Take the hospital back to ancient times

Chapter 200 Preparing to Give the Liao People a Great Gift

Chapter 200 Preparing to Give the Liao People a Great Gift

(Chapter 197 has been restored)
At noon the next day, a group of travel-stained people finally arrived outside the city of Xijin Mansion.

The Nanjing Xijin Mansion of the Liao Dynasty is located in the Guang'anmen area of ​​Beij now, and its foundation is the former site of Youzhou City in the Tang Dynasty.

Pan Mingguang and the others rode on horses and saw the city wall from a distance. They were very excited at first, and took a closer look. What, the city wall is so short?Moreover, the scale of the city is not large, and it is simply incomparable with Bianliang City.

They all live in the largest city in the world. Bianliang City has a population of more than 100 million, and Xijin City has a population of less than 30. In their eyes, it is naturally a rural place.

As for the fat man and the thin man and the Huang brothers, all of them showed cold expressions.

As the accompanying capital of the Liao Kingdom, Nanjing, this Xijin Mansion was the northern stronghold of the Khitan people and a military base for invading the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As former scouts, Da Zhou soldiers are naturally full of hatred and loathing for the enemy country. After all, many of their comrades died at the hands of the Khitan people, how could they not hate?

For the people of Dazhou, this is a city of sin.

On the contrary, Chen Buer is much more relaxed.

I saw him riding on a horse, wearing black mirrors and a straw hat, holding a single-lens reflex camera in both hands, dressed like a standard tourist, stopping and walking all the way, adjusting the angle from time to time, and snapping a few photos.

However, all the photos were taken along the roads, passes, defenders, etc., and even the camera was zoomed in, and many soldiers were deployed on the walls of Xijin City.

This reminds me of the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, when some Japanese would often walk around with cameras and take pictures, and even take out tools to measure in some places.

Many people were also enthusiastic about showing them the way, and even told them where there was a trail in the mountains.

It wasn't until later that I found out that these people were clearly Japanese spies who had been collecting data on China's topography and geomorphology. After returning, they could draw detailed maps to prepare for the subsequent war of aggression.

Now Chen Buer is doing this job part-time.

Anyway, others can't understand what he's doing, these days even Aunt Chaoyang's ancestors haven't been born yet, what are you afraid of?

The chairman of the Dengzhou Chamber of Commerce in Liao State, Xiao Saba Xiao's tour guide, even took the initiative to brag to Chen Buer with a smile.

What is the strength of Daliao, where is the number of garrisons, where is the strongest defense force, which general is the most terrifying, and so on.

No matter how well he concealed it, his disdain for Da Zhou was fully expressed in his words.

His original intention was to scare these half-grown children, let them see the power of Daliao, so that they can be more honest when treating nobles, and satisfy his vanity by the way, but unexpectedly passed on all the information.

"Master Chen, what's the matter? You've seen the strength of my Daliao all the way here. We have millions of soldiers. It's really easy to crush your Great Zhou. But now, His Majesty the Emperor of Liao is kind enough to make the two The country has no major wars.

If we really want to fight, I guess I don’t need to go to Dengzhou to invite you. I may have become the president of the Bianliang City Chamber of Commerce by then, hahaha.So you people from the south should know the friendship of our Daliao. "

"I know your grandma has a leg!"

Chen Buer kept pressing the shutter while cooperating with a look of surprise and fear, and he was already cursing in his heart.

The fat man who was not far away had already hated him so much, if they were not afraid of implicating their young master, they would have slaughtered this Xiao Saba on the way.

Pan Mingguang was more ambitious. They were already used to Chen Buer's mysticism. Seeing that he had come up with a new gadget, they kept urging him:
"Brother-in-law, hurry up, this is the gate of the city, I want to have a good sleep."

Zhu Lichen hurriedly shouted: "I don't need to sleep, can you take me to taste the special food in Jinfu City?"

"There are special wines!" Du Zongzhe was not far behind.

The fat man, the thin man, and the twenty Huang brothers, consciously or unconsciously, surrounded Chen Buer, with automatic rifles on their backs, still covered with black cloth.

In addition to the two pistols pinned to their waists, there were also some grenades. From a distance, each of them did not look like a Dazhou person at all, but more like a minority, dressed in strange ways.

So such a group of strange young men, under the leadership of Xiao Saba, passed through the Yingfeng Gate in the west of the city, formally entered the city of Xijin, and hurried to the inn.

As a genius doctor, of course he lived in the best hotel. Anyway, they travel with public funds, so Chen Buer will not save them money.

After everything was arranged, Xiao Saba was anxious to go back to report, but Chen Buer proposed to go for a walk in the city.

Xiao Saba was in a bit of a dilemma, he was afraid that these young and energetic young men from Dazhou would have their heads screwed off if they met some arrogant and rude Liao warriors who looked down on the southerners.

But after thinking about it, if he really wanted to restrict the access of these young people, it would arouse their suspicion and vigilance, so he agreed.

In fact, Chen Buer's shopping and tourism is one purpose, and the other purpose is to find out the structure and layout of the city, as well as the location of some important departments and so on.

His two companions and twenty guards were all scouts, and reconnaissance was a piece of cake for them.

Yes, on the way here, Chen Buer was educated by Xiao Saba on patriotism and decided to earn gold, but before he left, he would not mind sending Xijin Mansion a "friendship" from Da Zhou. ".

He can even send three mortar shells to Da Zhou's dog emperor, and of course he doesn't mind putting a few bombs on this Khitan dog.

When he heard that his young master was going to teach the Khitan people a little lesson after getting the gold, the more than 20 guards were obviously excited, the seriousness on their faces disappeared, and the smirk returned.

In Chen Buer's room, a group of teenagers gathered head to head, talking carefully.

"Master, what are you going to do?"

"Destruction is definitely going to happen, but I don't know how to do it now. We will be scattered when we go shopping later. Huang Yi, you take five people to the east of the city; Huang Er, take five people to the south of the city; He led five people to the north of the city. The west of the city was Miyagi, and they couldn't get in.

This is 100 taels of silver. You can spend whatever you want and pretend that you are a dude from the south, but you must pay attention to the location of those important units, and you can also inquire about the residences of high-ranking officials nearby, including the areas where Khitan people gather .

The rest of the people will go for a stroll with me. Let's take advantage of this afternoon to find out as much as possible the streets and alleys of Xijin Mansion. Specifically, which place to attack, we will discuss it when we come back in the evening. We must let this Khitan friend advance Have a good year and have a good time. "

"Okay sir."

"Don't worry, master."

"Oh, by the way, if it's possible, find out where the bank is similar to the government treasury, or where the richest place in Xijin Mansion is. Then let's see if there is a chance to get some money back. We can't come here in vain. no?"

(End of this chapter)

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