Sure enough, King Joseph, the 'King of Joy', expected.

King Albrecht III of the Kingdom of Garmania agreed to send troops to the Kingdom of Tristein and the Kingdom of Albion after only thinking about it for a day.

As such.

The Kingdom of Tristein, which has always been sandwiched between the Kingdom of Gallia and the Kingdom of Garmania, will face siege from all directions except the north.

(Equivalent to France and Germany flanking Belgium and Holland at the same time, while the latter has the Kingdom of Albion/UK as an ally)

What puzzled King Joseph was that there was no response from Romania.

You must know that they, as a religious country that believes in Brimir, have always attached great importance to this kind of rule.

Although the marriage of the king and the queen has nothing to do with religion in the strict sense, but as the pope, he has the qualifications to grant royal power, so it is not unreasonable for him to interfere and sanction such behaviors that violate the rules of the nobility.

But now His Majesty Pope Victorio St. Rebare St. Aegis the 23rd is silent?

Joseph really couldn't understand it.

If His Majesty the Pope stood up to accuse the King of Wales and Queen Anrietta, then they would be considered to have provoked the wrath of everyone on the continent.

But no matter what.

After the declaration of war from the Kingdom of Galia and the Kingdom of Garmania was sent out, these two major countries on the continent of Chalkkinia began to dispatch troops.

The Kingdom of Albion can come up with [-] troops, so they are naturally fine.

The two sides also tacitly rounded up an integer, pushing the total force to 15 troops!
The two countries communicated briefly.

The Kingdom of Gallia, located on the west side of the mainland, mainly defends against the Kingdom of Albion. It only needs to allocate [-] troops to attack the west side of the Kingdom of Tristein.

Don't look at [-], but this is already comparable to nearly [-]% of the troops of the Tristein Kingdom.

No way, it's just too small.

The Kingdom of Garmania in the east is divided into three groups.

Among them, two groups of 3 people each attacked the east side of Tristein Kingdom from two directions.

The remaining [-] took most of the magical spaceships and circled from the sea to the Albion Kingdom that existed above the sky, making them need to always worry about their rear.

Yes, it's that simple.

There are no miraculous conspiracies and tricks, just relying on the superiority of troops to attack from multiple directions.

Even if there is Louise in Tristan Kingdom, she can only take care of one battlefield.

For this case.

The Kingdom of Tristein naturally knew about it, which filled the entire country with a pessimistic atmosphere of thought.

No one thought they could withstand the pincer attack of the two kingdoms.

However, none of the high-level nobles stood up to raise objections. Instead, under the order of Queen Anrietta, they tried their best to prepare what they could do.


It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, so what should I do with an army of more than 1?

"Tristin's troops are all stationed in the west, and it is only necessary to block the [-] troops of the Gallia Kingdom."

Tianniao Meima took the fire extinguisher behind him, and Levi stood in the main hall of the castle, with an elegant smile on his face, looking at Queen Anrietta on the throne.

"As for the army of the Kingdom of Garmania, just leave it to us."

As soon as his words came out, the dignitaries on both sides immediately became suspicious, but for some reason, no one stood up to scold and criticize.

"That. May I ask how you guys can resist Garmania's soldiers?"

Queen Anrietta asked in confusion.

Naturally, it was impossible for her to trust Tianniao Mima easily. After all, if he couldn't do what he said, then the east side of Tristein Kingdom would be completely undefended.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, we have two 'Pentagram'-level magic dolls, which are the latest magic war weapons developed by the Kingdom of Albion based on ancient magic. It is said that they are also the creation of the 'ancestor' Brimir."

Tianniao Mima has already prepared an explanation that these people can easily understand and believe.

"I see!"

Queen Anrietta and other high-ranking dignitaries all suddenly realized.

Ancient magic, Brimir.

These two words are enough to bring them a very strong sense of security, and then they only need to look at the appearance of the real thing to feel relieved.

Don't feel outrageous.

In this 'zero magic world', the 'ancestor' Brimir has this kind of credibility.

Except for the elves, all humans believe that Brimir is omnipotent, because he is the god of magic who created the magic system.

Then his magical creation must be reliable.

The movement of the four countries has stirred up the entire continent of Halkkinia.

On the land of the Kingdom of Galia, tens of thousands of soldiers, knights, and carriages pulling cannons lined up in an endless line towards the north.

And in the air.

One after another, magic warships and magic spaceships carried noble magicians and some troops as escorts and rushed to the border of Tristein Kingdom first.

at this time.

The magic fleet from Albion Kingdom has also been waiting on the opposite side for a long time.

The two sides added up to more than two hundred magic spaceships, which seemed to cover the entire blue sky tightly.

They set up their positions and confronted each other, but they didn't dare to open fire easily.

Because it is not yet time.

So they just stood their ground and lowered the advance troops and magicians on the spaceship to the ground, allowing the magicians who are good at earth magic to start building fortifications.

This is a war between two great powers, and basically it can only be carried out in an upright manner.

But on the other side.

To the east of the Kingdom of Tristein, the two armies of the Kingdom of Garmania drove straight in without encountering any obstacles on the border.

"The intelligence turned out to be true, they really didn't arrange any troops to defend us"

Marshal Nixa stood on the deck of the magic warship, first overlooking the lush land below, and then scanning the surrounding sky where there was no enemy warship.

"What is that Queen Anrietta thinking?"

"Hehehe, Marshal, maybe he gave up."

Another general chuckled: "After all, even if they devote all their troops to the whole country, even if they recruit civilian husbands as soldiers temporarily, it is impossible for them to have more than [-] troops."

"It's a bit reluctant to use these to resist the attack of the Gallia Kingdom, and even if we want to divide the troops to stop us, how much can we divide? We have a total of [-] here~"

Marshal Nixa was not so optimistic and just glanced at him.

"Your Excellency Slav, have you forgotten that void user? If we meet each other here, then you and I must be prepared to die in battle or be captured."

"Ahem, we shouldn't be so unlucky, right?" General Slav hesitated.

"There are only about 50.00 troops in the Kingdom of Gallia attacking Tristein, and our two armies in Garmania have about [-] each. It is impossible for the other party to send void users to Gallia Let’s go, so the probability that we will encounter each other here is [-]%.”

But before Marshal Nixa finished his words, he only felt a golden light flash before his eyes.

next moment.

There was a loud bang, and a magic warship on the left, about [-] meters away, instantly turned into a ball of fire in a violent explosion.

The magicians and soldiers on board didn't even have time to scream.


Thank you very much for the reward of 6000 starting coins from Molotov brand cocktail helmsman!bow!Thank you for your support and encouragement!

Thank you very much for the reward of 200 book coins from the readers of Fireworks in the Air!bow!Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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