Chapter 113

"Mother, it's easy to go up the mountain and hard to go down the mountain. It's easy for us to reveal the list, but it's hard to cure the official family. The royal family has now blamed our Chen family. If the official family can't be cured the second time, a crime of deceiving the emperor will definitely go away." No, then our Chen family can..."

Chen Jinbai said in embarrassment, and everyone around him nodded repeatedly.

Chen Jinshu also persuaded: "Now the palace just surrounds our house and has not taken any action. Perhaps it is not certain that things can be saved."

The old lady snorted softly, looked at her two sons and the grandchildren, and couldn't hide the disdain in her eyes:
"You really don't die until you reach the Yellow River, and you don't shed tears when you see the coffin. Do you think that our Chen family still has a way to survive? The imperial army didn't immediately ransack the family and exterminate the family. That's because the official family is still alive and breathless. Do everything.

The wealthy families also know to change their luck by using Chongxi. Of course, the palace doesn’t want the officials to be stained with blood and karma. Time is the time to do something to us.

I decided to let you escape separately yesterday because I took the risk of despising the palace. To put it bluntly, the Chen family is deceiving the palace and slapping the palace in the face.That's why the palace let the forbidden army surround the Chen family overnight. This was a clear warning.

Do you think we still have a way out?In my opinion, this is a dead end. People are cutting flesh with blunt knives, slowly grinding us to death.Don't say anything else, just say that our whole family will starve to death in a few days if we don't eat?five days?ten days?
At that time, the Imperial Army will surround our house for half a month and a month, and no one in the Chen family's old house will survive. If a family member dies, it is his own fate. "

As soon as the old lady said this, everyone except Chen Buer was sweating profusely.

Chen Buer curled his lips, thinking that these uncles and brothers are more naive than himself?

If politicians don't do anything, they will definitely kill them, because they are most afraid of being injured by a tiger instead of dying, so they pay attention to killing the grass and roots.

As a result, these males in the family are still in the fantasy palace, will they let their own family go?
If you really want to let go, you won't surround the Chen family with all the armed forces today, you can let the Chen family go out of the city and flee to Tianya.

At the critical moment, the most bloody person in the family was actually an old lady, which really made Chen Buer speechless, so he quickly supported her:

"I think my grandmother is right. Since our family has no way to survive, why not give it a try? Rather than sitting and waiting to die, it is better to fight this time. As the saying goes, give it a try, change a bicycle into a motorcycle, take a gamble Bet, the car is replaced by a Land Rover."

"What about bicycles and cars? How can a child like you talk here?"

Chen Jinbai raised his eyebrows, and seemed about to lose his temper again.

At this time, Chen Buwei also said in an indifferent manner: "How do you fight? How do you fight? After the list is revealed, you will immediately enter the palace for medical treatment. Is it you, Chen Laoqi, who will go? Hmph!"

Just as Chen Bunu was about to stand up, he was grabbed by Chen Buer.

"I'll go as I go, isn't it just to cure a fever and diarrhea? It's not acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, I'm afraid of a bird."

Chen Jinbo couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his hand and was about to slap the little son, but was suddenly stopped by the old lady:

"My little grandson at least has the courage to stand up. Look at you, one by one, how did I give birth to you useless scumbags? Let's give our Chen family a chance! There is no vitality."

Chen Jinbai's hand hangs down feebly, that's what he said, if he doesn't stand up again, he will be the "head of the family" in vain.

"Okay, since mother said so, son, son, son will go to reveal the list immediately."

Chen Bu'er couldn't wait to say again: "Father, you go to reveal the list, I will enter the palace with you, and then I will look at mine."

"Fuck off, thank God if you don't bother me, I won't take you with me even if I bring a dog!"

The old lady suddenly had an inspiration and thought:

Usually there are things at home, and I never see this little grandson, and he never participates in family affairs. This time, this little grandson is uncharacteristically active, so is there really anything to rely on?
"No two, come here and tell grandma, why did you support the unveiling of the list, and why did you dare to enter the palace with your father? You must know that if your father can't cure the official family, the two of you will never come back."

The old lady stretched out her hand, and Chen Buer hurried to the bed, took her hand, and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Grandmother, do you remember that when I was young, I lived in Weng Weng's house for a few years, and you all thought I was messing around with a group of orphans? Actually, you didn't even know that at that time I worshiped a Taoist priest as my teacher.

My master is amazing. He came from a distant Western country. At that time, he taught me a set of Western medicine, referred to as Western medicine. It is completely different from our Dazhou medical skills. It is a very magical new medical skill.

Before he left, he also gave me a lot of elixir, saying that I would die in an emergency, so I could try this elixir, and it might save my life.Think about it, since you can save me, you can also save the officials, right? "


Everyone was a little stunned, why did another Western Taoist come here?
Chen Buai asked strangely: "Wait, where is this Western country? Isn't Taoist priests only available in our Great Zhou? How come Western countries also have Taoists?"

Chen Buer looked contemptuous:
"You guys don't understand this, right? The distance between the west and the east is one thousand and eight thousand miles. My master also traveled to our country. On the way, I occasionally saw me with strange bones. I was a martial artist, oh no, a genius who studied medicine. That’s why I passed on my skills.”

Chen Buwei almost laughed out loud beside him:
"Only you are still a genius in medicine? I remember that someone seemed to be unable to memorize the basic "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". Now tell us that you are a genius? Where is the genius? Why can't I see it?"

Even Chen Jinbai couldn't help but nodded along, obviously thinking that his son was talking nonsense.

Chen Buer knew that he would not be convincing without showing them a few hands, so he changed hands and came over with his inseparable big backpack:

"Look, let me show you what is called advanced western medicine, and let you bunch of bumpkins and primitive people see."

After finishing speaking, Chen Buer took out an "ear temperature gun" from his backpack,
"Do you know what this is? This is a tool for measuring body temperature. You only need to plug this end into your ear gently and make a beep to know whether you have a fever or not, and the extent of the fever.

Let’s take a look at how you usually measure your body temperature. Our Jingshitang is also known as the first company in Bianliang to reduce fever. It turns out that you have to touch your forehead with your hands to see if you have a fever. Let’s not say whether it is accurate or not, just contact patients at will. What should I do if there is a cross-infection? "

Everyone was stunned by what Chen Buer said, and they couldn't understand what he was talking about at all, and they seemed very powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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