Chapter 76 Red Lotus
When Ying Zheng saw that little baby, it was as if he was in a dream.

This dream was real after all. Ying Zheng's palm lightly caressed the baby girl's small face, feeling the indescribable touch that penetrated the soul.

"Your Majesty, you won't be disappointed, will you?" Shocked Salamander looked at Ying Zheng and said.

Although the startled salamander at this time could not hide the exhaustion, but the eyes revealed a different kind of expression, it was her body that was exhausted, not her spirit.

At this time, her spirit was in an unprecedented state, excited, satisfied, and even a little nervous.

"It doesn't matter if it's a girl, we still have many opportunities in the future." Sitting in front of the bed, Ying Zheng held the palm of the startled salamander hidden under the quilt and said.

"Yeah." The startled salamander smiled softly, and there will be many opportunities in the future.

Moreover, I also like my daughter more.The startled salamander added to himself in his heart.

Her only worry before was that Ying Zheng might be disappointed by this, and when Ying Zheng was not disappointed, her last trace of worry disappeared.

At this time, the startled salamander was completely immersed in the joy of being a mother for the first time.

Looking sideways at the startled salamander of his daughter beside him, he was thinking about whether to teach his daughter swordsmanship or something else in the future.

"Zheng'er, it's time for the startled salamander to rest, and you should go back to Xianyang Palace." Zhao Ji, who was watching the whole process, couldn't help but say.

This is Xingle Palace. Since the startled salamander was found to be pregnant, Zhao Ji took her here. In Zhao Ji's words, she is an experienced person.

"It's getting late, Your Majesty, let's go back first." The startled salamander said to Ying Zheng after hearing the words.

"That Gu will come back tomorrow." Ying Zheng glanced at the timer and said.

"Yeah." The startled salamander nodded.

When Ying Zheng returned to Xianyang Palace, it was already late at night.

Ying Zheng, who was in a good mood, had no intention of resting at all, but found the slips again and read them. At this time, Honglian, who was supposed to be resting, could only stay by Ying Zheng's side obediently and respond to Ying Zheng's requests at any time. subpoena.

However, for Honglian's current age, it is the age of snoozing, and with the sound of the bamboo slips in Yingzheng's hand, Honglian only feels more and more sleepy.

Are those things really that fun?Hong Lian suppressed her drowsiness, and looked at Ying Zheng with increasingly puzzled eyes.

Hong Lian didn't know much about Ying Zheng. Although she had been with Ying Zheng for several months, Ying Zheng had limited communication with her, but Hong Lian was not unfamiliar with creatures like Wang.

Her father was King Han. In her memory, her father, Wang An Han, had already rested at this point in time, and he was resting with his concubines.

However, Hong Lian didn't see those things in Ying Zheng's body. What she saw was that Ying Zheng was still flipping through the bamboo slips at this moment, and he was alone.

In Xianyang Palace, apart from that woman, there seemed to be no other women.

The drowsy Guren could only force herself to think about something, as if only in this way could she get some attention.

In the end, Guren didn't know when she fell asleep, and when she woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day.

The winter sun shone into the main hall through the window, causing Honglian to close her eyes subconsciously, and after a while, she slowly opened them again.

Only at this time did she notice that there was a soft couch under her. After staying in Xianyang Palace for several months, she certainly knew that such a soft couch belonged to Ying Zheng.

And the next moment, Honglian's eyes were fixed on the head of the bed, where these few clothes she was very familiar with were stacked.

Could it be?Honglian was startled suddenly, and hurriedly lifted off the fur covering her body, a glaring white body appeared in front of Honglian.

Guren is more familiar with this body than anyone else, because she is the owner of this body.

Honglian, who was already a little conscious in the haze, looked at her body nervously, and when there was nothing special about it, she let out a sigh of relief.

She knows that some people always like to play some inexplicable games with some girls, such as her father Han Wangan.

She had heard similar statements from Han Wangan. Although she didn't know what those games were, she knew that the court ladies who had played those games would have to lie down for several days.

Fortunately, she didn't feel anything wrong at this time, and presumably nothing special happened when she fell asleep.

Thinking of this, Guren couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Red Lotus, who quickly armed herself, walked out of the main hall. Today, since the owner here is not here, she can freely arrange her own time.

When Honglian walked out of the hall, she subconsciously looked at the sky. The winter sun was very warm, which made her feel as if she had returned to the Han Palace.

"Sister Honglian, are you hungry?" When Honglian lazily bathed herself in the winter sun, a court lady walked up to Honglian with a food box and asked with a flattering smile.

"What do you want to do?" Honglian saw the person coming, and subconsciously distanced herself from him.

The person in front of her was hostile to her.Although Guren didn't know where this person's hostility towards her came from, she was very sensitive and could detect this hostility very well.

She was originally a very smart girl, but her status in Korea and her arrogant personality made her rarely use her brain.

Now, the experience in Xianyang Palace has taught her to observe everything around her, and taught her to use wisdom to deal with the problems she encounters.

"Sister Honglian, this is the king's order before leaving." The maid said as much as possible, keeping her posture as low as possible.

"Your Majesty?" Hong Lian suddenly felt a strange emotion when she heard that person, did she...
Honglian's gesture fell into the eyes of the maid, which made her more and more affirmed her guess, and jealousy instantly took over her reason.

However, I also thought that Honglian is not what it used to be now. Her so-called jealousy can't get anything other than bringing disasters to herself.Reason overwhelmed jealousy again.

"I'm here to congratulate Sister Honglian." The maid said to Honglian with a smile that she thought was in her best condition.

"Congratulations?" Honglian asked puzzled.

Have you encountered any good things this year?Honglian flipped through her memories, but couldn't find anything that would make her happy.

"That's right, sister Honglian, you are the second woman who can stay overnight in Xianyang Palace besides Salamander Beauty," said the maid.

Overnight?woman?When these two words entered Honglian's ears, her chubby ears instantly became blood-red, and she felt faint heat coming out.

I'm still a girl.Thinking of this, Honglian snatched the food box and fled.

(End of this chapter)

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