Take the hospital back to ancient times

Chapter 175 The Incident Happened in Shandong Lushan

Chapter 175 The Incident Happened in Shandong Lushan

The matter of the Chen family was also immediately reported to the palace.

Empress Yang was a little surprised when she heard this: "You mean, the Chen family was attacked last night."

The commander of the Imperial City Division, Zhou Jingyi, stood down and said:
"Go back to your mother, the dozen or so gangsters who attacked the Chen family last night were aiming at destroying the family. They were later subdued by the Chen family's nursing home, and they were all arrested by the Kaifeng government that night. As a result, bad news came this morning, saying that it was Chen Jinsong who went there. Dengzhou bought goods, met robbers in Lushan and was killed."

Empress Yang paced back and forth thinking: "This must not be a coincidence, does the Imperial City Division have any clues?"

Zhou Jingyi was a little embarrassed:
"There are no clues. Our spies are just staring at the Chen family these days. The gangsters were also hired by strangers. We don't know who the employer is. As for the murder of Chen Jinsong, because he was out of town, the details of what happened are unknown." .

Oh, there was also a murder case in Tianwangsi Lane in the East Outer City last night. All seven Jianghu people died unexpectedly. Only Chen Buer was not at home in the Chen Mansion last night. I wonder if these seven people were chasing and killing Chen Buer who was out for fun. , I don’t know why I died. "

"Chen Buer? He can kill seven people by himself? Is there any evidence? Or is there someone to prove it?"

"No, all of this is my guess, because last night Chen Buer was riding a horse in the city and hurried back home. Obviously, he must have heard about the attack on his home from some way, which means that he must have been attacked and killed at the same time. , but he escaped by chance."

Empress Yang looked annoyed: "Go and find out, who is so bold that he dares to destroy all the people at the feet of the emperor."

"According to the order."

After Zhou Jingyi left in a hurry, Empress Yang fell into deep thought. She was such a shrewd woman, and she immediately had some guesses from the perspective of who would ultimately benefit.

I'm afraid this matter has something to do with the Cui family.

Behind all the troubles of the Chen family before, there was the shadow of the Cui family, and this time it is probably the same.

As for the motivation, it is nothing more than to remove all possible competitors for the position of Yicheng.

The Chen family's Erfang and his son had made great achievements in treating the officials before, and their medical skills were excellent. Sure enough, the Erfang suddenly became a thorn in the side of some people.

If some of the Chen family's big and second houses were killed, and the third house was a dude, then the "Jingshitang" Chen family would completely withdraw from the Bianliang stage.

Facing the empty palace, Empress Yang snorted lightly.

Xingguo Temple Bridge, Chen Family.

It was already night, and the female relatives were all persuaded to go back to the inner house to rest. The men of the Chen family were sitting in the mourning hall, and everyone's face was very ugly.

Chen Bunu appeared in the main hall with the support of his companion Chen Yin, but he was wearing an IV in his hand. Of course, this was Chen Buer's masterpiece.

Chen Bunu has been on the road for several days, exhausted both physically and mentally. In addition, the knife wound on his back is serious and has become inflamed and festered. He has to attend the pre-spiritual family meeting tonight, so only infusion and rehydration + anti-inflammation are available.

Otherwise, the body will completely collapse.

Chen Jinbai said very seriously:

"We are all here today, and some things must be clarified. Just last night, more than a dozen gangsters broke into our house and planned to destroy our family. If the guards were not smart, they would have caused a catastrophe.

In addition, on the way to send Mingyue back last night, Fuji was also attacked by gangsters in Tianwangsi Lane. Fortunately, he was fine.In addition to your uncle's matter, behind these few events must be instigated by one person and it is unknown.

Don't be angry, everyone is here today, tell everyone, where are you and your uncle, what happened to you, did you see your uncle killed by robbers with your own eyes? "

Dafang's three elder brothers all stared at Chen Bunu, after all, he was the only person who returned to Bianliang alive, and he was also the only witness at the scene.

Chen Bunu sat there, thinking of the scene that day, his face became more and more red, and his temper came up.

"We arrived in Yanzhou on the sixth day of our departure. Originally, the people from the security bureau suggested that we take a detour to the north, saying that it would be safer, but it would take about ten days longer, but the uncle said that we couldn't wait.

And the uncle said that he had been to Dengzhou many times when he was young, and they all went directly through Mount Lu. Although the mountain road was a bit difficult, it could save half the time.It's also my first time traveling far and I have no experience, and the people in the escort agency didn't say anything.

In this way, we walked the mountain road to the east. At the beginning, we still often met pedestrians walking on the road. There is no deserted place in the mountains. The problem was that one evening, we passed a valley called Dahu Gorge. The front and back are blocked.

About 3 to [-] bandits rushed down from the mountain, and they slashed without saying a word. At that time, I told my uncle to run up the hillside quickly, but he didn't run because he was thinking about the [-] taels of silver. It was too late to run. "

Chen Jinbai sighed: "At that time, there were six people from the bodyguard bureau, including you, and five people went to our hospital. These ten people can't protect your uncle?"

"Father, there are too many people on the other side, and these bandits are very experienced. They first threw stones from the mountain, and then shot arrows. At the beginning, four people fell down. When they rushed to us, we were already able to fight." Not many left.

That bandit was so cruel, others robbed them, so they left the silver to save lives, but they obviously wanted to kill us all. At that time, my uncle had already said that we should keep the silver, and begged them to let us live.

But the one-eyed dragon at the head laughed a few times, and couldn't help but just, just, just stabbed the uncle in the chest.

If Lao Qi hadn’t given me a hidden weapon, I’d killed a few people and rushed out of the encirclement on the little white dragon, otherwise I would have died there too, Dad, Uncle died so badly, I didn’t leave a single word , those bandits were obviously coming for us. "

After Chen Bunu finished speaking, the three Chen Buxi brothers were already in tears.

Even Chen Jinbai kept wiping away tears.

Chen Buer was very angry when he heard this: "Third brother, why didn't you fire the hidden weapon I gave you earlier? Even if the bullets are used up, you can change the magazine. Didn't I teach you?"

Chen Bunu looked remorseful:
"The incident happened suddenly. I didn't have the habit of pulling a gun. I took out the sword in my hand immediately, and there were 34 bandits at the time. I fired all the bullets, and only killed three or four people, and missed the others. .”

Now Chen Buer understood.
For the ancients, they were not accustomed to using modern thermal weapons, which also led to taking out the pistols too late, otherwise, if they killed those bosses in advance, there might not be no possibility of escape.

It's so hard to die, the first thing this uncle thinks of is to protect Yinzi, this person is going to die, why do you care about Yinzi?No matter how poor the Chen family was, they would not be short of the 3 taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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