Chapter 1 Qin Wangzheng

In the second year of Qin Wangzheng, early winter.

Xianyang Palace.

This year's cold seems to have come too early. It's just the beginning of winter. Snowflakes are already falling in Xianyang City. Xianyang Palace, which is located on Xianyang Beiyuan, has hidden itself in the snow-colored world in less than a morning. among.

The weather is very cold, but it is not cold enough for some people, such as: King Qin Yingzheng.

Yingzheng was leaning on a soft couch, stretching towards the end of the couch. There, there was a palace of people holding Qin Wangzheng's feet in their arms, warming them with a pair of pure natural and absolutely pollution-free stoves. The feet that suffer most from the cold.

"Degenerate feudalism." Ying Zheng put down the bamboo slips in his hand and thought idly, while criticizing the inhuman kingship in his heart, he accepted it calmly. Who could refuse such a full-fledged state in this cold winter A small stove with a human touch.

It's just a pity that she is no longer a beauty.Ying Zheng's eyes fell on the palace man's face.

It was a face with a story, and the years had left its own marks on it, and the six criss-crossed scars from both sides of the cheeks destroyed the beautiful facial features. She can't be considered a beauty, not even an ordinary palace lady.

From the perspective of Ying Zheng, it is impossible for such a court lady to become her close servant, but the other master behind her can make Ying Zheng treat her differently.

Her name is Zhao Ji, the mother of Qin Wangzheng, the Queen Mother who holds the power of regent in Qin State.

Yingzheng didn't know whether such a person was placed in his Xianyang Palace by the Queen Mother Zhao Ji to protect his son, to monitor him, or both, but these are not important anymore, the important thing is What use is this woman to herself.

What a wonderful world, in this world, there are seven countries and hundreds of schools coexisting, famous swords and beauties dancing together.

In this world, there are relics of myths and legends, and mysteries that science cannot explain. This is a world where history and myth blend, and it is a world of infinite possibilities.

The most important point is that this is a world that I can control, so my name at this time is Qin Wangzheng.Ying Zheng put down the bamboo slips in his hand, looked at the world outside the window, and thought to himself.

It has been a month since he fully awakened the memory of his previous life. From the initial panic, to the subsequent surprise, to the calmness at this time, he has been able to calmly deal with the world that has changed.

He doesn't know whether his situation is time-traveling or rebirth, whether he is now himself, or if he used to be his past life, but these are not important anymore. What is important is that the current world is A real world, and at this moment, he is only Ying Zheng.

"Are you a trap?" Ying Zheng suddenly asked the palace man.

"It used to be." The body of the valet couldn't help but tremble, but then she regained her composure. Her good professionalism allowed her to face all emergencies calmly.

Because she used to be the killer of the net, and she was also the top killer among them, ranking first in the sky. The scars on her face are the proof of her previous achievements, and she became one of the few in the net who was able to get rid of the killer smoothly Identity, the person who leaves the snare.

"How long? What's the code name?" Ying Zheng looked at his valet and asked.

"Five years ago, Nu was a first-class killer in Tianzi. He cut off the water with his sword, and then withdrew from the snare." The servant lowered his head slightly, avoiding Ying Zheng's gaze and said. She didn't know why Ying Zheng asked such a question, but she knew that from herself After coming to Xianyang Palace, Ying Zheng was wary of himself.

Young people are always sensitive, and the young King Qin is even more so. His age and status make him look at everything around him instinctively with guard.

Why did the king suddenly unlock my identity?Although the water was cut off in the past, although the current Xianyang Gonggong can answer calmly, it does not mean that he is not surprised or doubtful.

"Break the water? One of the Eight Swords of the King of Yue." Ying Zheng said inexplicably.

"I quit the net a year ago, and Duan Shui has been handed over to Luo Wang. Now Duan Shui should have a new master, and the slave is only Qingxi now." The former Duan Shui explained.

"So that's it, Duan Shui, since you have been ranked as the first-class killer in Tianzi, you must be very good at swordsmanship." Ying Zheng looked at the opponent's palm and said.

Luo Wang Tianzi's first-class killers cannot be included unless they are first-class masters. The strongest among them is more likely to be a master-level master. In this world, a first-class master is already a master who is hard to come by. Among them, there are many masters who are just like this. As for the master-level figures, there are even fewer masters who cannot be owned by everyone in the non-hundred schools. But only a handful of people.

As a person who came to this world across time and space, how could it be possible for Ying Zheng not to have fantasies about martial arts, and how could he let go of such a first-class master by his side.

"It should be considered very good." He hesitated.

"From tomorrow onwards, you will teach Gu Jianshu," Ying Zheng said.

Now that he has come to this world, how could Ying Zheng ignore the existence of martial arts, even if he doesn't need it, he doesn't need to become a master, but in order to live a few more years and break the curse of time, martial arts is also a problem he can't get around.

Besides, he could barely be considered a time traveler, as a time traveler, how could he not have the standard equipment of a time traveler.

"Yes." The once cut off water, now Qingxi replied respectfully.

Ying Zheng was very satisfied with the reaction of the former snare killer and now the valet. This was his breakthrough in the original trajectory.

Qin Wangzheng, he knew that the palace of his Xianyang Palace was appointed by his mother Zhao Ji, and he also knew that she was a killer. Qin Wangzheng's intelligence allowed him to see all this.

But no matter how talented Qin Wangzheng was, he was just a young man who had just ascended the throne. He was only fifteen years old at this time, and he didn't understand some things. Therefore, he was instinctively wary of this court lady.

But Yingzheng is different. He has the thinking of an adult. He can see things that Qin Wangzheng has never seen. It can be said that his talent is full, but he doesn't understand women, at least at the age of fifteen, he still doesn't understand women, let alone how to deal with women.

For example, Qingxi, the current servant, and Zhao Ji, the queen mother behind her.From King Qin's standpoint, his precautions were taken for granted, but he only regarded Zhao Ji as the queen mother, and forgot that Zhao Ji was still a mother and a woman.

The Queen Mother Zhao Ji has no other relatives besides Ying Zheng, and the influence of foreign relatives does not exist around Zhao Ji. At least at this time, such Zhao Ji should become a helper for Ying Zheng to take power, not a threat.For Ying Zheng, it was always easier to win over his mother than the minister.

And the valet by his side, the former snare killer, is Ying Zheng's first step. He wants to let Zhao Ji know that he is still the son who was with her in Zhao country. It is trust, just because this is the person he sent.

(End of this chapter)

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