Starting from the pirates, pushing the world

Chapter 451 Who can a grenade kill?

【Da da da da da】

Bright flames burst out from the firing ports of each bunker, and the bullets shot wildly at a very high frequency, turning into afterimages in mid-air, forming a large dense firepower net against the approaching alien giants.

Behind them, at their feet, and on their shoulders, there are humanoid monsters covered in ferocious black armor, with faint blue rays of light blooming from their chests and eyes.

The entire line of defense was already fully fired.

In the trench, Black and Arnold didn't bother to quarrel, and kept pulling the trigger with their comrades on both sides, but the result was desperate.

"Asshole, how could this be, you can't move at all"

Anol gritted his teeth and cursed.

He is very confident in his shooting skills. A few bullets just hit the target accurately, but they were either blocked by the armor of those alien giants, or were turned into black blades by those humanoid monsters with blue light. arm interception.

Things like cutting bullets with knives actually happened in front of them!

However, he was dissatisfied with the movements of his hands. After noticing that the rifle was useless, he took an M24-style handle grenade from his waist and put it beside him, then continued to pull the trigger to contribute some to his own firepower network. Insignificant bullet.

On the other side, after following the giant troop to a certain distance, the Kabaneri warriors stopped in their tracks one after another, and then raised their right palm covered with barbed black armor.

With the sound of 'hum', a cloud of purple-cyan energy began to gather in front of their palms, and then turned into a raging energy shock wave and sprayed out at the moment when it was about to become a ball.

【boom!boom!boom!boom! 】

The purple-cyan spiritual energy blasted beams of light that penetrated hundreds of meters and were more than ten meters wide on the defense line of the World United Army. Soldiers, armored trains, and even machine gun bunkers along the way all disappeared in an instant.

Take this opportunity.

The giant troops from the Kingdom of Elbaf also launched a full charge.

Among them, the giant lieutenant admiral who once belonged to the Navy Headquarters stared directly at the ground. Accompanied by bursts of sonic booms, he stepped on moon steps and flew into the air, and then slammed into the trench area from above like a meteorite, and immediately flew Killed all the Union soldiers in the vicinity.


A giant lieutenant general stared at the terrifying eyes angrily, and slammed the huge battle ax in his hand towards the trench on the left. In an instant, the soldiers inside turned into blood mist and flesh paste.

More and more giant warriors rushed into the defense area against the rain of bullets and artillery fire, creating bloody storms one after another.

The shrill screams and desperate wailing became the main theme of the battlefield.

However, compared with the giants in this world, these giants from starfish are not interested in eating people, so it is slightly more pleasant to look at.

The Kabaneri fighters also showed their killing talent in close combat.

Their knowledgeable domineering and vigorous agility ensured that they could dodge and maneuver with ease under the bombardment of bullets and even the bombardment of "anti-tank guns".

The biological black armor on his body can effectively defend against rifle attacks, even if he is hit by some bullets, at most it will splash a few sparks.

And once they are allowed to rush into the crowd of soldiers, those black-bladed arms can carry out the cruelest slaughter.

If any fish that slipped through the net tried to escape, they would be forcibly pulled back by the black sticky threads that they shot out from all over the body, and then they would be killed with a single knife!

This is the situation.

It's just a group of ordinary troops who were still in the 'World War II' era, and were attacked by a high-level alien civilization on a large scale!

However, with a force of 50 million people, it is not so easy to completely defeat it.


"Fight with these bastards from another world!!"

"I can't retreat, I have to take one away if I die, and our family will be behind!"

In the trenches, I saw soldiers from more than 100 countries, including the Marais, the Middle East Alliance, and the Eastern Hizel.

The bayonet had already been installed on the front of the rifle, and then he opened his throat, screaming crazily, and launched a desperate charge towards the giant warriors and the Kabaneri warriors.

Some soldiers even clenched M24-style handle grenades in their hands.

They are trying to use their own flesh and blood to buy more time to fire for the bunkers and armored trains behind!
Obviously, these soldiers really regard the world government as evil invaders who want to slaughter or enslave their own world, so these passionate men would rather sacrifice their lives in order to protect the world and their loved ones.

Although there is nothing wrong with their thinking, the world government is indeed an invader, a conqueror, and now it is indeed going to slaughter their entire world coalition army, and it will probably enslave the entire world later.

But the problem is that 'slaughter' and 'slavery' are obviously avoidable.
But now, everything is too late. From the moment the world government dies a general of the army, this world will definitely experience a long period of suffering and torture.

at this time.

On the second line of defense, there were gunshots, bullet craters, and corpses everywhere. The thick gunpowder smoke mixed with the smell of blood was pervasive under the effect of the blast wind.


The scarlet knife light flashed.

The anger and ferocity on the faces of the dozen or so soldiers who kept charging were frozen. Gradually, a red line first appeared on the neck, and then the opening of the line became bigger and bigger, and the head on it slid down to the ground along the cut.

"People in this world are too, so weak."

Xi Liu turned his back on the beheaded corpses with a cigar in his mouth, and began to feel that killing people was not so interesting.

He used to think that killing was his lifelong hobby.

But since slaughtering Indonesian monkeys in several cities in Ghost Slayer World, I feel that killing these aliens is too boring.

It's more boring than mowing the lawn!

I thought this third world would be interesting, but I didn't expect it to be so fragile.

"Are all aliens such rubbish?"

Just when Xiliu was standing in a daze on the battlefield where the bullets were flying, suddenly, a young man rushed over, pointed a sharp bayonet at the former, and at the same time kept yelling, his expression was very angry.

This caught Xiliu's attention, and he glanced at him calmly.

"Why? Tell me, why are you invading here! Why are you killing so many people!"

Black roared with a hoarse voice, trembling and glaring at the nearly three-meter-high little giant in front of him. He was very scared and knew that he would die soon, but he still wanted to question these outsiders.

"Are you human too? Right! Can you please get out of our world!"

Arnold, who was not far away, also noticed Black's stupid behavior, and cursed: "Is this idiot so eager to die?"

But scolding is all scolding, and he rushed over with his gun in his hand at the first time, and at the same time took off the last grenade left from his waist. Although he didn't want to admit it, the other party was indeed his only friend.

"It's so noisy, what kind of bird language are you chattering about?"

After hearing a few words from Xiliu's side, he found that he couldn't understand at all, which made him impatient, and the 'thunderstorm' in his hand cut off Black's head as soon as he moved.


Black's volleying head showed an expression of unwillingness and hatred, but immediately his eyes were filled with shock, because he saw that guy Arnold rushing towards him with a smoking grenade in his hand.

"Ahhh, let's die together, monsters from another world!!"

【boom! ! 】

Arnold's body was engulfed by the flames and thick smoke, which also enveloped Xiliu, but when Black's head that fell on the ground was about to lose consciousness, he saw Xiliu walk away from the black smoke unscathed in despair. come out

Xiliu looked at their corpses with disdain, and said, "Who can be killed by a toy like a grenade?"

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