Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 962 The essence of star life is assimilation!

Chapter 962 The essence of star life is assimilation!

"Master Im, CIPHER POL-7, recently discovered three supernatural ability users in the 'Absolute Free Zone' of the giant world. After arresting and interrogating one of them, it has been determined that he is the ability user who ate wild devil fruits. .”

There was an uncontrollable shock on Stucey's face when she talked about this pretty face.

Devil fruit abilities appear in another world!
Even though she had read the information in advance, it was still difficult to accept and understand.

Isn't devil fruit a specialty of their starfish?

Im was also extremely astonished at this time, and even wondered if he heard it wrong.

However, Stuci's expression and inner voice have confirmed that this is the truth.

That's weird.

He has been in the giant world for three years, and he was traveling around in Noah's Ark at that time, but he has never heard of such a thing?

"Could it be a change after I left?" Im pondered in his mind.

Then think about the difference.


The biggest difference is that the "star life" function of the star map completely covers the giant world.

However, he always thought that this was just to allow him to observe any corner of the giant world at any time, and to decide whether to destroy the giant world at any time.

But now it seems that 'Star Life' brings more than that.

"Get someone to test the composition of the seawater in the giant world!"

Im suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"You mean that not only devil fruits have started appearing in the world of giants, but even the sea water has become like starfish?!"

Stuart covered his mouth in surprise.

"That's right, the Academy of Sciences is responsible for this matter, but they only need to determine the result, and don't need to investigate the cause."

"Yes, I will follow your royal wishes!"

Stuci replied quickly, she knew that she was also speaking to herself.

At the same time, I sighed in my heart, it seems that CP7 will be difficult to stop in the future.

The scope of CP7's responsibility is to monitor and collect intelligence on the conquered alien countries.

Among them, for the "absolutely free area" of the giant world, the task of "eliminating the order reaching the size of the city and above" must be carried out.

In other words, if any organization reaches a certain level, they will send people to eliminate it, causing the situation in the area to become chaotic again.

The biggest trouble before this was rushing.

After all, there are no supernatural abilities in the world of giants except for the Eldians.

Therefore, what the members of CP7 stationed in the giant world have to deal with is actually a group of ordinary people with guns in their hands.

But now devil fruits are starting to appear in the giant world.
"Stucci, can people in the giant world bear the consumption of devil fruit abilities?"

At this moment, Im thought of Nine Wisdom Laiqi in the world of Kabane.

After this guy ate the superhuman sickle fruit, he suffered a lot because of his poor physique.

Ordinary people in this giant world are not much different from those in the Kabane world in terms of physique.

"Indeed, it is impossible. According to the report of CP7, the people they captured suffered from general collapse and even coughed up blood due to the excessive use of their abilities during the resistance process. treat."

Stucey smiled, and his disdain for those outsiders flashed quickly in his eyes.

To be honest, she looked down on both Historia and Esdeth, thinking that they are inferior people who rely on 'cell-enhanced serum' to possess the physique of a starfish.

And this is also the thinking of many officials and generals from starfish in the world government.

"Let them pay attention to the physique of the next batch of babies in the giant world. I suspect that not only the environment and devil fruit in the giant world will be transformed into starfish, but even the physique of their offspring will be the same. By the way, there are other local creatures!"

Im has a feeling that the "star fate" of the star map is essentially assimilating these alien worlds into a second starfish.

Of course, the specifics will not be known until the people below conduct on-the-spot investigations.

But speaking of assimilation.

The star map does have the worlds covered by the "star fate" merge with each other, or become another satellite of the "star fate world".

For example, when this Teigu world is "covered by star life", he can choose to merge it with the giant world or the starfish world, and the satellite function is the same.

However, the giant world, as the first-line base camp of the world government to fight against other worlds, will definitely not integrate.

To put it bluntly, this giant world is used to prevent too strong enemies from directly invading Starfish's homeland, a world that can close the star gate and abandon it at any time.

