Deputy Commander of the Forbidden Army sent Lu Zhixiao out of duty, angrily cursing:

"Then you can try it. I will wait for you with millions of soldiers. Officials, this kind of unreasonable request must not be granted!"

There was already a quarrel in the hall, Cui Miyuan stood in the first row without saying a word, no one knew what his attitude was?Is it a firm refusal, or is it a grievance?
Chai Ziyun pretended to look back at the old fox casually, snorted softly, and played out:

"Officials, there is no reason to ask our country to compensate for the disaster in Liao. Moreover, once the annual coin is formulated, it must be sent every year. The silver plus silk tea is several million coins a year. This is also true for our country. Huge financial burden, Your Majesty, please think twice!"

Chai Ziyun is preparing for political speculation. Anyway, "anti-Liao" is politically correct. He wants to win over those centrists in the court, of course he wants to set up his own banner of "anti-Liao vanguard".

Sure enough, upon hearing that the eldest prince objected, at least half of the ministers in the court came out to support him.

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

Chai Ziyun looked proud, because among these ministers, there were indeed many "Qingliu". These ministers used to be indifferent to him, but now there is a tendency to faintly side with him.

Prime Minister Cui did not speak, but his henchmen jumped out on their own initiative. Zhao Hongguang, Minister of the Household Department and one of the Four Tigers, came out of the class and said:
"Mr. Cheng's words are wrong. The Liao Kingdom and our dynasty have lived in peace for decades. Although there are occasional minor conflicts, they are generally peaceful. Now that the Liao Kingdom is in trouble, if our dynasty does not lend a helping hand, it will be a big problem. It is against morality.

Confucius said, do you not trust your friends?Don't you know how to pass it on?Since we are a country of brothers, how can we sit idly by?How does this make people in the world think of me?How to make the barbarians on all sides submit?How to reflect the spirit of our central power? "

Lu Zhixiao snorted as soon as he heard it:
"I don't like to hear Zhao Shangshu's words. To make the Fanbangyi people surrender, they have always been subdued, and I have never heard of spending money to make them surrender. This will only encourage their greed and drive me towards Take it for granted.

Officials and ministers think that there is no need to increase the annual currency, it is better to allocate it to the forbidden army and frontier army to repair their armaments, so as to prevent the wolf ambition of the Liao Kingdom.The Liao people are untrustworthy. Today I want 100 million taels, and next year I will ask for 200 million taels. Is it possible that I, Da Zhou, will be blackmailed by them forever? "

As soon as Lu Zhixiao's words came out, the military officers in the palace applauded.

Zhao Hongguang smiled and said, "Give the silver to the frontier army? To the forbidden army? I'm afraid it would be good to spend one or two taels of silver on the soldiers."

Now it was the civil servants' turn to laugh.

The civil and military officials didn't have any scruples about the emperor sitting above them, and they didn't care whether the envoys of the Liao Kingdom were there and whether their family scandals would be exposed.

Emperor Yuan Jing sat on it, and if you look carefully, you can find that he is shaking his head gently.

He is a social phobic patient, but he is not a fool, and he understands it in his heart.

To increase the old coins is to raise tigers to infestation and support the enemy.

But if the money is allocated to the army, it will never return.Now the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, who is not greedy?Who really has a country in their hearts?
His eyes flicked across Prime Minister Cui,

Emperor Yuan Jing knew in his heart that this prime minister was not a "battle faction". All he did was to keep his status and the interests of the Qinghe Cui family, so war between the two countries would never be his choice.

Once the two countries are at war, I am afraid that some hidden ugly sides will be exposed.

Besides, when the battle is defeated, someone will always be responsible, either the Privy Council or him, the prime minister. The problem is that Cui Miyuan has two positions now, and he will definitely not be able to escape.

Therefore, Prime Minister Cui will not take risks, and he will definitely not dare to take risks. He will eventually choose to compromise and increase the coins.

Emperor Yuan Jing looked at his adopted son again.

Emperor Yuan Jing understands the current crisis in the court, but he is powerless and has no intention to change it. Without this courage, his temper is more Taoist than Taoist.

However, he also wanted to find a vigorous successor with a strong heart who would rectify the court after succeeding to the throne. Therefore, the candidate for the "Prince" must be a prince with a resolute personality, some skills, and a prince who will not be easily swayed by others.

This is also the reason why he did not choose Chai Zijin, he thinks that Chai Zijin belongs to the category of good babies, obedient, but too soft like him.

But now he feels that his good wishes may come to nothing, because both he and the queen have discovered that the eldest prince, Chai Ziyun, is more than smart, not capable enough, and too small.

It seems that there is no potential for a "Mingjun".

But there is no way, his official family is over 50 years old, and his body is relatively weak. He is not allowed to raise the third batch of adopted children. He can't wait ten or twenty years.

So what the Liao Kingdom wants to do, let's do what we like.

This is the emperor's inner thoughts. It has to be said that the Great Zhou Dynasty is coming to an end.

The emperor doesn't care about things, the princes and prime ministers are fighting for power, civil servants and military officials are desperately greedy for money, soldiers are dying of poverty, and ordinary people are dying. In this so-called prosperous age, it has long been riddled with holes and unsightly.

The fact that the Liao Kingdom dared to make such a rude request shows that people have already seen through it
Da Zhou is just a puffy paper tiger
(End of this chapter)

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