So it is impossible to merge with other worlds or become some sort of satellite.


Stussey responded in a deep voice, then picked up the notebook in his hand, and continued: "Master Im, compared to the previous two, this time is a good thing, Deputy Chief Redfield of CIPHER POL-0, in the second half of the great route I successfully found a dark fruit of the natural department on a certain winter island in Duan."


Im frowned, and finally found the secret fruit!

This is indeed a good thing.

Although there is now Redfield's luck fruit, which can control the rebirth of the devil fruit to a certain extent, but it is also good to have one more means.

However, the ability of the fruit of luck is really easy to use, especially for finding things.

I just don't know when the Phantom Beast's Nika fruit will be found.

It is said that the Nika fruit that can move according to one's own will and the luck fruit that can absorb the luck of others and make oneself have strong luck, it feels like it will form a long-term chase.

But right now, he needs to think about who he should give this dark fruit.

At the same time, Stucey finished her report and quickly left the living room, she needed to convey Im's previous orders.

But the second after Stuci closed the door.

On the single sofa opposite Im, a little white light suddenly condensed.

This made him instantly alert.

Surrounding it was dense golden sword energy that emerged out of thin air.

Every sword qi is entwined with a thunderbolt golden electric current.

"Don't be nervous, it's me, the ruler of the world government."

At this time, a familiar voice appeared on the sofa accompanied by a familiar figure.

A little white man with only a mouth on his face, shaped like a teenage boy.


"You can actually appear directly in front of me?"

Im relaxed a little after seeing him, and the golden sword energy around him also slowly disappeared.

"Of course, this is my home field, have you forgotten?"

Truth smiled, and Im secretly said it was true after hearing this.

Isn't this Teigu world, or the universe where this world is located, the other party's territory?
"So you have absorbed the knowledge of the world of Kabane?"

"Yes, although most of the information is repetitive, there is indeed a lot of strange knowledge, especially about negative emotions."

Truth sighed at first, and then smiled: "According to our agreement, you will open up the knowledge of the two worlds to me, right?"

"Yes, next I will open the star gate of 'Ghost Slayer World' to you, and there are some interesting things in that world."

Im didn't hesitate to speak out the decision he had made in advance.

To the world government, Ghost Slayer is at best a "big factory of heavy industry" and "one of the main sources of troops for the auxiliary legion".

"Ghost killer, is that the world where there are ogre ghosts, breathing techniques, and blue Bana flowers? It's also good, but I want to go to the world of zero magic, the magic there looks very interesting."

Im expressionless after listening.

He knew that such basically public information could not hide the truth.

Even if the other party is unable to enter and leave the star gate without authorization, they can still get the information they need through the alchemists who work for the world government.

"The way we work together is that I choose the world that is open to you, not you."

Im said lightly, without any scruples about the other party's identity and strength.

"Well, all right."

Truth nodded with some regret.

"By the way, do I need to remind you that the condition of the second star gate is exchanged for the price of fighting for me with all your strength?"

Em asked.

"Of course not."

"That's good."

Im asked again: "By the way, it is said that as long as you see your alchemist, you can become a stigmata alchemist who can freely transform all substances without relying on formation formations, regardless of elements and quality. Why don't I have these abilities?"

"Are you an alchemist? Do you believe in knowledge? Do you regard equivalent exchange as truth?" Truth asked back.

Im asked again: "I can also activate the formation formation, why not? As for the others, is it important?"

"Well, okay, okay, but be warned in advance that if you don't have enough knowledge, you won't be able to reach Isaac's level."

Truth shook her head helplessly.

Im nodded to show that he was clear, and then said: "I don't need to bother you, I hope that after you leave, I can have the basic ability of a stigmata alchemist."

"No problem, you have it now, goodbye!"

As soon as the words fell, the truth disappeared without a trace, but the corners of Im's mouth were slightly raised.

What he deserves, he can't live without!
(End of this chapter)

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